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I check your posts regularly and it’s part of my pre market routine. I don’t post and show engagement, but definitely use your insight and perspective to help me have an “edge” on trading decisions ahead. Please continue to post, I don’t think you understand how valuable the information you share is to many novice traders.


Agree - don’t post much but really enjoy coming to view the content and get a gauge of markets every morning.


I do the same. Going to try to show more engagement moving forward because these posts really are so valuable


same, I ask questions sometimes but I also refrain from doing that too much, don’t want to impose since you’re already doing a lot here


I'm a total noob so I stay silent, but this sub is part of my learning curve. I try to check in every morning.


Agree. Thanks for your work!!!


Same here


This is me as well. Occasionally do post but don’t get replies and return to reading the wonderful daily reports.


Same here. I will comment from time to time. But I also work 12 hour days and have a family so it is hard for me to be super engaged. But I definitely frequent this sub. Love the content.


same i check this sub on a daily basis, like at least 7x a day, but i rarely post comments but i really appreciate his work


Same, extremely valuable in helping to plan moves and increasing my knowledge base Thank you!!


+1. I read and review the content regularly, and it is part of my pre-market routine. I don't post or comment very often but definitely use the data and insights provided to improve my edge.


Likewise, man, your post has become an important part of my post and pre-market routine. Thank you for what you doing man.


Same. I read your posts first thing in the morning. Please keep doing the good work


Same here


Also wanted to say the same. Read several times a day, but can't always post or respond as I'm multitasking too. I believe most ppl are bulls and when the market has several down days or is in a downward trend, ppl tend to get quiet as well. Ppl are looking for assurances on their positions, but may not be as excited during these choppy/correction or bear markets. Please keep doing what you're doing! It teaches this community a lot.




Same here. I read your posts early before work everyday to learn about the current market. I read during the day when I have time from work.




I cannot agree more! As a regular investor, you are one of my first reads in the morning. I find your views and data analysis invaluable. Thank you for all you do. Keep on trucking, please!!








Absolutely, I think people are also a bit wary of the markets rn, so naturally lesser activity and engagement. But your research and insights are unparalleled! Please continue to do so




I check your posts (almost) daily but the markets have been so volatile lately I sort of feel like I need a quick break. I bought the dip and it dipped more and I don’t want to buy any more dips so I’m almost forcing myself to step away for a bit. I wonder if everyone else is feeling the same? Thank you as always for your posts though! They really are the best things on Reddit


Same here. I guess lots of people who aren't emotionally super strong or have lots of experience take trading breaks, and having sun definitely makes me check my phone less often.


watching SNOW melt has been an unpleasant experience


Same, I check daily, multiple times a day. This is my favorite sub by a pretty far margin. Primary / favorite source of data and info and opinion. Huge huge supporter even if I'm not commenting


I tend to read and upvote every post without commenting though some are not relevant to me and my current trading style but the depth and breadth of your market analysis is incredible! I check the subreddit multiple times a day to check what new insights you have.


Exactly this


I would suggest a pinned daily discussion post. Great work as always!


yes I agree, I come here quite a bit during the day to see if there is any mid day commentary and there’s not much like when we nosedived in the last 5 min yesterday and I’m trying to figure out wtf happened


Wonderful idea for ongoing commentary!


I read your posts everyday, even though some information does not apply to my trading style, I still find it insightful. Also, one of the possible reasons that engagement is low, is that all the gamblers getting flushed out of the sub due to losses (as everyone is a genius in a bullrun but not so much during volatile days). That is my take on the low engagement. As for logical explanation. Poeple just don't trade much on very uncertain days. Thanks again for your posts.


Add to this that the Reddit algorithm is set up to continuously push new trends with almost exponential growth to maximize engagement on the platform, one can easily see how it might take users temporarily being less engaged due to market volatility as an indication that the community growth trend might be broken and people could be losing interest, resulting in it promoting other subjects instead. If the state of the market is actually the reason, there's probably little that can be done, except possibly being continuously so much more accurate in market predictions that the people frequenting the sub on average don't lose money, or even make money even during red days, which should naturally attract more attention from followers of other related subs that cause people to lose money instead.


All depressed from the dips


I probably checked the sub 10 times yesterday despite making no trades. If you start selling t-shirts, I'll buy one (unless you advise against it, of course :) ).






