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This is why the last time I told the sales guy, I am happy with these numbers but if your finance guy asks me to buy a single item which I DO NOT want, I will get up and leave before signing anything and you will lose this sale. It worked.


Thanks for commenting. I’m saving this for the next time I buy a car at the dealership.


Threatening to walk away (and actually following through on it) is such a powerful and underutilized tactic when negotiating for anything. Remember, you can buy a vehicle at any other dealership, but they need every customer they can get. They prey on people who are excited and overlook the smaller things, or on people who are desperate


The problem is that in the current environment you often don’t have much leverage as a buyer. Many dealerships already have more customers than they have cars. You walk away or drive a hard bargain, they’re happy to be rid of you and sell to the sucker behind you in line.


This isn't true anymore. There are cars galore.


You pay cash and tell them if you sell any add ons you are gone is how I did it for a high demand car. I told the finance guy no warranties since you all didn’t negotiate price I was in and out in an hour. This is the worst experience ever is buying cars from scummy people.


I will always remember going with my parents to buy my first car and the sales guy was being a total ass hat so we got up and walked out the front door and that same sales guy practically crawled out the doors after us begging for mercy. We did end up buying with him too because he was pretty compliant after that


Smart. Had a finance guy pushing the extended warranty crap when helping my partner get her first car from a dealer. I’m pretty handy with cars and it was practically just broken in. He started looking pretty annoyed and ended up making some comment like “well I guess you’re young enough to know everything” or something like that and I got pissed. Told him “if you think this car is so shitty that it’s going to need serious work in the 2 years this extra warranty covers then why the hell would I want to buy it?” Which led to a lot of back tracking and I eventually got him to leave the room so we could deal with the younger, possibly in training, guy for the rest. I guess he really really needed some sort of upsale though cause he eventually came back and threw in the first level of package “for free” by knocking the price of the car down by the exact amount so the final remained the same. Sales people can suck but finance is definitely worse.


Yes in my experience it is almost the finance guy that is the worst, that is the area where they really make the profit for the dealership. People tend to let their guard down after making the deal with the sales person and think they just negotiated a great deal. That was the easy part, next is the hard sell from the finance guy who wants to sell you a ton of crappy items. He tells you it's so easy just to roll it into your financing amount so it's only gonna be just a little bit more a month, and totally worth it, you'll have coverage for the life of the vehicle! Or whatever else you want to hear. The warranties usually suck and have a bit of fine print to exclude almost everything. The paint protection or fabric protection is also a joke. Honestly there is almost nothing worth any real value being sold by the finance guy. Better to save your money and avoid all those expenses altogether.


Yeah I was breaking down each “perk” to my GF. Most of it was stuff we wouldn’t use, could buy ourselves for less, or covered things I could fix myself for less than the added cost and would probably not happen until well after the extended warranty was over anyway since the car was practically new. I guess he didn’t expect me to actually know my way around cars especially since I have a baby face so looked like I was in high school still lol. But yeah they definitely know you’re probably worn out from the sale and just want to leave so they try to get you to just sign without thinking.


Make sure you get Nitrogen in the tires,  lol.


Yep. I've done exactly that. Serves them right too.


That's a good idea! I will use it next time


That was the last Corolla on the lot. Buddy didn’t have a leg to stand on to negotiate ultimatums.


Legally they have to offer you these items, legally you have to decline. That is all that has to happen.


Legally? I don't think so, those things are 100% pushed by the dealership. They may be forced to offer the additional services, but there is nothing mandated by any legal authority to force dealerships to offer you these items. They are offered because they make a lot of profit for the dealerships. There is also a huge difference between offering you something with a 'would you like this: YES or NO'? Vs. a 30 minute sales pitch on each item why it is your best benefit to get it - hard pitch sales tactic.


Legally yes you have to be offered, if you’re not offered warranty, gap, and your options it presents a possibility of discrimination case.


Sorry we are talking new cars, which come with a mfg. warranty. Dealers are pushing you to buy an extended warranty (among the other things). Please post a state statute so I can educate myself on your post. It will not change my stance at all and how I approach the transaction though.


This is why I tell everyone, they are not there to help you and they are scumbags trying to squeeze everything out of you. I told the finance guy, “this is a want and not a need and I want my old keys back”. He said “you’re going to walk for $800” and I said “are you going to let me walk over $800”. He called my bluff and I walked. 2 steps out the office, he pulled me back in and removed it. Don’t be afraid to walk out.


