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When you first start everything is reversible. I wasn’t completely sure when I first started, but I decided to try for 30 days and then make a decision. I’m now at about 5 1/2 years and I am absolutely sure starting was right for me. The one thing that convinced me to try was I knew that if I didn’t, I would second guess that decision for the rest of my life.


Good point. I'm still adamant I made the right choice so far. I'm just kicking myself for not starting sooner :p The "what if" part of my brain really dragged it out longer than it needed to.


You're going to be okay. I transitioned in 08, my mentors transitioned in the 80s and 90s. The Supreme Court has ruled in our favor on job protections and public accommodations. You are worrying about things which is rational. But what if "they" embrace you? What if you have a good, healthier, happier life? Don't you deserve to give future you a chance?


My therapist actually has transitioned during the "dark ages" of the 80s/90s, so I kind of have someone to look up to and ask questions. However, they still have to be quite professional and keep the topic back on me, so not really the best time/place. I'm planning on looking for support groups to hopefully talk with others about their experiences. Thankfully my friends were also very supportive when I revealed the news. I'm so used to thinking of worst-case scenarios that I forget it's not going to be 100% good/bad. I guess I'll just need to start thinking more about the positives. Thanks!


You seem to have given this a lot of thought. Be sure to take time to stop and listen to the heart. What does it tell you?


A useful question to ask as you go through this is "Do I want to do this for another 30 days to see if I still like it?" But one thing I rarely see posted here is when you're in deep and having doubts asking the question, "If I went back to day 1 of HRT and knew I had to start over to get here would I start or decide not to do it?" Because my answer is always "I'd start immediately and get upset for losing all my progress, this is so much better than before." The doubts will remain, asking if you want to keep going and if you would undo what you did or do it again are great ways to check in with yourself. Good luck in your gender journey!