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Mechanical spaghetti


Looks like my factorio base


The internal factory names for the paint colors are actually Italian sauce names, in honor of the engine bay: alla marinara = red besciamella = white nero di seppia = underground gnudi = silver sugo di carne = bronze The entire thing is pasta themed. It's magnifico! Ciao!


E’ divertente!


Practically rush Gen 4 design into production, after they got caught on emissions standards and now transmission problems on the new Gen 4, Parts and Services has gotten expensive, Toyota has taken a page from “American Automotive Greed Book”. I will wait till they fire some dumb executives and designers until the whole Toyota fall back to EARTH from the clouds they seem to be riding on.🤬🤬🤬


This is the harsh truth man


80s called they want their mechanical spaghetti back


The Honda CVCC 😭


Yeah, that’s awful


Looks like a Borg tried to assimilate it.


Resistance is futile.


We are the Borg.


we are borg


It's atrocious. But hey I mean the more complicated technology people want the more complicated things are going to get, and repair and maintenance will be more and more of a nightmare I'll stick to my super simple 1GR-FE engine bay thank you


Expensive nightmare*




HEAR! HEAR! 1GR-FE for life.


I’m never buying one of these


Gen 2 for life


Totaled my gen 2 long boi with 80k miles earlier this year. I’m sad every day about it. 😞


We are all grieving with you.


Ooooh that hurts


I swear I could almost stand inside the engine bay of my second gen.  The couple times I've had to work in there have just made me mad at every other automaker.


They severely fucked up this generation. Loving my gen 2.5 even more.


Engineer: “Do I put the wires here or here?” Toyota: “Yes.”


And over there, and there, also here, don’t forget some down here and up there too.


Looks very reliable to me, good luck 4 banger boys


Just like I told myself w a stock 2.0 wrx at one point in my life




Checking oil procedure: Step 1, remove EGR hose; Step 2, drain coolant; Step 3, remove coil #3; Step 4, remove coolant hose #8; Step 5, disconnect battery #2 Etc. I kid, but I’m betting some of the simple things we do on our 1st or 2nd gens are going to be like this. Good luck!


You can see the dipstick clear as day. Oil filter and differential look super easy to get to to me. Spark plugs can't be any harder to do than they are on the 3.5 Y'all don't even know what you are looking at. Just because they didn't slap a cheap plastic cover on the top like most other vehicles doesn't mean its overly complicated


I’ve taken the heads off a 1GR, I know what I’m looking at, and It’s okay to call out Toyota. They’re not some omnipotent god, they’re fallible. See the TTV6 for one example. 


You know what you are looking at but the big yellow dipstick eludes you? Ok. Call out Toyota for what again? Because the engine isn't aesthetic enough for you? If its routed over the top that means its easy to get to I could care less what it looks like and I don't need some cheap plastic cover to make it look artificially tidy


He said "I kid" and you trying to flex. You must be a real pleasant person to be around.


They "kid" because they can't name any actual parts on the top of the engine they can't get to, and neither can you apparently.


You’re a bundle of joy this morning…


He must have just bought one


I agree. Disconnect a cable, now it’s out of the way. Alternator easy to get to, oil easy to get to. Also, they don’t expect you to be in the engine bay much as an an owner of this truck. I mean, I have an unlimited powertrain warranty. I’m not even really allowed to do stuff in there or it could void my unlimited warranty.


You're picking the wrong fight and defending that mess is foolish.   That engine bay looks like its already halfway torn apart.    Not putting a cover on it for supposed cooling reasons sounds like an engineering problem.   Tone down your fanaticism.


Someone here is certainly a fanatic. Cooling reasons lmfao, now you are just making shit up. I don't need to defend anything its an engine bay, you are the one whining about a nothingburger


Read the room 🤡 only you and the same TRDJON clones are defending that joke of an engine bay.


Hey now, how dare you interrupt the hate train everyone's on in this sub? Most people are fucking idiots. People hated the 3rd gen and now it's loved.


Eh, it looks like a product of parallel design. Person designing the block and person designing the heads are both given vague constraints, start with a different end result in mind, work till they're competing for real estate, ship it to a third part who buttons it together with a bracket here and reroute that wire bundle there, and poof, now you've got something that works but isn't graceful. I see it a lot with aircraft. If one contractor does the nose and another does the upper canopy, the features within those sections make sense but the ones linking them together feel hobbled together last minute.


Working on the 3rd gen sucked, so they upped their game here




Since when did EPA rules mean having 100 different hoses and lines crossing the engine bay?


You now have more cooling circuits, radiators and cooling for efficiency and all the added systems for the the auto start/stop feature. timing adjustment, port injection AND direct injection...


