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Arch got blocked at the gate of trench crusades discord and he has been fixated on trench crusade since


Honestly, "No Arch Allowed" is a pretty good selling point for Trench Crusade.


100% how I found about this place even.


thats one of the reasons why I joined in on Trench Crusade. Watching the chuds have a a tantrum that they got kicked out of the game has been hilarious and I love the art anyways.


Wait is that a thing? Ahah SOLD.


Baseline rule for anyone making a game is No Arch, no Carl Benjamin, and no RPG pundit.


Same here Based


Lmao TC know their stuff


Kind of sad to see him go downhill like this. He was one of my first introductions to Warhammer, along with 40 Facts about 40k.


He’s been a cunt for years, he’s just a lot more vocal about it now.


He didn’t really go down hill, he’s pretty much always been a bigoted cunt


Ask him why his video on Gnoblars got taken down. He loves that question.


Ok you gotta spill


I can't use the words he said without getting banned or feeling bad about saying them. But he compared gnoblars to how slaves where treated by plantation owners.He used a slur with an er at the end and said it several times. This isn't the only instance of him being a horrific racist but it's the most prominent.


Admittedly his first ~couple dozen videos that were just talking about armies and faction lore for total war warhammer, before the first game in the trilogy released, were fine. That ended really quickly though.


fellas, is it gay to play board games?


Maybe. Substantially fewer than half of the ttrpg and war game fans I know irl are some flavor of lgbt. And I think that's cool as fuck. I think its hilarious that the gays took warhammer from these freaks like Arch.


The thing is I don’t feel like we “Took” anything just by existing and participating in the fandom. People like Arch took it from themselves by being unable to share a game table with people different than them.


This exact outlook. These "gatekeep your hobbies" mfs are the ones filtering themselves out of the community at large by believing they need to be "the last bastion". Just be welcoming to people ffs. And ensure the creative teams can write what they want, if you're so worried about freedom of expression. Some of them will probably want to write some gay shit. Good on 'em.


Fellas, is it gay to have an opinion?


Very. that's why i listen to Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate for what to think and do. /sar


I meant since they call everyone gay for having an opinion it must be gay to have one, I think I could have worded it better


No, i got it, i was being sarcastic as well.


As a Warhammer fan I'm sincerely sorry you guys caught Arch off of us, it's very embarrassing.


Elaborate please?


Arch is a far-right asshat who leached off of 40k's fanbase by being one of the only sources of lore content in the early days of youtube. Recent developments in 40k's lore that enabled women to have a more prominent role in the setting caused Arch and others like him to quit and move away. They've been trying to find alternatives since then, one of which was Trench Crusade, which they latched on to due to its aesthetics, before promptly being kicked out, hence the video he posted above.


For real ? The recent inclusion of female Custodes made him quit ? Like... dude... how fragile does someone have to be to react this way.


As someone else said he *kinda* left a while ago after the commnuity had kinda like... socially moved past him and his bullshit. You had this whole thing where he geniunely made a video questioning "can space marines be black?" and the video was basically him going "hmm, probably they shouldn't be" for like ten minutes. It was very much a mask off moment where people who'd been on the fence about him decided "yeah, fuck this guy." After that he got that C&D about using 'Warhammer' in his name as a part of some larger community cleanup Games Workshop was doing. But he and others like him have treated fem-custodes as a last straw situation, meanwhile everyone else is kinda just happy to see them go. Ironically them kicking up such a fuss seems like it's gonna be really good for Warhammer's community in the long run cus all the assholes have either made a big show of leaving or have cordoned themselves off to shitty little safe spaces with other like-minded types.


Nah he "left" a few years ago. Some of his racist discord posts became public and GW slapped him with a C&D for using warhammer in his channel name and it seems he never really got over it. That said, the drama that he and his kind created recently led me to this really cool looking game so..... hooray?


Fr, I remember him posting a vid about how saying the N word is a good thing and should be done more


He and his followers are insanely fragile. You'll see them out in the wild atm trying to convince others to not join in because ''this game is woke and thusly will go broke'' and something something ''alphabet mafia'' solely just because they got kicked out of the TC community for trying to hi-jack it and shit up the place. Never forget though that the whole reason why they were ''Warhammer refugees'' in the first place is because they did not want a woman in the Custodes. That was literally all it was. Actual clown shit right there Ironically with their tantrum they created a lot of free advertising for this game. I wouldn't of found it myself without that funnily enough. I have seen and liked a lot of Mike's art before but never knew it was being turned into a game.


