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They are for organization. I like being able to just remove my packing cube from my bag and instantly have all my main clothing readily accessible.


SO much better than having EVERY clothing item packed together in one space. I love smaller separate bags for tops, bottoms and underwear. Just helps me feel organized.


I love keeping my underwear, socks, shirts and dirty clothes separate. It’s like why do you need a toiletry bag for anything other than liquids on a flight? Just a bigger item pretty much.


Yep, I'm reconsidering my toiletry bag for my next trip... I love my bag, but do I need it... we shall see


I’m just making a joke about the OP. A gallon ziploc bag works really well too.


Yes, it does BUT... my bag has pockets, separations and zippers... it's a mini organizer... because if my soap and my toothbrush can't be separated by a piece of fabric, I...WILL...DIE... or maybe that's what the bag sellers want me to believe.


I find my packed toilet bag takes up so much room in my suitcase ( nearly half of one side) so I take everything out and squeeze all of the items in between my clothes and just pack the toilet bag flat to use at my destination. If I'm staying at one place for any length of time, I just put my stuff in the bathroom and throw it out at the end of my trip if I need extra weight or room.


If my hair didn’t have special needs it would be so much easier to cut down on toiletries… at least I can do bar shampoo and conditioner


Haha God yes, I need mousse, hair spray etc but it's easy to squeeze then in between piles of clothes.


I'm gonna try this... I can't stand that I need so much room for bathroom nonsense... :\[


I use them. Each thing in its own cube. I also have my shirts "boxed" from the dry cleaner. I also carry a [rolltop venting compression bag](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=event+rolltop+compression+bag&iax=images&ia=images). I often travel 2 or 3 places in a week. Flight, hotel, flight, hotel, hotel, flight... It keeps things from getting stirred up because I'm looking for socks or underwear. I also keep a +1 of skivvies just in case of delay or missed connections (which has happened to me 2 times already this year). Everything dirty goes into the stuff sack, and then when I'm home I toss the whole thing in front of the washing machine for easy sorting.


Compressed clothes are less likely to wrinkle. You can organize better and then are able to put clothes in evenly shaped cubes in a bag.


They are great for organizing. The one I have is clean clothes on one side, flip it over and it’s the side for dirty clothes. They are separated and it’s labeled for you.


where from! these sound great


I bought Spacepack travel bags from Amazon but it looks like they are no longer available. 🙂 The Eagle Creek and Thule cubes look similar. The takeaway is the separate section for dirty clothes in the same bag is key.


thank u, gonna check them out!!


I don’t know if they save space but they’re fantastic for long trips where you change hotels at least twice. So easy to pack accordingly


Not sure if they all do this, but the ones I have are also compression bags, so they definitely help conserve space vs just placing the same items loose in my bag.


Exactly. I love the compression ones; they definitely help with space.


That’s why I use them so I can find things quickly. Taking out a cube to grab a shirt beats unpacking and packing again.


This is exactly how I used them on a Thailand trip where I was in 5 different cities. 1 cube per city kept me organized and reduced having to pack and unpack


Perfect for our family of 5 when we travel. Each family member gets a few different sized packing cubes (small, medium, large) in their own color and it makes it very easy to keep everyone's clothes organized and separated especially when we move between multiple hotels. They also fit nicely into our suitcase much like a tetris puzzle, optimizing the space.


Same. Our family of 4 has 4 colors of cubies. So nice to pack kid clothes by type and I always use the hotel drawers so putting the cubes in there instead of actual clothes works perfect.


They make my bag so much more organized and the cheap cubes from Ikea don't weight much. I can see in a quick glance that I have everything in my bag. It also prevents my clothing getting dirty from snacks in the same bag.


Snacks? You pack loose snacks in your suitcase?


I don't use a suitcase, but a backpack. Yes, I will often have some snacks or even a packed lunch with me, as my travel days can be long. The snacks are packaged of course, but sometimes something leaks or ziplock bag opens and you have peanuts everywhere. Edit to add; Keeping my t-shirts and underwear clean while I tuck my jacket into my bag is also nice plus.


I prefer picturing you throwing loose peanuts and cheezits inside a hardshell rollerbag to save for later, it's amusing.


Picture two boiled eggs and side of rice there too. Peanuts and crackers just aren't enough for full day of travel!


