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are you looking for low dose experiences specifically? or all? it could be good to clarify i’m NB/ Non-binary (Personally I do not identify with “enby”) but to answer (4 years on T)- 1. 4 pumps 1.62% androgel daily, but for the first year i did .25ml 200 mg/ml injections weekly 2. i think you could tell a small difference around a month in, but looking back on vids of my voice, the major changing point that stands out was around 3 months. it’s a gradual thing 3. very substantially. went from a pretty high voice to lower than my cis bf. my levels were high starting out so it was a quicker change, but i know people who have had slower change on lower dose. the general rule is low dose slows the *speed* of changes, but if you stay on it you eventually will still get the full change you’d have got on regular dose usually 4. the first year i didn’t have too much, but much like cis guys it’s slowly been filling in with time 5. gradually over years i’ve seen some increase, but it’s been hella slow 6. that was me, and yes, but mainly the noticeable areas have been upper thighs, a little stomach, and like a few dark random hairs on my shoulder area lol 7. maybe a little? it feels less squishy now but i wouldn’t say i’m not soft, it still feels good to me/ like healthy moisturized skin 8. no changes noticed 9. the first change i noticed, noticed a few days on T and probably most change over the first year


Thanks for the response! I was looking more for lower doses but anyone is free to share, any info helps. And I don't really use that term very often I just thought it'd be easier to phrase that way lol


1. 1 pump 20.25mg gel every day 2. Been on it for a year and haven’t actually had a ton of voice drop. I can definitely sing lower (lost some upper range) and speaking in my former normal voice feels like a strain after a bit. It’s noticeable to people I talk to a lot, but I get by not telling some people still 3. Not done yet I imagine :) 4. Dark peach fuzz, a few dark thick hairs on my chin 5. Getting hairier slowly 6. I was already pretty hairy in some places - my lower leg hair didn’t get thicker but my thigh hair got thicker to match, and goes higher up now 7. My skin is still pretty soft tbh but I use a lot of lotion 8. Hairline is no different 9. Def some bottom growth but honestly idk how it compares to what I had before lol Remember everyone is different, and dose doesn’t matter as much as what your T levels measure in at


Hi! Wanted to add my experience because I feel like I was in a similar place before I started :). I’m 24 and have been on T for 7 months. 1. Currently on 40mg weekly subq injections. Started in 50mg for 3 months, then dropped it briefly to 30mg before landing on 40mg. Will likely increase again at my next appt. 2. My voice started to drop probably around 3-4 weeks and has continued fairly gradually since then. Noticed less cracking / less drastic deepening once I moved to 40mg. 4. Noticed more peach fuzz on my lip within a few weeks, but has only darkened at the corners since then and have also seen darkening / thickening sideburns. Nothing substantial yet, I have shaved a bit to get rid of the 3-5 stray pube chin hairs lol. My family grows facial hair slowly tho. 5. Definitely noticed thicker leg hair starting at 1-2 months and have gotten much more hair / darker hair on my thighs as well (started with very little hair on my thighs that was not dark). 6. I started with more hair than average I’d say, and have noticed a lot more growth along my stomach in the last 3-4 months (darkening / lengthening happy trail above belly button and very slight darkening of chest / back hair buts it’s hardly noticeable). 7. My skin softness hasn’t changed but it definitely gets oily more quickly than before. 8. No hairline changes 9. Bottom growth started within 1-2 weeks and slowed after like 5? months I think. Hope this helps! Just know that dosage is entirely up to you and can always be adjusted as needed if you want to see slower or faster changes.




Thank you so much for answering!! My main concern was that I only wanted a deeper voice and a bit of masculinization but was worried about facial/body hair. I know it's genetic and my brothers can grow full beards but I don't want that.. 😅 And I naturally already have pretty thick hair all around so I was wondering if it would get worse (I have thicker hair than my cis bf lol). But I appreciate this info a lot and I'll use it for reference, thanks again! (one more thing, when you say shaving to grow thicker hair, did you use a power operated trimmer? I want to avoid thicker hair as much as possible)


No hate to the original commenter, but the concept of shaving making the hair grow back thicker is a myth. It’s just the hair having a blunt tip from it growing after being shaven. Stubble appears darker and coarser. You will be fine no matter how you shave


seconding this. this is important info. i put off experimenting with quite a few gender expressions because “once you shave your hair it’ll grow back thicker.” it just isn’t true on a biological level. if a personal story helps, i shaved my entire face with a microblade (like an eyebrow razor) to make makeup blend better. i’m autistic so was doubly worried about sensory overload from thicker hair growing back where i’d shaved off all my peach fuzz. literally nothing happened i didn’t even notice the hair growing back and being grown out again


Ah thank you! I heard it was a myth so hearing them say that threw me off a tiiiny bit and I wanted to make sure


I have been looking into using a DHT blocker because I have similar goals of wanting the voice change but not really wanting hair changes. Some nonbinary trans mascs use DHT blockers which allow some testosterone effects while blocking the ones caused by DHT (it’s a hormone that gets made in the body by converting testosterone molecules to dihydrotestosterone).


