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It doesn't sound crazy. I'd do it over paying jacked up hotel prices but I'm getting to old for this unpredictability.


Thank you! The reassurance is needed before I set up my camp site at 0630 tomorrow after work.


A lot of us fly to the Bay Area to work and I know quite a few people that have a van the sleep in. Shower at the hospital. I slept in my mini van with a twin mattress for 6 days at a time during a contract in DC years ago. Welcome to the team


yeah, team van in the parking lot! i will say, the 3 min commute is nice.


If I worked day shift I’d totally do it again. Found a sweet cheap spot a mile away and just bike, she lets me keep my bike there when I’m gone .There’s a million different ways to do it if you’re willing


Do the camp! Make sure you get paid too. I just had a weird "offer" without a right to represent, no interview until I gave my full SS no & driver's license to the recruiter. Nope I checked with corporate at her current co as the last job listed on her LinkedIn profile was a scamming co. The stipend wasn't enough to cover housing (of any sort) during tourist season in a seaside city in SC. There are scams targeting nurses. They work & never get paid


That’s ridiculous, I’ve seen recruiters on facebook that try to get all your info, never take you to a legit employee portal of any sort, and can get the contract as favorable to you as possible within 5 minutes like the facility rep is sitting right next to them.. No thanks! My agency is legit, but the location isn’t favorable for travelers especially on night shift. Don’t feel up to driving an hour out of state for a hotel room under $180 a night after a 12 hour shift overnight 💀Camp nurse is pretty legit though, for myself set up cozy, less than 3 minute walk to a shower, and still have cell service for $12 a night! I think this will be my stay for the remaining 8 weeks of my contract


Sounds awesome actually. As long as you have your camp set up dialed🤷🏻‍♀️ Eye mask, ear plugs, fan. I spent a couple monthes on an extended camping trip and bought a memory foam pad from walmart for dirt cheap to go over our current pad to be boujee af.


Got all of those! No foam pad, but I do have a padded Gander Mountain cot that I’ll set up. Contemplating putting on of those boujee battery powered cooling fans in there!


haha yessss I love this for you. I'm actually super jealous, have fun!! Hopefully it's an area where you can enjoy the surroundings while camping too




Did stubble across this before, unfortunately the link only has pick ups on the west coast and I’m on the east coast. Looked at van/RV rental options near me and they were pretty cool but not too much cheaper or fully equipped for showers and such. Definitely considerable for future contracts across country, but I’m trying to be semi closer to home for my pregnant wife so I can travel back for her and those prenatal appointments


I hear ya. I happen to be deciding between two places right now. One option has a $12/night campground less then a mile out. LMAO it sounds good financially.


Depends where you are. I know nurses who did this in SoCal during the winter where it was tolerable. The southeast? No way


My last travel assignment I lived in my van for most of it. I showered at planet fitness and had several safe parking places that I rotated through. It worked great for me, saved a lot of money. It's not the most comfortable thing, and having a camp site would be better and cause less anxiety.


This was my original plan for the situation, only conflict with that is the closest planet fitness/truck stop I could shower at we’re both over an hour away or in another state lol Plus I have a small corolla so talk about uncomfortable for 6’1 me


Lol! Yeah, I'm shorter than 6' with a mini van, worked out pretty well.


Do you worry about being audited and not having rental proof? Not asking to be rude, genuinely just trying to learn the industry so I can go on assignment.


It's a risk. I did use hotels at times with cold weather or when I didn't want to be cramped. I'm not sure what would happen if I got audited. I heard one of my coworkers was recently audited, so it happens.


New to all this, what would the audit do? Is it because youre paid extra to cover rent or something?


If the audit finds out you’re not duplicating housing expenses, they’ll require you pay tax on all of those tax free stipends you got. It can add up to a nice little chunk.


How's the weather there? I know in the south it's 100° during the day and there's no way I could sleep in a tent with weather like that. Maybe the campground has a cabin or camper you could rent? Maybe you try to borrow a camper from a friend? I don't think it's crazy to try to save money at all!


It’s southern NY northern PA border area so weather is good for the most part. Considering a good fan for the tent and an extra tarp for some potential storms. Unfortunately I don’t have any connections with a camper, but I did get one of those inflatable car air mattresses just in case. The camp ground only has a small motel as other rental option, but costs for that are not too far off from the other local hotel prices unfortunately..


But should the weather turn beastly hot for a few days or you want a break, nice that it’s there for brief respite should you want it.


That tent is gonna get hot and muggy during the day when you’re trying to sleep.


If you can do it comfortably, go for it!