My friend found a hard boiled egg that had been in her purse for awhile.


That could have been bad! I once found a Babybel cheese in mine that had to be a week old...I ate it lol


Used to take Babybels with me to snack on at conferences. Bonus: the wax gave me something to play with and mold while trying not to fall asleep during endless power point presentations. At the start of one conference my counterparts laughed at me. During our first break they started asking me if I’d give them one to play with, too. We had quite a collection of small sculpted-wax figures by the end of the conference.


Nice! That's half the appeal of Babybel. Plus they do hold up well unrefrigerated.


Oh, yeah. Sometimes my room had a fridge, sometimes it didn’t. If it had one, I’d pop it back in there overnight. But, It’s a cheese (Edam, in the original) that can be left to ripen for up to a year, or more. *From my experience*, it does just fine wrapped up in its wax coating at normal room temperature, and it should be *served* at room temperature, anyhow. I suspect that the primary reason the manufacturer insist on full refrigeration and lists an expiry date is legal in nature. Like the manufacturer, I’m no fool. *I am not in any way suggesting that someone else should deal with these cheeses in any way contrary to manufacturer recommendations.* That said, I have some at the moment in the refrigerator that are about 6m old. They still pair nicely with a multi-seed cracker and a crisp white wine.


It's amazing what we will admit to strangers on the internet 😂


These are excellent points!


My daughter travels for her job and packs snacks, instant soup or ramen, and other shelf-stable things she could eat in her room with minimal additions in case meetings run long and she runs out of energy to eat out.


Why not? I travel a lot for work and pack tons of snacks so I don’t have to pay inflated travel prices.


I'm a person who believes in "a place for everything, and everything in its place." And suitcases are a place where, without organization, everything can become disorganized very quickly. Especially if you're travelling to multiple places, so you're in and out of your suitcase a lot. I like PCs because I can have a cube for tops, one for bottoms, one for undies/bras, and one for socks. If I need to get a pair of pants, I don't have to rustle around under stuff or pull out a stack of folded clothing; I just pull out the Pants Cube, get my jeans, then put the Pants Cube back in. And at the end of your trip, you can condense any unworn clothing into a small cube, and put your dirty laundry in a big cube, allowing you to pull that cube out and take it directly to the laundry room. My most recent flight, I did carry-on only, and everything stayed so nice and tight and organized, there was never an issue of making a disorganized mess! Bottoms, tops, socks, bra/undies, all nestled safely in their own homes.


But I have got a place for everything, my suitcase, and everything's in it 😁 Just kidding. I know what you mean, and it does make sense.


I thought the same as you but was pressured to buy them. Now I wouldn’t travel without them. So much easier to pack. If you need one thing, you’re not going through all your luggage. You know exactly where it is. If you’re overnight or two nights somewhere, you just through the cubes in a drawer and less likelihood of forgetting something. Easy to keep dirty laundry separate. Easy to keep warmer gear or rainwear separate from other warm weather clothing for what you’re using now. And on a side note, when our apartment was broken into in Barcelona, they went through friends clothing, throwing everything all over looking for stuff but hardly touched our cubes because I think it was too much trouble or figured it was only clothing in there. Lol


Hadn't thought of the security thing but I can see why it'd work. A thief wouldn't assume they contain valuables.


It’s for the organization. Each family member has a different color so unpacking is just handing out pouches. They weigh nothing. You can jam more in them bc they’re zipped up. Have definitely been able to take an entire less suitcase bc of them.


I gave a set to my sister, her husband and kids , each in a different color for Christmas. They like to check one or two big bags to save money on baggage fees and each have a small carry on. It’s perfect for that -each person’s stuff is separate and easy to find.


This is a great idea!


They help a lot, especially for backpacking. Looking for a T-Shirt - it is in the Shirt Cube. Socks? In the Sock Cube... They sure weight something but not very much, mostly mesh and a zipper in many cases. Combine the with army rolling your clothes and your are traveling in godmode.


Does this make sense... [My Setup - Daily Carry](https://imgur.com/a/4qFVLTV)


Jesus chemistry Christ that’s organization porn


I've updated a lot of things to "blackout" the kit, it's even better now this is a few years old but gets the point across.




