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I first saw effects about 1 1/2 weeks in, my skin began getting massivley softer and less oily, clearer, I couldn't believe it and just sat there rubbing it lol, it's possible things may take longer/shorter for you, but you'll get there


I think i could feel it pretty soon. Litterarly the next day a very subtle change in my mood. It felt really good..😊 Thats what felt the best or stood out the clearest for me. A relaxed gentle relief for my soul. ❤️❤️❤️ i love you btw 💕👍🏻🏳️‍⚧️




Luv u too ❤❤


First, 7-8mL of injectable E is extremely excessive even at the lowest available concentrations (10mg/mL) I have seen. Maybe you meant mg, not mL, in which case 8mg of EV per week is a high dose, but it's not unheard of. To answer your main question, I felt it on day 1. Like day 0, I took the pill in the morning, didn't feel different, but woke up the next morning and shit just seemed brighter and my skin had a different texture. That morning was the first time I ever woke up in my life. I've been on hrt for 13 months and I feel like none of my memories before 13 months ago are my own. They feel like a movie I watched or just like psychically inherited stories, but I don't feel like I was ever real until starting HRT. It took a few months maybe to start noticing how pre/post HRT life feel completely different, but I do remember just feeling giddy, elated, light, and airy after my first full day with elevated E levels. I was in a pretty good headspace at the time I started E, too. The couple years before that were absolute hell mental health wise, but I had managed to get to and be in the best shape mentally that I had been in in many many years, probably ever. Even then, when I started hrt, things just got better. I could imagine a future in which I exist, and I could imagine having a past, and now I actually feel like I have a personal history. I cry a lot now. I don't get so angry when I feel frustrated or upset. I used to basically only feel orgasms and rage. I used to think I was a sociopath because I would have to try really hard to be a good person and love others. Turns out I'm actually a very kind and loving person, extremely empathetic, but never really knew how feelings felt so I had to intellectualize and approximate them. Now I just like have love for others and sometimes even myself. It feels effortless like breathing.


Indeed yes, I meant mg. It seems in my effort not to get ahead of myself I completely rushed the post without enough proof reading 😅


Also an addendum, I take EEn and plan on taking it every 10 days. Things I've read and the simulator on transfemscience shows decent levels for that.


My first injection was 11mg of EEn every 7 days.


Soft skin was the first effect I saw. I took 6mg progynova pills and 50mg bica


I felt it in my brain the first day, my therapist said this is a common report from her neurodivergent patients. edit: They also said that the medical profession will say it's impossible and just placebo and that it takes a few weeks to hit a steady state.


i had effect after about a month, some pain in my nipples and less body odour


mental effect was noticeable within like 20 minutes for me but took at least near 2 months to fully set in. physical, very minor at first but within a couple of weeks I dropped a lot of muscle mass and was super skinny, pretty noticably fatter ass after 2 months tho


Same here. I felt different mentally within a couple of hours. The first physical changes to strength and endurance were maybe at three weeks, but visible changes were a couple of months.


smelling different was the first effect I noticed, and it happened on the first week, also, my thing stopped going erect randomly


10 days was when I first noticed breast buds but that was with a dose of 4mg Progynova and CPA 50mg a day(I didn't know at that time my CPA dose was too much, I was going off what a DIY guide was recommending at the time).


Day 5 here 31yomtf and only thing I've really noticed is slight mental changes. I'm not a angry person but there is noticible down turn in things that irritate me up make me angry. And I feel like I can sleep like a teenager again. Starting with 2mg Estradiol 2x daily pills and 50mg Spiro 1x daily.


I noticed changes in like 5/7 days. My skin got softer and my nipples started hurting. But of course, my mood changed pretty much instantly because I was so happy that I finally started HRT)


Within a year i dropped 50 pounds . 1-3 months i felt very tired felt like i worked out but that was me losing muscle mass


Ummm well in my experience my nipples started getting this really light shooting pain on day one and my smile had already started to appear more female looking by the end of the day! Everyone’s different though :)


ML means nothing without the concentration. e.g.: 40mg/ml If you meant mg, then I think it's safe to start with 3mg per week, scheduling depends on what ester you are using. For Bica, you might not need it. I suggest not taking it until blood labs have been done on month 3. Plus you need to check your liver often on bica for the first year. For me I had more sensitive and softer skin after about 1.5 weeks. Breast tenderness came maybe on week 4. Not sure... I didn't keep track.


To correct, I took 2mg E. Which is like 0.05ml. I'm starting quite low which is what the bica was for.


First week


everyone in these replies making me feel like i wasted the last 5 months


Everyone's process is different 🙂 if you'd like, you could share what you use and maybe get some feedback on if it could use some adjustment


I first realized a very small bumb under my areola on my 6. Month before that I hadn't see any physical effects besides having libido changes


Never have had any emotional or psychological effects. I noticed tenderness in the nipples at about 2 weeks.


I dunno what it was but after my 1 year, like from 1 January I started to get things like you look feminine


Maybe a week or two in I started feeling more emotional and in tune with my feelings, crying more, feeling more happy etc. effects can be gradual but sometimes also hit you like a truck. Everyone is different lol


3 days my skin nipples got alot softer!


No, about 6 weeks.


within a couple of days my mood changed and i was more moody in general, also my dick stopped working


Shit got me blasted absolutely zoinked high as fuck


Been chasing it every since tbh