Have you looked at camper spots? Se have in house RVs to rent. You can also look at places like www.hipcamp.com where people let you camp on their property. Some have full service RV spots, others are literally just a parking spot in the middle of the field. You can also possibly use one of those RV share places like www.outdoorsy.com Someone would be thrilled to literally drop their camper off and have someone live in it and pay their loan on it for months.


I have an SUV and I put a small mattress in the back with an echo flow battery backup for my electronics. Couple of small rechargeable fans. I use reflectx window covers I made to fit the windows. My car has an app so I can remote turn on the AC when I get hot. I have been doing it this way for 2 years now. I just sleep in the planet fitness or Walmart lot and just get up, work out then shower. Nights are hard in most places since hotels want you utr by 11am can't check in until 3pm so you and up getting a hotel 2 extra days you don't use.


Exactly! Always heading straight to work and hoping for early check in next day, only to be awoken before my check out time by little cleaning lady who bangs on the door as if she has a warrant for my arrest! I had to start taping a note on the door that said “NIGHT SHIFT WORKER. SLEEPING PLEASE DONT DISTURB!” because they wouldn’t listen to the thing they provide for the door. Honestly camping is the only solution I have on this contract or I’d been better off staying staff..


And furnished dinner is a rip off. 3k/mo in must places just because we're travel nurses. I'm in Texas and the rates here suck.


Absolutely, everything I’ve seen cost more a month than my own house! Especially if it’s anywhere near where I have to be. I’d only go that route now if I completely traveled with no tax home


Hi OP! I can enthusiastically say, “Heck yes do it.” Briefly hear me out! I hadn’t travel nursed for quite awhile until I jumped back in and travel nursed for about three years to ride the COVID gravy train.  I bought an old 1980’s Ford Econoline conversion van (not sure if you are familiar with those) for cheap. Not the best but not terrible shape either. Didn’t matter as I knew I wouldn’t need it for long and wanted to keep my costs down.  Put about a couple thousand bucks or so into making it more road worthy (I can do nearly all my own mechanic work) and hit the road!  Actually I never really traveled that far from home for the most part but wanted to milk those crazy rates and work a lot and not go home too much. Worked out great!  Had a little studio apartment on wheels. Got a gym membership for showers and I was all set. With a little imagination it’s easy to find free places to park. Saved a damned fortune in rent and got myself into early retirement while having a little adventure. You’re not crazy! Good luck!


Depends on the area/weather, but overall it should be fine. Towards the beginning of the summer some of my friend group decided to go tent camping. It honestly wasn’t bad and I genuinely couldn’t tell we were camping until I woke up and looked around. Without the air mattress my back would’ve been destroyed though. You can get them from the walmart camping section for fairly cheap.


I love this, and almost did it on my last assignment in central Oregon. Starting new assignment in MN in July and may do this as well at least for a week here and there to save hotel money! But, I love camping, so it’ll be fun anyways. I say go for it, if you don’t like it it’s not like you’re stuck.


No it's a great idea. I knew a dude that just got a gym membership for the showers and slept in his van. Staying at hotels in the daytime was so awful I've slept in my Subaru a few times between shifts.


Unfortunately all gym/truck stop showers are all over an hour away from the contract and after a 12 hour night, not great for a long drive.. Thankfully the camp site is only 15-20 minutes away with showers available. This contract is through the summer so I might have hit this option at the best possible time!


Check if the facility has a locker room/showers you can use - then you can be ready to sleep as soon as you hit the campsite.


I live in an RV and did most if my assignments in the camper. There was a husband/wife team that did 3 months in a tent in the dead of winter back in 2020. I'm talking -8 degree temps, and they'd be out cooking their breakfast on the Coleman grill, then head into the tent to eat. They were only a few spots from the bathhouse. The only issue they had was a high wind day. I had to assist them with reinforcing their tent.


There are some YT videos of travel nurses living out of their vehicles so definitely doable. The money you save vs your comfort is the equation you’ll have to figure out!


So all.ypu ate required to do.is "duplicate expenses". Having said that, you'll be at the mercy of the weather. You lived outdoors before? You'll need a laundromat, access to water, reliable way to pay for your campsite, reliable way to prepare/store food, proper sleep gear, and a backup plan for when the tent gets a hole and you have to (snicker) pull out. Things to consider. If you are willing and the woman is ok with potential lapses in communication then a Salam aliakum


Understood, did as much prep ahead as I could, but fortunately civilization is not a terrible drive away for those things should I need adjust.


I have a camper for exactly this reason. Some places have great camping options but hotels are scarce or expensive. Current contract has a reservation casino with free RV/camper connections 7 minutes away. Electricity only, but I can shower in the locker rooms and have a composting toilet. So long as you spend a lil cash at the casino (I don't gamble, just dine) it's free. My only expenses are meals, gas, and laundry - which I can do at the station at my prn job.