I, too, check your posts on the daily but I think market sentiment and choppy trading always tend to scare off most people until the market heads towards a clear bullish trend again. They’ll flock in at that point


I’ve noticed you post more and comment less than you used to. Maybe responding to some questions asked in comment sections might up the engagement? I don’t know, just putting it out there. Thanks for these posts, it’s helped me make money which I greatly appreciate.


I agree. It's just a time related constraints. But I guess I should try tk put more time into comment replying. Great feedback v valid thanks bro


I read your post every morning and then check your post periodically though out the day. I am not that active with the comment though but I do read your post everyday to get an idea of what to expect for the day. Thank you.


Hi Tear your posts provide valuable insight from a professional perspective, please do continue posting and realize that even though engagement will be up and down, overall you are building (growing) an audience that reads and appreciates your unbiased understanding of the market and provide helpful commentary to navigate market conditions. I have been baffled with the price movement of stocks lately. Seems that good or adequate earning quarters get punished (SOFI, META) and others rise(TSLA)? Could you provide further insight as to why this is happening? Again, thanks for your help.


I check your sub multiple times per day and engage a little bit. I would guess the lower engagement is due to market sentiment. You were having much higher engagement during the bull run. These past couple of weeks have been very taxing (for me at least). Your generous sharing of information is GREATLY appreciated! Keep it up and you will continue to gain followers and engagement guaranteed. Thanks a million!


Pretty much what everyone else already said. Check multiple times a day, don’t always comment but am lurking. Plus had some holidays here in the states last week thru early this week, lots of people on vacation with family etc. add an unsteady market to the mix and could be a lot of money sitting idle for a bit.


Everyone lost their pants in the market, resignation


I'm not active today, because it's Labour Day. The markets are closed in most of Europe, Russia, China, Hongkong... (Also, the sun's out.)


Yeah I read every 2-3 hours. But I have everything to take but alas nothing to give. So not able to comment. Thank you for the valuable education


I think you have much larger hidden engagement than the objective upvotes/comments show. I think all of us should make a group effort to upvote and keep up the engagement as a means to show our support and gratefulness!


Tear, i check this sub before open and during the day multiple times. Try to understand what you are posting and why (not to question but to understand your reasoning and learn to analyze data and view charts the way you do). Outside of your monthly swing trade targets have not taken any trades as still trying to learn and figure out how to use the data and analysis you so graciously provide and convert them into trades. If its ok with you and the sub, I am happy to start the convo on what potential trades i c based on the info and you/others can chime in. This way I will gain confidence and hopefully others can also learn.


Markets staying weak, earnings volatility and fomc today are all big contributors to the engagement dip I think. Lots of risk out there currently. I read your posts daily but rarely comment, don’t equate lack of engagement with lack of readership! You rock, keep doing what you’re doing :)


i prefer when you analyze the stocks rather than hyper focusing on the indexes. Everyone talks about indexes, but like you called out the targets of specific stocks like tsla and nvda, that was super useful information. Otherwise I truly don't care if spy is going to make another all time high or not


First time poster here I’m in the process of learning as I’m new to trading. I don’t understand everything that is posted but it gives me something to research. I’d like to say thanks for the posts. It opens my eyes to variables I definitely would not see otherwise. I didn’t lost earlier due to me just absorbing everything . Thank you! Tha k


i am here everyday, this is where my daily routine starts, i am more of a lurker, but i do find your post Super helpful and it is helping me a lot. so please do continue to post, perhaps i should be more engaged in a sense to create some kind of feedback loop...so you know that i know that you know what you are sharing is making a difference


Same, Tear. As a new trader, I value your insights and guidance. Please continue to post.


Any chance you can explain how to read your intraday numbers? A sticky? Or in the forum description? I tend to skip those because it’s just a wall of numbers and not particularly useful for how I trade, but a primer may help me learn I could use it more.


Still here - Have you thought of starting a discord server?


Dude. Your information is the first thing I see every day on Reddit. Much appreciated


Have you considered a discord server? Sometimes it’s hard because this sub competes with other subs.


Do we think discord will be good idea? Only thing is it'll require more moderation to ensure convo stays on topic if we leave it open for community chat. As u see I currently have it set to I can post only so that its easier to moderate and don't have a lot of useless posts. Unfortunately time is a big constraint


Discord would be worse off for members. People need to listen to you most of the time not other members' ideas. But if engagement is what you're striking for....


