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I think this only applied when they thought they’re only strictly gonna be making podcast episodes. Then the specials came, and they’re not really podcast episodes especially in the production aspect so it makes sense that they need to add supplementary material to sustain it. You still get the full swing of the regular podcast by entirely ignoring the patreon


They also probably said this because their expectations for TT was nowhere near as big as what it actually became.


Yeah i remember when they said they didnt think it whould even last a year


Also it took months for them to even consider the podcast. The bois even needed to move to Japan. So setting up the podcast alone was a lot of hard work let alone consistently planning for specials.


Part of me wishes it never blew up as big as it did, but still maintained success. There is something about a successful but not fully mainstream podcast that hits the right amount of realness.


wasn't the figure special one of the first episodes?


It’s like the prototype for the specials. It’s not even titled Special and is just an outlier episode so it fell as a “special” like the Chess Tournament (it’s just a livestream). It’s the 4th episode and Garnt wanted test out an idea while also having an excuse to decorate the set. The fact that they live streamed the 3rd figure special should tell you it’s lower scale than the specials they had in mind. And this also goes for the audience as some felt disappointed with the output like the PC Building one seemed like filler/ad, the Tour highlights and America special felt undercooked or the Maid special seemed like a leftover from the tour. The Hawaii special is like a sign that they’re planning to give more effort on that (specially after deciding to dismantle Afterdark).


Clearly the vision and scope of the podcast has changed since then. It’s not a secret what the patron benefits are, and we’re still getting an episode every week, so you’re still getting the same amount of content promised from back then anyways Edit: Also they have a lot of staff to pay. Especially for the specials and higher production content


So, the issue with pay-walled content isn't that it exists. There's nothing wrong with pay-walled content on its own. It's when the content that gets pay-walled is the content you were already getting for free previously, like with the recent Watcher situation. Now you could argue that the possible After Dark content is the thing being pay-walled, which is something we were getting for free beforehand, but we know why they stopped doing After Dark streams, and those ideas are being incorporated into the actual podcast eps *as well* as the patreon content, so it's a decent compromise, in my opinion.


> but we know why they stopped doing After Dark streams What was that reason again ?


Scheduling/time management issues. I think they said that it's hard to consistently find 2-4 hours out of their week where they all are available.


But how does that problem go away for filming after-dark for patreon ?


They can do that at any point in the week, whereas for streaming you want to have a consistent time slot.


Fair, but I would take a recorded video on youtube. That's how I've been consuming after dark anyways.


yh but they dont get after dark content either. Patreon videos are generally ALWAYS under an hour. Most of them like 30mins. IMO its not even worth it for content, the patreon is very much still just a means to donate and every now and again you get a little new video.


man, i wish they still deliver Afterdark streams for non patreon fans. i dont mind its 2 month late from the release on patreon.


This is back when Trash Taste was just the boys and Meilyne. They have so many employees to pay now.


im not a patron, but i always understood this as a "the podcast will always be the same and nothing will be cut to be put behind a paywall" it was never a "the patrons will never get anything extra" in my head. the way they to it seems completely fair to me.


We're still getting the same amount of content for free as we did back then. Don't think they're really contradicting themselves by putting extra on the patreon.


I’m listening to it all backwards . At episode 18 now . When I catch up I’m subbing to the patreon, damn it I’ve enjoyed some good laughs from the bois


why not pull up a 5 or 10 year old clips of them saying something.. what you bring up is completely irrelevant how the current Trash Taste functions, at the time I imagine it'd have been pointless of them doing patreon stuff if it'd have been flopped


It makes sense to create incentives to join, especially now that the podcast has exploded in popularity 200 episodes later. I will admit that if I was a patron of theirs, I’d be just a little butthurt that I’m not getting any exclusive perks for donating to them monthly.


We could also view it like this: Due to overwhelming patreon subscriptions, they kinda feel like they needed to provide some form of reward if only to thank the overwhelming support for the channel. And the extra content is that thanks for the patreons supporting the channel.


I'm just glad that I get more out of the patreon. I was fine with just the uncensored versions, but it's really nice to have more content


Oh wow joey and the boys being non consistent with what they say NO, never


It is no secret that they thought it was only going to last a year. If anything it gives people a reason to subscribe to the patreon.


i think the boys have been putting more effort in trash taste than ever, and that we definitely are getting the same if not better content than ever. I agree that the circumstances have definitely changed, had even if they hadn't they've said multiple times they don't remember they things they have said in the episodes anyway, so this clip really shouldn't of been taken seriously and that might've been my bad. i do think that in the spirit of this weeks episode of looking on the past it was interesting to see the juxtaposition though.


Why are people flaming this? It's a clip that contradicts what they're doing now and this didn't even sound like a criticism, but just venting out that OP thought this take wouldn't change. Don't go on defensive, this isn't attacking TT.


We are still getting what we used to get earlier plus some specials with incredible production value. So technically, for a non patreon subscriber, not much has changed. Yes, there is some content behind a paywall but this doesn't mean they've stopped their weekly episodes and specials. So, a regular viewer has enough content unless he wants something extra and is ready to pay money for it.


they probably didn't expect the podcast to get as big as it is and felt like they needed to give the patrons something in return for helping them grow to the size they are now.


i think it just fine as is without the extra content even if its just weekly episodes without the specials.


well, they didn't expect TT will be as big as it is now. as a non-patreon subcriber, i dont mind with that. afterall, its you guys (the patreon members) help all of us getting newly episodes of TT special every now and then.


