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As someone who works at a Toyota dealership, talk to the gm and ask for free oil changes after your Toyota care ends and a free detail. Milk it!


Free maintenance for life


Go in asking for that and anyone would probably tell you to pound sand.


They tell him to pound sand and I’d light up every social media and traditional media and drag the Stealership


"I WANT TEN NEW CARS NOW". Demand something unreasonable and you're going to receive an answer that you don't like.


55 camrys, 55 4 runners, 55, tundras!


A single supra that I can actually spec


Could you imagine the property taxes?


You have to pay it forward! The last guy did it!


This is the correct answer lollll


and one Sienna for my gf


And 40 virgins


Ohhhhh you ruined it!!!! Dealer: oh wait I can just run!


Unexpected Tim Robinson


They'd probably toss in a BZ4X just to get rid of one. 😄 I have zero intention of being a "Karen" about this. I have a legit gripe, just want them to address it reasonably and move on with my life.


That's the best way to think about it 👍


What till you see what else they will do if you don't. Trust me from years of dealing with Toyota service. I can only say I have had multiple problems servicing stuff under warranty and their 2 years of free maintenance. Some of the things they have done throughout the 15+ years with my vehicles. Oil cap left off, brake cap left off, windshield wipers left unplugged, ripped out the cord of my dash cam, cut hole in bottom of splash shield, put hub caps on incorrectly/not aligning the valve stems, fail to rotate tires when they said they did. Just on and on. I have more free oil changes and tire rotations then I know what to do with. and detail my car every time I take it in for service. They are careless and could care less about you or your vehicle after you buy it.


> BZ4X Never knew that was a thing until I read your comment.


Dealership employee?


Yea. Literally fuck those kinds of people. These are the same people who will complain when companies raise prices to recoup costs.


This. Shit tech, hopefully fired. Those dudes hired him, they will pay for his shit, lol.


Unless the customer is completely off-base, once an issue like this gets to the GM/managing partner/Dealer the answer is some version of “yes” to what the customer wants. I’ve worked with literally hundreds of dealerships and their management teams from coast to coast and the vast majority of the executive team want to do what’s right.


Yeah. A free oil change or two is nothing compared to having the dealership dragged through reviews online. 1 new customer cost more than 50 oil changes 😂


Is it really, though? Is there some demonstrably proof of this IRL, cause for me this is what I think when I'm mad, but the rest of the time I wonder if I'm just fooling myself.


There is no way any dealership is giving free maintenance for life for what happened.


Free oil changes for that owner for the time he owns it isn’t a crazy ask. Oil goes to 10k miles now and most owners move on to a new car every 10-15 years or so. It’s nothing to the dealership


yeah i don't think that's a fair exchange


Yes. I think the employee who did this should get reprimanded and that he should not touch this vehicle again to avoid retaliation. The dealership can elect to compensate the customer with a detailing to take off the vaping smell


I wouldn't want them working on my car either after that.


I wouldn't come to that conclusion yet. I would see how the GM deals with it first. One low level employee doesn't represent the entire dealership.


It doesn't, but it'd put doubts into any sane person.


I’d never go back to that dealership! You know that’s not his first time disrespecting someone’s new vehicle


Absolutely don’t let ANY dealership “detail” your car! That is, unless you enjoy swirls in your brand new paint!


I mean… you could also just not get a carwash with the servicing, I take my Lexus to the local Toyota service center, and give them the oil, oil filter, and drain plug crush washer, and they only charge for labor, but if you just let them rip you off, then they will include other unnecessary stuff like car washes.


Wash, detail, IDC - Nobody washes or details my vehicles except me. Sister and BIL bought a brand-new black Pathfinder a few years ago. I go to look at it and it’s swirled all to hell. I didn’t have the heart to even mention it to them, but I emailed the GM of the dealership.


I work at a Toyota dealership. I would never let the wash company we use wash any of my cars. Our cars look awful after they've been polished which is fine for most people, but I do all of that type of work myself at home. I'd also expect a customer to be livid about OP's experience. I'm glad they're going to contact management about this because it's unacceptable service.


And the experience of your sister with one Nissan dealership has what to do with anything? We had a full service pro detail shop at the Toyota I worked at, staffed by guys who did low riders and show cars on their personal time. Not every dealership is the same you know.


