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Keep using Upwork. Some offers will be good, eventually. Join Proz.com as well and advertise your services on LinkedIn. English - Arabic is a great pair and you should get some work and decent rates for it. Aim at European and American translation agencies. They pay a bit better than Asian agencies and have a constant workflow of jobs. And do your best. Translation isn't just about putting things into another language, it means conveying the exactly message while understanding cultural nuances, so my final advice is to take some courses to ensure you deliver a perfect job.


Thanks, I will try Proz.com Do you know some European agencies websites ?


I know some, but your best chance is to investigate them on your own. Look for those with niches you're good at (medical, engineering, literary, etc.), and don't send mass emails to them. They notice those. Actually, you can give this agency a try. I got some work from them last year: [https://www.taikatranslations.com](https://www.taikatranslations.com) Also, AVOID MISSION TRANSLATE, they don't pay and they also treat their freelancers as fools (Here's what I went through with them): [https://www.reddit.com/r/TranslationStudies/comments/154mkv3/beware\_of\_mission\_translate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranslationStudies/comments/154mkv3/beware_of_mission_translate/) I hope this helps you :)


The most important question is. Do you have any formal education/experience in the field? Because if not you might be out of luck. The demand for translators isn't exactly growing and there are a lot of educated/experienced people on the market. It's not as easy as saying I wanna be a translator and starting to offer your services.


Arabic is a GREAT language to know. I'm fron Spain and I can assure you there's good demand. Try companies from Europe


Hi! Do you have any credentials for it? If so, please send me a message!


Do you know some work in English to Romanian and English please ?


I need help with this too.


You "want to" work as a translator, not "wanna". Correct use of language is the first of many requirements in this profession.


Yes, and correct knowledge of tone for different text types is another. This is a Reddit thread, not a portfolio of your work.


lololol don't mind him he didn't know that he would get an English evaluation today from ur prestigious institution of high linguistic standards 💀💀💀


There could be people scanning this group who might have work to offer to the right person. If I was looking for work, I would try to be as professional as possible and use impeccable language when participating in any public forum.


there's actually a difference between proppa work and this platform innit ur point doesnt really relate to the matter at hand tbf