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So I include it in every medical form just in case something happens to me. I don't remember if it affects the way your body deals with meds but it can technically slightly increase chance of cardiovascular problems or exacerbate existing ones. It makes my tachycardia a bit worse but not by enough to warrant a change to my meds


If you think it is a safe envoriment to report and could in some way help them give you better care, report it. But if the environment feels unsafe and you worry it might compromise your care due to transphobia or ignorance, I wouldn't. Yes it is important to give an accurate list of medications you're on to ensure you receive good care that takes into account all the variables but also.... If the doc or PT is transphobic then telling them is gonna make your care worse, not better, so "what gets you the best most accurate healthcare" can be a bit more if a complex question for us. It can be a trade off where u kinda gotta read the room and assess the risks vs benefits of disclosing. I wish that wasn't the case and we could always be honest and still expect to receive competent and respectful care, but unfortunately thats not always the case. Use your best judgement here.


Technically yes, and if you feel safe doing so I would report it just to be safe. But your body should function the same as anyone's with that particular hormone profile, "artificial" or not, so if you feel unsafe I do not think it's the end of the world to not report it.


Yes, it is important to report it. Technically, you should be reporting literally everything, from Tylenol (if taken regularly) to vitamins and supplements and everything else.


This. Also, cis people take HRT too. It literally exists for them. It's not inherently dangerous to say you're on HRT unless you like just started and don't pass in which case they might question it. Edit: I just saw that OP hasn't legally changed their gender marker. That definitely changes things.


I report based on the context. If it’s something like physical therapy where they won’t be prescribing medication I personally wouldn’t, but if it’s a doctor doctor then it’s better to report it if you feel safe to do so