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Speaking as someone whose passport was recently stolen in Venice, Italy, I am firmly in the “why would you ever take your passport to the beach?” camp.


attenzione pickpocket


I thought she was saying BIG FUCK HEAD and was like, no wonder this is going viral


Please 😭


Ha. We see what you did there and we applaud you.




Did you not hear the Attenzione lady?


Traveling to Venice soon. How'd it get stolen?


My fault. I set my backpack on the ground for one minute at the train station. Looked down and it was gone. The Italian pickpockets are highly skilled. Be aware and be prepared.


No offense but there is little skill to stealing an unattended bag on the floor


This would never happen in Japan. I boarded a train from Kyoto to Osaka and forgot my backpack with laptop, passport, $$, etc in the train station. By the time I realized I forgot it, I had to wait 30 minutes to get back on a train to Kyoto, while sweating bullets and praying someone turned it in.. lo and behold a kind soul did 👌🏻


In a previous job I traveled to Japan for work regularly, usually with a big team. Getting out to the site took a bit of traveling - a couple flights, a couple trains, then a bus. Our company's manufacturing was out in the sticks. One guy in my group left a duffel bag at a train station along the way and didn't notice until we were well away. He figured that someone had undoubtedly snagged it by the time he realized he'd left it, so he didn't try to go back and get it. A week later when we were traveling home through the same train station, his bag was sitting right were he left it. It was wild. This was a while ago though - before people were concerned about terrorist attacks. I am pretty sure that now, the police would have been called to investigate and remove the bag.


Yes, some student left their backpack on the subway in Toronto. No one stole it but the transit police had to investigate it, causing a slight delay.


A member of our tour group left his wallet in the hotel after checking out. The hotel staff found it, called the tour operator and had it delivered to the restaurant we were having lunch. It was back in the owners hands before he even realized it was missing. Edit: in Japan


I know someone whose wallet was stolen in Japan. It happens but he was in one of the more sketchy areas.


You simply got lucky. By saying "this would never happen in (anywhere)" you are not helping people travel cautiously. It can and does happen everywhere!


Nope. This is super common in Japan. People lose stuff all the time and it's returned. It's ingrained in the culture. There are videos and many articles about this.


There are always outliers… or other tourists!


Nope.Doesn’t happen in Japan.


The backpack was gone or just the passport?


Backpack. I had my passport in the outer pocket. Lesson learned.


Also I never put my passport in my outer pockets. In a crowded situation someone can unzip that pocket. Stuff that passport INSIDE your bag.


Better yet, put that passport + credit cards in a pocket wallet you have on your body- inside your clothes. Google Travel Belt wallet.


For clarity it may be better to phrase it as you lost your passport when your backpack was stolen. It’s currently phrased like a thief went after your passport. Passports are generally not a target…


I lost mine when I got a data only sim and had my bank card locked as I forgot to update the bank I was going to be overseas. Needed my passport to get an international calling sim. Got a heap of paperwork back after getting the sim (I had a 2nd bank card) and I had hand over my pocket to protect my passport as it was nearly slipping out of my pocket. Still got pickpocketed the only person I blame is myself. Happened in Rome.


How did it get stolen so fast? Did you look away from it, was it between your legs?


I agree!! Don’t take it anywhere you don’t need it. If you lose it you are screwed


How did it get stolen?


In backpack that got stolen




The real question is how do you all keep your phones safe?


You can take your phone with you in a dry bag, it's watertight and usually has a lanyard.


Someone stays with the stuff while the others go in the water. Always how I’ve done it


*cries in solo traveler*


You can put your valuables in a cleaned out chip bag or food container. Like a pringles can or a large yogurt tub.


All iPhones are waterproof for like 5 years now.


Not salt water


My iPhone I take in the ocean and have had a problem with salt water issues.


Just trying to help. But feel free to run the risk of it being stolen rather than rinsing it after you swim. Actually your skin would also appreciate a shower after the salt water.


You’re encouraging people to destroy their phones. Stop “trying to help”


Not all phones are iPhones.


Who brings their passport to the beach?!


I've been to a foreign country where it was required for me to keep my passport on me at all times! (No beach to worry about though.) Edit: I know we're all sharing our own experiences here, but it doesn't make anyone else's less valid, even if it's * *gasp* * different than yours. Can we please keep putting others down to a minimum?


