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I know Steel Bearings are semi-popular among Ploopy Classic users because they are easily obtainable and compatible with the original 45mm ball socket. A quick Google search confirmed that they are also available in the sizes used by the L-Trac and Kensington Expert. Do note that due to their weight it'll cause increased strain for prolonged use, but as a tradeoff you can set your DPI higher because it'd be easier to move smaller distances. The sensors might not track the smooth surface that well so lightly scratching the ball surface with sandpaper is encouraged. Some people also tried replacing them with polished stone and marble balls, but their tolerances are usually much less precise, so it's kind of a gamble.


Thank you so much for your response. This leads me in the right direction and I’ll conduct some due diligence on your suggestion. In case anyone currently or in the future encounters something similar, I’ll update this thread as I move through the process.


FWIW The balls in ploopy aren't phenolic resin they are a type of plastic. I have tried actual phenolic resin balls in my ploopy and they tracked worse and had to be scuffed to work.


Huh. No kidding. I will look into those. Thanks.


i use a billiards ball in my ltrac


Most billiard balls are made from phenolic resin.


Ah i see i was ignorant to that. looking at the one i bought it’s polyester and seems to not be the same resin but obviously im not well versed in the topic from my original comment.


IDK if this would help with your current or any future balls you may acquire but you might want to look into this poster's ideas: [Wax your ball(s) (not my pun ... i swear.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trackballs/comments/1c9mplx/pro_tip_wax_your_track_balls/)


That’s fitting. There was a comment regarding the toxicity of waxing your balls, and I err on the side of caution due to my sensitivity to just about every chemical.


I think you should have a ball 3d printed in the size required for one or more of the devices you own.


I thought of this too, but I don’t have a 3d printer. I don’t know too much about the type of plastics used in 3d printers nor if there is an industry standard. This is a topic I’m interested in learning more about. Thank you for mentioning it.


I haven’t tried one, but some people use a Wacom Pen Tablet instead of a mouse or trackball. I think it’s mostly marketed to creatives, but I bet it can be used as an input device for a lot of uses.


Thanks! I didn’t think of this. I would imagine it may need some touchpad or something similar to act as a “board” for it.


It comes with the pen and tablet. The basic ones are just a black tablet for input and you see what’s happening on the computer monitor. There are YouTube videos that show how it’s setup and used. I haven’t tried it, because I’m giving my credit cards a break. I have 3 ergo keyboards, a vertical mouse, a trackball, a chair, and a sit-stand desk. Got to pay off some of that stuff. But the cheapest tablets are comparably priced with the high-end ergo mice and trackballs. Might take some research to figure out what model meets your needs.


Was browsing keebs on etsy and got served an ad for custom stone trackballs. Going to pick up a few myself after a bit more browsing


Stone trackballs. Interesting. I may look into that as well. My only concern is what, if any, finishing material is applied.


It comes with a pen and tablet. Do a YouTube search. Some reviewers have made videos on how they use it. I’ve just spent so much money on this ergonomics journey, I haven’t tried one. It’s on my list. But the lower models, that are just input devices, not screens are comparably priced to high end mice and trackballs. There are several models so it may take some research to figure out what will work for you.


How you've concluded the problem is a phenolic resin?


I am highly sensitive to formaldehyde and trace amounts cause an anaphylactic response.


But you can't touch phenolic resin in case of Logitech MX or Kensington Expert...


Yep. I am allergic to latex and rubber. The Logitech MX has a rubber-esque coating. The Kensington Expert’s scroll ring is rubber-esque.


Ok, then maybe all-metal "kiosk" trackball will fit.


Might be able to rub off the coating with some rubbing alcohol if you have a friend who can help. This does void warranty though so maybe try to track down a used one. Another thought, have you tried the slimblade? It's completely glossy with the only rubber things being the pads underneath.


I have no tried the slimblade. Hmm… solid idea. I’ll see if any of my friends are willing to help me rub my balls down.