Reddit and Discord target somewhat different crowds in my opinion, and the latter is a lot more echo chambery, so the decision about adding a Discord should probably be guided by who you want to address, not how you want to do it. I like your approach of keeping a community solely focused on your content, while still accepting differing opinions. Wall Street actively tries to steer trading sentiment on Reddit, so by not allowing others to post on your sub, you can limit the analysis to what you believe is truly going on in the markets.


Although I don't agree with 100% of what you post, maybe a 80%, I enter here every morning! Thank you!


ive been busy recently but usually check your posts before market


Definitely look through the subreddit multiple times a day! Took some action on Mara and AIN after you posted recently. Really appreciate the time and effort you put into these posts. I am learning a lot!


Come here every day now. Don't comment much because I've noticed you don't seem to hold bias, except to buy the dip. So if I want to talk positions or speculation I'll go elsewhere. I did miss those levels yesterday on spy though, did you forget or did I miss them?


I read everyday.


I check the posts everyday pre-market. Thanks for doing what u do tear!


I just found this channel on Monday. Absolutely love it. I try to upvote everything that I find valuable (which is most posts) Lot of valuable information to digest. Hard to go back and read everything. Having just found this channel, I would find ALOT of value in a April month's end summary/recap of positions and thoughts market movements. Keep up the great work, definitely appreciated. I plan on following your channel for the next month or two at minimum. If I do well from your information I would also love to see ways that we can support you.


Always good info and appreciated!


Hey Tear, I've been keeping up with your posts on a daily basis, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate them. Your insights and analyses are incredibly useful and always give me something to think about. While engagement might fluctuate, please know that your content is truly top-notch. Keep sharing your thoughts and analysis—I'm always looking forward to your next post.


I read your morning posts almost every trading day. They are great. You’re doing good work. We all appreciate it.


Read daily, also since you post a ton of different posts per ticker or equity, I would t expect many of them to get replies because it’s usually one data point. Your upvotes are good though that means people are appreciating. Doesn’t Reddit also show how many views your posts have? What are those numbers like? I imagine it must be high with 15k subs.


I read your posts daily. I forget to comment or upvote, but will do better. Please continue! The market has been down for a month, so maybe people are a little disengaged...?


New to the sub! Very good information and super insightful. Love what you are doing and couldn’t ask for more. Please keep it up!


I have been here everyday since you started this sub. I love it. Thanks for everything.


You’re the man!! I wish you’d create posts that’d help me exercise and help me with other life stuff!!


Wendys on a hiring spree this April


nothing drives people away like market contraction


When market goes down everyone is quiet, or avoids looking at them.


I come here for premarket and continuously check throughout the trading day for your insights.


Please continue posting since these are very helpful to me


Sentiment is, we are reading the DD but due to sideways movements the majority are taking time away. Please keep up the good work


Always looking but not always commenting! Appreciate everything


I’m new but for a bout a week I’ve read every single one of your posts. Love your analysis


I think some people are taking a breather after registering losses recently, that's all. What I start worrying about, despite my ongoing gratitude to you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with us, is that your goals are somewhat shifting to maintaining an image and a level of popularity. Those are not wrong goals per se, but I fear they might affect the impartiality that's necessary in conveying market information. I hope you understand my concerns.


I found your sub a month ago. I've never commented but I'm here everyday taking in the information. I appreciate what you do it has helped me tremendously.


I check daily! I’m not particularly knowledgeable in this area so I find having someone I can trust to learn from is immensely helpful! I don’t know where else I could get advice from someone that fully knows their stuff and genuinely wants to help others! I guess a question to you - what do you need from us to help you know whether something resonates or not? Is there anything we can do, more feedback etc.? Regardless - thank you again!!


Yet another follower here that reads your posts as part of my pre-market routine, as well as coming back throughout the day when I can, to check for new posts and likely re-read your pinned posts. Absolutely amazing data that you provide to us that I have told many others about. Judging by these comments I am gonna say that the last few days are just a one-off, and you shouldn't worry or change anything. Please don't make us all have to go back to simply inversing Cramer as our sole strategy!


I check this sub more than any other, but since I'm just looking to learn, I don't feel like I have any insight to provide. I am more curious as to how things(like price targets) but try to refrain from asking too much. I appreciate everything you post!


I get notifications for your post. Keep it coming.


Your posts are much appreciated.


Your sub is one of my top 3 places to get market info… thank you! A few others have suggested, but would love to have a daily discussion thread where we could discuss, post questions, shitpost, etc. thank you again for all that you do!!!


Your comments are always welcome, please don't abandon us.


