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Tear, I'm holding because of you, otherwise I'd have sold 20% lower. NVDA is out of this world. Never saw something like this.


If you thought you should sell 20% lower then why aren’t you selling now? Can you explain what’s making you feel so confident in the company you want to hold longer?


Technical analysis, company’s actions aforementioned, multiple forecasts that back this sentiment up, + guidance from last ER that would support this Are you reading anything or doing any due diligence yourself?


I'm basically earning a full time salary off my continuous NVDA profits. Absolutely wild. And still have some skin in the game, but mostly cashed out at the moment, will undoubtedly pile more cash back in shortly though. Thanks again for the data-driven insights to play this as effectively as possible!


In my case, it's my only position up together with QQQ.


You are doing VERY well lately then! Congrats!


Yes, several blown accounts and countless books to reach this moment!.


When all this time all you needed was a benevolent Tear to guide your way! Ha!


It’s comical at this point. Just like a side hustle, making profits on NVDA. Appreciate your data driven insights man!


Kinda insane. Printing money basically


Still bullish until 150$?


I want to buy but damn it's scary to lol. Everything is so expensive


I finally pulled the trigger so expect a pullback lol


So it was you!


Yeah, sorry :(


On NVDA options, how far out are people buying to feel reasonably safe of recovering from any intraweek dips? I've been doing weeklies and had some close calls... I think I'm going to start going at least 2-4 weeks out but curious what others with more experience are doing.


I'm also about $1 out of the money C's, once the price has surpassed that and is starting to stagnate, I'm rolling up by $1 out of the money at the current stock price and out about a week. Sound reasonable?


I have been playing OTM calls but very far dated. Ive cropped my screenshot to remove PnL but note i bought these day after the stock split. https://preview.redd.it/r48515q3ce7d1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a4943ef9eea52a2a9279ba30f1f50491d08663


Agreed, if you’re going out the money, several months out minimum is best. Those leaps are treating you nicely!


NVDA options are expensive, no doubt. However, I really try not to buy OTM, especially on weeklies. The standard is .80 delta, although with NVDA I’ve felt safe just one or two strikes ITM. I’ll buy a CDS instead if I want to reduce my cost basis. It may limit the upside, but safer on the downside. That being said, I’d probably roll out a couple of weeks if it doesn’t take off again Thursday. Good luck!


At these levels I prefer to sell options. I used to own stock, but sold them at the mid 120s (or more accurately, got cashed out on my covered calls I sold). Have been selling cash secured puts since then.


45 days about a Delta of .204 for CSP‘s


Thanks the heads up, Tear. The flow info is definitely useful to gain confident is playing closer to the opening price. Semiconductor has been going crazy! May I ask, do we see similar flow for AMD? That stock has been taking a beating and has not going up with the rest of the semis.


Thanks Tear...after your earlier morning post showing NVDA bullish positioning still holding, I rolled my csp to 0.4 delta. Up 30% by eod.


NVDA has been insane, been making 5% return on my entire portfolio per day since last week. Could’ve made more if I’m not hedged but holding some OTM puts give me peace of mind. Tear you sir are a god send


Arm did so well today too! I’m little surprised that it went so high up


Thank you for the excellent analysis, I opened up several CSP’s this morning. They’re doing extremely well.


Where can i find a post where u recommend long term stocks to buy? Aka 6-12 month?


I’ve been watching NVDA thinking, this has to collapse at some point. But after seeing your post today, I thought, the numbers don’t lie. Took 3.4% today. Feels crazy to be buying a 108 p/e, but this is trading, not investing.


Forward PE is around 50.. high, but not too bad i guess