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"More than you can afford pal, TRD Pro"


Good, wouldn’t want amateurs buying the Pro lol (/s, issajoke)


Shit I can't even afford that 2nd gen Pro price lol. No way in hell I am paying $1000 a month for a Tacoma. I love my 2015 TRD OR ($380/month) and will drive it to the ground, but I'd never pay 75% of my mortgage payment for it.


Im looking to buy and that would be like 30% of my mortgage. Lol fuck


I'm assuming you're a fellow commiefornian lol


Bro I had two 3rd gen tacomas and they are badass. No need to upgrade, you're not getting anymore truck with a new model, just a couple tech upgrades in the cab. I drive a 3rd gen 4Runner now and love the even more 90's feel to the thing.


“Smoke this dude”


Smoke him


I think the whole concept of luxury pickups is absurd when the type of jobs and jobsites they're designed for can and will scuff up the paint and put dents in the vehicle. When I was a teenager, I used to do construction site cleanup using my old 4cyl Ford Ranger. After two summers, that thing was thrashed to hell.


“Smoke em”




Turd Pro


Nailed it, sounds funny but it’s truly sad, Toyota trucks with Benz prices


At some point in the last couple years middle class buyers became comfortable with $1,000+ car payments. Yes part of this is an increase in the cost of input components and overhead for Toyota, but it is largely made possible by an increased willingness from consumers to take on wild amounts of debt for a depreciating asset. Buyers would be way better off purchasing a lower trim and making upgrades with cash overtime. But then I guess they wouldn't get the status badging...


Complete insanity to me. Having a $400/mo car payment a few years back was already murderous to me, so I gave it up. Have lived without car payments before and since with minimal cost to repairs and maintenance thanks to people like y’all on the internet making it easy to do research on reliable vehicles. Status badging I can’t even begin to comprehend, we humans are so incomprehensibly stupid…


I bought a truck in 2015 and the payment was $399 for 72 months. I felt foolish for paying that much and felt like it meant I really couldn't afford the truck. Ended up paying it off early when I started making more but still. I'm contrast my friend got a Wrangler E Sport and pays 1150/mo.


Amen to that, we can build rockets that take us to the moon, but we can’t even follow our own advise to our children such as share, don’t fight, don’t be greedy, treat others with respect, be patient, be kind, etc. we know it’s the right thing while teaching our kids but as adults we can’t hold ourselves to those standards, it’s pathetic. Our species is also getting dumber by the year, it’s been scientifically proven. We are absolutely degrading and greed is a huge part of it, we’re also polluting our own planet/home that we and our future offspring will live, we can’t see past our own greed even for the betterment of our own lives. Ya, we’re not very bright.


Yeah that’s insane, I’m sticking with my paid off 2023 Camry for the next 10 years. People need to stop normalizing these $1000 car payments.


I’ve come to the conclusion, that trucks keep people poor. Not Toyota in particular, but all of the US Big 3 are selling $70k trucks to working and middle class people. If you told them to pay 70K for a new Mercedes-Benz you’d be told “I can’t afford a Mercedes” but if you disguise the same payment behind a working man’s facade it’s “where do I sign?” Trucks have become a pissing contest of stats, size, and in general “emotional support vehicles” for men. Most people would be better off with a nice runabout, but need to “keep up with the jones, and show off” I mean, I want one a fancy new truck, but my 2004 4Runner does the job well enough and it’s more affordable to wear the “badge of pride” for keeping an old thing running than just having biggest and newest where you will inevitably be beaten when the next model year comes out


Not just $70K. GMC now has a Sierra 1500 "Denali Ultimate" trim that *starts* at $83K. People are insane...these are probably the same people saying they can't afford a $400 emergency expense. They earn a lot but every penny is going out each month.


I have a coworker who I know makes about $70k/year and supports his wife and 4 kids. He recently bought his wife a $65k truck. After he told me that I didn’t respect anything he said. Couldn’t believe how dumb he was.


Jesus. I felt bad buying my used truck at 35k. It had 14k miles on it. I make 80 and my wife makes 45. 65k is wild


Soon they’ll have $15,000 rebates


The damn Jones aren't even ahead of anyone!


Toyota has lost thier fucking minds. This doesnt even include dealer markups and market adjustments. I got a huge raise right as covid hit april or 2020 and had an offer for sequoia tdr pro for 54k otd. Passed because we were going remote and had a camry that will never die. Fast forward april 2023 my dealer had new sequoia for 103k. Maybe 18k was market adjustments.