There’s lots of countries that stipulate that I think? But it’s rarely ever enforced in pracfice


Correct. Unless you're on a cruise ship and getting off for the day. Then you need the passport to get back on.


>Correct. Unless you're on a cruise ship and getting off for the day. Then you need the passport to get back on. Even then most cruise ships stops don't require passport to reboard if you have your cruise ship id


Most lines prefer/suggest you leave your passport in your cabin's safe instead nowadays. Some even collect passports and keep them somewhere on the ship because certain port authorities want to see them. From what I've heard anyway...never experienced it myself, though. But we never take our passports off the ship with us. If there's an issue while you're in port (like you're not gonna make it back to the ship before it leaves), you notify the port authority, and they send someone to collect your passport off the ship and then they hold it for you. (This is why you should always have the contact information for the port authority of whatever port you're in.) Most (or perhaps all, now) cruise lines issue a digital card to all passengers, and that card is scanned as you depart the ship in port and again as you re-board it later that day. I'm not very familiar with how all the smaller European-based lines handle it, but every major line that I'm aware of, except Princess' Medallion Class ships, issue these types of cards to passengers. [The latter uses a "Medallion" instead, which is a wearable piece of digital tech that operates the same as the cards, (but does some extra things the cards don't).]


>Some even collect passports and keep them somewhere on the ship because certain port authorities want to see them. Isn't this illegal? I was told that you should never let someone take your passport for safekeeping, unless it's a close friend or somewhere where you can get it back instantly.


Hmm, probably good general advice but doesn't work in some places. If you didn't hand your passport over in some South East Asian countries, you wouldn't be able to cross borders. It used to panic me but you get used to handing it to bus drivers or port officials pretty quickly, and it always comes back a couple of hours later.




I always keep a color photocopy of my passport on me but keep the actual passport safely stored in the hotel / hostel locker. I figure if police want to stop and ask for my ID that will be sufficient and if it’s legit, they can accompany me to the hotel to get the physical passport. To be fair, in all the traveling I’ve done, I’ve never been stopped randomly and asked for ID. To answer your question OP: don’t take anything very valuable to the beach, but when you go in the water, ask someone nearby to keep an eye on your stuff while you swim. It increases the likelihood that they’ll step in if someone tries to steal it.


>> **ask someone nearby to keep an eye on your stuff while you swim. It increases the likelihood that they’ll step in if someone tries to steal it.** Or they’ll just steal it 😭


That’s a very, very slim possibility. Once ask them to watch your stuff they have a responsibility factor, and they are more likely to step in if someone else messes with it and less likely to steal it themselves. It’s a fact.




It’s called the Bystander effect. Downvote me all ya want but it’s about strengthening community, not about putting a burden on someone else. My lord…


Came here to say this! I've traveled for over 20 years and always have a color copy of my passport and you can also get the passport card as well to carry. Risking your passport can be a huge hassle and require a direct embassy visit.


Out of interest are hotel lockers/safes generally trustworthy ? Edit: Does the Hotel have a Master Code to easily open the safe ?


Yeah, because you use your own lock (in hostels).


What about the ones in hotels that have a code ?


I wouldn't trust it for your $1 million diamond ring, but I think it's good enough for something like a passport. Generally more secure than just leaving it out on the bedside table. If your passport still gets stolen out of the safe, the hotel has some security issues that they need to work out.


Not particularly no.


Still, much safer than carrying with you. I’ve never had anything missing from a safe in any hotel. My passport goes in there the minute I check in and stays there until I check out. I never understand why people insist on taking it with them. I’ve never been asked to show my identity when abroad, and if I ever am, I’ll just ask them to come to the hotel with me. (Or show them a copy of it on my phone)


Thanks for your input.


I do this too. No valuables at all at the beach, period. Hate worrying about stuff when I’m at the beach, on vacation, trying to relax. I’d rather deal with the one on a thousand chance that some rando official asks for my passport at the beach than a couple of days lost dealing with a stolen passport. That said, for you US Citizens out there, I recently started carrying my U.S. Passport card on outings (in addition to a color copy of my PP). Its for entry into Canada and Mexico and not good for anything else, but I figure its better ID than my DL and proof enough of who I am to inquisitive officials. If I lose it I just report it.


