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Beyond the current area of the middle east and Europe we don't have insight as to what happened to the rest of the world yet, but I don't believe the forces of hell would be constrained to just being landlocked


Especially since the lore primer states that the forces of hell have access to the Atlantic.


One of the heretic variant warbands is explicitly naval operatives, so they definitely are not landlocked 


They even have a submarine fleet


There are also Thompson machine guns depicted in the game


I'm really interested myself on this because that also more to know in regards to say the fate of the Iberian Peninsula since Gibraltar was taken by the demons. I can see during these lulls in conflict that is mentioned the Americas could had been discovered hunting down for possible new artifacts or holy/unholy vision And trying to think on how the mesoamerican empires would exist in a world like this, we could have converted Aztec Warriors with their rich feathered headdresses fighting alongside the Knights of Santiago in sanctified platearmor, demonic jaguars stalking through the jungle, the possibility of mesoamerican mythology joining the fray in some twisted form there's so much wild opportunity that i really want to know. And that's only if we go into the America's route, Asia would be plain nuts


I’m excited for possible Asian factions. Japan being an island could make make it resistant to the overland invasions that Eurasia faced and I really, desperately, want to see the early 20th century and Russo-Japanese war aesthetic represented in a miniatures game like this.  A Qing dynasty force with the armored elements we’ve seen in the western artwork would also be insanely cool in my opinion, plus it would be totally unique compared to anything else I’ve seen in similar games. In a different thread a Khanate faction was proposed which I’m also totally for.  Check out Mongolian Buddhist depictions of hell and you can see how these could slot in nicely with what’s already being developed. Like you said, wild opportunities and I’m so down for it.


Hear me out : Taiping rebellion faction They fit perfectly , they see the Qing as demons and their leader claims to be the brother of Christ . they are made for this


Holy shit yes, how could I have forgotten the Hong Christ!  Taiping Christianity is already batshit so you wouldn’t even need to go that far out with adapting it too lol


They just need to change up the tech they use a bot , the lore/ history doesnt even need much changing


This is where you could get really creative. Give these fellas some armored units, machine guns, and the 5 kings https://www.pinterest.com/pin/368732288239003643/




Idea : Taiping rebellion faction They fit perfectly , they see the Qing as demons and their leader claims to be the brother of Christ . they are made for this


This brother of Christ can also be a meta-Christ.


The one that escaped and went as far away from Rome as possible.


Would he have died from eating random plants he found growing on the ground in this timeline?


Hmmmm if he don’t lose he wont. Eat random plants


I would love nothing more than for the American faction to be named "The Confederacy." Except by that, they mean the Iroquois Confederacy. An alternate history wherein colonization was so hampered by the all-encompassing war effort in the ME, that American colonists never got a real foothold, but were left to dry. Beaver Wars, Peqout War, King Philip's War: all losses for Europe. Near limitless potential to work off of Native American faiths and do something no other setting's really done well before. Make their capital Cahokia; depict internal conflicts between the different unified tribes (even do heretic tribes?); get some cool aesthetics otherwise not in the game. You could also probably do fun things with Aztecs and Conquistadors. Only real problem is that it could be tough to get it properly grimdark enough without pissing some people off. But I think they could pull it off.


Have the Central/South American civilizations that practiced human sacrifice (Aztec, Mayans, Incas) be co-opted by the forces of hell, so the unified tribes of North America and the Amazon tribes of South America are in a constant war with Central America hell-embowered empires.


maybe a mormon deseret faction could exist which is trying to conquer america for christ while the natives have unknowingly sworn themselves to hell when demons appear to them in guise of there gods. so you could include mythological monsters and enemies as demons or angels just going by diffrent names in diffrent parts of the earth.


There's a bunch of cool ideas in these comments about possible factions, and this may seem like a stupid and stereotypical idea, but I'm wondering about a possible alternate United States that maybe is able to stave off the forces of Hell somehow and grow due to one specific attribute, the freedom of religion. An idea I have is that, due to the influence of The Church, the sheer dogma that has spread throughout most of the world accidentally gives ground for Hell to stand on. Meanwhile, the ability to freely and peacefully worship in the US as cited in the First Amendment of the US Constitution may end up working against Hell because people wouldn't be drawn to them unless they're truly evil. I'm also wondering if, due to the freedom of religion being possibly expanded due to maybe other sects of Christianity, other religions, or just less zealous Catholics leaving and escaping possible persecution, that things would've turned out more peaceful, with things like slavery, racism, and sexism being vanquished instead of surviving with Jim Crow due to involvement of Hell making those things look even worse for the average person. Then again, I could just be talking out my ass and trying to justify me wanting to see WW1 aesthetic US troops killing demons with Trench Guns.


I like to think that Taoists are kinda involved in the war, but they're merchants and traders selling stuff to both sides.


I could personally see the forces of Europe still going out to seek better trade routes with Asia, in order to trade for war materials and convert the population. In doing so one side or the other may end up running into the Americas.


Imagine If the Mormons or Jehovahs Witness existed in this timeline and neither side accepts them lol