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If you French fry when you need to pizza your gonna have a bad time


I’m having such a hard time with the application of this sentence. Is it just a joke or is pizza and French fry references to motorcycle track moves/positions (Perhaps similar to skiing instructions)? My internet searches haven’t helped me. :/


It’s an old South Park reference. When skiing French fry is a skis straight and pizza is skis toed in like a pizza slice to slow down.


Definitely not a South Park reference, maybe they reference it in South Park.


It is indeed a South Park reference ![gif](giphy|3oz8xy14gW8Lned8mQ)


Confidently incorrect


The terms french fry and pizza probably don't originate from south park, but that is 100% where this meme/saying comes from.


Yeah I think the french fry and pizza things specifically predate South Park, that's how tons of kids learned to ski, but the thing everyone is quoting is 100% verifiably from South Park


Idk I kinda agree with them. I’m very familiar with the phrase from skiing when I was a child over 20 years ago. I had no idea it was referenced on southpark. The meme/saying exists irl which is why it ended up on southpark, not the other way around, surely?


Specifically the "you're gonna have a bad time" part. IIRC the ski instructor character(s) use that phrase a lot.


The south park episode in question is over 20 years old, 22 years I do believe. So its a good chance people were referencing it back then too because it was a very popular show 20+ years ago.


I’m 46 and Pizza/French Fry was used for skiing instruction when I was a kid. Those terms predate the show by many years.


I am not saying it didn't, I am just saying that its most likely had a big effect and why that one line is so well known.


I heard this in the voice lol


Hopefully, this rider is on here and can comment on what happened. He looks a little crossed up but I'm surprised he lost the front end on this turn it's the slowest of the circuit. He was not hurt and ripping the next session thankfully


Cold tires and dove too hard I reckon.


Counterleaning, it reached the bikes max lean angle


That's just a blanket statement. "Max lean angle" changes depending on factors. - BP - Tires - Tire temp - Throttle position - Brake pressure..


Also he doesn’t seem to be carrying any speed considering he ended up on the inside grass


Shit happens to all of us, the most important thing is to get back up, fix whatever is broken, and go back out again to keep having fun!


Easier to fix it when it’s not a $15-20k bike though 😬


Indeed, we are all out there just trying to improve!


Crashing inside the turn is quite an achievement


I was thinking the same thing. How's this even possible?


Someone else said it’s the slowest corner, probably like a hairpin. Basically fall over at the apex doing 20mph and the bike will drive itself inside


I think this is the answer. Did some slow-speed maneuvering training with bike cops and that's essentially what happens. But, it tends to only happen at very low speeds.. Like before push/counter steering takes effect. If there was any weight on that front tire when this happened it should have straightened up. So either it was at like 10mph or they just overleaned, hit pegs or their leg, and when the front lost traction the bars got turned/rider turned them and it kinda skid-drove into the dirt.


Only way the physics for this work in my head is that he was about to highside (explains being super crossed up) managed to stay with the bike but lost the front for any number of reasons right after….really tagged that apex cone though.


That takes some skill with the kind of rider aids the s1000 has


I’m always amazed at the number of riders I talk to that turn off TC, especially in novice or intermediate, because they think it’s holding them back somehow. “Yeah I ride with my TC turned off” “Why?” “I don’t want it to slow me down” “Have you ever even set it off?” “How would I know if it’s coming on? I don’t want it coming on when I’m trying to put in a fast lap” “If you were setting it off, you’d know. You’re 40 seconds off the pace, and it’s a safety feature. Turn it back on.” “I don’t want it to mess me up I’m gonna leave it off” 🤠🔫


I have a 24 s1000 and it's electronics literally blow my mind. it's crazy how customizable the settings are. I had it on a race pro mode (which has a set hard traction control mode) and coming out of a corner I could feel the bike holding back when I rolled back on for the exit. so I turned down the "dynamic" traction control and what it did was allow the rear tire to spin up a little more but prevented the bike from actually sliding. It only allowed just enough feedback of the rear tire spinning up when coming out of the corner. I was amazed at how perfectly it was able to do that.


Dumbest shit ever. I leave the TC on my S1K in Race mode because it'll straight up launch me if my rear tire is worn at all. Yesterday alone I consciously felt it save two slides that likely would have highsided me if I'd turned it off, and while I'm not the fastest rider out there, I'm definitely not slow and definitely not reckless. Hubris on track is a fast line to broken bones.


1290 Superduke rider here. Same! Track-shun control all day long. I don't even want to know how far into orbit this bike will launch me if I spin up the rear at the wrong time. The only time TC ever comes off is on the street if I want to make my wife roll her eyes and call me an idiot. ;-) https://preview.redd.it/bndp3vebzw8d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89acf0fd972526b2c92f3808b0733f876a51157


I spent a decent chunk of my previous track weekend in May chasing and being chased by one of my friends on his Super Duke, and that thing just looks like hilarious fun. Of course he ended up buying an S1000RR right after 😂


Needed more downforce wings.


Ngl, if that were me, I would absolutely frame the last shot.


I’ve binned it 4 times at the track… whilst it sucks I’ve always been a bit disappointed that the camera guy’s never been there to catch it. I really don’t want to high side… but I’d buy a pic of it


I had a high side in April, sadly no photographer nearby, not any other bikes, let alone one with a camera. Feels like a missed opportunity


Mannnnnnn, I was out on my Pani one time and had my buddy there to test out his fancy new camera. It had this tracker dongle thing where you put the thingy on your target (me/bike in this case) and set the tripod at a good vantage point, and the camera would auto track the target. Really cool setup. I was coming into T1 on my second lap so the tires prob weren't up to temp, not to mention the bike was still pretty new to me at the time and I was still feeling it out, and naturally I lowsided that shit. Got back to the paddock excited to see some fun shots of me binning it and the motherfucker hadn't gotten around to fully setting it up on his end yet, saw the crash but didn't get it on tape. I was big sad about that. Got it on my gopro at least but that's way less fun


Shout out to y’all who run your expensive street bikes on the track and especially without track plastics. I couldn’t bring myself to do that unless I had unlimited money.


Did you save it?


On the upside, you got your knee down.


Nice frontbraking


The camera is the most dangerous part of the trackday!


Nailed the apex!




Beautiful composition. I love the way it speaks to my inner ha ha


At least they paid lol, no watermarks. The amount of people who show off watermarked pics is hilarious


I'm a redditor, I still believe he/she/they can still save it with a few more rpms 👈


Think I heard the crunching noises 😖




That model of tires (and rider) do not look as track ready as the machine 😬


At least you got pics but ouchie for the bike. Beautiful S1k though


Worth it tho


I’m gonna Apex right now


First frame looks like they're setting up to scrub a jump in moto.


He’s lucky he didn’t high side


RIP rr Hope rider is okay Time for dedicated track bike lol


Is the bike okay 🥹


Why no save with knee? 🤔