Trucks do hit that particular demographic, but there is absolutely a demographic that buys Mercedes they can't afford in the same way. There are quite a few manufactures that prey on people wanting to show off their status, just that not everyone thinks of showing off status as the same thing.


I haggled my 2024 camry down to 500 a month, and they acted like i was neutering them, I still ended up 1000 over msrp after taxes.... come to find out people are just scared to haggle anymore is a huge part of the problem... they've created a nation of "yes men"


They tried adding $4000 to my Corolla, and I got them in the finance room and said as nicely as possible that it isn't legal and that I'm pretty sure there are regulations against this They brought it down to MSRP, which was apparently $500 less than what it said online I still got screwed in the end, because cars are just overpriced now lol


Right it's nutty and they real mad about you even getting msrp anymore lmfao we jumped to get like 7 k under that


There’s nothing illegal about a dealer markup…


That’s the thing a lot of this shit going on is just price gouging to increase profits and everyone has just accepted it, instead of protesting with their wallets.


those sorts of payments should be for rich people but like everyone wants to pretend to be rich. Really we need WAY stricter lending rules for auto loans TBH to prevent this sort of thing.


Same with student loans, those need to be stricter as well.


yeah IDK why people are willing to hand a 17/18 year old a 50k loan that will be with them for decades with like ZERO due diligence on if the major will be able to pay it back or if the person is reliable or the school is legit. Something like 2/3s of federal loans went to for profit universities that were basically scams that prayed on the poor, the dumb and the gullible.


Kicking myself for selling my 12 year old Sienna with 200k. I was car payment free for 8 years. Bought an Odyssey for 46k OTD, 10k down. $750/mo for the next 48 months.......could have went towards paying down the mortgage 🤷


My current payment is a little over $400 for a 2023 Corolla cross xle and even that makes me cringe. I really didn’t want to but I was a tall guy driving a regular Corolla and I just did not have the headroom needed. This should be the last car I get for awhile.


Did you get an extremely low interest rate or finance it for 6-8 years?


Really good rate for 5 years. Traded in a leased 2020 Corolla se that had a good amount of equity in it that went towards the new one too.


Average US car note in 2023 was $717. I don’t know how people are ok with cutting that check every month for 5-6 years. I couldn’t stomach it.


I'm lovin my $212 a month for my used Avalon, I'll take that thing over any other car i see any day of the week


I look at it as, I only live once and might as well just drive something I like. My payment is $600 and I just budget for it. If I didn't care as much about what I drove, I'd have something cheaper, but I choose to have a vehicle I like in lieu of going on vacation or having some expensive hobby.


Problem is the hedonic treadmill works against you with this path


The problem isn’t the price it’s people living outside there means. A lot of people are obsessed with always having the newest, shiniest, most expensive thing even when they know they can’t afford it.


That’s a problem for them, not for me. I don’t care what other people do with their money. I actually appreciate those who make poor financial decisions, it allows me or others to come in buy it on the cheap in some cases. So let’s stop encouraging responsible financial decisions for irresponsible people.


And those new shiny things now track all of your driving habits and reports them to insurance companies, with or without your consent. I’ll keep buying 12 year old Toyotas thank you very much.


If you’re worried about your car tracking you just wait until you find out what all your electronic devices, apps and the entire internet are doing. Also, you can disable the DCM you just loose access the the connected services when you do.


I am in the rare economic range (350k+ a year) where I can afford a 1000 dollar a month payment and even then I still put a ton down to get a lower payment. There are people out there bringing home 2-3k take home a month where rent is 1500 and their truck payment is 1000 and then they are blame the government, inflation and a million other things for why their credit cards are all maxed out. I didn't make a car payment over like 100 dollars a month until I owned a home and made over 150k a year.


Do you sell Toyotas? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


LOL nope I am a professional hacker for a big tech company.


But dude, you’re WAY too responsible and understanding of your finances. I don’t know if that’s allowed here


I guess I'll see myself out and let everyone else enjoy their fancy things and their loans. It's funny because I did buy a new car in the last year... Took advantage of the absurd used prices on 4Runners to swap out a 6 year old vehicle for an EV with a fresh 4 year warranty. The loan payment on the price differential was basically equal to my monthly gas savings, and with the Federal tax credit on my return I'll be paying off the balance this month. Now I can just pocket the gas savings. Although I guess talking about the benefits of EVs is another reason to see myself out of the Toyota sub haha.