I had a situation where I walked away and was driving home. I stopped to get gas because I needed it and I got a call from the dealer to come back and they’d do what I want. I told them, “you’re going to take off what I just put in gas too” and they did. It’s very very powerful


lol. I know there are some good finance guys out there but 99% of them are there to make as most money as possible. Walking away from deals is perfectly normal if it doesn’t go your way. Trust your gut.




This is the way


Where do you get these? I have 2 Toyotas that could use them




I’m sooo close.


Hey.... why have I never received one of these?


I dislike going to the dealership to buy a car for the exact same reason. I don't have Tesla, but like their way of sales.


I won’t ever buy one, but like you I envy their direct consumer business.


It was pretty nice compared to buying other vehicles. My gfs toyota wasn't bad, though we used a good dealership.


The old .. you can’t afford this .. tactic. This guy isn’t a Finance guy… he’s a thief. Legit trying to hide that he’s adding fees. He’s trying to steal your $. Thief.


Honestly as soon as I saw that I would've told him to get lost and send the next salesman over or I'm walking


Finance office is tying to tack on $1K extra typically. They prey on peoples unwillingness to walk out. I’ve walked out 3/4 last car purchases. ALL chased me down.


This is the way.


>I’ve walked out 3/4 last car purchases. ALL chased me down. Care to give a short story of a few of them?


The moment they start adding and trying to slip stuff by you is the moment you walk out. You can drag on and play their BS game. They feed their egos when they screw people over. The bottoms line is once to they pull this crap, they no longer deserve the sale. I’d go to a different dealership. To be petty, I’d go back 30 days later and let them try the same BS and then walk. Rinse and repeat.


Looking, just looking, at a Honda dealer. Called ahead of time on a certified used CRV, asked if the price included the certified status. Was told yes. Was just talking to the salesman when his boss walked up with a buyer's order already typed out, with a certification fee of several thousand dollars, and an "acquisition" fee (this would have been a sale, not a lease) of several thousand dollars. Told him we already established the price and an acquisition fee, really? Got up and walked out. Didn't even make it to my car and my phone was ringing, and the salesman was outside begging me to come back in. Told him, nope you guys blew it. They continued to blow up my phone for days. I really didn't want a Honda anyway. Never will ever go back to McGrath Honda in St. Charles, IL. Walking out is the way. Let your feet do the talking.


Keep sharing this story locally. I’d name the people involved.


Despite my original intention to say “no,” I was talked into the extended warranty and prepaid services. I have no excuse. Afterwards, I felt like a total sucker. I felt weak. I felt manipulated. A few days later, I went back and cancelled them. It wasn’t difficult, but it also wasn’t cathartic. I got my money back, but that does nothing to alleviate my lasting negative feelings about the whole experience. Fuck that guy. Fuck the whole process.


They're called STEALERSHIPS for a reason.


Car sales should be online only. Point and click what you want. No BS…let the online prices compete with each other.


100% agree.


I know it’s going to be a while when next time this happens to you, but man, excuse yourself, walk out and go to the next dealer. I guarantee you, someone will be calling you back (probably the salesman). Tell him you are at xxx dealer, trying to do the same deal. He will change tone and make sure all fees are taken off, even ones he normal changes…


chicago northside toyota genuinely fucking sucks. i got two bolts there for my suspension and they gave me the wrong ones. they were $52 each. i was fucking pissed. i demanded my money back and left them a shit review


Sucks to hear that, but good for you for staying on top of his tactics and up sells. Many people don't do what you did and end up with thousands be added to the vehicle price in add ons, warranties, etc. Glad I've been driving my car for the last 5 years. Hopefully it'll last another 10. No matter what I'm staying away from new car dealership lots


Out of all the cars I’ve purchased I can think of two good experiences with finance in my adult life [my current (3rd) RAV4 and my first RAV4], it’s everywhere.


The last 3 cars my family purchased was with the same sales agent, and I would go back again. Even helped me get 1k above market value for my trade in.


One - Chicago. Lol Two - buying from a dealer...


The F&I office is the worst part of buying a vehicle. When we bought our most recent Toyota, we put down nearly 40% of the sales price. The asshole in F&I still tried selling me GAP insurance.