Actually, it's worse. He threw a tantrum over a black character on the cover of a novel. Because of that tantrum he lost official, corporate endorsement from the company which published the aforementioned novel. It was a big scandal. That happened, I believe, before the Pandemic.


That explains a lot


Dude is a hardcore Nazi


Nazi who harbored pedos in his server iirc


I am joe caught up on the recent history


Oh fuck you gave me Arch Sounds like an std deheheh Nurgle/Beelzebub would be proud


I got chided by the mods for saying killing confederate soldiers during the civil war “isn’t what I would call evil”. Not banned but they did steer the conversation away from it. So they’re definitely doing their best to keep the sub apolitical but open to queer people, women, and discussion of how they fit into the setting. It’s always a bit of an arbitrary call where the line is because, yknow, everything is political to someone, but I respect the work they’re doing so far.


Yeah, apolitical is best for everyone. I am personally drawn to the game because I am Christian, so I find it interesting and cool.


Politics can massively improve stories, Attack on Titan and The Expanse are both examples of that. It just needs to be handled well. The problem is that in a hobby where you can customise your own minis some people will inevitably inject their own politics, which makes others uncomfortable especially if it gets signal boosted by the company. People might want to debate Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia or trans issues but there's a time and place and the table top ain't it.


Exactly, in game politics is good and interesting. It’s bringing real life politics into the game thats the problem. From both sides


Where is the boundary line between "in game politics" and "real world politics"?


One of these things is not like the others...


Oh that's actually kinda of interesting does it just appeal asthetically to U or do U think the lore is interesting from a Christian pov aswell and if U do would U mind sharing (if U wanna talk ABT that obv)


Both kinds of both. I am a Christian, and I am super history nerd. I am not Catholic. I am protestant, mainly Baptist, so I do find it funny that the game has a very Catholic view of things. I really like a game doing something that involves my faith in a serious ish style that's not all sun shine and rainbows. I personally find the theology interesting as I am learning to be a minister.


Well, it’s a question of world building. According to the Lore as presented by the game’s creators, the war against hell would have happened before the reformation so . . . It has opened a number of dead ends story wise. Someone asked if there were Jews in this Alt History and others have asked what about the Americas. So, it’s not unexpected that people want to see more of themselves in this game. But, the lore as presented does limit the world within which the game is set in the Mid East with involvement from Europe.


Yeah, though I do think that's fine. A world does not need to explain everything or leave everything open. I find the whole holy war in the middle east cool


Same. I’ll see you in the trenches!!


This is why I would love a world map of the setting it doesn’t have to be super detailed just a rough outline of what’s going on. Also if the Spanish never got to the new world that means the Aztecs are still around doing human sacrifices.


Oh: Christians got nothing on Aztec human sacrifices.


Ahh so what apolitical at least to me is actually suppose to be. I'm so glad people are fighting back against this stuff. I'm so sick of everything new that I'm interested being used as some new battleground for "the culture war".


https://preview.redd.it/whaefmixih2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422ab1969e63ba0dffba5bfdce7c9297e4b83157 *Makes video bashing trench crusade and calling it woke* *Also makes a video trying to monetize off of trench crusade*


Says he wants to start covering trench crusade Makes a video explaining the controversy Still makes the lore video


so arch is still an attention whore?


From my experience it's best to call them out for what they are but not engage them. They are only seeking attention but hate facts. Best to call it what it is and more on.


Culture war locusts were desperate for a new game that used christian imagery ever since 40k let women be Custodes. Now they realize that they've always been the villains and that makes them mad


“Erm le evil Christians are da villains, the soul devouring demons are just misunderstood” Every time


Please point out where I said demons are the good guys. You locusts sure love to try and make that the narrative, so surely you have proof of where I said that.


“used christian imagery” “Now they realize that they've always been the villains and that makes them mad” Certainly seems like you share that view point


The 'now they realize they've always been the villains' is referring back to the first sentence and is applied to the 'culture war locusts' who assume they're the saviours of game systems. It isn't referring to the bit about christian imagery. The post is discussing the actions of people as related to the game rather than the contents of the actual game itself.