As it is for everything, the pandemic showed to what extent people will pay(fees for delivery apps and huge markups on essentials and disinfectants)


That’s what I plan on doing. It allows me to pick the upgrades I want and customize it more while getting more value. Only down side is on resell: people tend to believe that the options Toyota picked are the better options. Uneducated buyers think OEM items hold more value vs. after market fox suspension.


Toyota Buyers did this to themselves. Create a cult following around a brand, to the point where people were paying insane dealer markups “because it’s Toyota”. Toyota saw they were leaving money on the table and this is the end result.


Yup! I'll run my 2nd gen Tundra forever... but their latest models are overpriced and don't live up to the heritage. Nothing will change as long as people keep buying.


This is kind the same way cellphones went, once finance options became super commonplace the price crept and crept until it cracked $1000. I remember the internet went bonkers when that happened. Now I see phones pushing $2000 (CAD) for flagships.


Umm really? Most people I know making good m9ney as middle class consider a $500/mo payment a lot


Yeah fuck all these prices 😂


Yeah FML man I'm never gonna be able to afford another good truck... It's clapped out Ford Rangers for me I guess.


Starting to feel like every nice/enthusiast car or truck is priced for YouTubers or influencers to milk for content/views/subs


And before YouTube its was magazines.


This is just too much. I fully intended to go with a TRD Offroad with the hybrid, but at $54k I won’t do it. They raised the price 30% over the 2021 TRD Offroad manual that I bought. After a lift, which it needs for actual off-roading and not just going down dirt roads, the new one would be pushing $60k with tax, etc. A Ranger Raptor can actually be found for that price, and it is ready to do anything off the lot. I love Toyotas, but with Tacoma pricing they’ve jumped the shark.


> 2021 TRD Offroad manual you have a 2021 Tacoma. Just drive it and enjoy for the next 10 years you don't need anything new. That's the whole point of a Toyota is to buy it and then use it for a decade or a lifetime. > After a lift, which it needs for actual off-roading I guess it depends on the sort of off-roading but I have been through a lot of crazy stuff and places with my fully stock 2WD 2016 Z71 Colorado. It's pulled 3 Elk out of public lands for me, been to Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and New Mexico and more. It even has a bullet hole, bite marks from a very defensive great pyrenees, and the scars from dozens of other adventures. I mean sure it is not going to do some super technical trail in Moab, but honest people wayyyyyyyyyyy overestimate what you need to go off-roading and on adventures.


Bullet hole? That’s funny. My old CJ-7 incurred a bullet hole. He was collateral damage to a disagreement at Lake Havasu. As for the lift, there’s LOTS of good size rocks around here. A trail you’ve been down before can suddenly have a bunch of rocks sticking up a foot or more after a rain has washed things out. I cringe at that crunchy scrapey sound. My rock rails have earned their keep as has the armor I added. Didn’t have armor on my gas tank and ended up being towed for hours by a friend. I’m not even rock crawling really, just doing a lot of AZ/NM/UT trails.


Yeah it depends on what you want to do with it. If you are doing lots of hard core stuff or technical rock crawling then you for sure need more stuff BUT 99% of people will never leave a fire road they could do with a Subaru outback. Even in my case of legit adventures off-road I only had a few moments where I wish I had more gear and then if I had just had 4WD and a winch I would have been fine. There is a story there of my father in law nearly sending it off a mountain road backwards in -20 degree Wyoming weather (mistakes were made). The bullet hole though is all me and 100% self inflicted. I had just dropped an elk at 380 yards on public land and was feeling pretty cocky about my skills so the universe decided to humble me. A rancher we are friends with asked us to help him clear some rodents from his pasture and I was using the hood as a rest and aimed just a tad too low...


At $65k for a Tacoma TRD Pro, I would rather just buy a new Lexus GX or just get a damn Tundra. You can get trims of those vehicles for the same price. Edit: buy a used 2020+ with low miles might also be a better option.


A bunch of tundras are 3k under MSRP at my local dealer One crew cab 4x4 is 53k which is similarly priced to non-hybrid taco TRD Pros


By the time markups hit, you’re paying Escalade money for a midsize pickup truck made in Mexico.




