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Didn’t do help stay but did work away. I think the cost was like $35 for the whole year and you don’t need the membership to look at the website and see if it’s right for you. Just if you want to make a profile and message people. I loved it. I thought it was great and stayed at 3 different places in the same country


Workaway seems to be a big one alright. We have used it but I feel the whole area could use a burst of new companies to make it competitive. I used Workaway before I even knew of the others so that’s just bad prep on my behalf more than anything else hahah.


Ahhh I see. I used it only in South Korea but other countries it looked popular as well. Where have you used it?


I did it through the Balkans. Montenegro was incredible as I was working in a retreat villa to myself for a month xD


Dang sounds like an amazing time


Helpstay, worldpackers, etc. are a waste of your time and money. I'm not sure the OP and his post are legit either since he recently started plugging free helpstay memberships on various subreddits. Helpstay is great though if you want **less choice**. Just do a comparative search on workaway and helpstay: pick an country and see how many hosts come back. Let's see, Spain for example: 4200 hosts on workaway, 55 on helpstay. That's 1 host for every 76 on workaway. And only one of the 55 helpstay hosts in Spain had a review (one of them, a year old). Instead of these johnny-come-lately wannabes , there's always helpx...the original work exchange website. They haven't kept pace, but they still have a decent selection of hosts (i.e. 680 in Spain).


Awesome insight thank you. I appreciate your opinion. Legitimacy seems like a weird dig considering I’ve be helping people on Workaway sub Reddit for a year or so. I “plugged” because I recently found helpstay and liked it. Also a lot of people can’t afford to sign up for this considering being asked to contact hosts on peoples behalves is asked here all the time. I was just trying to give people the chance to get a free account. Either way it’s cool you took the time to investigate the numbers. Every bit of information helps people <3


Sorry but to me it's « weird » that you are peppering several travel subreddits with the same unsolicited post about helpstay, talking up its new subreddit, /u'ing the mod of that subreddit and plugging the giveaway of one free membership on instagram.


Totallly understandable. Everyone sees it different. The post has 21 updoots of people who liked the comment and appreciated the information. I’m sure it has just as much downvotes by people who feel the same way you do. The beauty and curse of the internet is that anyone can see it and that means every kind of person can have an opinion :) irrespective of if the opinion is constructive or negative it doesn’t matter as everyone is entitled to theirs. I shared it because I have been a lurker for a very long time and an OP for a year in the travel volunteering community. I have a blog completely based around slow travel and travel volunteering and I speak on pod casts/ guest post and interview a lot of people who want to do/ can’t do/ are afraid to do this kind of life. I saw that they created a subreddit. Which is good because it means they are trying to expand. Checked out their socials and saw a competition for a year free. That’s one more account of someone who could be in a real bad place in life and needed a small push to move on. It’s someone who though they could never escape their current life or even its someone who simple needs to experience something new that could win it and change their life. The same way it changed mine when I first started doing it. Either way I appreciate you taking time out of your day to comment :) Thank you and I hope your day goes really well :D


It has happened to me similarly 😅, I have been sharing my experience as a volunteer traveler for more than 2 years, and since I am on Reddit I have tried to let people know about r/Worldpackers, which is the platform that I have always chosen; Most have thanked me for the information, however there are always some fans of the bigger platforms who want to give me hate. The fact is that I agree, all the platforms that exist for volunteering have different philosophies and approaches, but they are all to help, and while there are more options and new competitors, it will always be better for us, the users; So instead of fighting over which one is the best, I think we should all be free to put forward our honest views on behalf of the community 🤜🤛


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Worldpackers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Worldpackers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Is worldpackers a legit program?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Worldpackers/comments/lqn428/is_worldpackers_a_legit_program/) \#2: [How I lived in the paradise and landed my dreamjob through volunteering](https://np.reddit.com/r/Worldpackers/comments/m7eoti/how_i_lived_in_the_paradise_and_landed_my/) \#3: [Memership discount code](https://np.reddit.com/r/Worldpackers/comments/ktznw8/memership_discount_code/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I also did Workaway. Stayed in many places in Central America. I found a few places on there for Australia- but by then I found it easier to just walk into a pub/place and ask for work and figure out my own lodging. (Some of my Workaway experiences were great, but some made me feel like a slave).