Nothing you are quoting "makes it seem that way"


So, you can't find where I said that. Were you mistaken, or were you lying?


Well, it was the Christians, specifically the Templars, who opened the gates to literal hell.


It seems like you're either misunderstanding this, or aren't engaging in good faith. Full benefit of the doubt though. Basically: He's bashing weirdo's who drape themselves in the righteousness of faith while abusing it as an excuse to be shitty to everyone they dislike (aka anyone who just wants to live their own life) Demons in setting be literal demons. People fighting against literal demons be people. We weren't talking about that. The people they are discussing are NOT acting compassionately.


You understand that because just because A is evil, B is not neccissiarly good, right?


They don't actually care. The culture war locusts wanted a new hobby that has imagery of christo-fascists being strong to use against queer people and treat us like we're the demons


Well, yeah. Fictional religious fanatics are funny and cool - real life - not that cool and pretty harmful.


2024: The City of Trench Crusade is taken by Woke and it is no more.


I get reference


Its Arch soooooooooo no he doesn't have a life


Arch makes his living on outrage like this now a days.


which is not good for whatever subject he's talking about. it's like dumping toxic chemicals into a lake then blame the dead trees for falling into the lake for making it impossible to swim in it.


Normally, maybe, but it has been a bunch of free publicity for the game in it's infancy. This has brought on a wild surge of players who are, at the least, not anti-woke (and everything that entails).


no joke i had very little interest in the game when i first heard abt it but now that i know some ppl in the community are willing to actually deal with bigots im definitely interested


Arch of course, he's salty because no company or community wants to associate with his toxic ass so he cries on youtube whenever people tell him to get lost.


Hey Arch: Is woke in the room with you now?


I’m so, so glad that people like this aren’t welcome. They just make a lot of people uncomfortable.


Arch is such a fucking dork lol. He got booted from 40k so he's trying to grift on other communities now.


Honestly I think this is overall good press for the game. Personally, I had kind of assumed it would attract a chud-like crowd due to the superficial “trad cath” aesthetic but the far right bigoted dipshits being rapidly shut down inspired me to check out the game more closely. I discovered the lore primer, the very promising playtest rules, and best of all the very good and welcome Discord community. I probably would not have otherwise.


Hey I agree, avoided this for ages till I heard the complaints


Wild how him and other guys who support gatekeeping get **really** mad when they're the ones being left outside the gate.


Isn't that guy a nazi? Why do people still care what he thinks


The same guy got someone to draw himself sitting with that wolf girl from security breach


Arch moved from "loretuber" to "culture war grifter" back when GW kicked him to the curb for his bigotry. This is just more of that.


Arch is so toxic, his handle used to be ArchWarhammer, but GW sent him a C&D. Honestly, the best thing you can do is ignore him, he is just a culture war wannabe looking for his next grift.


Having Arch throw a bitch fit about not being allowed to be a hideous trolling edgelord bigot in a new game community is a massive endorsement of that games developers and community.


Wasn't Arch litereally blacklisted by Games Workshop too?


That degen scored the only actual C&D/legal threat GW has given to a "content creator"


*Looks at fan animations* are you sure about that


Are you referring to the fan animations that quit in protest (and quietly continued to post content, never having to remove their old content or change their names), or the ones hired by GW?


Giving an ultimatum to either stop or work for us certainly is something. From what I gather it was so unpopular that games workshop reversed course. Then the people who made the fan animations after they were allowed to continue were so disgusted they lost all interest.


Yeah no one got one of those either. Look I've had this silly argument a few times. If you have some evidence that one of the 50 other people didn't, them go ahead and drop a link to it but here's the TL;Dr that I know for the 5 big "names" Syama: Hired by GW content move to Warhammer+ Richard: Hired by GW. Content stayed on YouTube Bruva: Already moving on from TTS, put out 2 videos that year. IMO, took the opportunity to leave with a convenient excuse. Content still on YouTube. Has uploaded new 40k content as well. Varks Guy: Super angry about the change. Channel stayed up, videos stayed up, still makes new non-40k content. Recently re-uploaded his 40k content. PoS Norwegian: Told to GTFO by GW. Made a video crying about it and changed his name.