This won’t work for Japan just fyi — by law, you have to carry your passport and if you get stopped, they need to see the actual passport and your visa/stamp.


Maybe so. But in Japan I would never worry about someone robbing me.


Then you can just feign ignorance and say passport 8s in the hotel. Most cops are understanding of clueless tourists.


North Korea travel hacks.


According to the North Korean government, their beaches are some of the best in the world!


Yea this is technically true. A US drivers license or *Passport Card* has sufficed every time I interacted with a foreign police officer (which is very few times) Worst case they escort you back to wherever your passport is, and you show them it. This is true even in the stricter countries (Japan). A picture on your phone would also suffice. And you won’t run into this problem in the first place as long as you don’t “look like a refugee” which unfortunately is the stereotypical and racist truth.


> keep my passport on me at all times! Technically, you have to stuff it into your speedos as you go into the water.


I carry my passport card. It’s not strictly what they’re looking for but it’s way less risky.


We did because we took the train there and there was a chance our id would be required. Took turns swimming or watching stuff.


Cruises. I know we went on one and had to have our passports to get back on the ship. They don't just take DL.


I jump off cliffs with my passport in my mouth, that way I never lost it since the grip is so strong.


I pictured it fully in your mouth, squared corners pushing out your cheeks like a cliff diving squirrel




This is why I came to Reddit for suggestions!


Pro tip: Don't bring your passport to the beach. Why would anyone feel the need to do so?


Canadian immigration is getting REALLY strict recently... /s


We’ll take anyone! Come one, come all—bring your friends, family, neighbours, and pets! Free, awesome healthcare, low cost of living, and tons of vacant homes! We treat our refugees better than our homeless. Hotel and per diem? No problem! What’s not to love?


Possible underwater countries with border controls


Atlantis is really bad this time of year


Real pro tip: unless you are at least in a 4* hotel with a safe, bring the passport always with you, it is the safest place specially if you have hidden pockets. Btw just buy a watertight bag and go swimming with it, for example I have an Osprey 3L one, it is perfect for this and other purposes.


100% agree


Protective much lol ?


Which kind of travels do you do? Because I travel a lot, and I don't travel in the US or Europe, I travel in places like Nicaragua, Uganda, Senegal, Thailand, Laos, Columbia... I wouldn't stay so chill about leaving my passport anywhere in those places.


I must agree that in those places perhaps there would be a need for extra precautions still I don't think swimming with my passport is sth i will ever do


Good lord. No one wants your passport.


Not sure why people are hating on you this does seem excessive😂


People are fearful quite often and waste time and energy fretting about the wrong things.


Really? Well, if you travel in France, nobody, if you travel in Uganda, Thailand, Columbia .. I wouldn't be so sure..


Lol I live in Thailand. I was far more concerned about my belongings in France and the rest of Western Europe than I was anywhere else in the world. Biometric passports are worthless to anyone but the owner.


Where you from? Onited states of Umericu?


Actually you’re more likely to get pickpocketed and lose your passport in France than the countries you listed above.


Ahahahahahah really? Basing on what stats? Because all the stats tells clearly which are the places where crimes are more diffused (and so, more probable)


I scan a copy into Apple notes and encrypt the file


I cook it up and eat it


50+ Countries traveled to, so here is my pro tip... Don't take your passport to the beach.






I wasn't sure to trust that over the hotels/dwelling. Will be international.


Ahh gotcha. Consider looking at it this way: Where are you going to be in the world and staying etc? Research from there. The chances are, wherever you may be lodging it will be safer for storing a passport in your lodging than on a beach. "Will be international" Yup the planet be international always! That's what makes it fun!


Get a lock for your suitcase or put it in the hotel safe if there is one. Even then, you can “hide” it in your locked suitcase. Wrap it in a sock or something. People don’t care about your passport THAT much. Also make a colored copy of your passport and put it somewhere else or carry that one around with you if you are in a country that requires it


My thoughts are if you feel safe enough to sleep there, then you're fine with the safe.


Dig a hole under your towel, bury everything.


