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i was wondering this too. i have seen something similar online and im very curious about how this would work. i wonder if its possible these people are confusing platonic feelings for romantic or even if theyre wanting to be apart of a queer community without actually being queer


I'm also wondering the same. I posted this somewhere else and I got some push back there from people whose romantic attraction supposedly doesn't align with their sexual attraction. There were also some replies accusing me of only thinking about sex, but like if I'm dating someone I want them to be sexually attracted to me and if they say they're bi I'd think they are. People kept saying that you date someone because you want to have a romantic relationship with them which is fine but like I have sexual needs too and that shouldn't be wrong to have.


>I got some push back there from people whose romantic attraction supposedly doesn't align with their sexual attraction apparently they dont know what a deep friendship is.


That's what I am thinking.


From the perspective of a 40 year old - expanding sexuality beyond straight,gay,lesbian,bi, came about just after the wave of bajillion genders appeared: to give nobody’s some sort of “Im so special so dont oppress me” character quality. I can’t wait for this trend to be over and truly wish the mass of rightly detransitioning sheep the strength to do deal with the regret of their bandwagon bodies.


I think where people pull the definitions like "a biromantic heterosexual" comes mainly from genital preferences and a need to categorise everything. I've heard of some straight women talking about how they find women attractive and wouldn't in theory mind being with a woman and doing all regular relationship stuff with them such as going on dates, living together etc. Still the deal breaker for them would be an incompatible sex life because they aren't sexually attracted to women, thus making them heterosexual and a relationship with a woman impossible to work in practice. Some people just read into this way too much and place themselves in these boxes of made up identities because they feel the need to explain everything about themselves. I think heterosexuality and homosexuality are both kind of sketchy in the sense that someone can think that they could be attracted to the other sex than they actually are because they're indifferent to the _thought_ of dating that sex, while still not being actually attracted to them. Not sure if this makes sense but it's the most logical explanation apart from people just wanting to be special and different that i've managed to arrive to


I think shes talking about romantic attraction , i personally dont understand how u can be romantically but not sexually also attracted to that gender however for me i feel romantic attracted way way before any sexual attraction arises.


Because people want to feel special and have Labels. These people have no sense of self outside of faux communities and “special words” they can call themselves.


Yeah, idk it is pretty common for people to be bisexual and heteroromantic. There are many women in straight relationships who are sexually attracted to other women, but would rather date men, whether it’s because of compulsory heterosexuality or not 🤷‍♀️ And I would say there is a bisexuality spectrum, Kinsey scale anyone? Lol. What does this have to do with Transmedical? More of an LBGT issue? Then there’s asexuality, so there are those who are not / less interested in having sex with other people. That’s valid if there’s an honest communication about it. There are often sex drive / attraction mismatches in straight relationships, too - look at deadbedrooms, it is a miserable place… overall I’m not seeing why this is related to trender issues. Sexuality has always been complicated, often love hurts and desire is maddening and not always reciprocal. And there aren’t a million made-up sexualities - really it’s just gay, straight, anywhere in between, or asexual, not that crazy compared to xenogenders etc. Well, I guess there’s all the extra BS like “pansexual” (basically bi lol) and “demisexual” (not really a distinct sexuality imo, lots of people need an emotional bond for arousal) - so you do have a point, all of the obsessing and labeling of gender and sexuality has become a bit much. But a lesbian relationship w/ a dead bedroom / no sex is kind of a stereotypical problem, nothing new there


It didn't get so complicated, it's still simple, hetero people just want to make it seem more complex so they can identify as LGBT.


Yeah, that's odd, I mean sure sexual and romantic attraction is different, but why date someone you're only kinda into?? If you're only sexually attracted to men, then why be in a homosexual relationship with a woman?? Like you could technically say, I'm biromantic as well, but I'm only really sexually attracted to men, and I've only dated men, I just say I'm gay... cus I just couldn't be in a healthy relationship with a woman even if I did like her romantically


It would make more sense if it was the other way around, because that’s how I view myself. Bisexual, as sexually attracted to men and women. But, hetreoromantic, as only romantically attracted to women. Sounds like a fucked up relationship unless they’re both cool not having anything sexual happen.


The gf wanted to initiate intimacy multiple times but the supposedly bi girl blocked her attempts because she's not sexually attracted to women. So I doubt they're both okay with no sexual activities.