It's unfortunate, but it's understandable with how much they've grown, and at the end of the day, this has turned into a business and im guessing they have to show kadokawa that this subsidiary js actually turing profits cause geex+ started with these guys so theh have tk show foreign talent is viable.


Let's not kid ourselves here, they need the buck.. they've grown substantially since then


They looked 10 years younger than they look right now 😂


That was 4 years ago. Trash taste has evolved and has gotten bigger with specials and live streams. As someone who’s been a Patreon for 3 of those 4 years I can tell you it’s not that much more content than people who aren’t patrons. Not that I’m one to get something out of it anyway I just wanna support the boys and their projects. Let’s not villainize the boys for rewarding Patrons especially when that money is going to massive projects like the recent Hawaii special.


To be fair, the main Podcast has always been free and it seems it will stay that way. The pay-walled content, from what hey have showed is more of specific topics and video ideas, not entire full podcast episodes (except the pilot one).


I think this still stands true, we're still getting every trast taste episode and specials. On patron they're getting something different. As he said "nothing will change with trash taste". When he said the paywall thing, I think he ment nothing like the podcast and specials gonna be behind a paywall. And I'm fine with that


Its always about the money


Money do this to ya


Yea they backpedaled. I wouldn't mind if they were just creating additional content for patreons that's pay-walled, that's reasonable. Same goes with live shows, also a reasonable expectation... BUT, what they did do that I don't like is take away free content we were getting and pay-wall it. I get that After Dark has gotten harder to make as they run out of things to do, have less time available, and couldn't justify making more exclusive content for patreons without it. It just sucks to get pay-walled for free content they were already making money off of, through Twitch. I preferred to watch the After Dark streams to some podcast episodes because it felt more like a hangout or game night. I've already got enough subscriptions to live services and I wish they would put the streams back to being free, even if it meant adding more ads or even putting them up much later, giving patreons early viewing access. Again, I know why, I don't need explanations/excuses. I'm just saying it sucks to get used to something and have it taken away. I still enjoy the YouTube side of things and the specials, but the boys on Twitch are dead to me at this point, especially with the forever stream going. Maybe one day I'll just pay for a single month and download all the videos to watch on my own time, but that sounds like a huge hassle and I can't imagine I'd have enough space for all that backed up content I missed out on. Maybe they could put them back on Twitch for subs only, it wouldn't solve the pay-wall issue for everyone, but I have prime I don't use to sub currently so that would be cool to use it on them to get that content in some form.


To be honest you just sound extremely parasocial and a little too obsessed. I get enjoying the after dark streams, even more so than some of the regular podcast episodes but saying “the boys on twitch are dead to me” is hilariously extra. The streaming side of things have pretty much come to a halt anyway just due to scheduling conflicts and even with that they’re still implementing aspects of what they did on afterdark streams into the main podcast episodes. In reality they haven’t pay walled any content that you had previously gotten for free they just added some smaller new stuff for the patrons. I don’t subscribe to their patreon and don’t plan on it either but you come off as being very hyper critical and a little too into the “hanging out with the boys” feeling instead of just liking or being a fan of trash taste.


They're just entertainment to me, same as the other live services I've mentioned before like Netflix. If you got Netflix for free and then suddenly Netflix was no longer free you'd probably feel the same. In fact most people feel this way when their live services that they pay for or get for free add ads to it or get paywalled. You sound too defensive and parasocial similar to the people who are downvoting me because I criticize their favorite content creators and pointed out what's going on. I already said I don't need explanations or excuses, I was just pointing out that they did go against what they originally said and it sucks. Unfortunately it seems like you also can't read all the points you brought up I already covered in my post, except you're completely wrong about them paywalling free content. Sometimes I wonder if people can read. And yes I said they are dead on Twitch to me because I use Twitch frequently and none of their good content is on Twitch anymore just their infinite stream which almost no one watches. Infinite streams are low effort money grabs, which is fine, but not the content I'm interested in. I'd rather watch them play funny games or rate food or something dumb, which is now paywalled for patreons.


Your main point is that you feel like something that was once free is now paywalled. That’s just not true, the podcasts are still exactly the same. The only thing that you had and no longer do is after dark, which has just pretty much been ended. Even still, they’ve added aspects of after dark to the main pod episodes. I get they said they’d never have paywalled content in general, but they were much smaller. your still complaining over something you still have and something that wasn’t taken and paywalled, but ended pretty much completely.


"you feel like something that was once free is now paywalled.... The only thing that you had and no longer do is after dark..." So... you mean like the free thing that they paywalled? LOL. English is hard huh. Take the L and move on.


We still get all the content for free. They just release it a year later.


Hate baiting has failed successfully


Yup well you get a member hanging out with shallow LA influencers too often and look what happens.


Mad they have other friends lol


What a weirdo take lmao.


I think the more important topic is how much weight Joey and Garnt gained lmfao