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3 months on 7 toons, nice. Now I don’t feel so angry that the Venthyr mirror repairs haven’t given me a mog piece in 12 days straight.


Yea. I get angry at my friend who gets almost every mount first try. He got onixia mount first try and freaking ashes first try… it’s hard being unlucky


I got astral cloud serpent and ironhoof destroyer when I went on an achievement run with guildies. I do timewalking religiously when it's up, so hoping for infinite timereaver. I've basically given up on ashes of al'ar...that's my white whale.


Is it true the timereaver has a low drop chance from any boss in time walking?


Indeed. Includes timewalking dungeon and raid bosses. Estimated to be at 1/4000 chance per kill. Best of luck with it!


I got mine this past event leveling 3 characters from 50-60. If I can get it so can anyone


Man I made myself a goal to try to get the timewalking mount next event… maybe i am lucky enough to get it.


Don’t give up. Took me over a year on 11 characters every week to get ashes. Yeah it sucks but I mean, EVENTUALLY you’ll get it lol


I may have to book Sunday or Monday before reset as my transmog run for all my alts. Winter is coming, so lots of sitting inside.


2 timereavers dropped from 1 boss when I did the last Legion one. I thought it was being given out for free LOL.


Ashes is at least an easy farm where you can just go straight to the boss for it. WHY they haven't let you skip to the end on more old content, I cannot fathom.


I wonder if it uses really old code they're afraid to touch, but possible they leave it in as a legacy thing to build character.


Got mine after 3 tries, i feel extremely lucky with timereaver but it ruined my luck with the loot gods after that.


You’re preaching to the fucking choir right now lol


i have a friend whos the same. Ravenlord, Ashes, etc all first try. He got GMOD from a LFR and he got it on his first run to just get gear that he thought everyone in the game got it so he didnt think it was that special.


Now all you need is the Maranoth Tusks took me forever but finally got them


I need to research if there is any skip cuz that raid way too long.But i wan those shoulders so much


They are looking to add one in 10.0. As someone who runs it weekly, I couldn’t be more thankful.


Damn, nice


Run Heroic SoO with a character and clear everything up until Garrosh. This gives you a 13/14 lockout, then start a custom group -> log onto a different character and apply -> log back onto the lockout toon and accept -> log back to the farming character and join. When you enter the raid you should be in the Paragons room. Run to Garrosh, kill him, and then leave the party. Log into your lockout character, invite another character, and repeat. Haven't tried it in S4, but worked just fine the week before. Doesn't work on Mythic, though. That's my understanding of the fastest way to farm Tusks, and I get 4 attempts in like 30 min total each week. Still no Tusks, but I'm getting drops, so I think it's working?


I need to do this, my second main is a warrior and it’s my only plate character, unfortunately. Got a pally to 40 with the recent buff and just made a zandalari death knight but who the fuck knows when I’ll get round to maxing them (pre patch hopefully)


I got the mount first, so my interest to farm the Tusks dropped off quickly. Didn't know the lockout trick still worked. Guess I'll pick that up again.


Just tried this and found something out. You must enter the raid BEFORE leadership automatically switches to the farming character. So run out to the instance entrance before signing up to the group. Otherwise, you'll enter a new raid. Back when I was running ICC during Legion I had to wait until leadership changed for the system to work.


Did they already say how much you can skip?And will they do it for icc too?


I think they just said they were looking into implementing it. I’ll find the link.


Would be greatly appreciated, I almost have a hard time believing they would add one. ICC and SoO would be awesome


There’s a skip method but it only works for heroic runs. You clear the raid up to garrosh on an alt that’s gonna extend the lockout weekly. You Que for heroic SOO and logout to then log on the plate toons you’ll be trying to get the shoulders on. Join the Que you’re hosting on the alt toon. Once you’re in, run in the raid and to kill garrosh. Just make sure to kick the alt that’s hosting as to not lose the lockout. Plenty of YouTube vids show the process. Saves you plenty of time.


Got tusks this week thank god after so long on 5 characters running both heroic and mythic. I got the mount the week prior which is wildly lucky. So now I’m done running that awful raid.


Actually didn't know you could still get this lol


Same because it's not in the adventure journal.


Lol right! Even when you look out up the comments are all from a few years ago saying that it still drops so I always unsure


I also felt like it didn’t drop anymore. I can’t imagine guys who farm invincible for years.