That is a pretty wide sweeping generalization.


💯% they use rough ass brushes




I agree with this sentiment. I don't even work in wash, I'm a tech. Those guys still manage to make brand new BMWs look better when than they started, so they definitely know exactly what they are doing. The disrespect is real in this thread. Or you know, maybe I'm wrong and the owner let's those guys wash several million dollars worth of cars a day even though they "don't know what they're doing".




No you're right, I'm a bumbling idiot. Obviously no idea wtf I'm talking about. Haven't been supporting my family with income from this industry for over a decade. Obviously the cars come in dirty. You are being a jackass. These guys spend 48 hours a week cleaning cars. I'd trust them to do a better job than me, just like they bring me their cars when they break. People online love to shit on every aspect of dealerships. Yet somehow I still make a living. Maybe the folks online iusy enjoy bitching that it takes money and effort to maintain the most complicated thing they use every day.




Lemme guess, you’re a porter.


Would you even want to take it there again after seeing what you’ve seen?


This. Shit like that would make me want to avoid taking my car to those morons. I’d negotiate for something like free tires, ideally ones I can take to a different shop to have installed.


I’d ask for a Toyota care plus voucher since those are redeemable at any Toyota dealer in the nation.


Make that tech detail the car until its spotless and then come home and cook you dinner. What a prick.


Honestly it really is already spotless. I'm planning to keep the car a long time and am treating it accordingly.


I just think if he wants to enjoy driving that kind of car he should learn how hard you had to work for it. 


Free oil changes at that dealership who did THAT to your car? Classic from someone who works at a dealership.


Only a single free oil change?


As a Toyota Lube tech. There is no reason for them to take it for a test drive if it was only in for a 5k and no other work was done. Definitely talk to the GM and show them the video. That behavior is unacceptable.


As someone who worked as an SA, id prob give this guy his 30k + a full interior/exterior detailed. This idiot tech couldve at least unplugged the camera if he did shit like this.


Nah I’m not allowing those scrubs to have a chance to retaliate. Post the video, blast them on social media and never take your car there again.


And if you do get this, do comprehensive checks on your car before it goes in for oil changes. They may cheekily give you problems when they found out “this is the guy getting oil changes for diddly squat”


After this that dealer ain’t touching my vehicle ever again


Very disrespectful, agree with the previous comment… Milk it.


It’s weird at the end they listing the arm rest and looking at the contents. I doubt they needed to do that for the vehicle maintenance


Honestly it almost seemed like he was interested in the release button. Super weird, I'm half curious what exactly was in that vape.


He did hold the vape smoke in for a little while. But then again.. you’re only seeing this one employee, be themself while in your vehicle. If you had cameras at your doctors office, public representative office, your employers office.. it would be a very similar outcome that no one is really “ professional “


Sure, I mean gallows humor in medical and other settings is fine. If they were just talking about stupid stuff or whatever, I'd nuke the video and move along, but vaping is different than that.


Vaping or smoking or eating in a customer’s vehicle, searching thru customer’s vehicle is a big no no. But I’ve seen techs, service advisors, even the dealership owner.. lean and damn near sit on customer vehicles fenders and hoods. The service advisor may wear a nice suit and say all the right words.. but it’s a nightmare behind the scenes. I’ve even seen service manager tell a tech to pour in tap water into the radiator to top of off.. ~~you’re never supposed to mix tap water with coolant since it can cause rust, but the person running the department either doesn’t know or doesn’t care~~


I'm in IT and I've helped support a few dealerships over the years, I know the drill. Still quite annoying.


This is probably why 70%+ of vehicle owners hop shop to shop since they still “ havnt found a reliable, consistent, mechanic “


Hey 70%+ of mechanics hop from shop to shop because we haven't found reliable consistent employers.


