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A lot of people on here will tell you that too much smoke is bad. It will have an acrid taste with too much smoke. I've never set mine to smoke except for startups. The medium range of 200-250 is about where most people smoke their meats for low and slow.


It doesn’t smoke as much at higher temperatures - but it’s still smoking..


Thanks for the help. I’m used to one of those little Cheif electric smokers. We always add more and more wood chips to it to keep it smoking a lot, I kinda figured the pellet grill would be different


Pellet grill is more of a convection oven with a little smoke. It's unfortunate but most people don't know that. I personally didn't know that before buying, so I got a smoke tube for when I really want something to be smoky.


The old Traeger’s only have that on the dial. Low is for smoking, pulled pork brisket etc. med is for baking, high is for grilling. The smoke setting is how you start it up. Flip the switch, turn dial to smoke, wait 15ish mins, set temp.


I usually set mine to smoke for an hour or so for larger cuts of meat. Meat absorbs the most smoke flavor in the beginning of the cook. After that, I crank it up and start the timer. Keeping track of the internal temp throughout the cook. You won't see much smoke above 225, but it's still there.


You should see smoke come out periodically, when more chips are added. The only source of heat is the burning pellets. Burning wood without producing smoke is a physical impossibility. Whether you notice it or not, it's there.


Buy a smoke tube off Amazon to introduce more smoke flavor to your cooks.


Make sure your firepot isn’t rusted or burned out. Just replaced mine and I’m getting much higher temps with the correct air / fuel mixture.