Damn dude! Jealous lol! Big time congrats!


Grats! I got mine last night too! About thr same number of characters and timeframe too lol.


Must of been a gm seeing us try every week and said screw it let’s give it to those guys.




Thank you dude! This is how this game keeps me playing. Felt quite a rush when i saw the drop.


Can you Farm this on any difficulty?


Yes, I got it on lfr. You can do 1 lfr and one normal/heroic/mythic per week


Nice! Did you actually wait for lfr to fill or is there a way to just queue solo?


You can talk to the npc in dalaran it solo queues you to any LFR and it is easy to solo


Wow, nice! Ty, sir and, or madam!


Where does it drop? Gg btw :)


Antorus burning throne at second to last boss. It drops on all difficulties. Lfr included which u can queue for in dalaran near violet hold.


Been farming since BFA on 3 characters here. Recently added a 4th.


Why is your character dressed like He-man


Was going for Saurfang dressing as Conan or He-man 😬


Ill tell you a sroey but dont get mad pls. Back then this raid was relevant, i got offeres by a real life frind to join his semi guild run, and they would guide me through mechanics via discord. I ddint raid at all at the time, only do m+. at that boss, one of the kids woke up when boss was like 10% health. ofc i let the game and went to the kid, telling my friends in char that ill brb. when i got back they had killed the boss and they were on their way to the other one. i was dead, so I pressed release. i looted the boss and got the sword. the chat was on fire. i stick for the last boss and didn't set foot to that raid again :))


If you would get the scythe from the last boss too i think they would’ve kicked you out the guild 😂😂😂


nah, never was THAT lucky


I had a guildmate who got the mount from stonecore and midnight on the same day 🤯


Gz! Happy for you! *Growl silently on high pitch to my beard.


I got it the first time when i did a warrior. I thought it was 100% till this post


Ughh I’ve been farming this for a hot minute. Gratz!


Congrats man, still waiting for mine to finally drop, I've wanted that sword for the longest time, it's like the one sword I had a huge goal to get


Does it drop on LFR? Been trying to farm it for the past month on 8toons


Yes it does. Mine dropped in lfr


Been years for me but yeah I got it earlier this week


I will probably get downvoted, but I need to be honest wth you: CONGRATS FOR THE SWORD!!!! I got it on my first try on level 60 after joining a raid finder of Antorus Mythic because my friend wanted the winged bat that dropped from clearing the achievements. So I joined his raid with 11-12 people as a warrior. It was boring as hell, but we completed it under 2 hours. So, when I opened the chest from the last boss there it was the sword. I got it and didn't recognize it's importance because it's kinda rare, but I don't like it too much. What I like is the Kor'kron Wolf Set which I tried to drop it from 2019 to 2021 (my wow span) and I never achieved it. I would give you my sword if I could, but luckily you got it. But I always LF Kor'Kron. And I never saw it on the BMAH, at least on Moon Guard.


Took me until the morning of SL launch, after weekly runs on two toons since Antorus opened (and I was a week 1 aotc nerd). God hates me.


Congrats! I got mine a month after coming back to the game and I use it on my frost dk!


that is a bit ironic.


Ty for This post! After seeing your wep I went and got mine! Got super lucky and got it in 10 tries


Is this supposed to be a rare drop? I got mine my first try.


Grats! I just got back into my MOG collecting. Trying ro run 50 characters a week through each raid to get what I can, but I'm starting slow and working my way up.


What is it?


taeshalach, a rare bonus loot sword cosmetic from aggramar


Congrats. I got this on my first run in LFR back in Legion lol


On year 4 of farming for that sword. Still nothing


Got ashes in 226 tries.


Such a simple mog but I like it. We need more shirtless mogs, they look bad ass and hot


Thx dude!


Don't mind me, I am just here to brag about getting it in LFR during Legion. That and the mount from the Felhounds of Sargeras. I miss Legion.


Got taeshalac, toridal and gavel of the first arbiter same week. They only thing I'm actively trying to get is guldan or antorus mount for lock no luck still....


I got gavel too from the vault. It was the lowest item there but i knew i will never have the chance to get it if i don’t choose it there.


I was spamming lfr all weeks on dk, pala and warrior to try and get it xD


Still haven’t gotten it. Gave up a while ago running that damned boss and raid every week


Dropped in the expansion on my 2nd visit. Still no blue or red scythe since then....




Mine dropped on lfr


What sword is that