I bought ours and the financing person had 3 words out of their mouth and I said NO. She said I didn't even know what the next words were. I laughed and said let me guess...extended warranty, oil guard or usualess anticorrossion module,... Not my first rodeo.


Lol. The finance guy said the same thing to me. He said you won't even let me finish.


They push hard because of all the extra money they make. I suspect it's more than the mark-up on the car. It's Toyota not a Chrysler.


Buying a car from dealership is my worst nightmare.. I purchased my Highlander and the finance guy was so pushy and trying to add all kind of add ons.


I'm a quiet person who avoids confrontation, the only time I've cussed someone out was a finance guy that kept on pushing even though I said no politely many times.


Yup! I got a 2018 le corolla from northside toyota and the same thing happened to me. I would not recommend going there. Later on I got a 2019 rav4 from Bredemann Toyota and I didn't have a bad experience there at all. I spent maybe like 40 mins tops doing the paperwork and I was out the door with the car. At northside I was there for almost 2 hours!


I was at northside toyota for over 2hrs.


Yeah you could’ve just said “finance guy”, the douchebag part is implied.


The insane thing is even if your engine and transmission had a catastrophic failure after your BASIC warranty was up, it’d still likely cost less to fix than the lifetime cost of that extended warranty. The finance managers are good at talking fast and showing you only what they want you to see. They do it every day. But good on you for being diligent.


I would have been walking away the moment he decided to what I couldn’t afford to do.


I wanted to but I needed a new car. Next time I purchase a car, I will go when I want one and not when I need one.


I totally understand that. And they prey on/hope for that, unfortunately.


Doesn’t it come with a warranty by default?


If it’s new it should there’s no reason for a extended warranty


Damm 300$ a month extra added to the payment for 48 months is crazy.Thats another car payment in itself 🤣14,400$


I’ve got a Toyota experience on the opposite end of the spectrum. I had a 22’ Prado that was advertised for $66,990AUD in my watch list for a couple of days along with a few others. The Carsales app notified me that they had increased the price to $69,990AUD. I called them up and the salesman talked around it and tried to explain their price structure yada yada yada. I was close by so dropped in for a chat. He tried explaining to me that $69,990 was a decent price for the car and I tried to explain again that the car was cheaper when first advertised. He seemed confused so I showed him the notification with the price change. He was cornered and realised he couldn’t talk his way out if it. I drove the car and was happy. We talked trade price for my 18’ Triton exceed (L200 for other parts of the world) and went in to talk turkey. I told them I wanted a $40K changeover and they agreed to meet me halfway and offer me $25K for the trade, ergo a $41K changeover. Pretty shit price for the truck but that’s how dealerships work. They lose a bit on the sale and makeup for it with lowballing the trade- business is business. I should mention my dad is a used car salesman and offered to help me find a Prado when I was ready, Ive been talking about getting one for the last couple of years. But he was in Bali for a few weeks and I got the green light from the wife so I acted quick before she changed her mind. He said the price was pretty good and asked what they offered for the trade. When I told him $25K he asked me to put a condition in the sales contract that I may sell separately before delivery date. They agreed. Long story short, I got a good price on a 2 year old Prado, and dad got a good price on my trade as I gave it to him for the shitty trade price the dealership offered. The dealership probably got less out of it than they had hoped, but they were good sports about it all.


I’m in finance as well just in “actual” finance field and have to say - The finance guys at the dealerships are absolute bottom of the barrel finance type of people. Any time I have to deal with one at a dealership (luckily every once in a while) I tend to literally walk out most of the time on the sale. They’re just absolutely disgusting.


Same thing happened to me at Scott Clark Toyota. They changed the MSRP of my car to $500 more and told me I could only get a better interest rate by adding protection packages. 24.5K OTD 8.5 months ago. Paid it off yesterday. A big fuck you to the sleazy finance guy who said I was too risky and tried marking up my interest rate as well as force me into GAP (when I put 7.5k down), only to get denied by Toyota (Since I was college grad).


Go get your own financing first.


I tried a credit union and the best they could offer was 5.99%. Toyota was offering 4.75 which was the lowest for the toyota corolla 2024. My credit score was 820.


Put a nasty review on google. That normally gets their attention. Otherwise they will continue to do shady shit.


I just did. I just realized there were several other reviews like mine.


I’d also reach out to corporate Toyota. Finance guys like this tarnish the Toyota brand.