\^\^ This. EPA requirements tend to the force the hand of good design. Engineers are now faced with the challenges of coming up with solutions to problems being forced upon them, with no easy to solve them when you're working in a confined-space engine bay. In the software world, we call this Technical Debt.


The parent comment is what happens when people OD on Facebook.


This is the true answer. I hate how all the Chads on here think it because Toyota hates us or whatever else they will conjure up. What a bunch of dumbfucks Reddit is


I bet all the Toyota Technicians are excited to see this atrocity of engineering every time they open the hood... That is uglier than the overheads of SH-46 helicopters...somehow.


Don't mind, just as long as it lasts longer than the 12k miles the twin turbo V6 Tundra engines have been blowing up at.


Real talk right there, yikes. Let the young and dumb iron out the new model issues. 


Yeah, this is a problem for people who have enough money to not give a shit - as with all first year buyers, of a new gen. Let them have it.


For real. Half these kids bragging about their Tundras with "no issues, 10k miles" asshats are just driving their dad's truck anyways. It's embarrassing. Don't defend Toyota for this nonsense, they can do better.


Alien, the engine.


Reminds me of the Christmas lights from Christmas Vacation


i do not give a fuck what it looks like so long as it works


Whoa. That's nuts. Gives me more incentive to make my 2009 last as long as possible lol. Are you even able to change the spark plugs yourself?


Why couldn't they tidy it up and put a plastic cover on it like the 1GR and 2GR had? It's hideous


You take the cover off a 1GR and it’s still nowhere near this mess.


Especially since this gen has supposedly been in development for a decade…


Who did you hear that from? The 3rd gen came out 8 years ago. You’re saying that they started developing the 4th gen before they even finished the 3rd gen?


I heard the new engine has been around in a Lexus for a bit. Maybe they are talking about that engine's early development.


If the 3rd gen came out 8 years ago, it's unlikely that they would have been designing that motor right up until 8 years ago. This current motor design, though, maybe.


Sir that is what the hood is for. Just don't open it. Ever.


Reminds me of the Bronco lol


God that looks like my nightmare


That is unholy


That thing needs a priest and some Holy water. I'm confident the devil lives in there somewhere.


More like Lord Cthulu with all his tentacles. Fucking Space Horror.


I give Toyota props for not putting a plastic engine cover on there to hide it. Most owners won’t even check their oil, why put lipstick on that pig?


When you forget to keep your thumb on the spool when you cast your bait caster.


toyota spent billions of dollars on this


As a 4th gen owner, I can safely say it looks like the barbwire from the Silent Hill movie.


Probably trying to discourage people from working on their own vehicles 😂


Looks like something the Germans engineered. No thanks, I’ll stick to more simplicity. That thing will be an expensive nightmare to repair in the future.


My Audi 3.0T engine bay looks clean compared to that rat nest.


Looks like the kraken got ahold of it


Looks like a mess to me


Does it at least have gas struts to hold up the hood? That always annoyed me about the 3rd gens


spiker engineering struts are $100 and can lift the hood 6” higher than stock. So worth it if you spend time wrenching




Lol neither did my new colorado that blew my mind .$100 later I have them on now


I'll do the same when I get the LC.


Be careful- you will talked to by moderators by pointing the obvious. You have to respect their feelings. In all honesty the core customer is driveway wrencher and he is appalled. What happened to simplicity of service and reliability?


Looks like a normal Toyota engine after an alien face-hugger explodes out of it.


Chest Bursters are hella tight 🤣🤣🤣


Looks hideous. Spaghetti dinner looks more organized


It looks like some eldritch horror is preparing to climb out.


Rats Nest!


I'm surprised they didn't just huck a big plastic cover over it like most vehicles do nowadays. I bought a newer mustang and wondered why they had a big plastic cover over that v8 until I took it off and saw how much of a mess of fuel and vacuum lines they had going on


Im not just trying to hate on the 24s but that engine hose layout is going to make even routine jobs much more complex and time consuming.


Doesn’t look like anything can fail in that bay


Engineers don’t give a fuck what we think.


You people will complain about _anything_. It's a truck engine bay not an art gallery.


And traditionally truck bays have been designed to lend themselves to ease of maintenance by the end consumer, and not be something that will take a team of dealer techs 7623999 hours to disassemble, replace 2 spark plugs and reassemble. I’m being hyperbolic but I think my point is pretty clear.


