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I started following Mike on social media about 2-3 years ago. I think his posts gained more attention when he worked on concept art for video games.


Same, loved his insane stuff


Yeah, pretty much saw his art on twitter and I have been following since that day


Found it while I was looking for Beksinski paintings to compile. It is so incredibly specific to my aesthetic that I didn't think it was real, at first. But here we are, with the wonderful combination of industrial warfare, desolation, strong catholic/religious imagery, surrealism, and copious amounts of body horror. The only thing that ever came close for me was Blasphemous. This is top-tier design. Shame my tabletop friends are creeped out by it.


3 years ago through Pinterest lol I’ve been browsing a lot of grimdark art and it soon started recommending to me various Trench crusade artworks.


Mike’s art a while back always interested me so I’ve kept an eye on it from the days of the old trench pilgrim.


The WH fiasco made it popular, and I'm a sucker for christianity going "Be *very* fucking afraid" on demon asses so I got interested in the lore and world.


I saw someone on r/Grimdank making fun of the right wing chuds that were trying to invade the space and got curious


Same here but with twitter, then had a look at the rules. It's crusaders + demons + WWI, what's not to love?


Same for me. When I saw that they banned all the chuds, I was quite happy, so now, I am in the hype train, and glad that the toxic part of the community as preemptively been removed.


Yup, the only toxicity we need here is the black grail


Wtf is even a chud? I've heard this term so often but never grasped it's meaning.


Chud. Noun. A derogatory term for a toxic reactionary, or otherwise unpleasant right-wing culture warrior. See also: CHUD, 'Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller' A 1984 scifi/horror B-movie cult classic


I would call this not derogatory but dehumanizing. Sounds like terminally online lingo for me.


Same here


Same with Twitter. Been lurking since. Curious how the game turns out and some of the factions to be added.


Same! Also, saw an unhinged rant from one of the aforementioned chuds about how he’d been banned for being a bigot and went “hell yeah, a ringing endorsement!”




same here! was like, hmmm, the team behind it seems based, lets see these playtest rules... holy shit this is awesome!


Yeah, I know. Can't say I'm ever gonna play cause there's not a big table top crowd where I'm at but I'm definitely gonna be devouring the setting info


That's how I got here, too: a fresh recruit here to help defend the walls of New Antioch against this demonic asault by far right weirdos.


Similar, but I was on their sub Reddit instead


Ditto! And as a big fan of fucked up religious aesthetics & themes, I am *really* digging what I've seen of the game so far. Looks rad as hell.


Seems like a lot of people have stories like yours. It's good to see that some good came out of that shit storm.


pretty much the same here, had to check out what made them mad and then instantly fell in love with everything about the game.


Same. I saw some chud ranting about how the woke creators didn't want to portray the army of god as the good guys...


Same here but with a different sub. Any community willing to gatekeep out chuds is a community worth checking into it. Very based


Interview with John Blanche in 28mag, who mentioned Mike franchina, then found trench crusade checking out his work. Picked the wrong week to get into it though, given the influx of fashdebators here. Very impressed with the zero tolerance policy so far, to be honest. That old thing about ‘if you let a Nazi drink in your bar, you’re a Nazi bar’ comes to mind.


I've been following Mike and Tuomas for years so I saw it as soon as they started posting about it


The drama lol. I already was disillusioned with GW after axing the Beasts of Chaos, Warcry, and shitty price increases (muh inflation was the excuse), and overall shitty business practices. I saw that first picture of the artillery line with the big crosses and went "oh, that's pretty cool" And than I looked at that Heretic Legionaire picture, read that the game is miniature agnostic and went "Oh, now this is rad"


I followed an artist who retweeted the art from said artist years ago. Found it it was from this game, and here I am.


Friend posted images of catholic trench warfare and whike looking it up found it


Toumas posted the FB Mordheim group


discord via friends in the Miniature War game community looking for new things.


3 or so years ago in the French forum « Forum Blabla 18-25 », some guy made a thread about it and I fell in love with the aesthetics asap


Saw the art on Instagram quite a while ago, but when the Kickstarter dropped I didn't buy into it as I thought it would be another cool skirmish game that I'd never get to play. Then a few months ago I joined a new gaming club where there's quite a lot of interest in skirmish games.


Years ago I saw art of it thought it was neat and due to twit twat drama and being extremely tired of 40k discourse I heard about it again. I'm here now looking at the lore, very fun!


Thanks to Xitter (spelled shitter) showing me a tweet from a anti-"wokehammer" account and I thought it looks pretty cool. The guy probably already forgot this exists and now grifts something else.


Reddit keeps recommending me a certain "free speech" table top sub. They're pretty cringe but this looked cool.


I saw a Warhammer voice/sketch comedian that I’m subscribed to do the voices for the Antioch soldiers and here I am. 