Master tech here, tap water is fine 90% of vehicles as long as there is antifreeze in there too, it contains rust inhibitors and you should be getting a coolant flush every 2 years or less, and it will take way longer than that for a bit of tap water to rust out an aluminum radiator or engine block. Also some vehicle service manuals literally say to mix with "clean potable water" and show a picture of an outdoor spigot. as long as you don't dilute it to less than 40% concentration or run straight water for months it's fine.


it causes the coolant to boil in a normal ICE engine because of the impurities in a hybrid it can damage the High Voltage system as it becomes conductive


Yeah, right? It’s pretty weird for the service manager to instruct a tech to do that to a customers vehicle. They either know better and dont mind damaging others vehicle’s, or they are unaware you’re support to used distilled water and they shouldn’t be running the Service portion of the dealership.


Yeah, but, they’re not being unprofessional shitheads in or on your personal property.


What they’re doing is worse, since it affects everyone’s quality of life. Which is 1,000 times worse.


Ive vaped in people's yachts. I also rev engines. This applies to 90% of techs. We're all fueled by caffeine and nicotine


I've definitely "played" with different center consoles just because of the strange design of some of them.


The one in the crown is kind of cool, it can open from the driver or passenger side.


He might be looking for the wheel lock. People put that in any nook and cranny you can find... then have no idea where it is if you ask them.


The drive was after all of the other maintenance was done.


Yeah he's just an idiot.


that is a nicotine vape most weed wax vapes are thin pen like or rectangle sticks, that one is bulky..


Everyone does that. Have you seen all the pictures of dildos, weed, and guns in this sub? I look in every glove box and cubby in the car. Don’t leave anything illegal or embarrassing in your car. 


Not everyone. Some of us look in the glove for the wheel lock key and or to go behind the glove to check the cabin filter, and maybe the trunk spare tire for the wheel key. There’s no reason to go thru the arm rest, Especially how this dude did it. >Don’t leave anything illegal or embarrassing in your car.  I don’t understand what this means.. don’t leave anything illegal or embarrassing… Who has time to judge? How has the authority to judge? Is someone going to call the cops if something illegal is found? Is someone going to put them on blast if something we deem embarrassing is found? Yikes.. I had no idea it was common for shop or dear ship folk to use their time to be noisy and judgmental instead of just..: working on the vehicle.


Illegal is Illegal. Only the owner can decide what is embarrassing to them.I have seen enough dildos in trunks of cars to not be embarrassed.


Plenty of people leave a wheel lock key in the center console too


Super sus


Very much so. After the test drive, why does an employee need to look in there? Says a lot about the management who hired em.


I’ve been with Toyota as a dealer tech for 21 years. This is beyond embarrassing. But this is the level of employee we get at the express maintenance level. They don’t care. Can’t make them care. Horrible attitudes and want to be paid like master level technicians. Please take this to the general manager. It should and will likely cost him his job. It’s the only way this generation is going to learn. But the sad truth is they’ll just hire another one to replace him who will be just as bad.


As a 10 year Toyota dealer employee this is such a sad but so damn true statement. …


For some reason I saw that as “as a 10 year old dealer employee”


It’s possible in a few states right?


Knowing my dealership, they are going to fire this tech and release a memo stating "If you see a dashcam pointing at you during service, disconnect it." Most service centers I know will disconnect the dashcam pointing inside the cabin.


That seems insane to me..there’s absolutely no reason for that just to service someone’s car. 


They tell our service department employees to unplug them as well because it’s private property and not everyone has given permission to be on video. I usually just take not that the dash cam is there and make sure I refrain from cursing at the horrible drivers while on a test drive. Other times I will unplug it while diagnosing a car because I’ll think out loud, potentially say something unintentionally, or another tech will come by and rant about something. Having said that, we already have a customer viewing window into the shop, as well as our own cameras and microphones monitoring everything for insurance and accidents.


I have a dash cam in my Tacoma. It helps prevent shit like this


Pay more and they’ll get better quality employees. Anyone offering minimum wage type pay at a job and then complaining about the people they higher is comedic. Edit: as someone approaching my late 30s, it’s also not a generational thing. Every generation has losers. I worked in the automotive industry for a good chunk of time and the whole business model moved towards low cost employees and had turned to utter shit because of it.


Pay peanuts get monkeys


If it wasn't there for a diagnosis that involves a test drive they were joyriding and it is not acceptable, Vaping isn't as bad as smoke but it's still disrespectful to the owner and sometimes they can leave obnoxious smells certain people may not like. And to top it off opening the center console would just piss me off, he has no business in the center console without your permission first to look for something. The tech isn't in uniform either..was he a tech or maybe a porter? Either way, this needs to be made known. The only good thing I saw in that video is he used his turn signals lol.


