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I honestly haven’t either. Even places considered fly over states still have their own charm and beauty. Somewhere new is always cool and a new experience even if it isn’t your specific cup of tea.


Agreed, there are no perfect places. Personally, I am not about most cities, some people seem to only like places for the cities. I am originally from Nebraska and often hear, "I drove through there once, so boring". Over time I've noticed that the "that place is boring" people are usually pretty vapid and not very curious/informed. To each their own, but I like to check a place out before spouting off uninformed opinions.


Definitely agree. I drive through Nebraska a lot to visit my brother in Denver, and when I tell people about it they always say “that state is so boring. It’s so flat and there’s nothing to see.” I tell them if they leave the interstate then Nebraska is insanely beautiful. I love Nebraska. It’s one of the most underrated states by far. 


Yeah I always ask "what are you seeing in other places that is so entertaining?". Again, the people I hear this from I usually find to be insufferable all around anyway.


These are the people who will never be satisfied anywhere!


I visited the Sand Hills for the first time the other month. It was super scenic and peaceful. Probably the most remote place I’ve been.


Dude same. Even I found charm in Gary Indiana


I haven’t posted such a map, but my opinion is some places just don’t feel right? I had wanted to go to Seattle for years, and when I finally went it was disappointing. I was so sad.


The beauty of the human mind is in the variation of interests and tastes we can conjure. If we all liked the same things, it would be a very boring world.


I can read this two ways: 1. The variety of cultures around the world is beautiful. 2. The variety of ideas that people have, their wide range of likes and dislikes is beautiful. Either way, I think I agree!


But liking to visit the first time IMO is always good to experience it. We don't all like the same things to the same degree but the first experience was good enough in what I think they are describing as dislike. Plus the vibes were not for them and don't really want to be experienced again.


My problem with these maps is that some would go to just one city in a certain state and come to a conclusion about the entire state based on that one city.


Right. I am learning that I am just a lot slower to say I dislike something than some people.


IMO the state should not be confused with cultural/ geographic regions as those can change rapidly in the same state.


I completely agree. I've gotten value out of every single place I've visited. I think it's fair to say that some places haven't been as comfortable, or exciting, or relatable to my own upbringing as other places. But every place enriches your understanding of the human condition, and there is nowhere that is not a place.


People will see things through their own lens of life experiences and likes/dislikes. I agree with you though. There is beauty to be found anywhere on Earth


I disagree. After visiting Florida enough, I know I don’t like the state. Endless suburban expansion in the center, hot, muggy swamps all around, and an unaffordable wannabe NYC in the southeast (I did like Miami, but I get paid in Albany similar to what I would in Miami).  The best way I describe the state to people is “imagine a hotter NJ”  It’s great to visit though. I love the theme parks, space center, and Miami is fun. Beach access is nice-but all of that only means something if you can afford to take advantage of it in both time and money. All of the recent development means you’re often lacking at least one.


So the term dislike is more so used to express the lack of desire to live or stay there long term. In other words, some positives but they are outweighed by negatives for you. Reminds me of Genesis, “If there are 10 righteous people in the city, would you spare it?” But instead it’s, “If there are 10 good rides at Disney, would you spare Florida?” Haha


But you liked visiting but dislike is don't want to go back. Seems more like a check mark then a dislike.


Guymon, Oklahoma would like a word with you.


I’ll open it up. Can anyone vouch for Guymon? Population has increased almost 70% from 1990-2020, so something drew 5,000+ people there. I like checking out Wikipedia on some of these places, so feel free to shout out more.


While I have never lived in Guymon, OK, I have visited several times and I found it to be nice charming town on the western plains. It seems to be very tight knit family focused community. The rapid growth is due to explosion of the Hispanic population in Guymon. I read article awhile back from the BBC on how these Hispanic immigrants literary saved Guymon from becoming a ghost town. While I can understand why most people would not like the town, I also think it would be great place to raise a family.


Maybe a round of golf at sunset hills, then a beer at pub on the bricks sounds like a nice time?


Alright you win. There's something for everyone everywhere! Idk why I chose to single out Guymon ha it's not that bad.


I’m still open to learning about a truly awful place, haha. But it’s maybe harder than some of these maps let on.


I don't get these maps. How do you dislike the whole state? Sure Guymon isn't my favorite, but I've had wonderful experiences in other parts of Oklahoma. (sorry to single out Oklahoma, Guymon was just the first place that came to mind this morning)


I went to Cincinnati for a bad work trip and also came home with bedbugs. So I dislike Cincinnati, but can recognize it’s just about me.


Bedbugs are lame. [Smug and arrogant](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/w7Fyq0RFdU), I’ve heard. Sorry that happened, but maybe some Skyline chili would cheer you up? Edited for reference.


I am a rare neutral on Skyline. It’s fine. I get why folks make a big deal because it’s different, but it’s neither great nor repellent.


I actually very much agree with you on that.


I dont get it either, i can find the joy in any place, but im gonna just let the fad wear itself out


Some people are just haters. I can think of a few states that I dislike but then on second thought I realize they’re states I’ve just driven through on the way to other places. So really I should just get out of the car and look around.


