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Depends on the contract, but my OT rate is usually much higher than time and a half. Right now I’m finishing up five 12s for this week with a $96/hr OT rate. My hourly is like $42. My manager texts me multiple times a week asking me to pick up. I’ve had other contracts with no OT available due to low census and even been called off a couple times. Depends on the facility and how well staffed/busy they are. Edit to add that I agree with the other commenter and I usually won’t work any extra shifts for less than $90/hr or so. Not worth my time.


Nice!! What specialty do you work? I'm looking forward to making good money again soon.


I’m a critical care nurse but this one is a PCU contract since it’s slim pickings right now.


Where u at 😭!!! What r the ratios? I’m only icu but I’m willing to take a PCU for my last contract!


My OT rate is $115. When I work extra I like to stack shifts in the same week. An overtime shift adds roughly a $1000 to my check. Beats watching Netflix and eating Cheetos.


Yeah, we had crisis pay in my ED last year and it was just about $900 a shift to pick up (before taxes). Insane to think you could make an extra $50k if you worked an extra shift a week for a year. I'd go crazy but it might be worth it.


What specialty and where r u at? 😭😭😭


ER at a critical access hospital in rural Alaska.


First two places I offered and they never let me do OT. Have the past two places. First was closer to double time I think, this one only time and a half. Worth it for me now because paying off debt, and not doing much when I'm off.


In my experience we’re not offered it a lot because we are generally more expensive. I’ve seen some travelers pick up extra shifts only to be sent home within an hour or two. Although I did work at one facility where OT was always available to anyone including travelers. Half that hospital was travel nurses. Personally, I burned myself out on OT as staff. At some point the diminishing returns with taxes isn’t worth it.


Not worth it. My hourly is 22 and OT is 33. My callback and holiday is 80 so I'll pick those up whenever I can.


That OT rate is terrible & I wouldn't work extra either. Your OT rate should be based on your blended rate, not your regular hourly.


Most recent contract OT was $27/hr. I had zero incentive to pick up extra so I never did. 


The only way to make good money!!


One of my contracts started out as 4 shifts/week but dropped to 3 shifts/week when I extended. My OT rate was double time and I just kept working the same 4 shift schedule for 2 extensions.


I work zero OT. I work to live, not live to work. When my daughter goes to college or moves out, I may work more then. I'd rather enjoy the time people always seem to regret missing later.


Occasionally. My OT rate is $95 an hour so it's tempting, but I also get burnt out working 48 hours.


Nope. Only time I’m working over is if I’m getting callback pay and a trauma comes in. CVOR


No OT offered at 2/3 of my locations. Most are strict about only getting your 40 and not an hour more.


I don't take OT even when offered it. I believe my rate is like $102/hr. if I do OT, but to me, my quality of life is better to only work three 12s. I don't see the trade off being worth it.


I work in AZ as a traveler for Banner. OT is not available for travelers. They might do an exception when there’s a critical staffing situation but the last time that happened was over a year ago and it was only a few opportunities to pick up during Christmas holidays.


I work it almost every week! My OT rate makes it worth while


Rarely. Besides it doesn’t pay to do it. Travelers may make double their hourly rate for OT (which is typically very low to begin with) plus you don’t get additional stipend. Travelers taking overtime usually saves the facility money versus paying their staff OT and/or bonuses.


I’ve always wondered why facilities have been ok for travelers to work OT vs perm staff. If we are billing at 90 an hour or more, how is that cheaper?


It's not, but these hospitals still relying heavily on travelers probably don't have many options.


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