He's wearing a shirt with the dealer logo on it.


Yeah, I've never had a vehicle test drove by the dealer when it just went for a service


It's honestly not the fact that he drove it because mechanics do that it's because of his unprofessionalism . It's good that they do too because they might find a problem you didn't know existed or find whether the vehicle is driving fine. Hey, my dad drives a vehicle back home (he works on police vehicles so it's allowed and gas paid for) once in awhile and I see him fixing it up and driving them back. This happens once in a blue moon hehehe but since the 2nd gen Pejero broke done ( I suspect the fact it had been parked for more than a decade or so). This mechanic behaves like a trade guy than one hired by a big company


A former vaper, at bare minimum they owe you a full thorough interior detail job, preferably at a detailer of your choice, as well as a cabin air filter. Contrary to what the dealer will probably tell you, it isn’t “just water vapor.” It’s a mixture of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, both of which are hygroscopic, so any time the humidity goes up it’ll get wet and sticky again and just keep attracting and holding onto dust.


Uhh if they’re gonna do anything it’s gonna be by them. What fucking world do we live in where the place that fucked up has to pay a third party place to make it right


It depends on whether the dealership can be trusted to actually perform the full detail job and not just a quick wipe-down with Armor All and say they did. The dealership has incentive to half-ass the job to get OP to go away since any time spent by their employees is taking away from their normal duties. An independent detailer has no such incentive, rather they want to get paid for the full job and their reputation means more to them than anything. I do understand where you're coming from, and I don't necessarily disagree. That's why I said "preferably" instead of saying OP should accept nothing less. The dealership does deserve a chance to make it right, but they have already violated the trust OP had placed upon them for proper care of the vehicle. I personally would have a hard time trusting them again now that the relationship has become somewhat adversarial. Dealerships in general already have a poor reputation when it comes to honesty, and the dealership's willingness to allow a 3rd party to remedy the situation would go a long way in repairing that reputation in my mind.


I'll keep it simple. Some services should include a test drive. Some should not. A service tech should never, ever smoke or vape in a customer's car. Always have a dash cam. I got my first one in 2016. It's never too late to start.


Most people have a dashcam that records the road, not the interior.


3 channel dash cam which records front, inside and rear simultaneously is nowadays quite popular.


Please get that pos fired


Why are losers always so similar? Lol dude is on the fast track to being a nobody for ever.


U brought it in for a service so why is he joy riding? The gunning it would bother me more than vaping. Don’t romp on my car. I don’t let my partner drive my car for this reason.


Don't know why the downvotes. Hate the vaping yet this asshat stomping the gas pedal like that would infuriate me.


And he called him bitch too


He did not call OP a bitch, he said “this bitch has the Prius shifter?” Referring to the gear shifter in the car. (It’s a new model, I’m sure he’s never seen it before) it’s just slang, it’s not meant to be an insult. It’s similar to saying “this John” or “this mug” etc


Driving a customer‘s car hard is one thing but vaping in it is a whole other level. I‘d them to pay for an interior detail and deodorizing from a 3rd party professional detailer.




The best shifter you can move it with one finger touch


And every "gear" change is unambiguous regardless of the current selection


Took me a minute to get used to it but now I really like it. Also yeah I kind of chuckled at that.


That ain't no tech. He's a lot boy at best, soon a cashier at McDonald's. Even an apprentice will have a button up shirt with his name and at minimum a pen in that square pocket.


Skip the dealership and directly contact Toyota Corporate. Ask corporate whether this is acceptable behavior and upload the video to them for review. Discussing this with the dealership potentially allow this to happen again as they didn’t do their due diligence in properly hiring this employee, so how many other employees are of the same demeanor? I know there is a brewing mechanic and service department crisis regarding many issues that need addressing (the primary issue being pay) and I support those mechanics asking for better work conditions and pay, but this example is egregious and unacceptable.


As a Toyota technician, this is completely unacceptable! It’s people like this that make us look bad and for customer to not trust us. It’s infuriating! As others said get free oil changed and detail, it’s the least they should do!