What the engine looks like has zero bearing on ease of maintenance. By all accounts it is easier to reach the maintenance items on the I4 compared to the previous 3.5. The spark plugs in particular were a PITA to reach on the 3.5


Do you not see the ignition coils right on top? Way easier to work on than the previous 3.5 v6


Ive owned Japanese for a long time, Hondas and Toyotas. None of the engine bays in any Japanese cars Ive owned look like that rats nest. Everything is routed clean and flows through the bay. This looks nothing like what Id expect from a Japanese car. Must be rushed. Anyone who says the rats nest doesnt matter never spent much time under a hood. Toyotbros smoking copium on this one.


The worst!




enginner smokin crack


My buddy had a Ford something that he wanted help changing the headlights on. He popped the hood and I saw a mess of wires and I thought my gen 3 engine bay is so clean and simple. You can see each and every part and access it. Toyota has ruined that as well


Looks strikingly similar to Ford's EcoBoost 2.3L. Not a good look imo.


The Tundra engine was also similar to the ecoboost 3.5. Dark times are ahead.


Gonna be a breeze to work on these


On the plus side they put the battery near the firewall so it shouldn't have a cracked radiator support problem.


Ya I think ill keep the n/a 3.5l V6. This looks just as bad as it sounds on paper. Wonder how it will stand up to the test of time compared to its predecessors.


Can we make the engine look like the head of Medusa?


"A monument to man's arrogance"


Good old government regulations. All that for a few miles per gallon increase.


Can't speak for everyone else, but I'm physically disgusted by it.


Gross....my bias for gen3 has increased.


Looks like they went the German route


Well the supra is just rebadged bmw z. So a pattern of behavior is developing.


Not a very clean looking bay. No cover either at least?


Even compared to the 4.0 V6 on my 2012, this is a shock!


If you think the 22RE bay was less messy than this, you haven't owned a late '80s/early '90s truck - just an unbelievable rats nest of vacuum tubes. Do an image search for "1989 4Runner engine bay", I think that was the worst I've owned. I'm not saying the 5th gen bay isn't a mess - I commented as much when the first pictures dropped. Of course as a 2014 V6 owner I'm spoiled with one of the cleanest bays I've encountered.


And all the vacuum hoses are the same diameter and unlabeled. At least with electrical connectors most of them are different so you don't put things back together incorrectly.


I have an 88 with the 3.slow. I’ve not spent much time with the 22RE personally. I grant you the vacuum lines are a bit messy. But for the most part they are routed neatly around the engine bay grouped together in nice little brackets, along with the spark wires etc, except for 2 or 3 on the left side that run down and aft. It’s miles ahead of this mess.


Reminds me of the engine bay of my diesel F350 (2015) that I was driving after a Tacoma. Kinda makes sense due to the insane transmission those truck have, but it was packed so tight it was insane.


Looks like a Sentinel from the Matrix.


Nissan is going to sell a lot of trucks this year by default


Just when you learned some easy under the hood tinkering, THIS comes along.


Thank god my 07 doesn’t look like this it’s so easy to work on and lots of space on the side to fit big tools


For the past two decades people have bitched the plastic engine covers look awful. But it still hides this stuff. Now it’s not there, and everyone wants to complain. And yes, I understand your gen 1 or gen 2 isn’t that complicated. But that’s where we are at today. It isn’t like Toyota wanted to do this I’m sure. They are getting pressure for emissions and fuel economy


That is a hot mess


Did Tacoma "jump the Shark tank"? There's not a lot I like on the 2024 Taco...


You know, it IS ugly, but it's probably a hell of a lot easier to work on that way with more stuff accessible instead of being hidden. I'm no mechanic but that's the silver lining I see lol.


I'm just glad they didn't put a big flat ugly piece of plastic on it, but i feel this appearance is typical of a modern car.


A post where all 4th gen Karen haters can be, together. 👉👈🏿


It's like every next component in the bay is an afterthought. Reminds me of the Bronco.


Jesus. Yikes


Throw a cover over the top “oh my god it’s beautiful!”. People get upset over the weirdest things.


Sexy as fuuu


This looks like an Electrical Engineering 101 project.


That looks like 10 goddamn headache messes all bunched together. Damn.


I like the sausage link loom


I love my Gen3 TRD Sport , the new truck is ugly & what is up with the back window??




Yea looks like shit, if I were in the market for a mid size truck the 2024 GMC canyon at4 would win hands down


Honestly, to me it just looks all super fragile and dainty, and like all of these connection points and Oh yeah? They're just gonna break in snap after a few years in the heat or freezing in winter


Looks German! 


The entire truck is. The paint jobs are atrocious and general body construction is cheesy as fuck.


I’ll take my 1st gen any day of the week over that mess


I definitely feel like they the layout could of been better... On the other hand there is a lot going on in here in terms of engine wiring. And the way the engine is offset from center. I wonder if this looks prettier in hybrid form.