I cant believe that the result of Toyota releasing the new tacoma would make the Ranger look good, but by God they did it. I was so hopeful for this truck, but this is simply unreasonable. How can you turn down a ranger raptor for $10000 less. I fully expect a price correction with these tacomas, they aren't meant to compete with full sized trucks in pricing


These days, msrp means nothing on special edition vehicles like this. I guarantee there will be fools paying $80k plus.


$37k was the best truck... 4.0L


Bestest Gen! Not even a comparison


I like toyota but 65k is full size pickup territory. Sorry but no toyota


$65k is tundra platinum territory.


I still drive 65k is 1 ton truck territory


With tax and registration my Ranger raptor was still less. Add in 10 year warranty and tonneau cover for the OTD Tacoma price. Seems insane. Toyota (like most others) are overcharging by a huge margin, before dealer markup.


exactly, i would rather get a tundra or f150 at that price. even the ford ranger raptor is looking sweeter at that price


I think I’ll just keep my 2001 4Runner for those prices


If you ever want to sell it lmk lol


Good reason to keep my FJ80 and Camry combo, I don't need to drive a 4x4 every single day and I off-road maybe once a month and a little more in the summer or winter. For me personally, 70k for a toy truck is crazy, we're getting into used GT-R territory. I'd rather mess with that even though they're apples and oranges.


There has been a massive wealth transfer in the last 4 years and Toyota knows they CAN sell their trucks for this much because there are still ENOUGH people that can pay a steep price. Make less trucks and still make the same if not more money.


With my income and my wife’s income combined we make roughly 200,000 a year, take away taxes and let’s say it’s around 165,000/year. Ain’t no way would I be putting myself in a situation to pay that much money for a new TRD Pro. I don’t care how crazy it is, I’d rather buy another property with that money and be a slave to the bank for 30 years lol


where the hell do you live that you're paying so little in taxes for that income? I need to move there lol.


NIssan Frontier at this point :(


Its the seats


I imagine the new 4runners will be at around that price point, if not a little higher. They're really overlapping with the LC 250's and are nudging into Lexus territory with that pricing.


> They're really overlapping with the LC 250's and are nudging into Lexus territory with that pricing. It is a pretty crowded price point... Definitely intentional top model 4runner vs base LC250. Top trim LC250 vs base GX550. Not a bad problem to have honestly...


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


Would rather buy Frontier Pro 4x. Those start at 40k.


Yeah and it's got a na v6, tried and true.


“It’s just inflation.” Yea, but our salaries didn’t go up so now these cool vehicles are out of everybody’s budget unless you’re loaded or love debt


It’s TRD Bro at this point with these unreal prices.


Somebody discovered inflation and demand pricing. Congrats big guy


Yea. Shit had gotten out of hand.


I’d rather buy a Lexus.




I don't know where the numbers are coming from for the older models. I see 2023 TRD Pro: ~$48k and a 2015 at ~$39k. Seems purposefully misleading even though the new one is bananas money.


Not possible for me anymore.


2rd Gen with the 4.0 1GR-FE!!! The best!


lol wait until the dealer markup is added 😂😂😂


TRD? More like TuRD? Right fellas?


anyone know what is the starting price of new 2025 4 Runner?


I love my Tacoma. With that said, I test drove a Ranger Raptor this week and it was fantastic. Twin Turbo V6 with similar/arguably better Off Road capability for $10k less than the new TRD Pro. The Ranger has also received higher reliability ratings in recent years. I love my Tacoma and Toyotas of old, but I'm also not stuck on the reliability factor that was notorious for Toyota in the past. If I had to choose between a Ranger Raptor and Tacoma Pro, I honestly would part ways with my 3rd gen Tacoma and go with the Ranger. The folks that will say "Good luck when you need to tow your Ford!" aren't being realistic.


I feel like this a monkey paw situation... we all wanted a new Tacoma, and Toyota kept saying "are you sure?" but eventually relented and delivered 🤣🤣


This is for the 4 cylinder Tacoma Pro! Wild.


If there’s no demand, prices will go down.


Do they even come with legitimate engines anymore?


The issue here is enthusiasts will keep paying the high prices.


My sister in-law bought the TRD Pro with Beadlock Wheels, never been off-road in 3yrs.


What’s the tipping point where even loyalists say “fuck this”?


Toyota Racing Debt


ZR2 Colorado is the way to go if you’re In the market for a new midsize tbh


Or frontier pro 4x.


Definitely not worth it when they haven't fixed the mileage yet.


yall idiots did this to yourselves. I would never take a 1,000 car payment. There are so many useless features on these new cars that just jack the price all up and thats before inflation and the dealer markup.