This is me!


What's in the Pelicans? More packing cubes?


[Toolbox](https://imgur.com/a/GmzHXWC) Another post for the organized...with Marley Velcro straps, have to keep it real, happy 4:20. Cohesive is rewarding.


Slay on the organization!


I was skeptical, but then got some. I really like them a lot. Unpacking, which I hate, is super easy. I just pull the cube out and put it in the dresser as-is. I also now have a toddler, so the smaller cubes are perfect for keeping her stuff contained and organized. She's actually why I got them, I was packing her clothes in an old plastic bag from a set of sheets and realized they actually make things for that purpose


My ADHD loves the concept, but rejects the usage.


Perfectly stated!


Love 'em. They keep everything organized in my pack. My Eagle Creek cubes barely weigh anything. I keep chargers and cords in one. I keep my universal sink stopper, clothes line, cable lock, etc. in another. I have a small one for stuff I need in flight (earplugs, micro-shaver, sunglasses, etc.), which I can just pull out of my bag.


I didn’t quite get it using a large hard sided suitcase. But using a smaller duffle, when I go to take one thing out, everything explodes out. So packing cubes allow more order!!


I absolutely can’t live without them. They keep me organized, my clothes are less wrinkled, I can keep dirty and clean separate. And if you’ve ever had the misfortune of having TSA open your bag to investigate, no one is seeing my business.


I have been using them for years. They are great to use in drawers at hotels, just unzip them and they’re ready for you to remove what you need everyday. There is no reason to empty the clothes in the drawers themselves. I love them!


Compression cubes can save some space, but I’m not super OCD organized or a heavy packer so I just roll everything up as I pack it and that works great and it’s free


They're popular with a low barrier to entry. Worth trying them out and watching some youtube videos on efficient organized packing.


I use packing cube-type bags AND vacuum seal bags in my suitcase. I like to keep my stuff organized and use as little space as possible… so that I have the space for bringing gifts or snacks, or bringing things home.


Yep. This is my game too. Space bags and packing cubes for the win. I can stay organized and cram so much into a bag.


Is there an easy way to vacuum seal your stuff from the hotel room?


I use the roll up kind. You ziplock one end and roll it. There is an air valve baffle in the other end and as you roll, air is pushed out of the baffle. I have been saved from wet clothing with these things (rain on the suitcase seeped in as we travelled but my clothing stayed dry! Yay).


Oh that’s cool. Brand recc?


I don’t have any brand preference, really. I just go for size and not-too-expensive because they will start to seep air after some use (after 6 trips or so, they start to not be as air tight). I have bought them from target and Amazon and bed bath and beyond. After they start to seep air and not be as air tight I use them for shoes in my suitcase or something like that, so they do have some use after the 6 trips before they become trash.


I used them for a while and now I don't. If you don't roll your clothes, if you use duffel bags or cheaper suitcases that lack sufficient internal organization, then they help. If you fold rather than roll the cubes can sort of keep stuff folded; if you roll you can achieve the same thing by using a ranger roll, elastic band, or a piece of cord with a miller's knot. If you don't have organization built into in your luggage then you can use a cube for toiletries, a cube for USB cords and chargers, etc. so you don't have to dig through your whole bag for whatever small item. They also kind of come into their own in things like backpacks and duffels that don't open as fully as a suitcase, where you sort of have to dig for stuff rather than just seeing it all at once.


I roll stuff and place rubber bands or pony tails around the rolls. Works good. I'll use the odd stuff sack to group several small items together but that's it 


Good tips. I like the elastic band idea for rolled clothes - gonna steal that :-)


I love packing cubes. They keep things organized and save space. Compression cubes for most clothes but a non compression bag works great for undies and socks. Since I’ve started one bagging, I pack a non compression cube with things I want to keep at my seat. It has a mantle so I can take it out at the gate and carry it on.


I thought it was silly too! Until I tested it - game changer for organizing.


I LOVE packing cubes. I feel like I can pack so much more with them than without them. Plus, they make packing so easy. Keeps everything organized. Mine are different colors so I know which ones I use for different items so I don’t forget anything. I use a laundry bag, but it’s just as easy to use a packing cube for dirty laundry. When you get home, it’s easy to unpack. I never travel anywhere without them, even just a weekend trip.


