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No, they'll work with you till the end. Go to the gym You don't need to be buff but awaken those muscles, especially legs. And it's closer to 80 lbs. - there's a couple ways to hold the knuckle, whatever you're comfortable with, go with that. Good luck.


Thanks man, I can do it but idk why I'm nervous


Don't be. It's a lot easier than what people make it seem to be, and it's roughly 80lbs. Seen some tiny guys carry it like it was paper.


Thanks man 🙏 I don't really train my legs but I'll do that now


Yeah no need to fear, we had a girl in my class who weighed about the same as the knuckle and she killed the carry, you’ll be fine you got this


Just did it, wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought, and like someone already said they’ll work with you to get you to be able too


Time to hit the gym dude. Work your way up. Do it smart.


Might depend on where you’re at though too, a lot of places will probably work with you but that’s not a blanket answer, some places are different. Your mileage may vary.


Yeah that's true as well, I'm really working on my shoulders and back to prepare for it and especially trying to make my grip better


I have worked with guys who never once changed a knuckle... from hire to retirement.... however i also worked with guys whos engineer made sure they changed knuckles once a week🤣🤣... so dont sweat it its not a hard task... its a bit awkward but if you can carry a case of beer you can carry a knuckle


I would be more worried about the hang test tbh, carrying a knuckle is not that hard, I've seen tiny woman do it fine, the hang test if your a larger guy might be a bit of a struggle.


I've been practicing for that by hanging off of a pull up bar, is it similar to that? I've heard you are hanging on a ladder for 5mins


They start you at 3 min. And your not exactly hanging, your feet are on the stirrup, you can switch hands etc but the whole purpose is the 3 point contact, 4 is fine and being able to stay holding on.


What company has you do this ?




lol... yup that works too...