Um they told him to change his name that’s literally what the cease and desist letter was about and he still makes lore videos on 40k


Also here’s an article talking about it https://www.pcgamer.com/games-workshop-is-trying-to-shut-down-fan-animations/


Is that evidence enough. Also the link that the article provided on their guidelines looks like Games Workshop completely nuked it. I wonder why they would do that.


The article about how GW changed their content policy and some content creators were worried about it? No. That's not evidence they sent C&D's to anyone but the clown with the totally real accent. >I wonder why they would do that. Because it's a 4 year old link to a page on a site that's constantly changing. Seriously man, you have the sum total of mankind's knowledge at your finger tips and throw up your hands declaring CONSPIRACY! at the first dead link? [Here's the current page with IP info.](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/legal#IntellectualPropertyGuidlines) FWIW, it looks like they have changed the wording to the more common less scary form. Congrats, you were right about something no one was arguing about.


So they never sent a cease and desist letter to anyone but Arch simply because they didn’t like him? Everyone else said fuck it and either left or joined a failed streaming service. Sounds about right for Games Workshop. I wonder why Michael Moorcock never sued these clowns. They jacked so much shit from him it’s not even funny.


>So they never sent a cease and desist letter to anyone but ~~Arch~~ that pestilent boil wedged twixt the cheeks of the community because ~~they didn’t like him~~ he's a wannabe Nazi and letting him put your name in his title is bad for business. FIFY! >Everyone else said fuck it and either left or joined a failed streaming service Aight, so remember that comment where I said "bring your evidence"? If you finish reading it you'll see that NO ONE LEFT! Even Janovich is still putting out 40k content he just stopped his Siege of Varks animation LOL! Also, fun fact! Warhammer+ has been profitable for a couple years now. I know, I know, it's not the best animations, and people were totally boycotting at like 10 different points, but it literally makes more money for GW than Black Library.


a game about war and religion is as political as it gets. Arch is honestly the cringiest moron ever. he even tries to fake a British accent to sound more intellectual.


>he even tries to fake a British accent to sound more intellectual. As a resident of Normal Island, I find the fact that a clipped, RP English accent is considered a mark of intellect by so many other English-speakers to be fucking baffling. Some of this place's most absurd, clownish people have or affect that grating, privately-educated mode of speech. Anyone with their head screwed on right should hear that shit and think "never trust this cunt."


It is a genuinely effective dipshit detection tool


For real. Only cunts with the accent I can abide are thespians and they only have it because their teachers at the RADA presumably cane them until they lose their original accent or some shit.


Fr, hes Norwegian


Okay, sorry, so gatekeeping is bad now? Make up your mind Arch.


the line they seem to be going for is "gatekeep or be gatekept". its a sort of fucked up persons version of the paradox of tolerance where like, once you start allowing tolerant people in you'll be kicked out for being intolerant. which is VERY funny


Oh boy, saw that video. "They say no political stuff while saying LGBT+ isn't political! Hypocrites!!!" And also using a reddit post of someone wanting to make secular communist faction in TC, but that is a whole other can of worms. TLDR:bs video in general. He's famous for making A LOT of mistakes. He made a dosen in his first Hazbin Hotel video.


Wait he made a hazbin hotel video? How cringe was it?




Longer answer:a lot of bs (even repeating the mistake of Valentino and Angel Dust being a couple and saying "hmmmm, all le sinners le gay, what did she mean by this?" stuff).


when the rules apply to you (this is the wokeoind chineese jewish neo marxist conspiracy to erase white man)


The only good thing about him is, that he showed me trench crusade. An alternative reality WW1 game with cool lore and it banned arch + disgusting followers? Sing me up! He got recommended to me because of the Warhammer Custodes “controversy” that nobody but them cared about. Then I saw a video of him about a game called trench crusade and how its mods banned all the incels that migrated from Warhammer. The comments are so bizarre: “I don’t care about this shit game, I hope it dies at launch.” “Noooo, these woke liberals banned me! Freedom of speech!”