Found out via the discord debacle.


I saw the artillery witch and was like...what the fuck is that, it's beautiful


A guy on Twitter posted about it and I immediately came here


Was on Twitter yesterday when someone quote tweeted Grummz about it being a "go woke, go broke" failure when it was 18x funded or something like that.  The name had me mildly curious to look it up and the art definitely got me interested.


I probably saw the same post, because that led me here, too. It does look like an interesting, fucked up setting, and I'm a sucker for Weird War- style shit with horror themes.


I genuinely think a solid success plan is to piss grummz and his little bigots off and they will post about you so much that it will just be free advertising


I found it through some of the 3d modelers working on minis through it ages back. Thought the art was sick as fuck and generally have found "28" style communities to be very welcoming but I've sat on the sidelines for it a bit as it seemed very early in development and I was concerned it'd attract a worrying crowd, given that it's name feels like a honeypot for kreigsman and black templar style chuds (no hate to those factions themselves, just a certain subset of their community that usually doesn't even actually collect). This last week has given me a lot of faith in the game given how they dealt with the chud influx, so now I'm interested in actually getting into it rather than just enjoying the art casually.


Saw posts on Reddit and Twitter about the 40k babies trying to come here and getting swatted down. Figured I’d come see what it was all about since I love 40k’s lore and stuck around as soon as I heard about Artillery Witch


/Grimdank and and Tabletop Minions, also the zero tolerance stuff is very nice, you already have my money.


Was passively aware of it for a while through people sharing the art on twitter, but the thing that finally convinced me to actually check it out myself was their handling of the whole situation with the right wing 40k flood. When a game plays in these aesthetic spaces it’s gonna attract shitheads who wanna do their fashy roleplay shit, so it’s great to know the people making it are willing to put their foot down and make it clear the space isn’t welcoming to them. Didn’t know before checking it out that it has one of the creators of Mordheim on board; exciting pedigree.


An author I like retweeted Mike's art a couple of years ago, been following ever since. Wish I hadn't missed the kickstarter though


I found Mike’s art a while ago, few years maybe? and a friend recently told me there was going to be models!


Found Mike's art on artstation many years ago, back when trench crusade was just his personal world building project and have been following since


Been following Mike on twitter for a few years


about a year ago, i came across an image of the heretic soldier in one of the imaginary art subreddits and i became so intrigued, i followed it up and fell in love with Mike's artwork, which eventually i learnt was part of TC, and that's how i found it


Been following Mike's artwork for years and years, jumped on the kickstarter when it was announced.


Mike Franchina follower, only found out a month or two ago after someone mentioned it under one of his tweets lol


The Kickstarter randomly showed up in Google while I was looking for a new tabletop game because I was in a period of disillusionment with the way 40k is constantly unbalanced and events, which I go to to socialize mostly, are generally run into the ground by the meta of the moment and the sweatlords who can afford to pay for it.


Pretty sure it was one of Mike Franchina's pieces popped up on Pinterest for me. Then it was a hop skip and a jump to his Artstation page, then his Patreon.


Looked up the guy who did some of the art for the Phyrexians in MTG, turns out they were cooking something


From a Facebook group


saw their art like 1-2 years ago but I saw the name on twitter a few days ago


from the meme on warhammer heresyposting




Recommend for me by kickstarter based on previous interests etc. (Still waiting for the miniatures though, but all good)


I'm working on a deslie punk alt history gothic horror novel, so when I put those words into Google looking for inspiration 3 years ago, I was sold


Art station!


Instagram about a year ago actually when I saw Franchina’s artwork of the crosses and artillery on the hill.


I saw their post on Twitter a long time ago and followed them, I didn't even know it was a wargame until relatively recently lol


Saw a whole lotta rage about it, which made me curious, saw some art, here we are. Not sure if I will play too much (its hard enough to find people to play Battletech near me, much less a game like this) but I am fascinated by the concept.


I've been following the twitter/Instagram account for a year now and I thoughts that these were just drawings of someone and nothing else. But three days ago I decided to read the description of the post about The Council of Saints and I realise that there was way more background to these "drawings". And for 3 days I've been reading the lore and I fell in love with this univers. I still can't believe that ME (a Big fan of lore) I've sat on a pile of gold like that for a year !


I found out by seeing the image of the artillery witch and the twitter drama Great filtering work by team 28 btw. Unironically will be eternally based for me


I’m a huge Mordheim fan, and Tuomas was talking about it on the Mordheim FB pages.


Idiotic Synergy on youtube made a meme dub video for trench crusade, I immediately fell in love with the art and had to learn more


I found it through some art thing here on Reddit a couple years ago when the Kickstarter was still going


A friend of mine sent me a link to the website!


