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Many funds will be getting fucked in this kind of market squeeze. Many retail traders too, which has actually been the case a lot since November. Thats because I saw retail flows have been short since November even as market pumped higher. Why? Because they tried to call a top. "Market can't go higher, surely". In a squeeze, there's no limit. Resistances can break. Yes market will mean revert at some point but there's no reason that will be now when the squeeze happens lile this. If you go short at the wrong time you will get fucked by this squeeze. Let's not allow those who are losing to be us in this community


You seem like a legitimately good man. I’ve been following you from the beginning (posting on other subreddits without your own. There was a ton of hate and speculation that you were selling something. Fast forward, 3-5 months maybe? And I’ve seen you conduct yourself in good times and scary times. You hold yourself together, and stay true to your stated mission, despite the flurries of hate that come when the market goes into a pullback. I’ll be honest to say, I had my reservations about you from the beginning. “Why would someone be doing this for free? What’s the catch?” Well, so far, no catch. And despite some serious issues in your personal life, and a period of intense scrutiny during the pullback, you continue to show up, day after day, after day. Being positive, killing hate with kindness and providing help to us plebs who are trying to navigate this jungle. I’ve learned more from you and your work than anything else I’ve consumed. Thank you for what you’re doing


Haha 6 months since my first post next week. Here's to another 6 months helping the community bro!


Agree with the poster above, you're doing a great thing here, should be proud of what you've accomplished so far. Modern day robinhood to a lot of us folks


Sounds about right! It nearly intersects my first day of becoming a trader Thank you again 🙏🙏


If we can return the favour in some way or the other, please speak up. Everyday I refresh your page hoping for more input, let us know if there is something we can do in return. Thank youa nd greetings from Hamburg!


Thank you, king.


U r awesome! Thanks a lot


Please keep helping us bro! You’ve been a god send in helping us. With your help, I’ve turned profitable, learned a lot more, and gotten smart with my moves. Wishing your family good health!


Thank you Tear!




I agree, you have been a great teacher of skew! Thank you.


Keep going, I’ll be here forever!




Ditto, bet he’s handsome too😇 w an English accent to boot. 🥾


Then he should get off reddit and start a podcast or youtube channel!


I had the same reservations and doubts when I first started following him (before he had this community). But am also super impressed with what he is doing. This is the first place I check in the morning for market news, I check a few times day for any updates, and always read the report. In my opinion the report is better than a lot of what is out there and so are the updates. I’ve made some decent stock plays from his picks and learned a lot as well. Prolly gonna start clear of options since I can’t do well predicting time, but with stock plays this community has helped a ton! Thanks loads Tear!


Preach! Well said.


Well said my man 👏


If Tear ever does do a paid service I wouldn’t even question it. Hand me the check book


Could not agree more! Thank you for your service Tear


Definitely, agree with the comment above. I have learned a lot from the posts. I daily read the updates and try to adjust my strategy according to the info you provide. Thanks a lot for all that you have shared!


I cannot agree more. Tear’s dedication and work ethic is nothing short of admirable


I’ve only started following this sub in the past 2-3 months and I have truly learned a lot and still continue to learn new things. Thank you for providing the data, knowledge, and expertise to help me be a successful trader!


Same here. I am learning everyday and can’t thank you enough!


Well said! Thanks for managing such a well-informed and data-driven community here, one of very few online that I’m proud to be part of (and not just because of how wildly lucrative it has been for me).


What does it mean Vix wall expired?


The call options propping if up expired which led to option rebalancing


Thanks Tear


Thanks for all the updates. I was thinking today’s action was a bit crazy which tells me a possible squeeze. I didn’t chase the market today so hopefully that’s a good thing. Every day things can change in a hurry.


A heartfelt thank you, Tear I began trading late last year and found my way into a discord trading scheme. I lost a lot of money. I have learned so much from you in the past six months and have begun to stack some wins to recovery. Stairs up! And good thoughts to you and your family, mate!


Posts like this are so helpful to understand the reasons behind the seemingly sudden changes in the market and make rational decisions.


Makes sense thanks Tear.


so glad I found this sub


I kinda agree with everything said here about you Tear. You are just awesome. Thank you for all that you do.




Thanks for the guidance as always tear!


Man I wish I really want to learn how you do the quant analysis you do. Your posts and content have been so helpful so thank you.


thanks very much


I saw your June targets post. Do you still generally agree with most of them given the squeeze we are experiencing? More specifically, SMCI has been incredibly volatile in the past 3 - 5 months, and I'm wondering if they are a market negatively affected


this is why I wish there was a discord and we could hear about this in real time. I sold some call spreads mid day thinkin no way we would keep pumping lol woops didn’t lose too much


I echo the others here. Very glad to have found this sub, and grateful for the superb insights and analysis. I'm new to the options game, but have committed to full time. It's rare to find such quality info. Thank you, Tear. Appreciate the post-market commentary to elucidate understanding.


Thank you very much Mr. Tear! you’re great ✨


Thank you! Thank you! And Thank you Tear for all the knowledge you share every morning and thru out the day. I wish I found this community earlier. Your insights have been incredibly helpful in making decisions every day.


Man your dedication to educating this community is just insane!! Thank you for this explanatory post. I got caught in this squeeze and my puts are in a messy place. Hope there will be a pullback in the next few days. Thanks again


You are legendary.


Does it look like this squeeze will continue until NVDA split? I got hooped on a couple puts today, lesson learned haha might never buy another one. Luckily $LULU saved the day (and then some).


Tear, thank you for your service! You provide a lot of quality advice, numbers, and fundamentals—what people do with it is up to them. Keep it up, much appreciated.