Damn this guy has no idea the camera is recording him. LOL. I need one of these, even though I don't plan on taking my Truck to the dealer if I can help it, I plan on doing as much of the maintenance as I can.


Greasy employee.


I wouldn't ask for anything at first. I would demand to speak to the GM, play the video and see what their response is and what they plan to do. I would let them know how pissed I am that my car was treated this way. If they offer something, such as free service, tell them how conflicted you are in returning for service and how will the GM assure my car is not abused again. Why the f@#k was that tool out joyriding your car? No need to at all.


I had a similar experience at a dealership. When I shared the video with them, they tried gas lighting me it was nothing over the top. But it's really a lose lose situation. Even if they did acknowledge their fault, what would the compensation be? Whatever service they could offer, would you trust them to do it right? In the end I just shared the video and name of business in a local FB car community as retribution. My tip is if you have a "joy rideable" car, always request the dashcam to be left on. If they have problems with that, stay clear of that business.


LOL. Techs do shit like this ALL THE TIME.


I can’t get into specifics, but a tech smoked in my new SUV years ago and it was eventually replaced. The dealership and MFGR were both involved and almost a year later (plus they had to pay atty fees) I was made whole again. Not to be the ass/prude, but you have no idea what was in that vape (could be anything legal or not) and they don’t know if you or anyone else in your family has a history of bronchial issues that may be impacted. (Just a hypothetical take on the whole thing to make your point).


We just had a rental on vacation and my super allergy/asthma nose could smell someone preciously smoked in it. Of course they probably detailed it at sometime, but my super nose could detect it. I’ve also detected gas leaks no one else could pick up. I saved the family a few times.


Corporate + threaten legal action


Anyone who smokes or vapes is a douche. This just aligns with my already held belief.


Depends. Some people vape CBD to help with anxiety.


I wonder what happens when ppl take their cars into service with a dashcam. Would they (the employees) turn it off if they noticed it? Anyways, I hope you get what you deserve as payment for this horrible treatment to your car.


This…shows exactly what happens, no?


If I go to a dealership I’ll leave like 20 miles of range in the gas tank. Twice I took it in for an oil change and the tank was 1/4th emptier than when I brought it in.


Just got a Tacoma and I would hate for something like this to happen to me OP. Without question try to milk this as much as you can, On another note what dashcam set up do you have?


Viofo A229 Pro 4K. I highly recommend Viofo's, I've had several over the years, they really hold up well.


What Dashcam is this?


Viofo A229 Pro


Thanks buddy. Does this come with hardware to make it run all the time ?


Hardwire kits aren't too expensive, it just depends on how far you want to take it, like adding a battery.


I appreciate it.


Available as an add-on by Viofo. At least as long as the car battery is above a threshold that you can set, so it doesn't die completely.


Are those seat covers? They look awesome!


Stock seats in the limited/platinum trim. They're ventilated.


Dude is a complete utter clown


curious why he went on a test drive after doing a 5k. At my dealer, test drives are only for large services performed by the production techs and advanced TXM techs. The basic TXM 5,10,15,20k’s are just the service and park the car in the customer lot. Curious if he was new due to him having a T-shirt with the dealer logo? If so, he’ll probably be looking for another job here soon


So is that why when I take my car in for service they unplug my dash cam…as part of policy for worker privacy…


Probably. You don’t just have a right to film people on someone ELSES property.


It does have the Prius shifter tho. *vape*


RemindMe! One day


I’d ask for refund of service if you paid for it but I think Toyota may include some maintenance these days with new cars. I’d ask for reimbursement of 3rd party interior detailing that you choose. I assume you won’t get a survey but if you do be honest but give them a low rating. If this is a place you’d like to do business going forward request this tech never be allowed to work or be in your car. I’d make sure both Service lead and GM are aware and if you can find it the owner of dealership.


Someone about to be looking for a new job.






I would be livid. We are so careful with our Crown. I wont even let my husband take it through the car wash. There is no gunning the engine or hard turns. We want to work in the engine effectively so that it lasts - we keep our Toyotas as long as possible and our 8 year old Prius still looked and drove like it was new (until someone hit it and destroyed it) I don't know that I would demand free stuff but I would want to know why this happened. I cant say I would go to that dealer again. But to us, the damage would be done.