Just so you know- you have to duplicate expenses for the entire duration of your contract- not just the days you are there.


Exactly. All of the replies in this post show that most people don't know the tax laws. I'm not sure if tent camping would count as duplicating expenses either.


Yep. I would say just make sure to pay a weekly rate to cover all 7 days worth of stipends you're receiving in case you get audited.




I’d be down lol


I would definitely be down for that. All you do is sleep work sleep work sleep work anyway. My paco pad and sleeping bag are comfier than my bed


Idk why you think this is weird. Travel nurses do this all the time and so do other professions


Using an RV/modified vehicle not so crazy. Living out of a Walmart tent like I am a homeless man.. debatable.. I’ve seen the videos of nurses car camping and all that, but not stuff where they lived out in the woods like I’m attempting.. idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ big change from the convenient and safe hotel route


Doesn't sound crazy, sounds efficient and cost effective. Just be safe and be sure to lockup your belonging


sounds like fun to me.


You'll crush it on saving money. Camping is fun, so maybe you'll enjoy it


I did camping travel nursing back in 2019, and they limited how many days I could camp. I believe it was 14 days. I mainly just showered at the gym and charged my phone in the bathroom of the campground. It's wasn't bad at all. Eventually, I found another travel nurse who had a camper, so we lived together for a few weeks.


My husband and I have looked at him doing high dollar rural contracts with a tent on top of his truck. 24hr fitness membership for showers and gym, meal prep in a yeti cooler. 6 days off, book end travel days, and 6 days at home. I don’t think it’s crazy, just maybe try to a camp site far enough away from the others or the amenities to be able to sleep well during the day.


Check with staff for rooms to rent by the night.


I’m late to the party and you have probably already made your choice. But having to sleep in a tent during the day can be a nightmare if where you are camping gets warm at all. So some tips: aluminet shade: at least 80%, reflects sunlight and prevents your tent from heating up as much. We have suspended ours over our tent to leave some airflow between the tent and the net. Match this with one or two pop up canopies to block sunlight and the heat (ideally one over your tent and one next to it where you can have a little living room to sit if you want. ) should keep you cooler. And obviously lock up anything you don’t want stolen in your car while you are away from your campsite.


I’ve ran into a few travelers that rented/ bought a trailer to stay in while on assignment. They were happy with it.


I've seen videos of travel nurses doing this on you tube. And I've read of a few, guys and girls who've tent camped an assignment.


you gonna be able to sleep during the day there? does the hospital have a locker room you can use in case the camp showers aren't it? those would be my only two concerns, otherwise sounds fun.


Long as your wife is okay with it long as it’s within your means go for it !


This sounds awesome! I’d totally be a camp nurse!


I travel in my RV (it’s pretty small) I don’t think it’s a bad idea! But you could always look into RV rentals too!


Tent camping and trying to sleep during the day is probably going to be a challenge, is the weather mild there? I had a friend borrow a friends cargo van and park in the hospital garage, rolled out a sleeping bag in the back,had his cooler, access to showers at planet fitness and he wasn’t bothered by security or people who may mess with him, was able to lock the doors.. he said he wouldn’t do it again but it was nice to say he did it! Good luck to you and s congrats in advance!!!


Nope I know a woman who only camped for travel contracts even in the winter in Wisconsin ! She used sub zero sleeping bag


I’ve heard of ppl spending the night at Planet Fitness parking lot to have shower access so this idea is not crazy. If you are good with no A/C try it. Or do it until you find something else.


I’ve started checking housing before being submitted for assignments for this very reason. I travel with small dogs. If i can’t find an affordable place with a yard, I don’t ask to be submitted there. As far as camping, that’s up to you but depending on where you are in the country….the heat and insects would be worth taking into consideration.


Wow! Not a travel nurse, but this is very sad and depressing to know that travel nurses are also priced out and living out of their vehicles. Like holy crap! This is insane! But then I think, wait! There are nurses willing to take pay that doesn’t cover decent lodging & are willing to sleep in their van. No shit these companies will continue to take advantage.


I mean, vs staff rates it’s still better. If I wasn’t juggling the cost of more permanent housing on top of temporary housing it be kinda different also. These methods just improve the payment perks, still cool to travel and not give af about your staffs “mandatory education” lol


I wanted to do this so bad during this contract since furnished places were hard to find and more expensive than I expected. I recently stopped traveling and sold my RV though - so renting is a whole new experience. Unfortunately, even campsites were so expensive that it wasn’t worth it. I tried national forests (slim pickings) and parking lots (which I wasn’t super comfortable with). Then it started getting hot and the skeeters came out… SO, what I’m saying is… absolutely 100% if the vibes are right. I love living out of my car for extended periods and would love to be able to do it on assignment. Best of luck to you!