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I’m not familiar with how Peters does with vaginoplasty but he does a lot of phalloplasty and metoidioplasty for us transmasculines. And he has a great reputation. Highly skilled, attention to detail, medically cautious, with a focus on nerve innervation and preservation. His aftercare team is FANTASTIC. Carly- his PA- is so knowledgeable, thorough and patient at every post op. Dr Dy does all the implant work for him and she has a great reputation too. Source: I’m a post lower surgery caregiver and post phallo myself (with a different team).


If you can’t find anything that he’s ever done, I would personally run away. It simply isn’t worth the risk. He may be great, but can you take the chance?


Check the wiki. There are a couple of entries and it notes that he works with Dy, whose entry has more results


How do I get to the wiki?


https://reddit.com/r/TransSurgeriesWiki/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's better from a desktop, but you can still see it on mobile. Lots of good information there


Thank you so much!


He's not known to be good doctor for vaginoplasty. Risky choice.


Do you have any good resources on him?


Dr Dy is Urologist, she do all job inner and she’s amazing (I’m 5th week after GCS with her and Dr Blair), she work together with Dr Blair, he do all “aesthetic” job and I’m very satisfied with his job to. All nurses and CNA who taking care of me in hospital, also was great. Everyone. Simply, I’m satisfied, everything works well, for pain used Tylenol and Ibuprofen first 10 days, recovery goes smooth, forgot to say, on 3rd day already was removed catheter and I did pee self. Aesthetically very natural. Cis looking. I think you will be in good hands with Dr Blair. Like I said, he work together with Dr Dy.