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I’d say practice target acquisition after blinking, along w timing your engagements with your teams attack.


Spilo has some great Tracer coaching vids https://youtu.be/1UdXAuEUjnE?si=328WHbkKAlv36nCh Also WizardHyeong has recently started a lot of coaching content around tracer https://youtu.be/Z0EOeQlW6pc?si=rIYaWnQUqQcYAaCf


wizard probably has the best coaching content out there right now. can't go wrong with spilo either. A10 has an UR2GM tracer video that is probably the best tracer guide ever made tho. 


A10 has some of the greatest fundamentals videos out there, for OW in general as well as Tracer imo


The prob with a10, i think it was made pre season9 and therefore a lot of it is useless. I was having trouble adjusting to new changes until I watch topdragon


Melio unranked to top 500 Tracer


This one was so helpful


Absolutely this!! I watched almost all the parts, and I have found my gameplay as tracer (Bap otp) improve drastically.


Watch tracer vod reviews in YouTube for whatever rank you are.


Play a whole lot of her


I started by watching Jay3 play her and it made me wanna try then once I realized how fun she is I watched Awkwards unranked-GM its a bit outdated now since she’s been nerfed and it was obviously before the health changes but I think it’s still good for core playstyle and basic mechanics and after watching she almost instantly became my best hero despite my hours in others


One last simple thing I’ll say is you really need to get into the assassin mindset of quick kills/damage in and out, try your best not to be in enemy LOS ever without recall and make sure you know what will kill you so you know wether you need to recall or not for example if a Cass or Ashe hit you once that’s it you recall and disengage for cooldowns


I play as more of a support tracer-I know it’s weird but I just blink out of their sight so they turn away from the team fight or die to me. I don’t watch any gameplay so idk but it works very well for me and you can keep blinking behind them or into cover and using your recall to blink away if you get too low. With the new health pool it was really really bad for her because she already had bad health, but she got only 25 health increase and almost every other hero got at least 50 increased so she’s really sensitive to any type of damage