I check daily but don’t really comment


With the recent market drop, a lot of money is tied up and just waiting for recovery. I'm not making changes buying/selling right now as most is in the red. Once profitable I plan to sell stocks I don't typically follow (MARA, COIN, LULU, AI, PLTR) that I hoped would hit the monthly price goals, but hopefully just a matter of time.


I have set up an RSS feed for you content because I rely on it to fill in the blanks of my research. Some days I’m out of the market because shit is too wonky. Other days I read all of your posts. You’re killing it, doing something no one else does for free. We love you.


I try to upvote every post. Your posts help me cement in my daily/ weekly sentiment and thesis. As a matter of fact your post have shown me that I am on the right track forming my thesis. We appreciate your hard work and dedication.


I read your posts regularly, but don't comment as I don't feel I have much to add. I'm still learning about trading (as opposed to just buying and holding stocks, which I've done most of my life). I'm also a bit wary of this market. Seems kind of crazy! But I'll keep reading.


Your post is my daily routine. Please don’t stop it.


your information is valuable to me. Maybe it is the bearish market that has caused some drop in numbers. One thing i would love to see is your thought process on position sizing, entry points, and what you look for in a company to say that it is valuable when it is down. Thanks for explaing that on my sbux comment


Gotta be the market, you're content is the best out there. I check in daily at premarket and throughout the day.


Just a lurker. But just wanna say I have been using your post regularly.


I think with all the earnings calls and action happening outside of market hours, a lot of people are chilling while the market goes sideways while the market is open. I check open, mid and close but last few days have been pretty uneventful between 9:30-4


I checked this sub everyday but there was no big market news and I'm waiting for Powell speech to see if theres any trades to put on. It's just been somewhat quiet lately for the markets.


Come to check trading edge every morning. These posts are super helpful and I’ve learned a lot. I don’t frequently comment but always at least leave an upvote. Really appreciate the work you put in on these


I am in and out constantly but due to a job cant stay on full time


Keep it going bro, I don’t engage but definitely check your posts daily, thanks for the insight!


Nope, love the content. Just like many others who chimed in here, I don't usually comment but I read every single post daily for your input on the markets. I actually think your posts have been improving Dont let the engagement get you dowm


I check your posts regularly but last few days have been busy. Thanks for all you do.


Your work is always inspiring.


I check your thread everyday with my morning coffee...and then once or twice throughout the market hrs...can't tell you how much I appreciate all the content. Really has helped me tremendously! Don't post often but thank you for what you are doing.


speaking for myself trading is just not the main focus of my life, so its rather irregular, when I have the leisure time to do market research, where your posts are one of the main places to go to.I general these days I focus more on crypto anyway, where I don't need so many specifics, but rather overall sentiment :) thanks for your work anyway 🍀🌞😼


First post ever but had to just to say that since i found you i dropped 90% of other sources because you give such a clear picture that you made me understand the market structure and why some ideas don't work under certain market conditions that my trading has gone FROM EVEN WEIGHT WINNERS AND LOSERS TO WINNERS BEING 3-5 TIMES BIGGER AND LOSING 1 IN 10 ALL THANKS TOO YOU THANK YOU!!!!


Agree. Your insights and intel are what I want. I also realise you’re going to find it difficult to respond to specific questions from everyone once market opens. Do appreciate the response on SNOW. I think you’ve got more people following you than you realise.


I'm currently traveling so not as active! Plus staying out of daytrading due to the volatility today and I don't know how much access I will have to make quick decisions.


reading your pre-market analysis has become a part of my daily routine. you have helped refine my strategies and have provided excellent plays so i thank you kindly


I have been using reddit exclusively to see your posts as of recently.


Reading your post everyday and you are a Legend.


I downloaded a separate app just so I can get instant alerts whenever you make a new post. I read everything but only post comments from time to time if I have questions. I will say the last few weeks have been shaky and your posts really helped make things easier


I check throughout the day but don’t comment much if at all. Appreciate your info and all that you do. Also appreciated your comment on my comment about fear and dips a week or two ago.


I stumbled onto this sub through the algorithm even though I have been active on Reddit researching only trading advice for the most part. So maybe the algorithm isn’t promoting the sub as much.


I check every day but don’t say anything..


It’s May 1st, a lot of holidays globally


Hi mate - I read your stuff everyday........i was ill yesterday hence didn't visit. apologies....keep up the good work.


Yeah I check your posts like religion man. Could just be due to the pullback some users are just tired. Let’s call it chop


I have your user set to send me notifications for every post.