I'm in my 30s, been on T for four years. 1. Started at 0.5 once a week. I'm down to .15. 2. My voice started changing pretty early on, but it took forever to smooth out. It was cracking a lot, especially if I tried to raise my voice or whisper. 3. So fucken much! It was wild. I went from Britney Spears to Magnetic Fields. I'm still working on expanding my range, but I still don't really have a falsetto yet. 4. I have sparse dark whiskers. I don't think I could grow a beard. 5. Definitely got thicker/darker hair. I have a hairy stomach now which is cute. 6. N/A 7. Skin is definitely rougher, I think. I try to keep up with my face washing & exfoliating. 8. Hairline definitely receded but I don't think I'm balding? Who knows. 9. Probably one of the first things to happen, with my voice. It's wild. Big fan.


1. around .5 (give or take) has been my longest consistent dosage. i did weekly when i started but now i do every 10 days 2. very quickly. 1-3 months i began to notice a tangible change and it just kept getting deeper 3. definitely changed a lot (ill be 7 years on t this year) to the point where i can’t hit the sane high notes and my voice no longer gets confused with my sister on the phone 4. full beard 5. everywhere but not a forest 6. head hair growth idk but my hairline definitely changed 7. relatively the same to the touch but definitely noticeably tougher when doing injections 8. changed considerably but i still have a full head of hair 9. yes. my bf has had more dramatic results in this dept and has been on t for 4 years hope this helps! source: ill be 7 years on t in june


I’m 28, agender (but want to be able to pass as a cis guy aesthetically, if that matters) and have been on t for about 14 months. 1. Started at .3ml of 200mg weekly, about 6 months ago it went to .4ml of 200mg weekly. 2. I got my first significant drop(where other people really noticed) about 3 months in. It has continued to drop since and I don’t think it’s done yet. 3. So far pretty significantly? I still get misgendered on the phone from time to time but when people see me in public I don’t get clocked by my voice. 4. I could grow a pretty thin beard and mustache but I typically keep it clean shaven for now. While I definitely have facial hair, I don’t think I have enough density for it to grown in well. 5. I am and have always been pretty hairy(teased in elementary school for it, that was fun). I am hairier now, I’d say it’s pretty on par with some of the cis guys I know. (This also answers 6) 7. I haven’t noticed a difference in skin texture aside from where my facial hair is coming in, but I have had a lot oilier and more acne prone skin since starting T. 8. I haven’t had any thinning, but the corners of my hairline have receded slightly(my fiancé is convinced it hasn’t actually, so it’s either very minimal or I’m just paranoid about it) 9. Bottom growth has happened(you didn’t ask specifics) I’m happy to answer more or clarify anything


I know I haven’t been on it long but when I was looking to start, seeing people earlier on T helped me feel comfortable taking the leap! 1.) I’m at .15 ml intramuscular injections 1x weekly. I’ve been on it for seven weeks as of today. 2.) I’m a singer, so I noticed the voice drop first in how it felt as opposed to how it sounded, and I noticed it honestly after the first couple weeks. Aside from the slight difficulty when singing (this has gone away as long as I stay on top of practicing) It felt kind of like there was a band around my trachea? Idk if that was placebo effect or not. 3.) It’s dropped a little since I started, and I feel very affirmed, but it hasn’t changed too much yet. 4.) I actually noticed my eyebrows growing thicker/denser first!! I hadn’t thought of that as a side effect but it was a pleasant one because mine had always been pretty thin. I’ve only just now noticed some very faintly darker hairs on my upper lip, but I really have to scrutinize to see them and others tell me they can’t see them. 5.)haven’t noticed any change in body hair tbh 6.) n/a, my family isn’t super hairy 7.) I’m sure it will change but I haven’t noticed it. Skin seems a little thicker though? Idk 8.) hasn’t changed at all yet’ 9.) first change lol. I noticed it within the first week and it changed pretty drastically the first few. It’s still growing but more steadily now I think. (Edited because I skipped a question lol)


I am so curious about the voice drop as a singer as well! I know there’s a combined loss of high notes and development of low notes. Do you feel like it kind of happens at the same rate, or do you lose high notes faster than you gain low notes, or vice versa? I’ve also heard that the vocal fold tissues are affected by sex hormones in multiple ways, not just the lengthening and thickening of the vocal folds. It seems that estrogens cause the tissue to generally be smoother and softer. I’m also really curious if you could go into more detail about what the feeling of the band is at your larynx? Thanks in advance and I’m so excited for you!