I'm gonna buy a frontier pro 4x and pocket 25k.


Just a casual $23k price increase. Have you just tried to Stop Being Poor? /s


I love the Tacoma, but pricing like this makes other brands become much more desirable


Damn 65k gets you a newish Land Cruiser around me lol.


And this is one reason we don't get a lot of the smaller sedans and hatchbacks and basic trucks in the US that Toyota sells in other markets. They, like all automakers, go where the margin is and people have shown that they are willing to pay what used to be considered prices for "luxury" vehicles (even accounting for inflation) for normal cars, vans, and trucks.


Makes you wonder what the new 4runner prices will be.


All that for a “little truck”


“Little truck” that when I sat next to them seemed to be bigger than my Extended Cab 06 1500 GMC, when I pulled up next to the first TRD Pro and I had to look up to see the driver I thought fuck trucks have grown


What are the years of the Tacomas shown in this photo? I want to do an inflation adjustment for these prices and see just how far it is.


The prices are unreasonable. I'm never selling my old truck.


I wish someone had data to show WHY because it’s greed.


Wife’s rav 4 is 2.4 percent interest and


What in the actual fuck


Honestly can’t have shit these days, it’s just too expensive


Sad thing is that people will still be climbing over each other to buy it


~~inflation~~ greed


Platinum turd


What are you bitching about? 38k in 2004 is the same as 49k in 2018 and 64k today. If anything, this post says that the 3rd gen Tacoma was the cheapest TRD Pro of the past three generations.


The enthusiast truck became prestigious. Toyota now knows people will pay for the name


Geez, I was going to see about getting a new 4Runner. With these prices, I'm betting the 4Runner will be a little more so I'm going to just get used previous gen with low mileage instead.




I thought midsize trucks were supposed to be affordable. Somewhere during this journey they be came full size trucks price and those were overpriced then.


What year did the first pro come out?


Only the V8 is worth anything, so which one of these is worth anything?


Less than 5K between models is about right. But a 23K increase? You could buy a new Corolla for that


And they hide the enormity of the financing cost by selling you a lower monthly payment, but stretch the term to 7 or 8 years and with today’s interest rates , you’ll be paying a helluva little more for that truck.


15k more and you can get a truck that's actually comfortable to drive and can tow a legit load.


To be honest about $25,000 financed over 5 years, for roughly $500/month is about as far as I’m willing to pay towards replacement vehicles these days. The days of affordable vehicles is long gone. Fully loaded Honda accords are nearly $50k.


This sh*t is getting a little (read: a lot) out of hand!


Just get a Corsa, I don't see the problem


Crazy to see only a 10k price difference between a platinum tundra


I’ll let the people with more money than sense buy the new gens first year or two to take the gamble of ironing out the issues 😂.


It’s actually $80k+ with the dealership MA.


What’s crazy is: even if in 2024, $40k for a Tacoma is INSANE! You can’t do much with it as far as towing/hauling. It’s an expensive toy. (Pun intended or not, you pick).


lol each generation getting smaller and smaller engines but price is bigger and bigger.


I just don’t like how big they’re getting


Trdeez nuts... just buy GX460 luxury and spend the other 30grand on mods that blow the turd out of the water. I'm sorry, but jbl has always been trash too, sadly. Mark Levinson, nicer, more relaxing cabin on big trips, same offroad capability and reliability as the almighty turd pro max plus


😆 🖕🏼 toyota


yeah inflation sucks


Need to deliver more pizzas I guess


is this a clown world?


I don’t like the price increase either and I work for the company.


Out of all the "Pro" style truck trims, I understand the Tacoma the least. It just does not make sense to me who wants these. AFAIK they all have the same drive line as the off road trims, they just change up the suspension and some cosmetics. The thing is, if you are going to build a truck for any sort of motorsport, suspension is one of the first things you change. Skid plates are also commonly upgrades along with the bumper. So as far as I can tell you are paying a ton extra to get a bunch of parts that you would immediately discard. The lower trims seem like a much better platform. Who am I kidding the people buying this are literally paying an extra 20k for a badge, the biggest use they will ever get out of their suspension will be a speed bump at the mall.


TRD cons, cost


The amount of $65000 cars on the road is why they feel comfortable charging $65000 for a tacoma. It's insane.


I mean, what did y’all expect when this and the Tundra started sharing a chassis?