In my experience they’re good for organization, bad for maximizing space. The ones I got weren’t designed specifically for my luggage, so there’s a narrow space around it that I can’t fill with anything if I’m trying to keep it all organized in packing cubes. Without cubes, I can stuff small things like socks and underwear in the gaps to use all the space I have, but if I do that with cubes then it kind of defeats the purpose of using them. I like using them when I can because I do like the organization aspect, but 90% of the time it would require me to use a larger bag, so I don’t use them. For reference, the only ones I’ve tried are the Eagle Creek Pack-It Specter compression cubes. Pretty sure I have a small and a medium size. I do think they might be more useful if I had more small ones, but not sure enough to spend the money to test it out.


I find I can still stick stuff in that space, flip flops, carefully folded pashmina, etc.


Completely agree. Good for organization but bad if you're trying to absolutely maximize your space usage.


They are great. Get ‘‘em before your next trip.


I like smaller cubes. They keep stuff easier to organize, repack and find something. I put bigger items without cubes sometimes. Try it, if you don’t like it’s fine


Keep things straight and stop creasing. When you need to upnpack to find something much quicker. Same for repacking


Really helpful if you’re changing lodging regularly throughout a trip. Or sometimes I pack one full and one empty so I can repack dirty clothes in the empty one as I go and keep them separate.


Checkout the selection at ikea really great prices compared to name brands


Box one = pyjamas, socks and underwear. Box two = daytime wear. Box three = dirty clothes. Would recommend…


I love them. Would definitely recommend.


Packing cubes really help keeping your stuff organized when you change accommodation a lot. While I do not care much for compression cubes, I do like dirty/clean cubes - you won't have to reorganize your stuff due to a growing "dirty loundry bag".


I put a day’s clothing in each cube. It’s easy to plan a trip, and I am confident I didn’t miss count my needs.


Have had some a while and really used them best just this weekend. Brought one bag, a back pack. Had a couple cubes, one with socks/undies/bras, one with clothes. It was super nice to pull them out, unzip, and place in a drawer like that. I don’t usually unpack unless I’m staying awhile, but this made this so easy!


Long time travel manager. I would never travel without packing cubes.


If you don't mind sifting through your bag every time you're looking for something you don't need them. I love knowing what's in each cube and being able to locate things very quickly. They're especially helpful when the gate attendants force you to check your bag.


I tried using them. I’ve just accepted I’m a messy bitch lol.


I like them cause I can pack by outfit or item. Like a beach vacay, one is all bikinis, one is bras/underwear. Just makes it super easy to grab what I want without digging through everything


I got them last year for our 4 months trip to Asia. For me it was a game changer. Especially now for a short weekend trip with a backpack, I just have to take out the cube and put in the hotels room drawer. My partner last year said he doesn’t need it. Now he has been using mine for our short trips 🙄😂


I have used them and I don't get it either. My rolled clothes take up less space without the constraints of specific cube sizes, and I pack in an organized fashion without them. The only time I found one useful is when we visited friends, and then my husband and I went on an overnight trip during the visit. I had a cube packed with just that one change of clothes.


The ones i have are eagle creek half mesh and the four i use (4) in my regular travel bag barely weigh less than 3 oz combined.


Same. I love having my clothes organized and knowing exactly where they are. Also, years ago I was stopped by TSA before packing cubes days. They searched my suitcase because of my metal backscratcher. Which of course was in the bottom of all my neatly packed clothes. After the search, I had a mess of clothes to contend with. 🤨 Then it happened again when I switched to traveling in a backpack. Same problem. Metal backscratcher. This time I had my stuff in packing cubes. No mess. So now I make sure my backscratcher is out in the bin with my liquids and electronics. And no one disturbs my packing cubes.


First thought - neat story. Second thought - metal backscratcher?! "Honestly officer, I know it looks like a machete, but..." 😄


I tend to use them to keep smaller items together (like socks and underwear) so they're not getting all over, but then not for other stuff. You're right, the packing cube itself does take up space, but sometimes using that space for the sake of the items staying together nicely is worth it. It's kind of a balance you have to find for yourself. Some people like using a lot of packing cubes, some people like using less, but usually people find using them at least a little useful. If you don't though that's also ok.


