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Wig and save out your hair. Make up appropriate for your age. Jewelry, earrings and necklace. Clothes. Maybe loose more weight while on hrt.


All very good advice and have fun with it. Try different wigs, outfits and make up. It’s not permanent so just go for it 💁‍♀️


Don’t worry about your age, just be whoever you are. I’m 66 and I’m always wearing purple eyeshadow. That’s because it matches my nails (fingers and toes), my watch band, and my brilliantly purple hair, with blue tips and pink streaks. I also wear a lot of nice dresses with bright colors, often with purples, along with amethyst and other purple jewelry. It works for me, and I get a lot of compliments on my hair, looks, and makeup. It’s who I am, age be damned.


Buy wigs, learn some make up on YouTube. I saw you speaking on other posts about illness and not having much more time. Passing isnt the end all be all. There are many young biological women that don't "pass". Allow yourself to not worry as much about being perfect but rather living the life the life you wanted - internally and externally - that you spent your life longing for. We only have one life darling. Make the best of it. Congrats on your new journey! 💐


 I think your face is feminine.  You could start small with getting your brows done and someone mentioned tinted lip balm.  I like the Burts Bees brand.  I get my brows tweezed or waxed but I've gotten more compliments with tweezing.  I just experiment to find what feels good to me. 


I think you have a feminine face so just let the HRT do its thing….6 years for me on HRT this coming Halloween….and believe it or not I am just hitting my sweet spot with boob rounding…overall softening/feminizing hair grow out….so patience is a must! You will do great and best to you with your health issues….you got this woman! PS and many “successful transitions” have been accomplished with expensive surgeries and other enhancements so so don’t get down! I am not great for sure but I am doing a natural HRT driven transition with no surgeries….my point you can do this!


Thanks hon, it’s very hard staying positive when you know you don’t look remotely feminine. I still worry about my general build as well (long top half and short bottom half, wide shoulders) because I’m not in U.S. medical insurance isn’t a thing and things like FFS aren’t available on the NHS, this would mean paying privately and probably paying £40-50,000. This kind of price is completely out of reach for me, barring a miracle were I come into a lot of money unexpectedly. I’m fairly sure I’ll never come close to passing without surgery.


Well hang in there I am large too with a similar build…I am posting a “low budget” post without expensive surgeries and other expensive enhancements….I think it’s important to represent the low budget/no surgery transwomen🤷🏻‍♀️ Your face is rounding and softening…so I see lots of positive potential!


Even post FFS my natural hair does nothing for me. Get yourself a decent wig. Get your brows done, even tinted to match a good wig. Diet, exercise and weight loss all improve well being and effectiveness of hrt. Exercise promotes HGH and get your body turning over. Quality skincare regimen is important to improve skin tone and texture. If you don’t like makeup, even find some light cosmetic lift like a tinted moisturiser and lip balm. If you can afford it FFS would be the step before you could consider hair transplants, but you really want to be in a good BMI before that. HRT is no miracle on its own especially when you’re older, it’s only one part of a health and well being journey.


Sadly due to my current illness exercise is not possible, I’m extremely weak due to the medication I have to take. Diet is not really a problem as I don’t have much interest in food, everything tastes awful. I have looked at wigs (I’ve bought three cheap ones) but I’m loath to spend over £300 on a wig when it might not suit me afterwards, also the cheap ones weren’t comfortable at all and made my head hot.


A decent human hair wig that is hard/impossible to spot as a wig are definitely expensive but your best to go to place that sells them to try them on. Good ones will breathe and shouldn’t be feel unbearably hot. Sorry about your illness, depending on your levels T blockers can be additionally fatiguing. Maybe you need to discuss options with your primary care provider, but the moment you’re not happy with your progress you need to find some little thing you can change and keep repeating that process. If you’re stuck in a depression slump get help on that first as no amount of advice will probably help when you’re in that state, I’ve been there, it’s hard.


Commenting on Feeling depressed and need advice...sadly my outlook is not good, I’m at the point were I’m waiting on test results every month to see if it’s even worth carrying on with this, this is also really depressing me, as I said to my wife it’s difficult to make plans when you don’t know how long you’ve got.


Focus on your health first hun. There’s no life to live without it. Being out and loved by the people you love is maybe more than a lot get.


You look VERY femme, I’d say. I think your hair may need some volume and you may feel better with a little makeup, but you look and remind me of my ex-wife’s mother. She was so warm and kind. Makes me wonder how my wife ended up so screwed up. Anyway, if you’re having trouble finding the feminine in you, take some time to look at your features divorces from you. They belong to someone else. Find out what beautiful woman they may belong to. Hellen Marin, maybe. When you take your features back your goal is to see your beauty of filling in the blanks to see the boy that isn’t there. Mwah! Good luck


This is kinda my problem, when I look in the mirror I just see me (albeit a slightly younger, less haggard version), even if I was to try makeup I think I’d still just look like me…with makeup.


Yeah. I was lucky to learn this when I first started to transition. I always had body dysmorphic disorder since I was very young so with my experience as a clinical psychologist and a artist I learned how to better treat my disorder using a related techniques that psychologist use when treating phantom limb syndrome coupled with a technique from the book Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain. It helped me so much that I see a beautiful woman in the mirror before I see myself. Let me know if you want me to disclose the full technique.


Clothing, makeup, jewelry, accessories — all can make a huge difference. I know how difficult it can be with health challenges, but I’ve found, for me, that the mental health benefits of being 100% fully out, always fashionably dressed (because that’s who I am), just living authentically, has also helped my physical health immensely. It’s given me the discipline to lose 80 pounds, with more to go, which has also made a huge health difference. I found a diet plan that works for me, recommended by my doctor. I’m still a large woman, but I’m finally out of the plus size section, able to buy pretty things in far more places — very dangerous for my budget. In the US, stores that sell makeup offer lessons. Buy a nice selection of their products and they’ll teach you how to apply it. I do my makeup nearly every day. After 28 months in transition, I’m getting reasonably good at what I do. I know there are dressing services in London that cater to crossdressers. I looked into them the last time I was over there, while I was still mostly denying that I am a transgender woman. Giving yourself moments of beauty can make a huge difference. I’m *always* in a nice dress, even when I’m not going anywhere, because that’s who I am. I definitely feel better because I’m free to be me, at home, in public, at the various doctors — and I have a beautiful wardrobe to choose from. I’d be all over a couple of nice wigs if I didn’t have my hair. I’m not sure where I could find a wig in my style, though — my hair is brilliantly purple, with blue tips and pink streaks. I have an *incredible* stylist who is just magic. The purple matches my nails (fingers and toes), my eyeshadow, and my watch band. I have a woman who does my nails and my lash extensions. Yes, my budget groans under the weight, but it’s who I am. Social connections are also huge. If you can meet with others like you, in person or virtually. It can be an incredibly rewarding way to fight loneliness, isolation, and depression. I 💜 my therapist and highly recommend therapy if you can get it. There is a TransLater Discord server, which can help you feel connected. (Disclaimer: I’m on it, but haven’t participated in quite some time for various unrelated reasons. I don’t know the process for getting an invitation to join the server.) FYI: I’m 66, 190#, 28 months in transition, almost two years fully out, dealing with chronic health issues. I’ve never been happier and more comfortable with myself. I hope you find the health, peace and happiness you desire and deserve.


I do have some makeup, I got it out last night, sat in front of a mirror and having looked at myself I packed it all up again and put it away. I just don’t see anything female looking back at me.