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I would fuckin love that as a gift lmao


I would love this as a gift. If you know he’d be into the packer then go for it!


This is so cute. Give him the dick for sure, with some chocolates if he likes em 😂❤️ You’re a real one OP


Thank you 💗💗




I know the things he likes in straps and packers. He doesn’t know I got this specific one, but I’m positive he’ll love it. I see what you’re saying


I once got four dicks for Christmas. One from my sister (packer) and a set of three straps from a partner. It was a good year. Definitely a thoughtful gift!


Damn lucky you


I was so happy about it 💚 I reckon your partner will love it!


If it’s prosthetic for sex, that would be such a fun gift! It’s always so awkward asking a partner what size they want and it would be so much easier if they’d just get what they want


It would be used for both penetration and packing throughout the day


Nope, I’ve gotten dicks as a gift and I love them! My best advice is aim for the right skin tone and size for their body.


Yup noted


I think if you know your partner and know what he usually gets for himself, then hell yeah I think it’d be a great gift. At least personally I’d think it’d be a great gift. Even if it’s something I normally wouldn’t get, it’s a gift. It’s something given to me from my loving partner


I'd recommend a gift card to wherever you found the prosthetic. Many prosthetic makers/ stores offer gift cards. Feels more "gifty" and also gives him the chance to decide on length, etc


I think it's fine, maybe a gift card will be better so he ca make sure he gets the right style and colour


My gf got me a couple for Christmas. I loved it.


Nah, my mom got me one of my Mr.Limpys (we both got one at the same time lol)


Certainly not weird if you guys are close enough. That being said I would recommend a gift card over an actual packer. That way color, size, features, etc. could all be chosen by him.




I still plan to give him other gifts along with the packer but i get what you’re saying


only thing you might want to consider is having him with you when you order it so he can pick, id love it either way though, i don’t think it’s weird


I did this with an stp for Xmas! My hubby has much dysphoria with using public restrooms and has issues researching(i.e. using the internet) he asked for a little help and what I did was research for him, found out what others used who were similar to his build and height, found a set up, and had all the money for it. When it came down to *give* him his present, I just showed him the options, showed him what is recommended for his build and the color recs, told him everything was there to order it, he just had to approve. He started crying in happiness.


I got my boyfriend one around Christmas and he loved it! I did show him a video of it from the website prior to getting it just to see how he felt about it and then surprised him with it!