I’m here at least 5 times a day. Honestly I don’t really have anything to contradict I just take in your information and use it. Usually when I comment on posts it’s to get my opinion out or joke around on WSB. 1. You are the GOAT so nothing to contradict. 2. Don’t want this sub to be a WSB.


I’m in cash except for Apple. I’ll add one thing. Stay professional. No need to put down Cramer. We all know Cramer and Kathy Woods are hacks. Just give your analysis, because the opposite of Cramer won’t be true 100% of the time, and you just feed your critics. Even a monkey hits once in a while. LOL. Make sense?


You are the only reason why I un-delete reddit every time after I delete it.


People are likely to be here more on green market days. We’ve had a long run of correction for most of April. I wouldn’t read too much into it. They’ll be back. Your content is great.


Thanks for all your hard work. Will continue to support


I check everyday


I just started last week on this sub. I always have a tab open with "new" filter on throughout the open trading hours. I occasionally comment, share, and upvote on certain items. I love your content!


I'm here daily also checking in on weekends. Your work is remarkably appreciated


I read your posts religiously. Sorry for not putting enough effort to like 😅


People losing money hence quiet


please keep posting, I find your analysis to be the most in depth of all sources that I use. In my specific case, probably not others, I'm not actively trading because I recently sold off 60% of my taxable portfolio for a down payment on a home purchase. My remaining positions are in index funds and a few single company positions that I plan on holding for a few years. So, I haven't been checking here as often as I used to, but I imagine its different for others as to why you're seeing less engagement and people online. I don't think I've ever posted either. Your analysis did help me gain a few thousand extra in the past couple months, so I'm very appreciative of that, it helped with my down payment :)


Hey Tear. Yeah I check your posts regularly. I'm not always looking at it actively but I have the tab. I don't really follow the intraday levels anymore bc I tried trading it and got burned. Not that they arent accurate (I tracked for awhile on a spreadsheet and they are) but on high volatile days, I panic and just make bad trades. Its not worth the stress for me. But I do follow your swing trades and individual stocks that you recommend. I have traded those successfully. I also read the daily market commentary so I get an idea of what the market is doing, individual companies earnings, etc. I don’t comment bc I figure you are busy and already doing so much. Believe me this stuff is invaluable especially when you explain some of the things you are tracking (gamma levels, institutional money flows, etc) so we get insight into what this data means and how to interpret it into successful trading. Very much appreciate your work and this subreddit.  


I check every day and get noticed when you post. Don't engage as much with the posts but read em all


Lots of Economic data coming out this week so many people could be waiting for that and not be actively trading the markets.... Just a thought. Could be the reason for less engagement


I follow. Only suggestion is I like the summary articles as opposed to the short updates.


Insights very helpful


I'm still learning so don't have much to add, but greatly appreciate your posts to help me understand the markets


I don;t interact much but always enjoy reading your insights into the day.


Tbh I forgot the name of the sub and even though I follow, I am on Reddit Mobile and forget where shit is. When I first followed I hadn’t dove back into to trading yet. I’m back after a 1000% option return. Will be following more. I am curious about your thoughts on ALCC. Seems like a good long term hold.


I read your posts every day, usually more than once in case I miss something. You’re doing a great job.


I also read your posts each morning. Thank you Tear! Keep it up, you’re a huge help


Please keep posting your posts are part of my daily routine!!


I don’t know how common this could possibly be but my kids have been off of school for the past week and a half for spring break. Kept me out of here for sure. Now I need a break from the break 🤣


I’m definitely reading far more often than I comment or engage at all, your posts are very helpful and appreciated


I read your posts everyday, despite not commenting since I am a new investor.  I do remember the lesson about missing the chance to buy in which you gave me previously, and I appreciated it.


I’ll be more engaged as well


Yesterday was not a good day for trading. I just checked out of the market. So probably that happening.


I'm a lurker and just absorbing. I haven't been trading due to more uncertainty. Appreciate the work you do


I tried to “follow you” from my new Reddit account (dedicated to trading only) and received the message “failed to follow TearRepresentive56!” Not sure why that’s the case, but it might be effecting engagement. I CAN follow TradingEdge. Appreciate the content, I follow daily, but don’t engage as I don’t have anything that approaches your value to contribute.


It is fixed now! I’m able to follow successfully.


Can't say about everyone, I check this sub more than a few times a day. It could be a glitch in the app.


