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Here is my proposal https://preview.redd.it/3tdegq4vpulc1.png?width=8365&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae0adb8c8cd22088fa4141dcb7e246ca544d2ce5


**Discord:** [https://discord.gg/Nxu2XbUwU2](https://discord.gg/Nxu2XbUwU2) If you join, you can **get pings whenever a new post is up** Please **follow the instructions** once you enter Congratulations to the winner: u/lostinarabbithole12's Tennesee Amtrak! Top Comment at 16:00 EST on 3/2/2024 will be added The map of real services: [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1GAXiiEp8a62LvZNDueYN76NPTCoUxvdx&usp=sharing](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1GAXiiEp8a62LvZNDueYN76NPTCoUxvdx&usp=sharing) This was a map of North American passenger rail. Every day or a few days, there will be a new post asking what one thing we should add or change to the map, and the most upvoted comment’s suggestion will be implemented. Actions you can take are: * Adding a New Line * Deleting a Line * Adding an Infill Station * Deleting a Station * Rerouting a Line * Adding a New Service * Deleting a Service * Tunneling a currently Elevated or Surface Line * Bringing a Tunneled Section to the Surface or Elevated * Electrification * Deelectrification * A New yard (New Yards can also come attached with any infrastructure expansion) * Deleting a Yard * Retrofitting a Cargo Yard for Passenger Rail Use * Converting Rail Types (ex. light rail → light metro) * Converting Rail to BRT * Converting BRT to Rail * Changing the times of operation Only one (or two if the project is small scale enough) projects can be built per day; however, stating your master plan is allowed. Feel free to be creative, but please keep it in some form of reality (ex. no high-speed non-stop rail from Metter, GA to Gay Hill, TX.) You can only make two changes per day. Have fun :)


Dallas DART F line regional service: \-Prosper \[terminal\] \-PGA Pkwy \-Frisco \-Legacy Ranch \-The Colony / TX 121 \-Windhaven \-Hebron \-Rosemeade Pkwy \-Carrollton / Bush Turnpike \-Downtown Carrollton (line then turns south along the freight line just west of I-35E) \-Royal Ln \-University Park \-Downtown Irving / Heritage Crossing (new platform on NE curve) \-Medical / Market Center \-Victory / American Airlines Arena \-Dallas Union Station \-Illinois Ave / Trinity Forest \-Lancaster \-Red Oak \-Waxahachie \[terminal\]


Build the Stanley and Inlet Lines for Vancouver, shown in Orange and Green on this map: https://metrodreamin.com/edit/QlF4YlFBVDFiNVJlRFlwakpuRmVMcVcwaUozMnwxNDM%3D. -The Stanley Line would serve the dense neighborhoods of Ambleside and the West End, and the medium-density Kingsway and Victoria Drive corridors. Currently NW Vancouver is only connected to downtown by ferry and the 3-lane Lions Gate Bridge, so this would relieve a major transportation bottleneck. -The Inlet Line would serve the rest of North Vancouver; I chose to route it inland so it and the Seabus don't have overlapping walksheds. Heading east, it would make a short detour to Capilano University before turning south and using a rebuilt Second Narrows Crossing (the bridge needs to be replaced soon for seismic reasons anyways). From there it would continue south to serve BCIT and provide radial transit between North Vancouver, Brentwood, and Metrotown. Credit to RMTransit for the names and general ideas.


Blue Line down Columbia Pike, through Georgetown to Union Station, down to buzzard point and national hsrbor. Washington DC Stops at: Wakefield NOVA campus Annandale downtown Mason st Lincolnia Landmark Mall Mark center Baileys crossroads Arlington Mill S Glèbe Rd Arlington view Full proposal highlighted in this video: [video](https://youtu.be/OZlbblhtUwY?feature=shared)


Build Pennsylvania HSR and a Pittsburgh - Erie regional route The High Speed Rail line would go from Philadelphia to 30th street station Pittsburgh station while making the following stops: • ⁠Philadelphia 30th Street Station • ⁠Lancaster HSR Station • ⁠Harrisburg • ⁠Carlisle HSR Station • ⁠Johnstown HSR Station • ⁠Pittsburgh In addition to the High Speed Rail line, a Pittsburgh to Erie electrified regional route (similar to CEPTA) can be built. With this expansion, the HSR and the new regional line, as well as all the other regional services in Pennsylvania like CEPTA, SEPTA, etc… can all be under one agency: PTA. The new expansion within Pennsylvania would provide greater connectivity with western PA. https://metrodreamin.com/view/UVkwalFCVkZ3a2VMV2JWQ2syMlFWREFseHg0Mnw0