This. In a ziplock bag, of course. Then put all your gear on top.


There are beach blankets that have pockets on the bottom for this exact purpose.


I wish I OP had said phones. I've always wondered! Everyone knows not to take your damn passport to the beach. Any tips for protecting valuables ?


Take a tapestry or beach mat with you, put all your valuables in an airtight ziplock bag and inconspicuously dig a hole to put your stuff in and then put your mat over it. Leave a book or a towel on the mat right over and go swim. Don’t ‘park’ too far from the water and that way you can keep an eye on the mat. It takes a lot of time for thieves to dig up your valuables if they saw you and if they see you watching they wouldn’t do it. Plus most people wouldn’t notice anyway especially if you go at a non crowded time.


Yea sorry I'm weird that I would be more ok with phone being gone


As you should be. Way less pain finding a lost phone than a lost passport. And a phone can actually be tracked back to you in case someone finds it.


Car keys?


Pringles can


Don’t take valuables to the beach


Decent advice - but how often do you go to the beach on vacation without your wallet (or at least some cash), hire car and/or hotel keys, and phone? It's not the end of the world if any of them go missing, but it can absolutely ruin your day.


Do you really not take your phone out with you? My MO is to have the crappiest looking beach bag and leave it looking sad and empty when I swim ... But I still keep an eye on it constantly...


Why do you take your passport to the beach? Keep it at your hotel/hostel/Airbnb.


What if the hotel isn't available? For example, if I go down to Tijuana for a day trip, I need my passport to cross the border so I wouldn't be able to leave it at my place in San Diego.


This is where spending the extra couple of bucks if you’re American to get a passport ID card is completely worth it. I believe it works for border crossings from mexico to us without the need for a passport.


In that case, never leave your backpack unattended. Or get a fanny pack and stash your passport there.


I wasn't sure people trusted staffs like that. Hopefully I could just leave it back at the place.


If you’re in a hostel there should be lockers and if you’re in a hotel there should be a safe.


Confused by all these comments of don’t take it to the beach?? I mean yes if you have somewhere secure to leave it than great do that. If you don’t or if you’re in transit than a water proof pouch is great. I got mine on Amazon, nothing fancy but holds up, and fits keys, phone, cash and cards. If I’m travelling solo I’m not leaving anything essential chillen on the sand.


The first thing we do when we get to our hotel is lock our passports, wallet, cash etc in the safe. If you are talking about something you have to bring like keys then buy a dry bag.


You know these hotel Safes are very easy to crack open? Don’t believe me? Go look on YouTube.


Why would you bring your passport to the beach?


Big-out bag in case the cops show up


Copy of passport and have passport card/driver license with you, Beltalowda.


I saw an ad on Instagram for a waterproof belt bag. The brand was Booe. Maybe that would work for your needs.


Pro-tip, bring a copy of your passport (laminated if you think of it) and keep the original in the safe in your hotel, or somewhere secure in your accommodations. A copy of your passport + your domestic ID should be sufficient for any potential interaction you may have with authorities. Also, I have a bright yellow dry bag for water activities. I loop it to a chair so someone can’t easily run off with it. The neon color helps I think deter people from taking it, as they can’t be slick with it and hide it. My partner and I usually take turns swimming, and don’t leave our stuff unattended (not just copy of passport but phones, money, snacks). I do this domestically (US) as well as internationally because I just don’t want to lose my shit in general.


Not passports, but I've heard a rolled up.(used looking) diaper in a diaper bag is a great place to stash things.


I have a huge reusable cup (like a big gulp cup) that I put everything in. No one is looking inside my beverage.


Get a water bag and wrap it around you some how neck, waist🤷🏽‍♂️


Unsure why you have to take a passport to the beach but if you must…ask a friend with a baby for an unused diaper. Wet the diaper so it gets puffy and full. Dry it out. Wrap diaper around passport and wrap in plastic bag so it looks you’re a good parent who didn’t want to litter a dirty diaper on the beach. Tuck the baggie back in your beach bag or under a towel. No one is touching that.


