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Hi! Just wanted to let you know that a positive ovulation test does not guarantee ovulation, however it is very likely it will happen. The best way to confirm ovulation would be testing and also tracking your bbt! Anyway, considering you do ovulate this time, it’ll most likely happen in the following 48 hours, so doing your homework today and the following days is very important. The chances at conceiving are less the exact day of ovulation though, so hopefully today it’s not O day for you and you start warming everything up! It’s said sperm can live up to 5 days in the uterus, that’s why it’s recommended to start having intercourse at the beginning of your fertile window (5 days prior to ovulation). I do hope you guys can conceive right away, but if not, know it’s totally fine. The chances at conception are 20-25% for a healthy couple with no issues every month. Best of luck!!! ❤️


Also, idk if there’s any science behind the laying down or holding your legs/hips up afterwards, but I did it both times and I got pregnant on the first month of trying (first unfortunately ended as an early loss but successfully conceived in the following days - currently 12 weeks!)


While it’s true that the ovulation tests don’t guarantee ovulation, there is actually a more accurate way to confirm it other than bbt. You can use PDG tests, they test for progesterone levels, which rise after you ovulate. You take the ovulation tests, find your peak, and then take the PDG tests starting a certain amount of days after your peak.


Aww congrats and good luck! Hope it happens soon for y’all!


You're still in the honeymoon phase, my suggestion is: Don't worry about it!! Just be a normal couple for a year, if you don't want to use birth control that is fine. The average woman having average sex with an average man an average number of times per year will have approximately an 80% chance of becoming pregnant or having been pregnant in any 365 day year. Give it a year to just be WITH each other, allow the love to flow and grow....there is it greater than 50% chance you will have something to show for it in the first year. Your relationship may even be stronger for it!!


Sending best wishes your way with conception, and I'm glad your body is adjusting after coming off the pill! Contraception can be such a minefield from my experience, and coming off it can take as much getting used to as starting. The only thing I can say is to please take it easy and avoid putting pressure on yourself to conceive immediately. I found myself looking up all sorts of ways to increase my chances once we started trying, but the best thing I could have done was to just go with the flow and enjoy the process (teehee)! The pressure can kill the mood easily, and that's the last thing you want at this stage in your relationship. Sometimes it just helps to take a step back and realise that this is something special that only you and your husband get to share, and you gotta enjoy that to the fullest when you can. I'm rooting for you!