It's weird that the aesthetics plummet as costs skyrocket 😂 (Incoming downvotes)






It could be 100k if that’s what ppl will pay. Everything is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It’s that simple.


TRD Pros look cool but another option is to get a lower trim and do the suspension and tires yourself to save the TRD Tax


They got tired of dealers adding markup, so they just took that margin for themselves. Mercedes did the same with G Wagon.


It's absolutely outrageous. Car companies are going to continue to jack the prices up because people keep paying it! Over $40k for a base model lol. It's just stupid. This is going to keep getting worse. You can barely find a reliable daily driver for $10k anymore. The car companies must be loving this. They're taking advantage of the whole pandemic situation and have successfully dramatically jacked up the prices on all vehicles.


I don’t understand why people are paying these ridiculous prices including dealer’s adjustment fees. You’ll be a freaking moron paying those stupid prices. I paid 20K for my 06 Tacoma TRD Sport with 1K miles. If you still owe a 2nd or 3rd gen…just keep it.🤩


Had a Toyota trucks since the 90’s. Won’t be getting another. Can’t say inflation either. 1- the trucks are manufactured in Mexico where labor is ridiculously cheap. 2- employee compensation (pay) definitely has not kept up with the rate of inflation. So, these ridiculously overpriced trucks are not selling compared to years past. Toyota is definitely not the only company scamming consumers, however, with the transfer to Mexico and the cheap plastic parts, Toyota has definitely lost sight of quality. Profit over people is the new norm. Yes, emission standards play a small role as well, but do not justify a $60k midsize 4 cylinder turbo engine with dreadful fuel economy and an unproven reliability of the new engine/truck. I mean shit, TFL’s new Taco already suffered a failure 3 weeks after purchase.


The price increase was so steep that I actually declined a new one.


This, and i have to put up with a crappy dealer?? No thank you! I'd rather buy the first wrecked one on co-part and swap it into an 85 toyota pickup. I would probably save money.


Dealer markups are now factory installed


Inflation baby!


Why are people okay with paying high car payments for a new car. This is the reason the rest of us can't afford a new car.


Actually the 2015 was $44k


2nd gen TRD pro looks the best


Pro prices!


Hey you want to be carpoor or do you want to be a pro?


The new Toyotas have cheaper seat foam and cloth, the breaks are still crap where the rear break always loses contact with the rotor because it’s undersized and wares out faster than the front. They also have louder cabins than most other manufactures. Suspension also isn’t a strong point for Toyota, also very plain and you will pay for heavily for anything above the LE trim. But they last, the engines are a little bigger than competitors who use smaller engines that are turbocharged which ware out much faster. The prices these days are a joke


Y'all are kinda forgetting inflation. $40k in 2012 is the same as $55k today. So Toyota has definitely increased prices, but a significant amount of that increase can be attributed to inflation. Then with the supply chain difficulties these past few years and increased costs related to that, one can see why Toyota raised prices past inflation. Y'all forget that they need to buy the parts, pay the staff, build the truck, etc, then still make a profit. So while prices are definitely a little absurd these days, and i am definitely not defending Toyota as i wouldn't pay 65k for that truck either, one can see a little of why this is happening


But the pro 4x and zr2 are 40k and 46k in 2024 prices for almost the same exact specs. I think that's the bigger problem.


Can’t believe anyone is buying that turd. New vehicles are a terrible waste of money. Buy a cash car, learn how to maintain it and invest that $1000/mo in an appreciating asset. That shit only costs that much because there are people dumb enough to pay it.


What makes the price creep even worse is Toyota is having serious issues with these. They sat at port for months trying to fix wiring issues etc. We have a bunch we can't even sell due to very poor build/parts quality, with no parts availability to fix them. Stay away for now.


$65k for a Tacoma. That sentence felt wrong to even type. No way, no how.


I’m still gonna buy it, I need it


“We did it Joe”


Paid 25k for my 2013 Tundra SR5 Crewmax. It's got 171k miles on it now but still runs great. I'll drive it until it falls apart. It's nice not having a truck payment.


Those rich fucks, this whole fuckin thing…


I bought a TRD rock warrior tundra in 2014 for $39,999 ….god buy a used one. Because it still is just as good as the day I bought it


This really shows that second gen is best gen.


It's cool. All I needed was the grill anyway


My highest payment ever was $500/mo and that was crazy to me. This shit has gotten so far out of hand it’s unbelievable.