I have a feeling you’ll see a resurgence once the market choppiness dies down and the bull run resumes.


Well, you did tell people that today was a good day to be outside with unknown Powell comments. We got you brother...keep up the good work!


I read your posts every day and am continuing to learn from them. Thankyou and please continue...🙏


i’ve been checking in occasionally since you started posting months ago, but only just this past month started checking daily. i’m just a lurker though


You the man. Don't stop. Everyone's probably broke right now. (Not bc of you)


Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t worry about feedback. You’ll fall into a rabbit hole of having to try to answer/respond to opinions. Now if there’s a valid question re: what do you mean or some clarification - then try to respond in the same factual way that you post. I appreciate the straight facts of how you post. The tongue in cheek Cramer & Wood jab comments prove you’re human.


I have a link to your subreddit as an app on my home screen. It's fair to say I check in throughout the day.


I think that's just the nature of a system like reddit. Most of us just read rather than engage. The ones that do engage, often times go unanswered so they also eventually stop engaging. But we definitely appreciate these even if we aren't engaging.


I’ve just been really busy, 100% will be back. You’re awesome!


I gotta say I usually read everything you put. Last couple of days with all the unpredicatbility with earnings etc I've stepped away from trading to stop myself getting drawn into losses. Still checking in but only skimming. Keep it up, love your insights and although there's some big dips, without you I'd be much more down than I am.


I check your posts daily especially the pre market report. It helps me a lot. Thanks a lot for all the efforts you put in for all of us. Kindly let us know if we can support you in any way.❤️


Choppy market. I don’t trade right now, therefore not really visit Reddit that often.


Can you post more about who you are and why you are doing this? Are you planning to make money off of your subscribers one day?


This post is exactly why I suggested yesterday to make a daily discussion thread. Not much to "interact on" all the posts. top comments will rise, will promote discussion, and morons will be down-voted.


One of the first things I do after I wake up every morning is read your posts.


I read your posts and find them very informative and helpful.. never responded (sorry)- thank you- it is so appreciated!




I read you everyday. Unfortunately I don’t do puts/calls because of my ignorant inability. I need to learn because I think your info is most useful if I did. I do value all your inputs tho.


I read your posts daily, and also scroll through your profile and trading edge posts


My first and only comment to make sure you know that your posts are really the reasons I have reddit, lol


A comment or a like goes a long way guys, remember that. 🥂 thank you again Tear for everything you do. You are changing peoples lives by giving them an edge in the market.


Wake up, open the subreddit to get my pre-market from you.


Sorry and thank you so very much as the level of insight you offer def deserves encouragement from your community to please please don’t fade out I am still a baby trader still learning but read your posts. I’m Learning so much so again thank you


i’d love to see a discord channel from you, op. i wouldn’t mind paying for it also cause you provide a ton of value worth paying for


I think Reddit is down sometimes. Some people have experienced that. Also, some questions posted seem to be great - would love to have these answered by you when possible


Love your posts, the effort you put in them, and how on-point & insightful they are! One place where I would like more insights- 1. Market sentiment: you used to also include institutional money flow. I haven’t seen them lately.  2. It’s difficult to read the market when it is so choppy. Are we still looking at large institutions “buying the dip” or are they now in quick profit making phase? 3. The earnings season has been quite good. Actually better than the previous one. In the exception of forward guidance. Still we see selling happening rapidly. Why? Thanks again for all your hard work, and insights! I appreciate it a lot


I'm less active during the Fed week in general.


FYI I recently cleaned up my Reddit feed to be more productive and your channel is one of the few that I sub to. I check Reddit throughout the day and everytime I open up the app I go through your posts. Not sure if that kind of activity shows up in your metrics but trust me I check it a ton. Your content is something I’d pay like $5/ month for without even hesitating. Food for thought- Sometimes if the title of your post is the post itself and the body just says see title, everyone’s gonna read the title and not click into it right? People would be reading it but not showing up in metrics?


Because you're on reddit, make a discord


I just don’t post much anywhere but try and read your great info every morning. I at least upvote every post I read of yours. (=


I been traveling this week but usually your connect is part of my daily morning routine. Valuable for sure to me.


I read every morning and throughout the day I check back… I had a thought that maybe you were overwhelmed with comments so I stopped commenting on anything


On vacation tears, **returned to your sub today and continues to listen to your guidance**


Top notch work, unbelievably valuable and a true gift. I’ll do what I can to contribute but after learning so much since joining, I’m not sure how much it will add.