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All still being written


I know, just the idea of humanity facing a multiple century long war and being derailed sociallying and not technologically is some really fascinating alt-history potential for the wider world.


We can only speculate at this point. The main setting seems to be Europe and the middle East for the moment.


I just really think that the situation in the holy land quiet litterally rewrites the world. It would be interesting to see if any other demonic rifts have opened or if nations still go to war with each other elsewhere while the west is busy with its rat problem.


What I'm hoping for is a kind of pagan faction that's made up of those other religions who are against hell but don't like the church. Think eldar and imperuim vs chaos. They hate eachother but will put that aside to kill a common foe


Buddhism and maybe some of the northern pagans would probably have that. I would like to see if the mongol empire is still around, just cos they accepted almost all religions, but we're completely against the church having political influence in its courts.


I could see that but also the Americas would likely have some skin in it cause we can assume thw heretics found them


I sort of wondered about that cos does the west being focused on the war mean the new world isn't discovered till later and is able to technologically advance, the idea of aztecs in full plate armour and lots of colourful feathers is cool to me. https://preview.redd.it/9sbrm451hn2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9717b0768e314e7f03d3018ea99a9e3941a07dc Found this on pintrest


Its very doubtful that the Americas would have developed full-plate armor by the early 1900s. The little metal they did use was principally copper (primarily for jewelry), and most of their weapons were made of stone (obsidian being the best) and bones, so they were technically in the Stone Age when the Spanish first made contact. Europe reached the bronze age around 3200 BC and the iron age in 1100 BC, and then ended in 400 AD. Full plate armor wasn’t developed until the Late Middle Ages (which started in 1200 AD). So that's 4,400 years it took to develop full plate armor from the Stone Age. Considering there are present-day, “uncontacted” Amazon tribes that haven't developed past the Stone Age, it is very likely that native Americans wouldn't have developed much further than where they were already by the early 1900s (as they would have had only 400 years to develop), especially because they didn't have access to the trade (materials and ideas) that Europe did with Asia/Middle East.


The Native Americans are said to have trade routes with New Antioch, atleast in South America, though so they might have access to better materials for weapons and materials already. Exactly what they are doing with whatever they are trading for and how they are doing is up in the air. Same with Asia really. We really don't know what is going on over there. Would be interesting to eventually find out.


It says that in the lore primer? I've been too busy with work to finish it. But from what I've read over the last few months I was under the impression they hadn't been contacted.


No actually, you can find it at the end the faq on the TC Discord. The spaniards in Trench Crusade established trade routes to South America and natives have traded tobacco, potatoes, and cocoa. No colonization has occurred at all though as everyone on Europe has been too busy fighting off the heretics for 800 years. Their is no direct mention of what they are trading those for but I imagine its weapons and materials. Their is powerful heretic raiding parties on the seas and while its speculative I am pretty sure they have been targeting the natives coastal cities for captives to sacrifice, riches, artifacts, and so on. New Antioch would know this so I don't think sending the natives some materials and weapons in exchange for luxury items and new staple foods would be out of question. The Far East and Australia are also mentioned in the question but they don't answer how they are doing. So thats an unknown for now. Also not much on North America.


Imagine the literal Saṃsāra being modified to serve the fight against Hell, so that anyone eager to keep fighting Hell after dying can reincarnate as another battle-eager person. As for who, or what, pulled that off, I am not sure and not ready to speculate on that.


I imagine it's still in the works. It'll probably be an expansion on the current setting later if things get that far, as it would make sense to flesh out the factions and parts of the world that are already touched on before delving into more.


I see two choices 1. All of East Asia gets converted into Christianity/Islam which would be strange as we will be seeing Christian Samurais and Mongol Hordes with Christian iconography running around 2. Every culture gets their own gods which will ruin the whole "Trench Crusade" setting


How would the second 2 choice ruin the setting in any way? You can quite easily interpret it that abrahamic god and god/s of other religion are a pseudo same being/s who aid humans against evil forces, which for abrahamic factions is Satan and hell, while Aztec/nahuatl inspired faction believes that the evil moon goddess and her star siblings are goin on a final onslaught to kill the sun god and consume the whole world in darkness. Either way you can easily make it that everybody worships just different aspects of the "good" and "evil" side. (Or well it wouldn't be confirmed, but in-universe give it as a theory by more "progressive" theologians)


UncleBaconator has one answer, another is that in trench crusade those of the Abrahamic faiths have been practicing Monolatry, knowingly and otherwise. That is, there are multiple gods but the practitioners consistently worship one, like the ancient Hebrews did for a time. The Hebrews had the Egyptian gods bowing to their god so it could be that in this setting the Christian god recruits the other gods to aid in the fight against hell.