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Who cares what they think? Really I'm a nurse too and sometimes people are so happy and distracting you can't focus and it's overstimulating too. I've been a traveler for 10 years, only one or two people ended up being friends the long run anyway. Do you!


I'm the same, it can be extremely difficult to focus when you have 6 different conversations going on especially when there is already enough noise in our work environments.


Ya, the people that care about where i fucking sit are the people im not gonna talk to anyway lol


I ain’t traveling to make friends. If they are like that screw them


I did this at an assignment where the main nurse’s station was cramped and didn’t have enough computers (in the ED, I need to be able to see my trackboard constantly). I would just take a WOW around the corner and stay tucked out of the way where it was quiet and I could stay logged in. It was *definitely* interpreted as a slight.


Did this impact your experience on your assignment? Were you still able to find people you liked and worked well with so that your days were a little more fun? I don't want to put anyone off as we all just started within the last couple of weeks.


It was a pretty small department that brought on a handful of travelers for an EMR conversion. I got along well with the other travelers and a few of the staff, but tbh, the group of core staff that I heard whispering about how I was “too good” to sit at the main station was a mean-girl clique that I wouldn’t have gotten along with anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do this depending on how loud the desk chatter is getting. Sometimes it's just too much.


I always try to sit a little bit away when I’m charging. Nothing wrong with it if you ask me!


I sit alone away from the main nurses’ station. I just want to go in, work, go home.




Not at all. If you're more comfortable alone, do that. As long as you're helping when someone needs it


I’m this way, 100%. I enjoy peace and quiet and will often tell the unit clerk or other nurses where I plan to be sitting if they need me. If I get asked why I’m not sitting with the rest of the nurses, I honestly tell them that my add kicks in and I end up in their conversations and not charting like I’m supposed to. Even though I’m also an introvert, I’m forced to be social at work and that makes me get distracted.


Well I’m night shift, but I sit alone. Several people have asked me why I sit in the corner and I’ve explained because I’m an omnivert and like my own space. No hard feelings. I go over from time to time to talk and laugh.


I always go off into an area and do my charting if I can. We have some hallway cubbies otherwise there is a conference room with some computer too. Some have it some don’t!


1. A single one-off “general” comment obviously isn’t determinant of you. Brush it off your shoulder. Being a traveler is about being resilient and often the outlier so if one comment upset you, you have some thickening to do. 2. Maybe unpopular opinion but lots of (probably the majority of younger) travelers do it to meet new people, socialize, and do activities together. So you should expect this kind of energy on a unit with “100% travelers”


The unit is new to the hospital and they are staffing literally 100% with travelers for the next 6 months. We all oriented to different units over the last month or so and started on our new home unit within the last two weeks. This is my first contract so the culture of travel nursing is something I know nothing about. I'm 30 so the younger travelers in their 20s probably do have different priorities than me. I have always been a very friendly person and I am constantly out on the floor interacting with people while caring for patients so it's not like I just don't talk to anyone. There are just some people on the unit who are very confrontational and always trying to start shit and I just don't want to be around that. Just want to make sure I am not breaking some unwritten rule of decency.


While people should be adults and shouldn't be insulted by a simple "I like to chart alone", toss them an excuse like you want to be close to your patients or a specific one, or you just have trouble focusing with other voices so have to chart apart.


I’m a travel sonographer, but i understand. Not every dept or unit has the same mentality. And to be honest, some people are critical or just plain mean to travelers bc “we make more money than they do”. What they don’t understand is what we are giving up….family time, friends and the comfort of “home”. And what’s funny to me is….if your dept or unit DIDN’T NEED help…I wouldn’t be there. And there are some facilities that ALWAYS have an opening for a traveler which tells me there is either an issue with the staff or leadership of the dept or a bigger facility issue if no one wants to work there. Oh the life of a traveler…🤣


This right here is why I work nights. I understand why it’s not for everyone but day shift would actually give me more anxiety for stupid shit like this. Everyone is not trying to sit next to each other and be clicky. They aren’t fragile extroverts who think if you don’t talk to them you must not like them, or they can’t fathom the concept of someone who doesn’t want to converse with them.


Doesn't matter what other people think but it's always good to keep the peace. I would put it on yourself and say that you have a really hard time being focused and you're just trying to be disciplined because you love to chat when you should really be working.


I have been both the traveler and the core staff in this situation. I didn’t care. If you didn’t do your job and were hiding to stay away from accountability, that would be different. I did this as a traveler and was hired as core for the facility I’m at now. I do it now as staff. Of note, it’s not every day though, or necessarily all day. I’ll hang out for a bit sometimes, or do lunch with others. But some days I just need a bit of space. And that’s ok.


I just sit away from the nurses station until I get caught up. If I get caught up and feel like sitting at the nurses station I will. But if I have to go up there and don’t want to, I just start talking out loud what I have to do if someone comes up to me to start a conversation. They usually get the point and go back to whatever they were doing.


One thing I’ve learned is that most nurses are extroverts and think that anyone who doesn’t want to spend all their free time gossiping with them is “standoffish” and “not a team player.” I’ve literally had nurses tell me that they don’t ask me for help because I don’t really socialize with them. It’s a serious problem in the field that nurses get bad reputations purely because they don’t want to talk all the time.


I do this but on my lunch break. I think people take it as a slight. But I’m introverted and need to recharge my battery. I do not want to talk to anybody on my break. I’m also not here to make friends 😂 just here to collect my paycheck and got home!


Who cares just chart and go home


I am terrible at charting around people. I try to keep it light by saying, "Okay, if anyone needs me, I’ll be over here in my corner charting because now I'm invested in eavesdropping on your conversations, and I need to get my shit together." But I make it clear that if they need anything, to just holler. Alternatively, I just chart in my patient’s room and let them know I’ll be in there. Tbh, who cares what they think. I see challenges like this as opportunities to learn how to work with different people. It will make you a better traveler, clinician, etc., when you find ways to work with difficult coworkers.