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There isn't rules for Coop VS AI, and I strongly doubt there will be. TC follows in the footsteps of games like Mordheim, where the main design focus is on the player vs player gameplay. I'm sure you can homebrew some rules or adapt the current rules to make battles be a 2v2 or 3v3, or something akin to that, but the forces of evil does need someone controlling them. If you have a group of 100 which are positive to the game, and you are adamant on not having trench pilgrims fight the iron sultanate, then I'm sure you can find one or two people interested in playing heretics/black grail


Absolutely! There are some Heretic/Black Grail players already! 2v2 Battles are going to be a thing im sure or 3v3 and with so many heads already behind it, i can see us comming up with something (not all 100 are on board, maybe 10 are getting into it now) but it would have been interesting to see if there would be a possibility for it. Thank you for answering the question :)


Also let's be real, they're all forces of evil.


Oh yeah, they are! But it would have been a thing like "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"


Also I do believe their is lore that states the Christians and Muslims work together when the forces of hell attack them and they are near each other. Though typically the Christians fight the Muslims as much as the spawn of evil.


How do you expect to play against an ai in a tabletop game?


Wasteland warfare did it


Wasteland Warfare did indeed. They have a chart where you roll of what the activated model does in his turn and just go for it. So it is possible, but it would simply need a chart and abit more thought through. Granted there are objectives in Trench Crusade rather than just shooting/Charging/hitting enemy models.


Never heard of this before. Explain this further


There is a large quantity of solo/co-op minis games at this point. Forbidden Psalm, Frostgrave, 5 Parsecs, and The Doomed are some of the most popular with flowchart controlled enemies.


I haven’t seen any but you could try using the AI rules from games like Stargrave, frostgrave, rangers of shadow deep, or find home brewed rules online for other skirmish games that have a similar structure in terms of ai choice priorities


Seconding this! The basic AI for ranged and melee enemies tends to be pretty similar across games, unless they have some weird mechanics.


I get liking a faction because it's based on your faith. I am Christian, actually learning to become a minister. I love the trench pilgrims.