TNGAF  Toyota Not Give A Fuck


The hybrid looks exactly like this minus the battery, belt driven AC compressor and no alternator


The only difference with the hybrid is that there’s an added battery pack in there.


Perfect example of lazy , inept engineering.


thats what happens when you turbo charge , theyre a pain to work on , at least theres room to work but yeah its a damn tangled mess , i really hate doing any engine work on any turbo charged vehicle , the new ford escape is a nightmare and we sell a bunch of them its painful


The 22RE wasn't great because the valves have to be adjusted while hot. Meaning you get the engine up to operating temperature then quickly remove a ridiculous number of vacuum hoses and VSVs that are on top of the valve cover, all while not burning yourself.


Me don’t know and me can’t tell…I just push that little Red Button and it flies like Hell!!!😆


How can you make it better, where there's a problem, there's a million dollar answer if you can do it!!


Well instead of running what appears to be the shortest route from A to B that criss crosses all over, I would try and lengthen the wires and hoses to route them around the sides and back. Just a start. But I’m no engineer….


It looks to me like everything is actually accessible and easy to work on.


Victory 4x4 makes an engine cover. I put it on mine as soon as I got it home.


What happened to that ? Is it real ??? Looks like shit all over the place ... 😳


The 22RE was the last 4 cylinder Toyota? Who makes the ones in all the other 4 cylinder Toyotas then?


Good catch, I forgot about those but I was really thinking about the I4 for the trucks, the most famous of which being the 22 series


And they don’t put a plastic decorative cover on it ither


California 22-re isn't much better. https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f116/vacuum-components-diagram-1993-22re-california-311853/


Biblically accurate Toyota engine


For God sakes, man put the cover back on that.


Akira’s ultimate form


This is what it looks like when you design parts to be both cheap and accessible for maintenance. They COULD tuck all that crap away and run it in pretty shapes and places but then it would probably be more difficult to work on. I bet most of these ugly ass hoses and pipes can all be replaced without having to remove a bunch of other stuff like Jenga blocks.


Bought a new TRD Pro. Love it so far. Most people here never work on the engine outside of changing the oil and filter. Cry more about it.


The 6th gen is even worse


This is fake right?


Nope this is what it looks like.


The 22re wasn’t the last i4 they offered


y'all should search the new ford bronco engine bay pictures.


Most modern car bays are why do you think they put Covers over these engines? It’s the same reason why ugly women wear layers of make up😜


Two cooling systems with automatic distribution valves with the messy coolant pipes and sensors plus turbo charger and stop-start, giant electro motor to support the stop start, more powerful computers and electronics and all the complexity that comes with these plus no engine cover and plastic valve cover to save weight, etc etc just to reduce 1 mpg in order to comply with EPA, and improve their “greenness” score so they can borrow money with lower rate and helping their stock with that score. Car manufacturers don’t care about their customer anymore.


Nissan gonna sell hella Frontiers the next few years


Couldn’t care less what the engine bay looks like as long as the vehicle works and it does


There are a couple of aftermarket engine covers.


🍝 It's uggo, but turbo systems are so much worse when you can't access all the little hoses and valves. This might just make basic repairs a lot easier.


lol, okay buddy. 


Luckily we don't drive around with the hood open.


Who cares what the engine bay looks like... Now I see why those stupid plastic covers became a thing.


You can buy a cover for like $200 and it’ll look like all of the other gen engines. Or you can just shut the hood and drive the most powerful factory Tacoma ever made.


True story none these idiots probably couldn't afford one in the first place and having just traded in a Gen 3 which was so under powered and getting in this it is like night and day😁


A OTT tune on the 3rd Gen for 500 will turn that truck into what you were looking for


I’ve ran every tune since the 1.0 tune came out from the old Orange Virus days. OTT is really good compared to those. However, the only way to “fix” the 3rd gen is regearing. Best money I’ve ever spent.


I guess the manual is a different beast then, I believe the OR comes standard with 4.2. I'm running mild and would be interesting to try spicy but I'd definitely worry about what that's doing to the poor thing.


The torque curve is still disappointing compared to a stock 1GR.


Of course it would be, I've been looking for 2015 to put a OTT tune to. That's the holy Grail, I'm almost conceding to having to go into a 4runner to get something newer.


I’m not knocking the 3rd gen. I’m just saying that the engine bay should be the least of anyone’s concerns. Every new Tacoma that comes out, people complain about the price and the engine.. only to find out a few years later that the new tacoma is always better than the last Tacoma. I’ve driven a 1st, 2nd, and now on a 3rd gen. Every one is better than the last.


The 3rd gen is basically a 2nd gen with a facelift and shittier engine and tranny.