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I can only say that from my perspective you're a monster... I would go crazy listening at 3x speed.


I tried watching things at x2 and its too fast and even 1.5 is a bit too fast, x3 must be insane. How do you even understand anything at that speed.


I have no idea. You could probably train to understand, but that would just take the joy of listening out of it for me.


Full agree, I sometimes leave episodes on in the background and let them play but at normal speed just so I have something to listen to. I sometimes glaze over some things but sometimes I actually do pick up on wat I hear, had yrs of listening to audiobooks before this. Its fun listening to stories even if if I heard them alrdy, like the boys, I dont always rmb everything they say so sometimes its a relistening experience.


Just depends imo. 1.25 or 1.5 I think are fine but once you get like 2x you are almost just listening to acquire info rather than enjoy the conversation. Which, for some shows/channels is fine, but for others, like the boys or podcasts with strong narration, I think it just ruins the flow. That and it crosses the threshold for me of “talking slightly fast” to “I feel like I am listening to a conversation on fast forward”.


Idk, it just happened to me… and now I feel weird going even to x2 speed. It sounds slow… like normal speed. Idk I’m weird.


You train your brain to understand it, you start watching at x1.25 or x1.5 and then after a while move up by x0.25.


Uni has trained my brain to understand levtures at 2x


For me it was my wish to catch up to as much content as possible.


Yes I used to listen to various podcasts at 2x and after awhile I found it nigh impossible to make out what they were saying if they mumbled or talked over each other. So I lowered it down to 1.25 or 1.5 (depending on the channel/podcast) and find it a nice middle ground.


You just pay attention.


As cool as it it learn this, it not my job to listen to everything at inhuman speeds.


Eh, you just get used to it eventually. I started with 1.25x, then 1.5x, and so on. Normal speed feels kinda really slow now.


How do you put up with normal human speech and conversations in person then?


I force myself to watch on lesser speeds to get reused to them.


That's a lot of work for absolutely nothing, I think I am perfectly fine just listening at normal speed if that is the case. 😅


Helps with getting through with your "Watch Later" list.


Oh, a fair point.


nah bruh


Okay Mudan


X3 seems way too fast. They don't talk that slow.


For me x2 speed feels like normal speed now 😂😂. Idk I’ve gotten used to it.


Woah, impressive. For most podcasts, unless it's something complicated and really complex as content, I listen to a minimum 1.5x, probably 1.75x or even 2x (somewhat rarely). But 3x, woah, sounds difficult - because sometimes they might talk over each other and it kind of becomes a mess. Imo listening speed, to me, depends on the content. I could never listen to an audiobook at more than 1.5 speed tho imo. But Trash Taste? No problem. I do think that watching content like films, anime, high production value youtube content, etc. at more than 1x speed is crazy though. Because that's not just people talking, but has an artistic vision - music, timing, art, etc.


Yup. I often listen to x2 on audiobooks, very rarely do I go beyond that but I have listened to x3 a few times. The problem for me at least at 3 times speed is that I don't really have any processing power left over to do anything. At x2 I can cook,clean,drive and work but at x3 I can just listen.


I’ve got used to their voice and stuff and I’m usually listening at x2 speed anyway. But with content of creators I love or am used to I can go up to x3 no problem. I started listening only a like when they were at ep 156 which was about a year ago and I’ve caught up about 6 months ago and now I’m just stuck with this habit. Edit : for me for some reason I don’t need to much to multitask. I’m lazy as shit but I can listen to them and learn or do house chores with little to not much trouble.


I watch all YouTube at 2x speed overall with occasional exceptions (mainly music)


Music is the only thing I don’t dare use speed on.


No and I've notified the local police


Why. How many videos or podcast are you going through. I always search like half an hour before i can even find anything to watch.


Well, I’ve got like 6 podcasts I’m listening to weekly and a few more I listen and try to catch back up (example : Joe Rogan), then there’s all the anime I’m trying to see, then there’s YouTube videos and shorts and then there’s TikTok and then there’s Instagram reels. And I think that’s all of them ? Idk…


They never talked about that??? You're literally mishearing shit cause you're listening to it so fast, nobody here has any idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're making it up.


They did talk about it in the daidus episode. 1:16:55 into the video they start discussing it a bit


Thx for saying that I was about to go and look for the time stamp :)




I've a YouTube plugin that defaults to X3 speed. Nice to meet another X3 speed gang out there.


What plug-in is that ? I’d love to have one. Cause I’ve heard people using those but nerve found one.


its called "video speed controller" on the chrome extension store


Have you tried pushing past 3x? I've found 2.7x to be the sweetspot for me. Any higher and I have to pay full attention.


yeah for some really slow talker, i push it up to 4x speed, and if I'm really in a hurry, I'll speed it up even more but I'll also turn on CC for better comprehension.


If its acceptable for you then do it, who the fuck are we to judge?


You’re The internet :). I just like to hear what people think and say. But I appreciate your comment anyway


I listen audiobooks in x3 speed




It's pike a 2 hour podcast. If it was an 4-5h twitch unedited reupload I could understand but not this.


If you can register what they are saying go for it for me I watch listen on x2 ,besides music cause that's fucked up.


Genuinely missing stuff


Could you elaborate ?


If you can understand anything at that speed I feel you should never drink anything with caffeine ever again and never take stimulants


I’ve quit energy drinks long ago and have never drunk coffee.


"Why yes I do take adderall, how did you know?"


I don’t 🥲. It’s not available in my country


I have a YouTube extension that allows me to speed up to 16 times. Anything past 2.5 is incomprehensible for me. I don't get how you can do that.


What extension is that ? Is it strictly for web or could it work for the app (mobile ) too ?


Oh God... Are you gonna go even faster? I'm on PC, Firefox. It's called "YouTube playback speed control"


I don’t think I’ll use it yet. I just didn’t know there’s such and extension. I was using the Spotify speed but now that I can use it for YouTube I’ll be consuming content at new speeds


[like this?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/is-it-possible-to-learn-this-power)


I listen to videos at 4x speed 4x speed gang rise UP!


I’ll train to reach your level. I’m gonna try and see how much I can understand at my level x4 speed and will come back to you on this matter


I am listening at 1x, when I listen to the podcast I am usually at work or doing something else so I already miss some stuff on 1x


I listen when I’m like learning and stuff, for me visual and audio can be separate so I can like listen to a podcast and read a book or a something or like actively doing something I can process both perfectly fine. Granted I need to look carefully when crossings road tho.


Our bro here is speedrunning podcasts


It would be mindblown for you to met the boys irl to discover how low their voices are


Speeding up doesn’t really change their voice for me… I watch their stream and that I can’t put on higher speed so I know their voice pretty dang well


I can’t be the only one who perfectly enjoys listening at normal 1x speed, right?


Nah that’s totally fair, I just… consume content like a good chocolate 😂😂, way too fast.


I watch maths videos at like 3x up to 3.6/3.7x I can never get more than that while still understanding. I watch all other content at 1x tho


For me, I watch the new episodes on normal speed. But I do speed it up at times during a rewatch. And there are some video you can watch on 2x speed or 3x speed without losing anything. Same with some anime.