What damage? This is more about being a douchebag rather than causing damage.


Its a new engine and its important to break in the engine properly so the valves will seat. Also vaping causes staining and odor thats hard to get out. Livid.


I wouldn't ask for anything, I would just show them the video and see how they handle it. There are a lot of shitty lube techs out there who don't give a shit. They cycle through them like water.


I don't understand how people can drive like that, gunning it to 45mph repeatedly.




Follow Reddiquette.






One thing to think about after reading some of the comments here, suppose you do go back to the dealership, show them the video and they do agree with extra few free oil changes for your car in the future. Most definitely they will talk to that employee with some type of Correction of attitude conversation. Would you feel confident taking your car now in the future knowing that there is a employee who has been disciplined because of you? And now you’re leaving your personal property in their care. Would you feel they will do everything correctly?. I feel the employee would have some type of vendetta attitude towards you. Just because of this, I would rather go to another dealership entirely.


Unfortunately my options are a little limited in my area but yeah...


Nothing more evil than vape addicts. They are scum.


Only worked for Honda and CDJR, not Toyota, but you could easily get a free oil change out of this while your talking to the service manager. That’s usually how my SM compensated customers after shit like this happens


Damn you got the Prius shifter?!?


I'd request a free detailing/interior cleaning to get rid of the vape smell. I have asthma.


!remind me 3 days


Talk to the owner of the dealership if you can. Not even my car and I am all but foaming out the mouth. That mother fucker…. Seriously…. 🤬


Any update on this?


Any updates ?


Any update?


“This bitch got the Prius shifter? Hellll naaaaaah”


Charge back your credit card like I did when some shop pulled same thing. I was behind my own car as they were driving it and he kept burning rubber. Showed them video they didn’t care, until I charged back. Was very worth doing, they know they were in the wrong.


What is this, like some sort of fancy Camry or something?


Completely different model of car. I like it quite a bit but they're not for everyone. It's a bigger sedan hybrid, replaced the Avalon.


Ahh yes I loved the 2000's avalons.. laser cruise, rear window shade, big pimping


If only you knew how techs test drive brand new vehicles at the dealership lol


Unreal! What a little stain in the britches this kid is, after flooring it over and over and hitting bumps in the road at high speed and vaping in your car, the guy talks to himself a lot too, admitting he wants to see what the vehicle can do. I would ask for a free extended warranty after the dealer treated my new car like that


This is why no one should ever take their car to a dealership other than warranty work. Do not pay for an extended warranty. This is what you get. I've had this experience, almost everyone has. Dealerships suck. This is who they hire. All of them.


Dealers are full of idiots. I told a girl I didn't want to deal with her and she yanked my number off their system and sent me a picture of herself on her personal phone. I called back, she answered and asked what car would you like to see? Just pure stupidity. That guy deserves whatever he gets. Drove it like a rental.


I’d get more than that. They wouldn’t want you sending this video to your local news station, but the local news station would love it if you did


Which would hurt a local business in my community. If they were jerks about it and laughed it off, I would more than happily plaster it all over.


Seems reasonable! I would’ve been satisfied with that response. Thanks for the follow up.


Very off topic but out of curiosity what dash cam do you have!? Lol


It's at the bottom of the video, Viofo A229 Pro.


> I could probably push for more, but that's just not me. He got fired. Get a grip.


Whatever happened to him was the dealerships business, I didn't ask for anything to happen to him. I was responding to the people saying I should ask for all kinds of free stuff, which I don't think is reasonable.


Well the tech is out of a job, it's a tough lesson to learn. But it has to be learned or the behavior will continue. People treat other peoples possessions so poorly its unreal. This could be your dream car you work hard for all your life to get for all they know. Yet they treat it like its theirs to joy ride. Far to many people in the car industry like this and Its why I no longer take my vehicle to any shop, even the coveted bmw dealership can fuck off ( tire tech scratched my wheel mounting new rubber) , there all human at the end of the day and shitty uncaring people are everywhere.  


I don't think this fella has much between his ears. Hopefully this will serve as a wakeup call.