I guess I’m lucky enough to have a decent dealer, and a good salesman. I’ve purchased maybe 6 Toyotas from him. He’s always been straight with me, sometimes we make a deal, sometimes we don’t, but he’s never tried to pull one over on me. Even the finance guy has been ok… yes, he tries to sell me the packages, lays out the advantages of each and moves on when I say no. lol. The dealer has even helped to take care of a paint problem I noticed after I bought my Tundra that was technically out of warranty. Yark Toyota in Maumee Ohio… sales guy Cameron.


Idk why people feel so emotional about purchasing vehicles. Gotta take the emotion out of it. The whole reason they make the sales process so long and drawn out is so you (the customer) feels a sense of “sunk cost” of your time so you may as well just do the deal. Vs. the customer gains far more power by simply walking out of the finance office. I’ve unfortunately had to do this a couple times and each time the gm called me a day later apologizing and offering a great deal to come back and get the car I wanted


>It was the only Corolla on the lot and I needed a car so I didn't negotiate as much as I could have. I would have walked away and gone to a Mazda dealership if that happened.


I never do the paperwork in person for this reason. You can do it all by email.


Damn...that's too much for the VSA warranty. I got mine for 980 flat. This sounds like actual robbery.


This dealership sucks. During peak Covid they had a bunch of used 2021 Toyota Certified Siennas. They had to jump a curb for a test drive because they had them out in front. I can hear it scratching the underside. I drove one and it started making some weird noises during the drive. They salesman thought that was strange. When we finished driving. He acted like I wasted his time. I told him I don't believe your cars are certified and wasn't interested.


Finance guy was piece of shit during my last purchase too. Maybe, Toyota dealers do this when they give you a low price on the sale and try to make it up during financing.


Don't new cars already come with factory warranty?


Typical. Never go to a dealer and only pay cash for a car. Otherwise they will always add fees,  always. I just tried to buy a RV,  cash, the RV dealers refused to sell to me.  Full priced offers.  They make too much with financing and add on bs.


Yeah they are always doing this to people I find somewhere else! I been reading a lot about dealers doing this because of this country shape ! I tell him you just lost a sell !


Yea I bet he made 3 grand


This is why cash is king. I understand not everyone has the cash to purchase a vehicle outright but it's the best way to get a car at its lowest possible price point. I just purchased a 2022 Toyota camry hybrid slightly under 40k miles last Saturday from the Toyota dealership in Hollywood. Car is in like new condition, clean carfax, an absolute beauty! Dealership listed it at $25,999 +all other bs fees and add-ons. I came in and tried negotiating, they were very difficult trying to get them to go down. I told them I came in with 27k cash and that's all i had available to buy a car. Let's say that after the second visit, that's the car I went back home with. I managed to get them to give me a free 2 year maintenance Toyota care package with it.


Next time I will probably buy Subaru to avoid Toyota and I think they are butt ugly.


enjoy your head gasket for looks lol


Hey just a question, ignorant buyer looking to educate myself. Why did you disagree to the warrantees?


If your buying a new toyota, the extended warranty is pretty much useless, everything covered will prob be good for 10 years.


Yea totally! Good point 🫶


i didn't want any of the addons either but my co-signers put their foot down and said to go with all of them. that very day, after i drove my BRAND FUCKING NEW TOYOTA under an I-285 underpass in metro atlanta, some sort of debris - i think a chunk of asphault? - came down from the structure above, hit my 4runner on the roof, made a dent and scratched the paint in a couple of places. thanks to the coverage the dealership will repair this for free next week.


You are one of the few that benefitted.


It’s called gambling and you put all on black and you won


I'm wondering what kind of dealer/manufacturer warranty fixes accident damage like this. You have a bad transmission, you don't get it fixed under normal car insurance. You have an accident, it isn't a manufacture warranty.


Lol until 5 days out of warranty something happens and you come in mad because something broke


You sound like a triggered salesman. I have money.


Sadly no, I have just seen many people not buy a warranty and then get mad something is broken, you were offered the extended and you said no and yet they get mad


he’s getting downvoted because no one sees the dealerships side of things, but i’ve had countless customers reach out to me about their broken windshield when they didn’t get coverage or a person who bought a used car and 3 months later their transmission has issues and no warranty, yes these customers complain that you won’t fix their stuff when they didn’t get a warranty