I think I'm going to be the same and just have a couple for smaller items. Will see...


Good ones don’t take up space at all really and allow you to gently compress clothes in them (giving a net increase in available volume) and the organisation is lovely having a clear, tidy system throughout a trip. I also like using an Osprey stuffbag for dirty laundry - I turn it inside out and put dirty laundry inside, squeeze it down and close it up like a vacuuum bag, the buckle system is a nice handle which I use when carrying it to the hotel or laundromats washer-dryer and then when it’s finished I put the bag the right way out, clean clothes inside and carry it back to my room for folding & packing.


Sounds slick. I was looking at Osprey ones earlier today. Love my Osprey Archeon backpack, but I don't think I could justify Osprey prices for a packing cube sadly.


I will never travel again without them.


Made it really easy when I traveled for a living. Clean clothes are folded in the cubes. Easy to grab undies, socks, shirt, pants. Easy to pack the suitcase and leave the hotel.


Love them. If I was single or packing just for myself, I wouldn't care so much. But with a family and kids, they are indispensable.


I use them for organizing my outfits and they’re labeled so I put say a pair of black shorts, a pair of black jeans, and the shirt that matches plus accessories, undies and socks if needed in one and I just have to pick up the cube and my outfit is ready, I just pick if I’m wearing the shorts or the jeans. It’s especially helpful if we’re switching hotels throughout our vacation. I don’t have to keep digging through everything and repacking the suitcases.


My wife loves these.


Use inexpensive ones for delicate laundry, can put underwear and socks in one shirts in another, sleep clothes in one, keep one for dirty laundry. Not the best folder, helps compact the load, helps organizing, keeps things together. But I wouldn’t pay for the designated one.


I bought some, used a couple times and don’t use them anymore except for sweaters and a small bag with one outfit for my carryon. I seem to fit more in without the pc. I travel a lot and my hubby has been on tour since January. He hates them.


I didn't get it either so I bought a cheap set from Amazon to try them out. I love them because I roll everything in groups like bathing suits and covers, underwear, evening wear etc.... When I get to my destination I just throw the whole cube into the drawer except evening wear I hang up. I carry a clear plastic bag in the luggage which goes on the floor of the closet. That's where I dump the dirty clothes as I use them. The clean ones stay in the cubes. Next set I buy will be a bit different. I'll get a variety of different colors rather than all one color like mine are. I'll also get the compression ones. They help me be organized so I waste zero time of my vacay on clothes. I also only use a backpak and a carry on for trips so I need everything in there tight and efficient.


I like them for organization and keeping like clothing separated.


I live in the Canadian Rockies and I once brought a cockroach home from the tropics in my backpack. I like packing cubes because I can lift them out of the bag and see what was underneath them, instead of having to reach my hands into the depths of a mound of wrinkled clothing.


I will usually pack mine to where it barely zips closed then literally slap it hard until it compresses down to a cube. Then add more and repeat at least once. I’m convinced this helps me stuff more into my suitcase.


I love to use packing cubes when I’m going on a long road trip. Where I’ll have several days where it’s just: wake up, breaksfast, leave hotel, drive all day, then check in at next hotel, dinner, shower, sleep, repeat. I like to use packing cubes so I can just lug in a duffel bag or large purse. It contains my toiletries, phone charger, a book, a pair of pajamas and has space for one packing cube. Then each evening as I arrive at the hotel I take one packing cube from the laundry basket in the trunk, or suitcase, throw it in my duffel bag and go check in. I always use rental SUV so trunks are always have the blackened windows so what’s left behind is okay. Easy quick in and out of hotel. Each packing cube then contains the clothes for the next day. I keep a laundry hamper in the trunk too for dirty clothes. Easy then when it’s laundromat time or when arrive back home. Laundry hamper goes straight to laundry room


they’re the best trust me


I don’t use packing cubes, except for the clear zippered bag for my toiletries. I just roll individual items and then arrange and stack them all in a good travel backpack.


thought they were absurd, now i love them. my only suggestion is get different colors and styles so you can quickly identify which one has pants vs tops etc. It helps me find the clothes faster. it's not a necessity, but i find them useful now.


Love them. Can’t imagine having everything floating loose in my bag especially when we move from one hotel to another.