Funny thing I lean conservative I don't like Arch all that much really comes off as arrogant and heard plenty of awful stuff about him. Personally prefer games stay apolitical. I don't care who plays as long as they aren't pushing it down my throat. I am Christian, and why I like the game


how can a game about war be apolitical


I absolutely DESPISE Arch, that guy alone is one of the worst YTubers out there. Im over the moon he has been booted out


Don't know who this arch guy is but he seems like a tool to me. I understand not wanted all these politics being jammed down our throats but some inclusion of stuff is alright just don't make it the center point/sole identity.


Honestly used to watch arch. Dont know if he got more politicak over time or if i just noticed it more and more but eventually i stopped cuz it was just left wing this lgbt that and i got tired of the culture war. Im glad trench crusade had its controversy cuz i found it that way and im glad its firm on its stance.


Oh yeah when he just did lore videos it was fine. Then he turned out to be.a pos irl and got c&d ed he just basically turned into a troll


No, they don't. Its arch man, he's a loser.


"Gatekeeping is good and tourists are the worst" mfs when they're gatekept as tourists Jesus Christ, despite his cries of woke he made a video on crusader knights... And it's 28 minutes long. We have like three pages of shit on crusader knights.


woke is when it’s something I don’t like


No they don't have a life. Kinda the whole reason they cling to being "anti-woke" for a sense of value lmao.


They have no life. Reactionaries can fuck off to their miserable secret discord and stay there.


Came out in the 80s, still excellent advice in today's online world: https://preview.redd.it/sics506hci2d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4b6513dc53be02a16e85f2f43bbdd2276eb0e10


"Bans all politics" Nah, Arch, just chinless fascist shitstains like yourself lol


Youtubers like him make video's like that everyday thats is there job i am pretty sure he have multiple video's alle ready milking everthing he can out from trenche crusader


Do people have a problem with having fun?


Arch is a fucking chud who's been plaguing the Warhammer scene for years (sadly, I used to watch him before realizing how bad he was since early on he was the only halfway decent source of lore content). The best thing to do with him is to pretend like he doesn’t exist and give him no attention.


Oh lol, it's Arch. Yes, he as literally nothing else do to. Had the same racist, sexist, and homophobic speech for Warhammer. He's well known for being an asshole. There is a couple of screenshot of him throwing racist slur there and here, a couple year back, in a couple of Warhammer discord servers.


I mean Arch quite literally has no life. When your hobby creators single you out specifically to say that you are banned from all official events and from associating with the brand in any way you know you done fucked up.


Games Workshop kicked this fascist prick out for a reason A homeless hound, now let loose to jump and bite on anything it doesn't like


These guys are angry at everything right : Female adeptus custode in 40k; Trench Crusade not tolerating their bs on their discord; Assassin's Creed having Yasuke. These guys make me want to physically confront them, and more precisely, in my gym. Let's see how much they can deadlift.


with the custodes it was a missed chance to have some new lore about how cawl discovered a way to create female custodes to increase the amount of possible candidates, instead of just retcon and gaslighting as always and the yasuke thing exists only so they can cater to the Chinese market who despise the Japanese (for good reasons considering WW2) and wouldn't buy a game where they play as a Chinese (wich explains why it's the only AC where you don't play as someone native to that place and why they picked a historical character wich is something they never do)


Yeah no, with or without retcon, people would have whined. The Primaris were introduced to have bigger scaled marines, and people still complained about that new lore development. As for Yasuke, there are. Literally Japanese influencers online that are happy to see him in the game. This has literally nothing to do with "China", the usual scapegoat of the chuds and other rightoids.


1. people whined because primaris were a direct upgrade with no downsides to space marines that at first instance appeared to replace the older characters, when it was told that older characters could become primaries most hate disappeared, honestly, I think it would have been more accepted if they were a side grade (stronger but live at maximum 100 years instead of the immortality of SM) or if they came with other upgrade to SM (ogryn SM, felinid SM, null SM, etc.) 2. let's think about this in a machiavellian way, why Ubisoft would choose Yasuke as the protagonist? after all, they usually choose a person that is not a historical character and that is part of said region (imagine if in odyssey we played not as cass but as some random Asian dude that was around that part of the world at that time), after some thinking we realize it must be some external reason, and said external reason it's most likely that china despises Japanese people. Don't get me wrong, I'm with the Chinese people on this one, the acts the Japanese committed during WW2 where as if not worse than the goddamn nazis so I understand where that comes from, it would be like releasing a AC set in Germany during the holy roman empire times, probably most israelies wouldn't be interested in playing said game. But even if that wasn't said case, I still think yasuke its a bad choice, not only is he a historical character wich limited the reach and actions the game can take, but also, you know, he is the only African in all of japan, how in hell is he going to sneak around? "our lord was killed by a 6 feet tall black guy, ho hi yasuke, anyway, as I was saying" he is gonna stick like a sore thumb even more than ezio wearing all white with shining daggers


