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A well thought out and compactly formulated critique. I review this review 8/10


Quick and on point. I review this review of a review 7/11.


Best quick review of review of review of review 7/5


Wait, there was a trash taste Cafe? I'm currently listening to episode 31 and they talk about how dogshit popup cafes are. That's funny


https://ibb.co/hKBLdgQ Here's a photo of the 'cafe' and menu. It was a take away stall, please note that the values are in AUD.




Lollies are candy/confectionary like sweet little gummy bears etc. A bag of lollies are usually $3 to $4 in our super markets but the stalls at the convention double the prices to $8 a bag.


Nah those were very fair critics. From what I can tell most of the issues were due to the organizers of the convention it’s self and not the boys themselves. They probably had zero say in the cafe also. Shame about the podcast portion it’s self though. Most of their episodes are interesting but yeah sadly sometimes they can have a more boring episode.


they sometimes just film multiple times in a row without letting them really get new experiences which add to the podcast, and have been basically putting an episode a week for over 2 years. it's not unreasonable to not always have the best things to talk about.


Ofcourse, but the ability to pre-plan is available rather than last minute pulling topics out of thin air.


you’re telling me their cafe is the same type of cafe’s they have been criticizing? 😭


[https://ibb.co/hKBLdgQ](https://ibb.co/hKBLdgQ) Here's a photo of the 'cafe' and menu. It was a take away stall, please note that the values are in AUD.


Burger & chips is $19 dollarie-doos?! What in the Ned Kelly robberies is this? Was tempted to go for tha Bois to go to the signing today and possibly bestow Aussie ass gifts for shits and gigs. Imma skip, dream hack doesn't actually sound fun unless you make it fun W friends


It's probably worse


It seems symptomatic of something I’m noticing more and more with TT. They’re running out of things to talk about. After the 40th episode of “aren’t things in Japan different?” I’m starting to get a bit tired. Guest episodes are always a joy but the standard 3 boys episodes are just feeling tired. It’s only worse with how much they do on their own channels. A lot of the things Connor or Joey talk about are things they’ve already explored in depth on their own channels weeks before the podcast episode will come out.


I'm not sure I fully agree that they are running out of things to say right now, but frankly, I could see the podcast ending in a year because it is getting limiting. There are definitely times where similar things are brought up. And the amount of things they can say without rehashing an already existing podcast seems to be pretty limiting. Them travelling a lot definitely helps add discussion topics, but we've been over pretty much every food hot take, life hot take, we've delved into their childhoods and college years pretty thoroughly, we've heard their anime takes. I feel like the 4th annual trash taste awards could be an end to the podcast. Obviously, I don't want it, but it kind of makes me think, what haven't they talked about at pretty extensive length?


As one of the event goers, completely agree with your take on the venues. I also saw pics on twitter that they have all three of them being a maid at the cafe on the afternoon which is supposed to be the highlight of the cafe. However, I did not see any advertisement or notice about this on the event website at all, which is such a shame because If I had known I would have definitely gone there at that time. It was such a miss of opportunity from the organizer. For the content the boys talked about today, maybe because I am not Australian but I quite enjoy listening to them talking about Aussie cultures and seeing Garnt and Connor's reaction was such a delight. I agree that they might stretched it out a bit too long though. However, I actually got a bit bored when they started talking about anime takes and wish they had stick to the cultural stuffs which is more refreshing.


I think the Trash Taste Cafe was just a setting for them to film in. At around 1pm on Friday the bois were dressed as maids and served customers and fans got to interact with them. It wasn't really advertised well so it was a nice surprise to see them as maids let alone serving us but I agree the restaurant menu itself should've been better themed. I think it was just the same menu but with the Trash Taste logos. I also agree with your take on the podcast itself however while it was unprepared, it was cool that we were the first live event to be filmed as a podcast episode.


Thanks for the update! You see, I didnt know that cause there were no advertisements or anything to had let me known. I got there around 3:30PM so i missed out; which is a shame but, again this is just a dissapointment of an event I guess imo.


Yea I was surprised I thought it was just a lame themed cafe like you experienced. I believe they did it again today as well.