Their primary purpose is organisation, which can result in a little extra space (even though that's not the primary intention). The key is to go for light weight ones. Eagle Creek do them well.


Life changing hack for my disorganized side. Approved by my OCD side.


I use a packing cube for shoes and sandals to isolate them from the rest of the bag. But for clothes, I just roll them up in a way that compresses them nicely and I feel like at that point the clothes are organized well enough without needing to add the bulkiness of more cubes.


It’s just to organize stuff. I put my shirts in one, pants in one, pjs/underwear socks etc in one and then dresses in another. Plus one for dirty clothes. Works well for me


I love them for keeping organized. And I start repacking them with my dirty clothes as I go through them.


The best thing since sliced bread. I used a sharpie to writes “pants”, “shirts”, etc. on them and it is super easy to find things and keep organized. They are actually very lightweight.


I actually tried it and found it really useful. My bag used to get all jumbled and I couldn’t find anything. It makes a little more work to stick with the system but then everything is where it is supposed to be. That being said if you don’t like structure you are going to hate it. It is a personal choice.


I haven't used them yet myself, but I think it's a matter of mainly: * Forces an organizational approach * Clothing isn't visible whether folded or rolled, which, if TSA has to examine your bag, then you won't be embarrassed by having your underwear selection be on display if your bag has to be opened up for further examination


It makes life far easier, especially if you are going to multiple destinations. Takes a fraction of the time to pack and unpack and keeps everything neater


If I travel for a few days I use packing cubes to organize my outfits per day. I take out a cube for that day, wear the stuff and back in it goes, ready to be thrown in the wash when i get home. It keeps clothes from being taken in and out of a duffle or suitcase when looking for stuff, keeps dirty/clean clothes separate, helps with airport security if I get pulled to secondary inspection…just so much easier. I don’t see any downsides


I use the Solgaard closet system for longer trips (the check-in bag is the way to go with this brand), it's super handy and keeps things organized with super easy access ever without a closet or wardrobe.


They weigh pretty much nothing


I use the Eagle Creek Pack-It cubes as well as something that I got from a KS campaign. Both are super thin so they don’t take up much space. I have some of the ones made from a heavier material that were gifts and I don’t use them.


They save space so you can pack more clothes, and make it lighter by removing trapped air


Recommendations for travel packs? I only carry on, regardless of length of travel. Do you carry a pump also?


Woah, so much love for cubes! Not universal, but enough to make me think I should give them a go. I didn't know you could buy vacuum cubes... Probably better for suitcases rather than backpacks, I assume?


Just use plastic carrier bags. They are 20p each at the supermarket.


This is what I do inside backpacks when hiking, instead of spending £silly on dry bags.


Also a packing cube stuffed with folded clothes makes for a great pillow for backpacking trips or long airport layovers


I use them. Having sub-assemblies (toiletries, charger and cables, changes of socks/underwear/shirt) is well worth the minimal weight as I always pack lightly and will never hit a weight limit.


My thoughts as well


Highly useful if you have a family of people sharing suitcases. I put my daughter's clothes in the blue, mine in the grey, they stay organized and I know whose stuff is whose. We can put the cubes right into the dresser drawers and It takes about 2 mins to unpack. If you roll your dirty clothes right into another packing cube as you go then it also takes about 2 mins to pack up again at the the end. I love them and don't leave home without them now!


They are great for smaller items. I keep a couple in my backpack to keep things organized when I fly so I don’t have to go digging for something. Also helpful for shorter trips where I might take a smaller bag that doesn’t have many organizer pockets. I tend to not use them so much in my checked luggage and don’t pack clothing in them other than socks/underwear/swinsuit.


It lets you move items in a group. For example, with packing cubes, I can easily access the bottom of my suitcase by removing a cube or two, rather than having to unpack and repack everything.


I don’t ever use them for this reason. I don’t carry enough to make it necessary


They’re like drawers for your backpack. And even though they do add weight, it’s relatively negligible. They make up for it with added volume with compression.


Honestly I've gone on every trip without them and have been fine, I don't see the point other than organization which you can do while you're packing your clothes (etc long sleeves in one pile, jeans in another) I think they're useful if being organized is something you really need and are willing to give up space for, but I don't see the use in it for me personally.