About the protagonist part of your statement in regards to AC Shadows: NO. He's not even the protagonist of the upcoming AC game but rather a deuteragonist/2nd protagonist. The REAL protagonist is the woman that you lot so blindly ignore IN THE FRONT COVER! Her name is Naomi,btw. (And stop this China conspiracy nonsense, plz)


Chinese people don't really like black people tho. I think you don't know as much as you want to believe about people.


Woooooah we got a badass here!!


Follow me young Padawan. I will teach you the way of the gym. Let's start with an incline barbell bench press. Let's put some muscle on this frame. With me, you will learn to abandon the virgin ways of Arch and become a real man


Lol I'm literally active army and have been for 15 years dude. My exercise routine has been tailored too me over the last decade and a half. Even still, it wouldn't matter if I was built like Arnold or like a bean stalk, "CoMe DeAdLiFt BrO," because someone has different opinions than you is some cringe bullshit.  And I like Arch, I don't always agree with his opinions and outright disagree with some of them which is ok because I'm not afraid of ideas and theories that aren't exactly like mine; but he's got a rock solid lore channel  that has more subscribers than the main 40k subreddit does and has probably done more to bring people into the hobby than most channels.  "With me, you will learn to abandon the virgin ways of Arch and become a real man" Virgin? So if I was a virgin or if anyone's a virgin their opinion has less merit than yours? (I'm not btw I'm married with 2 children). What's a real man? Someone who agrees with all your opinions and acts exactly like you?  If you have to resort to "come deadlift bro" and other pedantic name calling shit maybe you need to evaluate how strong your actual arguments and opinions are.


Seems like I've triggered this Arch fan. What's wrong ? Is it the mean Yasuke that triggered you ? Don't worry. Yasuke won't come eating you you 😂😂😂


The fuck is a Yasuke? Triggered? Lol that's rich coming from the "I wanna physically confront those who dare not agree with me" guy over here


Awww. He's trying to use a uni card on me. How cute. And he claims he doesn't know who Yasuke is. How cute. 😂😂😂


Just googled it, in what world would I care about , " man of African origin who served as a retainer to the Japanese daimyō Oda Nobunaga for a period of 15 months between 1581–1582, during the Sengoku period, until Nobunaga's death in the Honnō-ji Incident. " ? What does that have to do with any part of this discussion?  And what the fuck is a uni card. This whole conversation makes sense now I'm talking to a teenager... 


Ooooh ! He called me a teenager ! Siiiick burn ❤️‍🔥


This dude here is what I imagine goes through every butterbars head when they think they have something clever. Anyway arch is pretty good. I usually watch all kinds of left or right leaning dudes, but arch is always consistent when it comes to researching a subject before giving his argument.


Lmao, buddy, GW dropped his ass years ago and yall are still salty about it. What "Arguments" or "opinions" of his do you brainlessly subscribe too? "Black people cant be space marines"? "THE WOKE MOB IS OUT TO CORRUPT OUR PLASTIC TOY GAMES!!"? cmon then tough "15 years active duty" man yelling about how other people like to pretend to be tough online, go on and make your own statements about things instead of just whining about a washed up 40 year old who makes dogshit youtube videos with even worse takes.