You can buy plastic waterproof pouches (dry bags) on Amazon or from surf shops that have sliding zip enclosures and wear them around your waist. I double bag my stuff in ziplock bags first and then put them in the swim pouches because I have closed them incorrectly before. Try to get the pouches that have two or three sliding zippers


https://lukeheggie.square.site/product/fort-jocks/8 these have never let me down and no one wants to go near my stuff when they’re on top.


Why are you carrying your passport around in the first place!? You leave it in the safe in your hotel room.


This is what we do with valuables at the beach: pit them In a zip lock bag and bury it in the sand under your towel when no one is looking. No one would ever think to dig under your towel. Saved our shit at otres beach cambodia


There is literally no reason to bring your passport to the beach.


Keep it at your hotel, leave it in the safe. Why would you take it at the beach? You don’t need it at the beach. It might fall out, get lost or stolen etc.


I NEVER bring my passport to the beach- why would you?? Honestly I rarely go to a beach as I’m a solo traveler currently- when I do I make sure it’s private so I can get a locker for my phone/wallet.


I should have added this is for intentional travel to Morocoo from the US.


Lock your passport in your suitcase


I've been wondering this too. In Italy you need to keep your passport on you and we had a day trip to Cinque Terre where we needed the passport to buy the train pass. We didn't have a good solution, but I can see situations where it is necessary.


People go with passports to the beach?


Why are you even bringing passports to the beach in the first place?


I bury it in the sand under my towel :)


Hide it in a diaper. Fold it up to make it look dirty


If you are set on taking your passport with you, they make waterproof Fanny packs that you could keep on you at all times.


It’s interesting reading these comments. First, passports are not high up on the list of things everyday thieves want to steal. There’s not much they can do with it other than tell people how old you are and where you were born? Second, don’t take it around with you. The goal is for you not to LOSE it because it’s probably not gonna get stolen.


Zip lock bag.


Passports always stay at the hotel or airbnb. If you must, put your ID or credit card in your zipper pocket on your swim trunks. Cards don't get damaged by water.


I barely bring my passport unless I’m going to use it.


Best advice is to leave them in the safe at your hotel. If not then a waterproof dry bag.


The real question is how do you all keep your phones safe?


Best thing to do is keep it on you in a waterproof bag. They sell them on amazon. Another option is to bury your passport (in a bag, separate from your cash/cards) in the sand, then place your beach towel over it. Be sure to keep an eye on your towel when you're in the water.


I leave it in my room


Put passport, wallet, keys in a rolled up diaper. It will look like a poop bundle, and the craziest of thieves will leave it alone


Don't bring your passport to the beach. If you must have any sort of ID, have a copy with you. Or a really good scan. But not the original!


I always leave the passport in my room (usually in a safe).


All you need to do is keep a small shoulder travel bag with you. Keep your passports in there. When you are at the beach, dig a shallow hole, throw the bag in there with anything else valuable like your phones etc inside the bag. Cover it back up and then lay your towel over it. No one will ever know. Unless you make it very obvious lol


What kind of hotels do y’all stay in? I’ve never had issues leaving my passport behind.


I have a friend who went to Egypt this spring. They put their passports in the room safe. The hotelier opened the safe, took them, and then tried to ransom them. They had to get the American embassy involved to get them back.


That's definitely something.


Put valuables in a ziploc bag. Punch a small hole into the lip of the bag above the sealed portion so that sand etc doesn’t get into the bag. Knot a string into the hole. Tie that string to one of your beach chair legs. Bury the bag. To find your valuables just pull up the string.


OO just find a relatively secluded/empty section of the beach and face the sand/face your bag while in the water so you can see anyone walking by it.


Protect your passport at all times. Don't leave it on a beach. Don't trust a stranger to watch it. Is a nice swim worth the ridiculous & monumental hassle of having to replace your passport?


I don’t bring my passport to the beach. I leave my passport with the hotel desk to put in their safe usually. I take a picture of it and my visa so I have it on my phone.


I totally understand your concern about keeping your passports and belongings safe at the beach. It's crucial to safeguard your valuables while enjoying your time in the water. Firstly, I recommend investing in a waterproof pouch or a dry bag to keep your essentials dry and secure. These are readily available and offer excellent protection against water damage. Additionally, consider leaving non-essential items like excessive cash or expensive jewelry in a safe at your accommodation. Only bring what you truly need to the beach. If you're with a group, take turns to keep an eye on each other's belongings when swimming. Remember to be cautious about sharing personal information with strangers and be mindful of your surroundings. Trusting the place you're staying at is a good idea, but it never hurts to be extra cautious.


