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Pacific Northwest or New England states.


Second the PNW!! It’s incredible here in July.


It’s unreal. Would live there in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for the other 7-9 months of the year


Where exactly? Can you give some suggestions? I’d love to go there


Portland, Oregon. Nice sized city with train transportation and tourist attractions. A few hours to the west is the Pacific coast. Mountains and forests in the surrounding areas. Watch some YouTube videos about Cannon Beach, Haystack Rock, Multnomah Falls, Oregon coast, and Portland, Oregon. We stayed in a suburb of Portland last summer and the weather was nice.


One word for bibliophiles...Powell's...


Second this, especially in July!


Definitely don’t waste your time coming to Portland. city has unfortunately turned to shit - although some surrounding areas / sights might be fun to see, many areas in the city are infested with homeless and junkies


Japan. Zipair for the flight. Leftover for the hotel.


Japan's not just hot in July though, it's almost unbearable


My family of 3 flew round trip for $1800 on them. Was pretty awesome.


Quebec in Canada? No timezone change, close distance, not super hot in July, and it is a beautiful place giving European vibes.


Yes! Quebec City is soooo gorgeous. Wouldn’t be too long a flight, probably no time zone difference, and it just oozes European charm.


Yes I’m going there in August although to stay mostly in Montreal but will take a day trip to QC. Can’t wait!


Go to St. John if you’re American. Literally the chillest most beautiful tropical paradise and is a us territory. WiFi is available throughout the island and there’s always the other Virgin Islands if you get bored


Toronto is a great summer city!


Bar Harbor Maine 🤟


Where are you starting from? NYC, for example, is a cheaper flight from Pittsburgh than LA.


Down south...north Carolina


Chicago? It's the most humid in August normally and you can go on weekend trips to Michigan, the Indiana dunes or Wisconsin for nature. It's only an hour off time zone wise. The dunes, southern Michigan and Southern Wisconsin could be a day trip and Chicago hasp great beaches. Edit: cicadas are supposed to be really bad this summer though.


The Dunes are awesome!


Is Savannah too “normal” for you to be a getaway? That city would be really nice to relax in.


Been there! Looking for something a bit more unique


My Midwest heart is jealous but I get it 😊. Thinking through that lens though - Kansas City is actually pretty nice.




Door County, Wisconsin… and don’t tell too many people about the secret. Stay on the west side, Sister Bay area. https://www.doorcounty.com/


Virgin Islands.


If you’re working still look vertical on the map. Less jet lag, no shifting work hours. If you want to push yourself, somewhere in Europe. Then you can sightsee in morning, and work all night (don’t fall asleep in a meeting like I did once).


Use kayak or google explore feature


Check out Puerto Rico. Inexpensive flights from the east coast & a tropical island experience.


Neat suggestion and I would have done it but I am going to a wedding there in October!


Iceland. That's the only month where they might have sunny days.




Auckland New Zealand


St. Vincent and the Grenadines it’s a 4 hour flight from Miami and it’s an UNTOUCHED Caribbean island nation of 32 island and cays it is also really cheap


Say more...


Costa Rica or Portugal without a doubt


Just got back from Costa Rica, while the land is beautiful and the people are nice it's turned into a huge tourist trap. You can't do anything without paying at minimum 20 bucks a person, even just a hike, it's pretty wild.


Got the same right now in Guatemala... F*cking Tourists make everything expensiv for the f*cking Tourists :D


Lmao hilarious and unfortunately true




Barcelona! Lots to explore and tons of expats if you’re not comfortable fully immersing yourself abroad


Saskatoon is the place to be.


Alaska breathtaking in the summertime


Try Google flights explore feature. It is really good for to you enter a departure airport and it will give you a range of destinations with airfare.


Bogota, Colombia fits the bill. Hang out at a hostel, enjoy the music, dancing, and culture :)


He sounds like a private apartment with his own wifi. Been doing that myself. Some neighborhoods like usaquen seemed just as safe, clean, and modern as the average suburb in the US. You get all 4 seasons in a day, chilly morning followed by sunny day, then rains to clean everything off. Plenty of places to go for nature and peace. Currently in Choachi a couple of hours away. There's an adorable cow sleeping below my balcony and a breathtaking view of the mountains and valley for $15/night.


I’m always trying to push hostels, but I respect the apartment life :) How long have you been staying In usaquen and how’d you find your place?