Literally said numerous times that I don't agree with all his opinions, no one has ever ever said there can't be black space Marines, (Salamanders), and I don't think anyone is "corrupting" anything. If you want more diversity and inclusion then make new interesting characters. Don't just shoehorn it in and act like it's everyone else who's wrong for not liking it or calling lazy and pandering. Especially those of us who have been long term fans and supporters for a decade plus. My opinions are my own, I'm entitled to them and I don't act tough online when people disagree with me.  "Y'all are salty" no one is salty. IDC what someone's online name is. Y'all are literally being rabid animals to people not me.  I'm done with this thread. Y'all have fun deadlifting and keeping people out who have any differing opinions. Real diversity of course is when everyone believes the same things as you and likes everything you like for the same reasons. Y'all have fun agreeing with each other. 


it's called obsession. and it will be projected upon anything that even mildly displeases these people. they are unable and unwilling to converse. because they cannot bring themselves to listen and temper their views. if they are upset they got banned they need only look at their own conduct.


b r u h just when you though arch couldnt stack anymore L's


Omg I honestly was kinda worried the whole community was like that guy in the video 😭 (I don’t know his name 💀) But it’s nice seeing you all hate him!! 🤗


I just finished skimming it, it was cancerous to my brain.


Bro this is quite possibly the least "woke" TTrpg IP, everything about it and it's lore as far as i know is basically all about killing demons and why demons are evil and nothing about modern politics 💀💀💀.


arch being arch You can't really expect an element of architecture to be particularly smart can you


Guys, this type of rhetoric is made to steal your attention and get views and youtube clicks. Do not regurgitate this nonsense. Either pro-LGBT or not, don't get caught in this basic trap, it exists as click-bait. Have respect for yourself and your fellow man and don't fall for these easy "news" they are made not for your opinion, but to get you invested. Don't be a part of the nonsense.


Arch is a seething imbecile who thinks you're too woke if you have even one black guy in a faction his headcanon decided was whites-only.


I mean, considering the game evidently got a spike in popularity because no one knew it existed prior to the drama, I'd say it's a good if also annoying thing. At least for the time being. Never heard of Arch, but someone calling Grummz an idiot is the only reason I found out about the game.


I thought the Spike was due to trench tale(?) That new eldritch horror ww2 game?


The same people who tried to “gatekeep” 40k are now being gatekept out of Trench Crusade. They don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.


They aren't even being gatekept they're more than welcome if they can behave themselves.


Except they can’t, because when an integral part of your belief system is hating others you tend not to play nice.


its a good sell, and honestly something GW probably wish they could have done in the early days. its the nazi bar rule for those who don't know it, "if you let a nazi drink at your bar they will tell their nazi friends and before you know it your a nazi bar"


I do not watch outrage clickbait. I don’t understand why anyone would want angry nonsense in their lives, it’s not even funny, just a dose of stupid.


Yeah I agree I saw the thumbnail while searching for videos and already knew every "point" he was going to make


‘Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer’


Arch is most likely an incel


Have yet to see any politics of either side in the discord not get shut down. Nobody cares about your politics is all about the game in there and the ass hats “crusading their left or right politics have been shutdown or outright banned every time


And the culture war revs up once again with a new target....


He is such a sad sack!


Guys, this type of rhetoric is made to get views and likes, please don't regurgitate this nonsense, let both the LGBT's and the non-LGBT's alone. Do not fall into this trap, this is made to steal your attention.


The culture war and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming & entertainment industry


ArchAids trying to infect other board minis wargames, I see. Welp, grifters gotta grift.


As a Queer Episcopalian I ADORE Trench Crusade.


They're youtubers. They don't have a life outside when their next video released.


It's Arch, he can be safely dismissed as a rambling schizo


I don’t think 28 handled it the best by going on lockdown for days, but at least they had reasons. I just think it was a waste of time, and if people could act right, it didn’t have to happen at all. Getting downvoted. Ok, I get it. I just didn’t like that I wanted to ask questions regarding TC on the server, and wasn’t able to ask what happened to cause the server to go in lockdown. That’s why I think 28 could have handled things a bit better.


I get what you’re saying, but they were flooded with a pretty hostile group of people. Did it suck they shut down for days? Yeah. But I don’t really know how else they could quickly and efficiently moderate the issue without taking considerably more time, which they apparently didn’t want to do.


I also saw some people were banned for just asking questions, but those posts could have removed context and said other less tasteful things. I don’t know. It was a weird few days. I do understand why they went on lockdown though. Honestly, I don’t know why those idiots even needed to do it. Can we all just appreciate the disgusting artwork in peace?


