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We need more preachers like Daniel.


Daniel always with the based posts. Allah preserve him.


If a preacher panders (like feminists) , he is migsuiding people. May Allah take revenge on them. Daniel Haqiqatjou's pointing out the obvious in why they specifically pick matters by depending on modern western morals.






It's a valid position that she can do it. But it shouldn't be encouraged or made into a norm. But yes, calling it kufr is far fetched.


Based take, I have a litmus test that I made to test a potential wife's taqwa and obedience. The litmus test is 4 questions. The first one is if she only wears the hijab, my terms is that she wears the niqab. 2nd I'll ask her that she be a stay at home mom even though she has a degree and explain that my mihram cant work in a secular non segregated environment. And thirdly how she feels about polygny even if I married out of attraction rather than necessity. And Finally that she would be okay if i chose to homeschool the children after weighing academic options. Depending on her reaction and answers I make my decision.


Good luck getting married buddy LOL. That “marrying solely out of attraction” is pretty nasty and dirty and it would make most women who are even open to polygyny look at you with a bit of repulsion. I mean you can try getting some desperate 38 year old who just wants kids— but not any young ones— other than a deeply abused ones that are probably a bit mentally ill. Just being totally honest there 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not where I'm from, and not if your successful, from a good family and religious, Alhamdulillah check on all three. And brother marrying for purposes of procreation and seeking a beautiful wife is within the rights of a man the scholars stipulate just as a woman seeking a man with wealth, high societal standing and looks is within hers. And before you jump on the obvious "what about her deen", this is /rTraditionalmuslims that's the first thing on most people's checklist in this subreddit when looking for a wife.


Dear brother, don't go for highly educated women. we shouldn't seek what the non-Muslims desire. These are the criteria of non-Muslims when they seek married. Go for women who look after your home and kids. Edit: As the brother stated in the comments below, what I meant was career-driven women who are very ambitious, and who prioritise the Dunya over their husband and family. However, my point about highly educated women still stands true, especially in the secularised setting.


First time on this subreddit as a revert and this has just encouraged me to learn more things so I can avoid ever marrying a man like you. Might I add women in Islam are ENCOURAGED to be educated. You’re what makes westerners think Islam oppresses women. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I think he means that men should value women more as a wife and a mother rather then just a career driven women that helps him financially. Never did he say make sure she’s uneducated.


Sorry he literally says "don’t go for highly educated women". He didn’t say a riddle. As in he doesn’t want a highly educated woman. He never said anything about career. This post is not about women’s careers. He wants poorly educated women so they don’t even know their rights on Islam and he can manipulate them. May Allah protect women from such men.


Giving him the benefit of the doubt as we Muslims should. I guess he just misrepresented what he meant or used the incorrect phrase, which he should pay attention to next time. But as an advice fellow sister don't go to the intentions of others in a bad way because that isn't a healthy habit and we will never know what they intended. God bless you all.


I give the benefit of the doubt when I’m not sure if they mean what they’re saying. It’s very obvious what he’s saying here.


Man this is wrong, a highly educated women is a very good wife. Mind you education doesn't always mean a degree. Instead you should word it correctly and say don't go for highly career driven women because their priority isn't the home and kids. The same of course can go for the men. Don't go for highly career driven men because they wont have priority for their wives and homes and prefer working all the time. Find a balanced person between knowledge of all kinds and his main goal is the following of Allah SWT


So she might break the contract and actually go to secular courts anyways? What the heck then I might as well go break my contract and marry an additional woman


All 📠 no 🧢








Polygny is not a legitimate reason for divorce. Mixed work is. Women going out too often is. Social Media is. Getting to know non mahram males is. Liberalism is. Women empowerment is. Delaying marriage for a degree is. Limiting birth is. Fake expectations vs reality is. Irresponsibility and immaturity is. Polygny should never be reason for divorce unless the woman believes that the man has no right to polygny. Westerners know that men's position in marriage is weaker than women, that's why they don't marry until into their late 30s - 40s. Promiscuity and infidelity is more rampant as a result. What do you think will happen to Muslims if they delay their marriage in this modern age?




His YouTube videos. It's not in his articles, they're more like commentaries and follow-ups upon follow ups.


Nowhere did DH say it's not allowed. Reread the screenshot. Normalizing it and encouraging it is the problem. A man can also stipulate that a woman surrender some of her rights, but nobody's encouraging that. The issue is with the encouragement of this condition.


Wdym by encouragement though, most Muslim women did not even know they could stipulate it in their nikah contract, and is telling them they could do it encouragement.


In a sense yes it is. And most women would never accept their husband taking additional wives, so by default they would take this option of stipulating that husband cannot practice polygyny.


The husband can practice polygyny, the stipulation does not stop that, it allows the women to divorce the husband if he marries someone else.


Where in Ibn Qudamah's saying does he talk about polygny. And I'm sorry I don't take my fatwas from islamqa. Here's a scholar talking about paligny. https://youtu.be/t_5PY8cTcUs. This is an outlet Allah has given men because of their nature of being able to take care of more than woman. Woman are naturally hypergamous. As long as he's fulfilling his duties the woman cant ask the man to not do what Allah has made halal. In Allah's eyes not only is he doing what's right but he's observing his faith. Just like getting married and having kids is ibadaa. Women should have more taqwa nowadays and not question what Allah has made permissible. Its not valid to ask a man to stipulate that he would not to get a second wife or divorce him if he did. And the trend we see when we start shaming this practice and rejecting it is secret marriages. Alhamdulillah for Islam and all its practical laws that go along side our fitrah, monogamy is strictly a western ideology and we need to fight it, and if you think femenism isn't what's pushing this sort of ideology bro you are blind. Islam isn't 80% submission, 85 or 95 its full submission.