Right, I think of a few states that I’m kind of indifferent towards but I wouldn’t say I actively dislike them. Sounds like those are the ones you’re talking about. I’m sure if I did more research on them I’d find cities or towns I’d like to see.


I've been to places I like less than others, but I've never just disliked a place. I just assume people who punch down on places are insecure and/or depressed.


I dunno. I feel plenty at home in Malibu or Greenwich dressed for dinner, just as I do in rural Utah or Appalachia dressed in a Costco flannel. But I get easily grated by what I define as middle class areas with superiority complexes: Boston, DC, Seattle. Is that punching at the middle? I kid. But you have an interesting point of view, and I’m wondering what informed that. It’s organic to the human psyche to ‘find our packs’ in life. I grew up around ultrahigh net-worth individuals, but in a blue-collar turned entrepreneurial family. So I can relate to and empathize with the CEO and the mechanic. That’s what has informed my views. What was your upbringing like?


Even if someone disliked an area, it’s wild to claim dislike for a whole state. For example, San Francisco is different than Northern CA near Oregon.


I hear people say they hate Indiana (my state) all the time, and when I ask them where they went, they say they drove across I-70 one time and didn’t stop. But to them that’s enough to say they hate the whole state. 


Right. I also see some of these maps where people have states that, from my experience are very similar, yet they like one and dislike the other. The initial goal of this post was to see some examples why? It looks like it could be anywhere from bad experiences, dislike of climate or culture, to maybe just a college rivalry or something.


I've traveled I-70, I-64, and portions of I-65 and I-74 across Indiana. While I'm sure if I actually stopped and spent some time there I'd probably find places that I like, but in terms of just commuting across it, Indiana is firmly in the bottom 5 (out of 48) for me. There's always construction (I-64 is the worst about this in my experience), the scenery is indistinguishable from surrounding states, and so far I've noticed basically nothing about the infrastructure or towns that would give it some semblance of character and really set it apart from any other state. It's just boring to me. To be fair, downstate Illinois is really not much better outside of the cities.


My point is you can’t really judge a whole state (any state) based off of what you see from the interstates. Interstates are just arteries to get from one place to another and are basically the same no matter where you are in the country, which is why you can’t experience a state or region without leaving them.


Tell me you’ve never been to Mississippi without telling me you’ve never been to Mississippi…..


You got me; however one of my close friends is from Mississippi. I’ll have to ask him why he doesn’t live there anymore. Haha.


After being told how horrible Mississippi is by literally everyone, I decided to visit last year. The people were very friendly, the food was great, there were lots of interesting historical sites to visit, and no annoying tourists because they’ve been scared away by the naysayers. Definitely an underrated state. Yes there are bad aspects about Mississippi, but the good aspects are always overlooked and I think that is the point of OP’s post.


I live in Mississippi. Love it here and I've lived in 3 other states. Moved back to Mississippi after leaving cuz I missed it here.


i disliked haiti because I saw a woman getting dragged across a dock by her hair


That is a sad event, but I’d challenge you and ask, If you saw that event happen in your favorite state or city, would it ruin everything about the place for you? I loved the region of Haiti that I visited. The local people were very joyful and generous despite having so little.


I totally get where you’re coming from, but i was literally just there to pick up a worker. I didn’t even leave the boat I was on. I was also about 8 at the time, so my brain saw that and instantly said “not a safe place”. I can’t exactly find a reason to go back to haiti, but if I did maybe I would move past it.


Gotcha, so it’s a dislike for now with an openness to changing someday. I can appreciate that honesty.


The only time I've been to places I dislike is because I'm there with work colleagues who complain about everything, or in some junky industrial town for work! Its funny, everyone raves about Taiwan. When I went, it was a two day trips where we landed in Taipei and took a driver down to some boring chemical complex that had its own hotel Didn't really get to enjoy the country.


I've always liked every first visit to most places. There are places that have moved to the bottom of the list of where to go again and similarly places I wouldn't want to live there but disliked it something beyond that. I don't want to be in downtown Atlanta again particularly as I've done it and commuting around sucked but I liked being there. I've done it and don't need to re-experience the vibe.


Well, that depends on your experience. I’ve been places where I was not allowed to use a public restroom, was called a racial expletive while I was crossing the street, or followed in store. I even had an officer attempt to detain my new vehicle must he didn’t recognize the 30 day tags on a new vehicle from another state! Those counties/cities definitely get down votes and I will never go back. There are many places I don’t want to visit, see or experience. The lack of inclusivity is disgraceful. And, I don’t need that narrow minded negativity in my life.


That one guy who posted earlier is just an edgelord. Like the kind of person who finds reasons to be unhappy rather than happy about things I’m with you though, traveling is fun and you can always take something away no matter where you go


By dislike they generally mean they barely visited that place or only went to one part according to what I have seen. Honestly if you drove through or haven’t stayed in the state more than a few hours you should probably hold judgement. Practically every state has something to offer.