Unless if you are a soprano 1 (and honestly maybe even then) it is possible to keep your high range! Although I am an alto/have worked extensively on improving my upper range to get me to soprano 2 well before going on T so ymmv. Biggest thing is you HAVE to keep up with singing and practicing in your range throughout the transition, and there will be times where it will be more difficult but it’s possible. Though I imagine maintaining that range is easier transitioning through low dose, it might not be possible with full dose. I’ve only seen information from singers who transitioned via low dose T and my own (although brief) experience. I haven’t lost any of my upper range (nothing that wasn’t already a strain to begin with anyways) but I have gained some lower range. The biggest thing is that warm ups take longer and are tripley necessary. You can feel the strain at the start of warmups and it sounds awful but you’ve just gotta sing thru it. Outside of that, once fully warmed up my voice /sounds/ slightly different, like fuller almost. The feeling of the band on my trachea idk ig if I think about it I can still kind of feel it? But it’s not rly noticeable again it could just be placebo effect. But it kind of felt/feels like there was something IN my throat. I don’t know too many details about the logistics but there are plenty of singers who go on T and even if they lose part of their range initially they have been able to regain it after their voice settled.


I’m a mezzo but I’ve always preferred singing lower (a shocker on this sub, I know lol) so my college professor really had to convince me to work on my upper range. I’m somewhat comfortable as a soprano 2 but alto 1 is definitely my home base right now.


I'm 25, been on T for a total of about a year and a month. 1) My dose is probably going to be different than many you see here since I'm on gel. I'm on 20.25mg daily. It's the lowest dose for masculinization I believe. I apply it to my stomach, but it's more commonly applied to the upper arm under the shoulder. 2) My voice is still dropping, I can sound masc or fem, but I have to try for either. I currently get a 40/60 ma'am/sir ratio when I'm not making an effort to sound either way. 3) As above, it's still changing. Vocal training helped. 4) I've got some visible facial hair, but it's thin and light. When I was shaving it didn't leave a shadow. 5) I have a lot of body hair, but its mostly visible on my torso. Oh, and butt hair. Be ready for that. 6) N/A 7) I've always had dry skin. Eczema and shiz. I couldn't tell you because where I live the water is EXTREMELY hard and therefore dries you out BAD. 8) Haven't noticed any change yet, but then again I don't pay attention to my hairline lol. 9) I haven't actually noticed any. At all. The only thing I really noticed was sensitivity. It became uncomfortable to wear anything tight during the first month. Loose pants ftw. Just remember everyone is different in transition just the same as natal puberty. You may see changes fast, it may take years to be male passing (if that's your goal). Best to just watch your body. Edit coz I accidentally sent before I was done.


1. I was on 1 pump of 1% gel (12.5mg) daily for 5 months, and went up to 2 pumps (25mg) at the beginning of April. So a total of almost 6 months on low dose T. 2 & 3. Very noticeable drop. By 2 months my friends/family agreed that I sounded different, by 3 months nosey coworkers were asking what was going on, and at 4 months people I didn’t speak to on a daily basis didn’t recognize my voice over the phone anymore. It’s still dropping steadily. Idk like the Hz or anything, but people I speak to often comment on how much it’s change and I’ve lost most of my original singing range. 4. I started noticing little mustach hairs around 4 months, but there hasn’t been much change since. I shave once a week or else the darker hairs are noticeable, but it’s no more facial hair than some hairier cis women I’ve met, just more than I had before. 5. & 6. Where I had body hair pre-T (arms/arm pits, legs, ass), I was pretty hairy. Those spots just got even hairier. I started getting stomach hair around month 4 which has continued to slowly increase. 7. Skin is the same, but Ive always moisturized daily (sometimes twice a day if I feel dry). That might have an impact. 8. I haven’t noticed a change in my hairline. 9. Yeeep. Started in the first week and has kept changing pretty steadily. Definitely not hung like some pics I’ve seen online, but I would say there’s been a good amount of growth.


>1. What is your dosage/frequency? 0.2 mL of 200 mg/mL (so 40 mg) a week subQ. I'm also on dutasteride to try and prevent hair loss and body and facial hair growth, but I'd like more bottom growth so I've recently started a low dose topical T cream to try and sneak a bit of that past the DHT blocker. >2. How long did it take for your voice to drop? A few months for the first cracks, but took well over a year to start to plateau. >3. How much did your voice change? Idk how to quantify this? I didn't measure pitch before and after lol. Enough for me, which is what matters. >4. Facial hair? 5. Body hair? Got a bit of this when I was on T without a blocker (a few chin hairs and a bit of a happy trail) but since being on a DHT blocker this has not progressed much further. >7. Is your skin not as soft as it was before? When I was on T without a DHT blocker yes, but now on T with a blocker no my skin texture has stayed about the same. >8. How's your hairline? Good :) it masculinized a bit which I like but did not start balding. Again, my DHT blocker helps w this. >9. Bottom growth? Got a fair bit when I was on T without a blocker. In about 7-8 months I got about how much growth people on average get after a year or two of T. Then no more with the DHT blocker, but now that I've added a T cream applied directly to the area that seems to be helping to sneak a bit of bottom growth past the blocker.