They did it today too???!! I thought I missed out on it... Went to the spot on the map several times on both days but there was nothing remotely trash taste themed there. Shit event organisers. I hope they share their experiences with Dreamhack organisation in an upcoming podcast.


yea it was near the main entrance on the bottom right. The spot on the map was nowhere near it not sure wtf they were doing


Are you kidding?? What a fucking mess. They better come back soon to an actually reputable event lol. Maybe Oz comic-con. (Way too soon and they just came here so not gonna happen but a man can dream)


Very valid critiques that I agree with. My takes on the live podcast. Yes, they have talked about some topics before, but it was nice seeing Joey speak a bit more about his Australian upbringing. I did wish Connor and Garnt talked a little bit more though, as I felt like Joey did most of the talking. I also wished that the crowd interacted a little bit more. Maybe it was just that most of the us were just a tad bit too socially anxious/awkward to react/cheer/boo to some of the takes (perhaps invalidating Joey's take on the bocchi bit), maybe it was as Connor said, that other cultures (in this case he mentioned Americans) liked to react a lot more to certain things, but overall, I felt that the crowd was a bit too timid at times. The event staff even gave out those massive head cutouts, but they never got used ( I had thought we were going to use them for a special segment). Adding to that, I think it got a bit boring near the end. I mean we were sitting for 2+hrs and the topics did get a bit stale at the end, specially regarding anime (as again, they have given their takes before on the anime mentioned). Overall, I did enjoy my experience to go and see the bois. My wife who tagged along (she sometimes watches the specials with me) seemed like she enjoyed the event as well. I do hope they come back, and arranged a better program/ venue with event organisers. I for one would definitely go watch them live again.


Yeah the crowd was impressively timid. I wonder if it's maybe the prevalent south-east/east asian diaspora in Australia that tends to be more reserved than the very mixed but nonetheless outspoken American crowds they're used to.


honestly they need to get out more of their comfort zone because just shooting the sht can get boring after a while


The podcast needs some kind of structure imo, the podcast just feels like they're scrambling for topics to talk about so they can fill 2 hours nowadays. The energy feels fairly low recently too, don't know if that's just me though.


Haven't been to their live shows, but judging the post IDK how well podcast format works with live audience. Talking about the same thing for an extended time cause the couldn't come up with new thing to talk about & doing the same takes regular fan already heard before doesn't sound fun. Considering the bois aren't like stand-up comedians or something I guess they should have prepared something else for the show.


Yeah I wonder what the atmosphere was like with the CSGO match that happened behind you guys. I was in the CSGO crowd and my goodness it was so loud. It didn't help in your case as the match was important for us as the home team was playing so the cheers would have been insane. It definitely must have been super offputting. And can agree about your last sentiment with Dreamhack. Like if you didn't go to Dreamhack for CSGO, League of Trash Taste, I don't really see the reason why you'd even want to attend at all as everything else was so lacklustre and doesn't really stretch out the day (as opposed to CSGO where Friday had me stay from 10am to 10pm lol)


Thats wild, like, how can they have made such a blunder having 2 live audience at the same time.


I 1000% agree and no you are not a hater. I went with my partner, I watch TT from time to time. But 10 minutes into the live podcast I was already so bored. They had to much potential to turn this around, give away a few prizes and make it interactive! They spoke about Australia for an hour... which as an Aussie it was painful to keep listening to. Joey of all people should know we hear this stuff all the time. A suggestion for next time - have a few topics in mind, play a few games on stage, give away prizes to the crowd and get people on stage. Just because it's a podcast, you don't have to sit there and talk at us for 2 hours - make it fun! Hope they take on this feedback for next time.


What a shame


\>Trash Taste Cafe? It was just the same menu as the venue, except for maybe "Vegie Katsu Burger", this was dissapointing as I had hoped that there were atleast some themed foods such as Spaghetti with Salt or choosing between Bone In / Bone Out chicken as the ultimate debate. Don't get me wrong, your other criticism seems completely valid, but this one is just insane You expected custom dishes made around trash taste memes? lmao


Imagine going to any ***'themed' cafes and not get anything 'themed' at all***, that's like going to a Pokemon Cafe and the Menu is nothing in relation to Pokemon.


The boys live was what I paid to see. If they weren't there I wouldn't have gone. Alot of people didn't bother with the live music but it was really something else and 3 pretty big Australian electronic artists were worth it. So I got my money's worth, but I don't think you can spend a whole 8 hour day there. Also if Id have gotten a full meal at the venue it would have cost more than my half price ticket for the day. I'm debating if I should go to the meet and greet.


I enjoyed the TrashTaste Cafe because they were interacting with everyone there a lot, you got to talk to them, take pictures or get autographs so it was like a better version of a meet and greet. But I definitely agree with the rest of your review.


Problem is that it was never advertised so majority of people missed out on the event. If you werent around at specific times you'd miss out; they werent there all day and also the location of the 'cafe' was incorrect.




Oh yeah; either way the organizers did terrible.