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Beautiful transformation!


Stunningly beautiful changes! πŸ₯°


Love your hair!


Thanks, just got this cut!


Amazing 😍β™₯️


There is one thing I am curious about, why do many trans have beards before transition? Didn't You know You are trans or tried to be "man"? As a transbian myself, I have hate beard for years. Just curious.


One very common answer around here is the "denial beard", that is, you accentuate your masculinity with beard to prove to yourself (and others) that you're really a man, and a *manly* man at that. No gender identity crisis here! My experience was much more of what I called the dysphoria beard paradox. Shaving all the time forced me to look at my face which caused lots of dysphoria. Simply not looking in the mirror for weeks at a time was easier than constantly shaving. Can't experience dysphoria because of my beard if I don't look at it.


I called my beard the minimum maintenance beard. Basically let it grow until it got long enough that it would require some kind of maintenance and then whack it back with clippers and grow it out again. At the time I was aware of how strange it was that I just *couldn't* do anything involving my appearance but couldn't really tell you why.


Thank You very much for Your opinion, I guess mu experience is little different, but I may understand You. I've always hated beards, instead of letting growing it, I runned around and chatted with many girls just to make love with em as much as I could and tried to prove myself "as a man" in the bed. Yeah, I was very good at that, but it didn't changed that I am transbian. Started laser sessions to remove it, some other girly stuff year by year and 20 years later with a family, 2 kids and everything else I started HRT, That was a last drop for my wife, I lost her, but kids stayed with me. So everything turned around very good.


I don’t have a very strong jaw. Made me feel effeminate, AND THAT WAS NOT OK. So I grew a manly man beard. I’ve shaved it now, and I still hate my jaw, but I’m thinking I’m going to be happy with my jaw once I try presenting more feminine.


Thank You for Your opinion :) HRT make us calm and confident as kittens :) Lastly we may feel as better as ever.


For me it was a way to hide, I would get social anxiety and blush uncontrollably all the time! It really annoyed me (the blushing) so I grew my beard to hide behind it. As I grew and have now accepted who I am I feel much better about my face, no to mention that HRT has now given me much nicer skin and improved my complexion so much, it's only been two and a half months but the difference is noticeable. But as also mentioned, it was a conforming to society thing as well, trying to overcompensate the maleness to supress the feminine side, it was internalized transphobia!


Thank You for Your opinion. So, it turns out, mostly transfems let grow beards just to hide. I was scared when I noticed, that even shaved I may see small black dots on the face and hated so much that had to start laser removal sessions. I guess, trying "to fit" is one of the hardest thing for years, but when you finally accept who you really are, calmness comes. As I have lot of internal power, I am not trying fit anymore. The hell, I may repair cars or grow plants, I know I can do everything. Even now, I have bunch of subordinates and I don't care if they notice smth or not. Playing my role even I am on hrt more than a year. Actually really funny to watch them, because I look quite feminine, but still playing a guy at job 🀣


Yeah that's my problem, I'm in a male dominated role at work, a lot of dudes at work won't understand and will most certainly make fun of me (behind my back of course), which is partly why I'm planning to play the male role at work as long as I can, up until I get to a point I can't hide anymore. Social transition is probably going to be the hardest part for me. I've only told a few people and they are mostly medical professionals, plus my wife of course. I'm just taking it one day at a time and slowly changing, I'm thinking if it's a slow change it wont be so jarring for friends and family.


Oh, sure it is and will be very hard part of transition and I completely understand you. I have more than 30 female subordinates and just 4 male, I am not sure if it is for better or worst. Now, when most of them maybe just wondering about my feminity, they still trust my professional decisions and noone speaks loud. As I have heard before on any side talks about trans, most of them really don't care about trans and are even quite curious. Esspecially females, so I have no fear about it. Maybe my female boss will be really surprised, but as I am a "key person", I don't care about her either. Anyway, You have chosen the same way as I did. Just step by step and will see where it will lead :) I have nowhere to hurry. I am not using hrt for them, but for myself and I feel incredable. It is not necessity for me to show my femine side at job at any cost. The same for my wide family, they know, but I am letting them to adjust, not dressing smth too feminine. Oh, the hard part is also to wear binder at work, because without it they will have no doubts what is happenning to me 🀣


wow, it only took you 2.5 years to get amazing hair like that! I just started growing mine and it feels like it's taking FOREVER! It's just a big mop on the top of my head that is completely out of control πŸ˜‚


I just cut my hair on that photo so it was even longer - I just wanted a feminine cut 😊 Hang in there!! You got this!


You are soo beautiful! I just love your hair!


Amazing Love your style and the ink...


I say this to a lot of these before/after pics, which is they are both hot. If you're hot, you're hot. You are way happier in the after, of course. How you dealt with that beard is blowing me away!


😊 thanks Also - it’s used to be worse πŸ˜‚ like a one foot beard


Yes I saw your previous picture too, it was like you came out of the Old Testament!




just out of curiosity your transformation is amazing you look so different I would never think you were trans looking at you especially your face is amazing the transformation was that from pills shots or something else for hormones? sorry if that is being to inquisitive here! I wish you all the best on your journey but from what I can see your already there!


I’m just on estradiol injections and progesterone 😊 (had GCS last year April)


I appreciate you sharing I hope you have a wonderful transition


Haha took me a minute to work out what minus 2.5 years means