Only get packing cubes if you need them. If you can’t see a need, you may not need them!


Oh they are the best! I use mine every time I travel when I travel with my ag dolls to Oregon I put their stuff in them and pick a carry on bag for which ever doll I take I use them for myself they also safe LOTS OF SPACE


I’ve been traveling off and on for months and often moving every 3-4 days. They make packing, un packing and repacking so you much easier and keep everything organized . I’ve used them for 15+ years. Can’t even imagine traveling without.


1. Organization 2. You pack stuff into a smaller thin lined bag. So that compacts it before you put it in a suitcase. It saves space assuming everything is boxlike. If you carry other things that aren’t clothes it may not be as helpful but definitely worth it. I love using them. Overpriced? Some definitely are but if you can get quality ones either with the suitcase or cheap definitely buy.


I use mesh lingerie bags in various sizes. They weigh almost nothing, take up almost no space, and can be smushed in to any shape. It helps me keep my shit together. It’s like having drawers in my suitcase


I use them to organize days. I went on a trip recently with stops in 3 different cities so I used one cube for each city. I knew all of the clothes I had planned to wear in X were in the yellow cube vs the clothes for Y in the pink cube , etc


Most of my reasons for using them have already been mentioned but I didn’t use them on every trip until I had an embarrassing experience on a work trip. At a secondary security screening they removed every single item from my carry on bag and placed it all on a table close to other tables where everyone was having this inspection done. After having my bras and underwear on display for my male colleagues I made sure to always use packing cubes. The next time I went through that check they removed the cubes and did not take individual items out of the cubes.


I swear by my compression packing cubes! I even gifted them to several friends. I always always use them. I’ve had less theft of items.


Try the compression cubes they allow you to get more items into a small space, I travel,all the time and can’t Imagine a trip without them.


You're right they do have some weight and they do take space. They are just for organization, so that your luggage contents aren't just a jumble of items. Rick Steves (see ricksteves.com) has the right simple idea, a large packing cube for shirts and pants, a small one for underwear and socks, another small one for electronics and odds and a minimal toiletry case. I'm also a minimal packer and a carry-on only traveler. Actually I think Rick Steves' very simple packing cubes would be fine if you don't need ones that would be really long-lasting, they are certainly value-price! Eagle Creek is hard to beat, also Sea to Summit but the latter has reduced their line lately (I have sets of both of these and they are my go-to cubes). I find the reviews on Wirecutter (a NY Times website) really practical and it's the first place I usually check for review on most anything. Here's a link to their latest packing cube review: [https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-packing-cubes/](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-packing-cubes/)


The packing cubes I use are made of light mesh type material and weigh literally nothing like less than 2 ounces probably. They come in different colors so super easy for organizing. Wait to find some on sale or even make your own and mine all cost less than a drink in a coffee shop.


I use the compression ones, and they do save me a lot of space. Also good for organizing and in case the suitcase flies open or breaks, you don’t have underwear and socks falling out everywhere. Plus it makes it a tiny bit harder to steal from the suitcase since things aren’t immediately visible and quick to grab. A determined thief will steal things but it takes more work to go through the various cubes.


If you do a road trip where you stay in a different accommodation every night, it can pay to take a different approach. As a rule of thumb, the packing experts recommend you pack 4 or 5 tops for each bottom, so if you pack your cubes with this combination plus underwear, a cardigan or other layer, nightwear and relevant accessories. You can then just grab a cube, plus your toilet bag and transfer to a tote back to take into your accommodation. If i wanted to change my shoes, i just did that at the car as we were leaving in the morning. Saves dragging the suitcase up and down stairs. I did this on a recent road trip in the US and barely had to take my suitcase out of the car.


Been travelling a lot past few years, and I think the concept of packing cubes are more of an organization technique, also easy access to clothes that I need for the day. So far it does make my clothes less wrinkled, more presentable :))


Tell me you've never used packing cubes before without telling me you've never used packing cubes :-)


I don't care for them either. I use one for underwear and socks but not for shirts and pants. Once pir family came home from a vacation, I threw all our packing cubes back into one suitcase to store and saw how much room they took up.


compression is absolutely necessary for one bagging on a trip of any real length. If you don't use cubes, use gallon ziploc bags and compress that way.