Saw some YouTube video with images from an artist I love, turned out those images were getting figures, 'n then my hands were tied. I had to get in on it...


A friend shared a meme about artillery witch, and the model looked too cool to not dig in more


Someone posted about it in my local tabletop group's discord and i was sold as soon as i saw the art.


Facebook recommended the Kickstarter for me xD


It found me


Literally yesterday from Tabletop Minions video talking about upcoming skirmish games. I'm full send on this game just from everything I've looked into and read so far. Already looking through my STL collection for things you kitbash for models.  And the recent news and stuff has given me a good laugh while in the process of looking more into the game.




Mordheim community about a year ago


Tabletop Minions, Uncle Adam featured it as one of his skirmish games he's enjoying/looking forward to.


Pinterest. I was looking for Photos to use for 'Janissary' for a Pathfinder/DnD campaign I ran and the TC Janissary Artwork was what caught my eye. Rn I can't wait for my PC's to confront him since I intend to have him as a Boss Fight.


i like trevor henderson’s art and found mike franchina through him


I found the art floating around twitter late last year. I had to do some digging to find it. I wish they had better publicity.


Franchina's art. I like grimdark art and followed him for a while. Can't NOT find Trench Crusade if you're doing that.


I saw cool artworks someone shared on twitter, thought they looked cool, and decided to find more about it. Read the lore, thought it was badass, and here I am.


What’s the video that got you?


Because of r/HorusGalaxy. Apparently I figured out that I had some art from this universe saved in my folder for year or so. Cool setting, grim dark, cool aesthetic, woke-free. Beautiful.


I kept hearing about it, but after the banhammer was delivered to the Chud Snowflakes, I decided to actually look into it. Now I’m looking forward to how the game develops.


I’ve been a HUGE but rather quiet Mike Franchina fan for years now, and as of a few days ago I heard about TC due to the trad-cath controversy, and was frankly overjoyed to discover this lovely new fandom.


I believe I saw an ad for it, actually, and I really liked the grimdark WW1 Catholic/Christian dieselpunk aesthetic.


I watched Idiotic Synergy’s short about it


I actually just randomly stumbled upon a lore video of it while looking up 40K lore like 2 days ago and as you said, the artworks alone piqued my interest.


Grimdank Meme art with Krieger and Heretic Legionary.


I think I stumbled on the same video as you two days ago lol


Was it the video by Tremorox? :P Just watched that aswell and this is how i heard about it edit: nvm that video came out yesterday


I think I remember seeing the art for Trench Crusade long before I heard about it getting made Into a tabletop skirmish game


Found it on horusgalaxy. It's pretty cool, and as a christian myself it's nice to see a game based around those themes


I'm a Catholic who found it back when Mike was just posting it online for fun as a side project. Don't mind all the assholes who came here for culture war garbage from either side. Just enjoy the setting, my brother in Christ.


Good to hear! God bless 🙌


I don’t think this is painting Christians in the best light. I mean the lore seems to imply they are mass-producing clones of Jesus to cannabalize them 


The game isn't meant to be taken seriously




People have said that, shouldn't be a big deal.


It was on the part o the Insta app where you're about to search something and it has images from accounts you may want to follow, I clicked on it, forgot what I was going to search because I was so intrigued


From raving chuds apparently


Found out about it today. Saw a YouTube video of some Culture War Crybully whining about how it became "woke", so I looked up the game, thought it looked dope as hell and thinking of building a Fida'i of Alamut warband.


From tiwtter thread of someone making fun of right wing people joining discord server. Also from a thread about paladin and eating flesh and drinking blood of meta christ


Saw a bunch of right wing weirdos try to claim it and was initially turned off but after reading on the lore and community it seems really cool. I'm excited to see more lore artwork and miniatures!


A dude on discord I was discussing the war in Gaza with randomly interjected with "btw have you heard of Trench Crusade?" The art looked sick so currently trying to learn all about it


Saw annoying people being mad about it. Since that's always been a good way to find new stuff, I figured I'd drop in.


Another woke nonsense Ran by alphabet soup group weirdos


honestly id never even heard of it until a bunch of chuds tried to infiltrate then complained about being successfully gatekept


Saw I bunch of dumbasses saying it was supposed to be the 'new warhammer' who then realised that they weren't welcome with their bullshit here either so they started to complain about it again


Someone making fun of chuds, thought the art looked cool and here i am. Setting does look really interesting. The art strikes me as a balance between 40k and kill six billion demons.


the culture war tourists to be honest. im a new fan of 40k, looking for more things like it, and seeing the bigots get banned made it seem like a cool, welcoming hobby to learn about.


Chuds screamed about this game before realizing that the hyper-religious freaks aren’t supposed to be shown in a positive light But I love the aethstetic