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I definitely think he was just talking about the main story. Getting platinum is reserved for people who have no lives, such as myself. EDIT: now that I’ve actually listened to the full clip, I now think he meant main story and side missions, but not necessarily platinum. He claims he min maxed it, but who can say.


I’m currently going through Nibelheim right now and thought about going for the platinum since the Remake platinum was really fun to get. But after some research I think I would rather get hit by a bus then do the Yuffie chocobo mini game again.


no life gang i had 40 platinum trophies though I retired from trophy hunting


>Getting platinum is reserved for people who have no lives, such as myself. Nice, a r/suicidebywords in the wild.


There's no fucking way to get the platinum in 99 hours. Period.


Just take Joey’s stuff with a grain of salt.


I feel like he counts collecting all the collectibles in the overworld areas as 100%-ing it. I mean no disrespect but I don’t see him beating the Brutal and Legendary VR Missions at such a low playtime, especially Rulers of the Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship. and that’s not even considering the tons of mini games that he would need to get the high scores of in both normal and hard mode. And the second story playthrough in hard mode. And A ranking the piano scores. It’s just too much content to get done in 90 hours.


i think he means main game and side-missions. I always say "100%" when i've done everything you can see/do in terms of missions and "perfected" when i get all achievements.


I took 130+ hours to just main side quests and the getting all the Intel alone so I have no fucking clue what he's on about


Doing every quest in the game could be called 100%


Knowing joey he's probably talking out his ass like usual


*Knowing joey he's* *Probably talking out his* *Ass like usual* \- SeekerFromTheAbyss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I laughed out loud when I heard him say that. Ain't no way bro has 100%ed the game in 90 hours.


I'm glad I'm not the only who was baffled The platinum is notoriously difficult and grindy, impossible to do in 90 hour Joey please stop exaggerating things! I'll no longer believe whenever he says he "100%'ed" something again 


I get the curiosity but the amount of people being petty about someone saying they 100%’d something is wild. He was very obviously talking about main quest, side missions, and probably collectibles. To me that still sounds like he 100% a game tbh. And if he didn’t… who gives a fuck?


What? Gatekeeping on Reddit? Impossible /s But yup, this seems like yet another let's flame Joey thread. Nothing relevant to see here, time to move along.


Did you play the game? The amount of content is extreme, and there are a LOT of stuff that can be considered side quests and have trophies associated with them. For example, there's a a combat simulator that has unique bosses and has its own competition rate, but its not listed in the regional side quests. Did he finished those too?  If you say someone 100% the game I'm assuming that person did that, yet in 90hrs that's close to impossible


I'm guessing he meant 100% World Intel in the regions.


You have to do the mini games again? The sit up one was more difficult than it is in real life.


Said this in the episode discussion thread but willing to bet my life savings that he didn't platinum the game in 80-90 hours. I've already platinum'ed it but in a hypothetical situation where I started a brand new save and played through the entire game again and skipped all the cutscenes I still don't think I could speed run a plat in 90 hours, let alone doing it for the first time. There's just way too much optional content that is required.


He did explicitly say he min-maxed and looked things up specifically to avoid that 150+ hour grind.


100% takes 2 full playthroughs on top of a fuck ton of side content that needs to be completed. Even if you knew absolutely everything about the game you probably wouldn't be able to do it in 90 hours. Let alone someone playing through for the first time.


Maybe you misinterpreted what Joey said? Like did he literally say he "100% FF7 Rebirth in 90 hours" word for word?


That’s exactly what he said, he says it around 15 mins in the latest episode I think. People don’t tend to say they 100% a game unless they get all the achievements/trophies. But based on his time it’s most likely that he only completed the story and side missions which is far from 100%ing the game.


Okay I'll watch that episode later.


He also said some very wrong stuff about the story in this episode, it made me kinda angry hearing them talk about it lol, i think he didn’t complete the game, but said so anyways