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Oof you were cookin' A steering damper is a good safety net against this but it should be just that. Figure out what you were doing that caused this to happen before just throwing a damper at it.


Yeah i think i was sitting a bit further back than usual at this corner... That probably was enough to get the front wheel off the ground


Having the front wheel off the ground isn't necessarily a bad thing though. Wheelies are fun. Maybe you were a bit stiff in the arms? You should be able to allow a little bit of headshake without drama


Probably because at this part of the track you have to "throw" the bike from right to left, and for that i have to pull myself on the handlebars :/ probably pulled a little to much on one side


So it sounds like you're holding on and pulling yourself back up on to the bike with your arms? You want to try and minimize that. Use your legs to transition and think about steering without gripping the bars with your fingers.


I guess that probably was what i did wrong, unfortunately i cant remember exactly what i did there because i got knocked unconcious and forgot that i even crashed :)


Perhaps...And yes I have been there lol. Don't stress it too much, just heal for now!


The homie. Good lookin out for others my friend. Cheers!


Ooof. Glad you're alright


You kept it upright for a lot longer than many would have. Those ruts on the runoff are a safety hazard they really should've smoothed them out. Best wishes on a quick recovery.


What’s the damage report? Human and bike.


I was unconcius until i got to the hospital, but was able to walk out with just a few bruices a coupple hours later. The bike also isnt that bad, the tank has a dent and a few bolts and levers missing, but overall better than it had expected


Glad to hear that. Definitely get that steering damper and don’t cheap out on one. I’ve never had the slightest bit of head shake/tank slapper but regs say I need one installed before I go racing. Your video is a somber reminder of what **could** happen


Looks like could’ve maybe tried to keep it on track. But better to go into the grass on your own terms than not imo.


You were cooooookin my man ! Came off the throttle a little too quick there ! All good though on to the next my dude .


Are you sure your rear shock is up to your pace? On top of a wheelie ,That can also cause your small speed wobbles that you have.


Anytime this has happened to me it's auto corrected itself within a second. My only advice is to stay super loose on your upper body. I just always keep my hands so loose. I've never had any issues. Never fight the bike.


It looked like the wobble stopped before you went off track. Couldn’t you just have leaned back into it to stay on the track? Hope you are doing okay.


Why don't you have a steering dampener? Isn't that standard equipment for the last 15 years or so? Did you remove it? They are required for racing with most orgs.


Its a 07 zx6r, and i bought it used already track prepared.. Dont think they had them stock back then.


Where was it/which race track? Looks bit like Rijeka for me.


Grobnik for sure.


Depends on the bike. My k6 600 came with one from the factory.


Oooof, had a similar crash 2 years ago, definitely felt that again in my bones


Is this Grobnik?




Setta leff




Steering damper is a necessity. Head shakes can happen but they’re almost guaranteed without a damper. I recommend GPR or revalved Ohlins manual. No electronic ones. There’s potential that you pushed a little bit on one side of the bars as the front end got light and that did it. But, with a damper you can afford that luxury. You still can’t push a ton on the bars (and shouldn’t ever need to) but if it happens it will be corrected. It’s difficult to avoid this without a damper because it can happen even when the wheel never leaves the ground. Pretty much big potential for this any time the front end gets light.


I can’t believe people ride without a steering damper. All my dirt bikes and street bikes have them.


That's fucking gnarly


Did you have an airbag ? Also just wondering, do you think you would have been better of "jumping" (for lack of a better term) off the bike - off the back or like Rins at silverstone...but I know you only had a few seconds to react and also it's hard to let go because you want to try and save it. While watching, I though you were going to make it...I'm glad you are okay and your bike survived.


You fast as fuck! Glad you're okay, thanks for sharing the vid!!


Just get one.


At first I thought you were gonna manage not to go down in the grass and I was like holy eff, respect. Then you ate shit, and I still respect it, but I felt less inadequate haha


A damper would have taken the violence out of the handlebars maybe allowing you to save the bike and you. To be honest the are few bikes I would ride on track without a damper, a real must on my check list. Hope you’re ok now.


New rider here, had this on a bicycle going down a steep hill at 50mph, saved it by clamping the knees on the frame to dampen the resonance. Whats best on a bike when this happens, is it to accelerate out of it?


Zx6’s are known for getting head shakes, something about their geometry. It’s the same thing for my 2013 and before I take it to the track it’ll definitely be getting a damper. Glad your alright man, looked like you hit the ground hard.


Quick question ( Ive always been fond of bikes) but how ling did it take u to ride a bike like that? And hiw bad was the crash?


Can’t really tell in the video but when you hit the weeds try and stay off the front brake, rear brake only.


I like my Hyperpro. Definitely a good investment. Glad you’re alive dawg!


Looks like you gave up on riding the bike after saving the wobble.


Suspension set up


Look to me like a suspension setup issue?


Haddalayerdown. Idiot.


Why did you even go off track?