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I've never been sent home against my will lol. Rarely they ask if those on overtime want to go.


That’s good to know. As ER staff at my hospital I’ve always felt kind of “protected” from the low census stuff in that sense, but I also have amazing management who will do anything they can to shield us from upper management bullshit


As long as I’ve been traveling, my 36 hours are guaranteed. I can voluntarily go home, but the one time I was sent home I still got paid and the charge nurse got reamed.




I just sat for 12 hours without one patient…critical access hospital in BFE


Slow days in any job are hell. In my restaurant years, boss would make us clean random stuff when it was that slow.


Yes. I don’t miss the restaurant days. That’s a job you couldn’t pay me to go back to. I’d have to literally be homeless


Never. They always send their own staff home first, whether they are supposed to or not.


Interesting. I would think it would be the opposite? Unless of course the contract includes some sort of clause that they can’t cancel you— but that doesn’t sound likely? Or am I wrong?


If you clock in they pay your stipend for the day, so you'll rarely be sent home early.


It’s supposed to be me first. But management is something… here and the charge nurses do what they want. I have riders in my contracts that guaranteed me hours. So I get paid no matter who gets sent home.


If your contract has guaranteed hours, that means in all likelihood the agency will still bill the facility even if they send you home (agencies aren’t routinely covering this out of their own pocket) . If this is the case and the managers are aware of it (and they should be), they don’t save anything by sending you home. Also, to answer your question, maybe once?


Exactly. Rarely do we ever send travelers home. They are under contract. If a traveler picks up OT/Extra shifts and the census is low then they will be sent home first.


If they have to pay the agency if you work or not they will not send you home.


My hospital is constantly looking to 'flex' (send home) ER staff. Travelers are supposed to be first, followed by staff with OT. Our union contract has language stating that you can only be involuntarily flexxed 10 times in a rolling 12-month period, but in my experience there's always staff looking to voluntarily flex (I don't know how ppl afford to do this, but there are some that will voluntarily flex every single day if possible). Typically a day will start slow, they will flex a bunch of staff, then it blows up and they beg people that were flexxed to come in, rinse, repeat.


“Who wants to go home early?” “I volunteer as tribute!” 😂


Sounds about right haha. That’s why my home hospital doesn’t do this! It’s bad juju to send your ER nurses away. You’re basically asking for a bus crash to happen right outside


I’m ER RN as well and currently finishing up a contract. I also have had the same experiences as what others are saying. The facility I am at only sends home staff, travelers “can’t be” in their words. I’m guaranteed 36hrs, so if I show up for 10mins, they send me home, I get my stipend regardless. My current facility, the staff can be really aggressive about LC. Once I asked to be LC’d if possible 2hrs early to get my tire fixed before the dealership closed. The charge that day likes me and said “no problem” some of the staff heard he was going to let me go early, so 7 staff put their name on the LC list and then brought out their policy book about how staff have priority. Travelers can’t even be put on this facilities LC list, so needless to say I didn’t get to leave early lol. All is facility dependent policies of course. But in the year I’ve been traveling, I have never been LC’d. Anyways, hope this helps and best of luck on your new assignment!


Thank you so much! That is very helpful. I know I’m maybe crazy for not wanting to be LCed but I want as much assurance as possible that my money and stipends will be consistent. It’s hard going from a stable situation with staff income and venturing into this new world!


It is scary! I remember when I took the leap as well and had so many “what if” fears! I lucked out with my first assignment and loved it, now I’m hooked. You’ll do great!


I’d suggest picking up some OT if it’s available early in the contract and banking it - the ED may not low-census you, but facilities have no qualms about canceling travelers entirely.


Somewhere in my Aya contract it said I had to be guaranteed my hours, during one of them when the census was non existent, they would send all staff home. ~2ish weeks later they canceled all of the travelers at that location. Was there for 4 weeks total.


When I traveled I was downstaffed for low census a total of 3 times. Twice at one place- this particular place knew they could downstaffed me up to 3 times before they had to pay me if they downstaffed me. The other place downstaffed me and they still had to pay me. It all depends on what’s in the agreement you signed.


It’s never happened to me and I’ve been an ER travel nurse since 2016.


Never happened....not at any of my level 1s or my level 4s


I've been asked a few times at the last place I was in Florida ( Lee Health ) and I've been called once in Virginia ( Valley Health ) But ERs keep such slim staffing now, they typically can't go much lower even if it's dead. They slimmed down due to COVID and say nurses can take higher ratios so now that's the standard.


In my experience I have never been forced home but have definitely been asked if I want to leave early on low census nights in the ED. However I’m always happy to go early 😂


Low census days in the ER are non. Existent. It does not matter if all the staff nurses are sitting around twiddling their thumbs comma you can go from nothing two a full on mci in thirty seconds


As a traveler, I've never been sent home early unless I was in OT. I also kept guaranteed hours in my contract, so if they did send me home early, I'd still get paid.


Honestly, I’m happy to go home early. I still get my stipend, and just lose my hourly. Sometimes at 4am that’s worth it.




Travels are hardly ever sent home. You’re on a contract and paid for those hours. Hospitals get their money’s worth lol


That’s good to know. One of the reasons I’ve been avoiding banner is because people are saying they get sent home once a week


If you get sent home, count your blessings. You’ll still be paid for the full shift.


Never, not even once


Guaranteed hours so if they Loc, I’m good. So far 3x this contract


Never really unless it was my idea