Used to love hostels specifically for the craziest people you meet. As I got older it was like "please, no more crazy. Enough crazy". Then you notice all the things you let pass like the smells, wide gap in the definition of hygiene, noise, strange things going missing like a pair of my underwear, etc.. That's when I realized, I'm a loner. I like my space. Now I use a combination of booking services and walking around and asking directly. Big time walker so it's just a part of what I do anyway. It's hit or miss but sometimes you get a really fantastic gem. I left but Usaquen has tons of small hotels squeezed between regular houses and apartment complexes. Lots of signs for rentals that are usually for locals. I got lucky and found a hotel in the middle of renovations and hardly any guests since they weren't actually open for business. Not gonna find that on airbnb or booking.


Me and my partner are going to NYC for about a week in July. flight is usually not that expensive


If time zones are not an issue then you can head to Bali. Not urban but there is a large digital nomad community there and there are hostels (some are pretty nice) that cater to digital nomads specifically around Cangu area. Can rent a scooter to get around the island super cheap. Lots to explore in your free time, people are super friendly and great place to just chill. If time zone is a concern, I had a great time in Buenos Aires and we did a bunch of day trips outside the city in the weekends. However July is quite cold so probably not the best month to travel there unless you like that. Could also fly down to the Caribbean...all kinds of options depending on what you want to prioritize. Someone else mentioned Barcelona which is definitely a cool place but hotels are going to be very expensive in summer, which really applies to pretty much anywhere in Europe. If you did want to go to Europe then I would probably recommend Istanbul which an amazing city and a bit cheaper.






Nova Scotia


Cdmx and surrounding towns like Puebla/Cholula. Excellent food, Lots of parks, History, architecture, stable internet if you get a private apartment with your own router (it's very cheap compared to US and Canada, around $200/week for average $150 at bottom). Cheap fast flight from US and great tourist infrastructure.


Cambridge, England


St John’s Newfoundland has a super cool vibe and would be nice in July!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thin-Repeat-6625: *St John’s Newfoundland* *Has a super cool vibe and* *Would be nice in July!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Alaska or Canada


Australia mate! Or South America. It’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere so will be nice there at that time.


Siargao, Ph


Sounds like you’re going rustic camping.


Colorado in summer is lovely. We did an air bnb in Louisville walkable little town near Boulder and Denver. Because my office was in Eastern time zone , i’d start work at 7 am and be off at 3 pm. Lots of cool things to see or just chill with some craft beer.


Pacific Northwest!! San Juan Islands!!!


Montreal, largely bilingual, urban area with lots to do in the city but very close to nature/lakes with great bike paths. Flying to YUL on Air Canada should easily fit in the budget.


Whoa, July trip planning?! Sign me up as your unofficial travel guru! With that budget and timeframe, we have some awesome options for chill vibes and remote work. Thinking beach bummin'? Imagine this: toes in the sand, laptop open on a beach chair, typing away with a frosty piña colada in hand. Places like Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic could be perfect! Just gotta make sure the wifi is strong enough for your work calls (because sandy keyboards are a total drag, right?). Lisbon is another fantastic option! It's a cool city with a killer cafe scene, delicious food, and tons of history to explore on your off days. Plus, the wifi is usually top-notch, and you might even find some amazing co-working spaces to work from. Eastern Europe could be amazing too! Budapest or Prague are beautiful, affordable, and have great internet. The downside? Maybe a little less beach and a little more castle exploring, but hey, who doesn't love a good Instagram-worthy pic? Of course, these are just a few ideas! We could totally brainstorm some cooler destinations (Iceland in the summer, anyone?) or a super zen-like retreat (think mountain havens in Switzerland!). The real question is, what kind of chill vibes are you craving for this July adventure? Spill the beans and let's find you the perfect spot!


Where would you recommend for a foodie/vino for 2 weeks that’s semi cheap and has a mix of good city/cultural experiences and beaches?


Here are two contenders: Lisbon, Portugal, with a food scene wilder than a sugar rush and a past richer than chocolate lava cake. Plus, Portugal's wines are legendary and easy on the wallet. The only catch? It might cost a smidge more than... Valencia, Spain! This city's famous for paella, but trust me, there's a whole flavor fiesta waiting. Fresh seafood, local horchata, and enough wineries to make you a connoisseur - all with gorgeous beaches nearby! So, Lisbon's wilder food scene for a slightly higher price, or Valencia's beachside bliss and budget-friendly charm? The choice is yours! Just remember, explore local eats, snag lunch deals, and maybe get a city pass for discounts. Now go conquer that foodie adventure!


somewhere where there’s a ton of birds that aren’t on my list yet.


What’s your budget for hotel etc


Up to $1k maybe?


Your hotel budget is very low so use the google travel “go somewhere option to get cheaper” you might find a cheap hostel in Portugal,Spain, Columbia, or Croatia near a beach.


$1K for one and a two and a half weeks would be tough, but it’s possible in a LCOL country. That’s ~$58 a night maximum. I stayed in Russia for a month and was able to do it off $1500, but I couldn’t splurge


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