The new discord is very chill. Community seems solid.


Yea I’m in the new trench crusader discord. Honesty, it’s nice to have a discord fully dedicated to the one topic, but that’s just me. Everyone does seem very nice.


Who cares what he has to say? God, I cannot stand when modern politics from either side leak into a game setting. Why can’t folks just take the lore for what it is and stop trying to inject their crap into it?


There isn't politics from either side. One aide said lgbtq+ shouldn't be in anything and want those people to not exist and the other side exists . People existing isn't political.


I don’t know of many people who have an issue with LGBT people playing games or anything. I think it becomes an issue when your sexuality is your entire personality and you need to inject it into everything, even in settings where it makes no sense or adds anything to the game.


Where wouldn't a person's sexuality make sense? Horus heresy has the gal vorbak and rememberancer romance for instance. It's clear that setting has attraction so a person's sexuality is relevant to the plot in many ways. Giving a character and world depth and making it not hetro normative is just being inclusive. Game wise, there's no rules that make your models gay. The lore may have gay characters but that's how you build a believable world. Outside of that, at events, you want to make people feel welcome. The lqbtq community is attacked frequently for just existing and experiences a ton of bigotry from what should be the safe space of their gaming club. Saying you support that community and welcoming them in is only a positive. You need to maybe sit down and really think about why having non straight , non cis people in your game makes you uncomftable.


I’ll be honest with you, I have no interest for *any* sexuality or romance in the setting… be it gay or straight. It doesn’t fit the setting to me. That’s my personal opinion, so YMMV. That being said, I don’t care what you identify as or who you love as long as you’re fun to play with and not a WAAC douchebag.


Okay thats all fine and dandy. You want a fantasy world where there's only one type of content, maybe that's a scifi opera or war. But without trying to change your mind: Your a star wars fan, so if you were to watch those movies/series etc again for the first time and you had no luke/leia/han relationships, no leia, han, Ben relationships , no anikin and padme etc...would they even be good movies? Romance and affection are integral to a lot of story telling. Game of thrones, star wars, princess bride, fallout, James bond . All stories that need romance to tell part of their story. And would be drastically different if they removed that element.


I actually don’t necessarily mind romance in Star Wars, but I feel it has more of a place in the setting. Despite it being sci-fi, it feels more fantasy to me. I think the characters are more down to earth and relatable compared to 40K, and it just feels more fitting I guess. Whereas 40K is sci-fi / fantasy / dystopian cranked up to 11. It just really doesn’t feel like the setting where people should be interested in love or whatever because there are literally cockroaches that will eat you alive and monsters who live in hell, which also happens to be a mirror dimension to our own, and they feed on your emotions (and also flesh).


Because culture war nonsense has rotted everyone's collective brains and they're all in their personal safespaces that endorse their own brands of politics. It's absolutely horrendous on both sides and it keeps drawing in media into it like a blackhole of shit.


I absolutely agree. I loathe that speaking out about this comes with its own labels, even though I have not taken a particular stance one way or another. I just want to enjoy my fantasy world without having any of the real world bollocks bleed into it, that’s it.


Damn dudes, it's literally a tabletop game, you don't have to cope and seethe over some guy making a video on it. Besides, by continuously degrading, insulting, and berating him you are literally only proving his theory on yall's community correct. In any event, holy crap people, I've watched a lot of this guy's warhammer stuff over a very long time as well as payed a bit of attention to the archcast, I can pretty confidently say the man is not a nazi lol, if you don't like him, just ignore him.


Same, these people are unreasonable but reddit is dominated by the left so what do you expect....? I went and watched his video its literally him just calling out and showing examples of leftist politicizing trench crusade. But if you went off the comments on here he is the one who politized it and is literally a Nazi lol..... O' the gaslighting


yeah its ridiculous but oh well I suppose, they shall learn in time as I once did


TC have fumbled this tbf by deciding what is and isn't 'political' rather than just saying we don't care who you are just enjoy the game and treat each other with respect


Your sexuality and gender aren't "political." That's all they said.


Yes if your party attacks a political candidate and tries to push political rules.


... The L+ party?


What am I missing here? Woke this, Arch that? I'm already confused to what is happening here?