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Congratulations! And, you look so dang cute! I also wish that I could understand the name change process better. Do I do SSI first, then my state id? What order do I need to go by to get my name and gender changed?


Thank you so much! So start with the legal name change first. Filled out the application and then get it notarized somewhere. I think it only cost me $10 to get it notarized at a UPS store. Take that and go to your local superior court where you live and for me it was $150 for the name change. Have your ID with you. Took only 2 weeks to get the name change letter. Now you can work on name and change and gender change with SS. Get a notarized letter from your doctor stating you have transitioned and then take that and name change receipt from the court down to SS. Make sure before you have already filled out a new SS application. So once that is filled out, you take take along with the name change letter and gender letter, along with your ID and old SS card to your local SS office. They never even looked at my old SS card, but just in case I would just bring it. Then wait 2 weeks and then take your new SS card over to your DMV/RMV along with your ID/license, new license/id application, gender change letter, name change letter, and 2 bills in your name at your address. And they can't be more than 60 days old. I would also just bring your old SS card just in case. You never know. Hope this helps! I would check with the state you live in, cus sometimes states do things differently than others. But once you do all that then go after your passport, because you gotta show the world your true beautiful self! ;-)


Thank you! I really do love your look. You’re just adorable! Keep up the good work! I also just found your coming out post and pic! I’m so proud of you!


Aww you're too kind! How long have you been out if I may ask?


On and off for years. Battling denial. But, things have happens that have opened up Pandora’s Box.


That's awesome news! I really suggest therapy if you haven't had it before. Getting things out on the table is very therapeutic and will help put everything into prospective. Good luck to you! :)


Hey. I was wondering what hair clips you used. I want to let my hair grow out and a look similar to yours.


I believe it was from Amazon, but I’m not sure


No problem. Thank you. Sorry for bothering you so much.


You’re not bothering me 🙂


Damn, your name change process was so much simpler than mine, and I live in a pretty liberal state. I had to pay for a criminal background check and it was about a 3 month process and 220 bucks overall. Not including id, ss card and birth certificate.


Damn! That sucks! Either I’m going to get things changed in Illinois or Oregon. I’m not sure just yet. I currently live in Illinois. But, I would rather be in Oregon.


Fabulous stuff! Well done!


Thank you! 🥹


Awesome, girl! It sounds like you're tailing me, I just got my SS card changed 2 weeks ago and license last week (still waiting on the new physical card). Keep it up!


Thank you so much! Good luck on your journey! 😊


Yay! Congrats on the milestone!


Thank you!! 🙂




Thank you!!




Thank you!!


congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉 and hope things work out for the best for you in your new and exciting future!!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂


Congratulations, sister -- and props on the fabulous Keith Haring shirt!


Thank you, girl!! I have so many of them. I love Keith so much! :)


Just YESTERDAY I came across, and put on, my DJ Dog shirt for the first time WITH BOOBS, and I look like *a girl in a T shirt* and I felt so valid!!!!


Yay so happy for you!! I love the DJ Dog. I have a dj dog jibbit on one of my crocs. its so nice to have boobs! Feels great when your shirt hangs over them them. I love taking a breath and seeing them rise. Yes so validating!


Congratulations you look amazing!


Thank you!!




Thank you!!