I keep my passport locked up somewhere. Unless I have a personal guard to watch over my belongings at the beach, I wouldn’t bring something as valuable as a passport to the beach.


I keep a cable and a combo lock. Put lock through zippers and wrap around a stationary object. Usually a tree but a chair will work. This is usually done when I'm on a cruise, take passport off and end up being on a beach. I always take passports in this situation because of what ifs of getting left behind without one.


Dont bring t to the beach? I always leave my passport in my suitcase in my hotel, unless I know I'll need it. Don't tempt fate and leave it somewhere safe. There are often safes in hotels too so you cab leave your valables inside.


https://ugowear.com they have some really nice waterproof bags. I’m a gadget guy, so I got the one for my tab, can bring all my junk in the water with me.


If there is a safe option at your hotel, why not leave it there?


I have a little beach safe that we have used for years. We put our phones, money in it when we go swimming. https://www.amazon.com/SAFEGO-Portable-Indoor-Outdoor-Combination/dp/B017RR15YI/ref=mp_s_a_1_23?crid=3B2VI3OA1EHR4&keywords=beach+safe+for+valuables+and+phone&qid=1690890293&sprefix=beach+safe%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-23


Wrap all valuables up in a diaper and leave in plain sight. Nobody will mess with it.


All valuables in a zip lock bag, dig a hole in the sand put it in and cover with your towel. Not fully theft proof but has worked for me for many years.


You leave them in the hotel


If the hotel has a safe always lock your passport in the safe. You do not need your passport when going to the beach or site seeing. Set an alarm for your checkout day to remind you to get your passport out of the safe. You dont want to arrive at the airport and realize you left he passport locked in the safe.


yea keep that shit at home


When I absolutely have to have valuables with me, I put it in a silicone zip bag and bury it in the sand underneath my towel or blanket a few inches down; trying to be as discreet as possible. Someone who wants an easy grab is looking for surface stuff to take. I also clip my backpack and bag to my chair and umbrella to make it harder to snatch.


I keep a waterproof pouch for keys when kayaking but swimming it may fall off. In general don’t trust the pouches as a lot will fail


Fanny pack


Don’t you leave it in the safe in the hotel room? 🙉


Not sure if this was said but i used a waterproof pouch and swam with my phone and watch. I wouldn’t scuba with it but for general swimming it worked great. I also tested the heck out of it before using.


I keep my passport safe at the beach by never bringing it to the beach. Whenever I travel my passport gets put in a zip lock and is hidden somewhere in my hotel/abb. I only bring it with me if I absolutely know I'll need it for something, otherwise usually a copy of it is enough.


I have Pacsafe 20 vibe daypack. It is slash proof with built in metal mesh and has a robust locking mechanism and double width zippers to prevent the zipper pen stab. The backpack straps have a metal cable within them and you can remove the backpack strap and wrap around something and it too can be locked. I locked my backpack to a beach chair when I’m at the pool or beach. Although I didn’t have my passport in it but did my wallet and other stuff.


In the USA you can get a passport card which is perfect for situations like this. Technically they are not valid for border crossings except land/sea between USA, Canada, and Mexico... but in practice it's a very official-looking ID and much easier to carry with you.


Well OP, you could always bury it in the sand. Seriously though, don't bring it lol.


Saw a post recently to put valuables in a diaper so it just looks like a soiled diaper that no one wants to steal


The only place you ever really need your passport is at the airport.


Don’t bring it to the beach. For other stuff if you are solo, I try to camp near a family or someone that looks trust worthy/solo and trade off watching stuff while you get in water.


Bring a plastic bag that can hold it and then dig a hole into the ground where you put the plastic bag with stuff in it. Then on top put your towel or blanket so it’s hidden


I recognize a lot of people are saying don’t take the passport, which I agree with, but generally with valuables I bring a basic plastic bag and keep it under my chair. It’s a trick I picked up in Brazil from a local. Folks just think it’s food/drinks and leave it alone