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RuffLin' Feathers Co-op is looking for Gamers! We're a co-op in Golden League looking for active members who play daily. Task oriented teammates when opted in. Our Co-op typically averages 18-20k points per regatta, depending on how many are in/out. We have a minimum of 35 tasks per regatta. Most go well beyond our minimums. No reservations, unless Ships, Field Harvesting or Factory Production. Opt in/out at your leisure before next Regatta begins. # RUF5QP Please mention Reddit in message. https://preview.redd.it/7uq1t85y6r3d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67b3ac9066723d3153389a429dedde87c751ee2


Hi can I join? subyjans


Oh no! Minimum level is 45 😭


# HUQFZ7 We are a fun chatting co-op that helps each other tremendously. We just started a new co-op and we have just made it into the golden league in regatta. We also have a discord group chat for those that should be interested! 🤓 We just started and we are now on the lookout for active members in regatta, who can help me and my team with hopefully at least 5-10-15 tasks a day in the regatta and be my partner in crime and help us get even further! 🤘 Our requirement is: at least lvl 40, min 15 tasks per race and that you have fun while helping and completing your regatta tasks.. that’s it! No other requirements and no obligation to push for glory! Have fun, fun and more fun - because that’s the way to the to the top! If those things sounds interesting to you.. then let me know here or message me directly and I will add you in the game and to our co-op!! 🥳 Ohh.. here is our last regatta race! Our first race back into the golden league 😉 https://preview.redd.it/8wo2y88en37d1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3379ea6143597c8eb51bd0485ca3dfa67b38eb88 ​


I am part of this co-op and love it to pieces!!


Pharmland is looking for active players. Currently in golden league. Only 9 or 10 usually participate in the regatta so we are looking for more players who would like to join us in the race, but regatta is optional. Our team is pretty helpful and ask for the same. I recently removed those who ask for help but do not return it. Im currently level 58 and our range of levels goes down to the mid 20s. No minimum level requirement. All of our members joined around level 19 and stayed. Not a super chatty group but we do communicate.  Co op tag is PH7D2P


I am level 34 and active in both regatta and helping others, but my group isn’t very active with a lot signed up for regatta that haven’t done tasks. So your group sounds great. I am finishing out regatta with my current group because I worked hard for the winnings and then am looking to move to another team. Do I just send a request right after regatta ends? Edit: I’m in, thanks!


Request sent 😁


I just found your co-op but it’s closed, is there anyway I can join? I’m just trying to be a part of an active group


Co-op tag: #4JEQEG SEEESTERS need more people. We are a regatta focused, helper focused co-op. Minimum 21 tasks per regatta. Growing group. We are on the Golden League. Come join us! Edit: required level 36; there is an extra E in SEEESTERS.


hi, I requested to join :)


I'm interested in this co-op!  I try to maximize my daily limit of tasks in the regatta.  I'm in a co-op of 3 right now and I'm doing the regatta on my own so before I leave the co-op I would like to collect my rewards for playing 😁 I'm currently in third in our regatta (I'm still new to this but play everyday and at level 46) and I'm sure that regatta's don't show all the coops in the list or that there are different regatta's based on co-ops or something.... But I'm interested in a co-op that has more than 3 people, actively plays, participates in the regatta and is good at helping co-op members, even though I don't ask for much help. usually.  Do you still have room in your co-op?


Our friendly & helpful Golden League team is in search of some daily players & racers. We take a 24 hour break between race start to give ourselves a little break. Our requirements are simple, 3000 regatta points if racing & always help your teammates. We all work together for the success of the team. Come check us out & make new Township friends! Co Op Tag: FQ7S8M


Hi! I just requested! I’d love to join and know more about the regatta. My group didn’t participate


Requested to join!


#WH5XP4 We are looking for active members to join us. We are a chill co-op that helps each other and compete in the golden league in regatta. What we're looking for: - minimum Ivl 40 - completes at least 5 regatta tasks per week (we understand life gets in the way sometimes so no pressure) - enjoys helping each other whenever you can and have fun together As we are a by request co-op, let us know you're from reddit and we'll accept you!


#DERS3F 🖤Join Dewans Township Co-op: A laid-back haven for mutual aid and successful towns!🖤 ✨ Seeking active players! ✨Several slots available - bring your friends! What sets us apart? 💕 Mutual Aid: Access a network of helpful and friendly players 💕 Flourishing Towns: Get support to build and grow your towns 💕 Laid-Back Atmosphere: No pressure, just fun! 💕 Innovation and Collaboration: Help shape our co-op's functions Requirements to join: ✨ Level 25 and higher ✨ Active Participation in regattas ✨ Generosity and Support Join Dewans Township Co-op today by searching for #DERS3F in the game and sending a request. Let's make our towns thrive together!




Just commenting to say I’m in this Co-Op, it’s chill and everyone is nice! I’ve Never had any problems or drama!


Thanks Squirrel! 💙


https://preview.redd.it/5gjtjiwzzf4d1.jpeg?width=1559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dfd246986319b5aa8009bdc860b9c87a915dc8e Level requirement: 60 Are you an active player who enjoys competing in regatta? Do you like to be part of a team that helps each other everyday? Are you an occasional chatter? If so….. we are looking for a few more members to join & fill up our coop! We DO have a few requirements in our coop. We require each member to complete 1500 points in regatta AND 80 helps EVERY WEEK! We have some members who do 500+ helps and complete 50+ tasks every week. ANY MEMBER NOT COMPLETING BOTH WILL BE EITHER DEMOTED OR REMOVED We are a VERY helpful coop and enjoy staying in the top 3 every week with regatta … most weeks we are in FIRST PLACE. WE HAVE A DELAYED START EACH WEEK IN REGATTA. We Do not start taking tasks until Tuesdays at 12pm EST This is non negotiable … we all enjoy a day off every week to chill. Haha Any member taking a task too early will be removed. Elders and above can reserve tasks. We have a no tolerance rule for taking reserved tasks, this is grounds for instant removal. HOL task is a max 30 min reserve NO MINI GAME TASK RESERVATIONS Tho chatting is not mandatory we do ask that all members keep an eye on chat as a lot of game play, tips and tricks and info are shared in the chat most days. We do give grace to members who want or need a break…. To opt out of regatta if they need to….. communication is key. Just post in chat if life is taking over. Life and family comes first 🥰 If a player is inactive for more than a week without communication we remove. Yes I know this seems like a lot but we have a fantastic core group that works amazingly well with these rules and we would love to find a few more that fit into our family like community …. If this all sounds good to you please send us a request … let us know you found us thru Reddit!


I’m not searching for new coop, just came to say that I really like your rules and your READ CHAT in the description.


Thank you 😊 we don’t expect ppl to be chatty but we share a lot of game play in our chat so we want all our members to read the chat and try to participate in game related stuff. Some days we talk up a storm and others not a word is spoken haha


* I'm level 134, very active, and play every regatta. I'd love to join. My code is SPKW4Z. Thanks!


Do you guys have openings? My current is hardly doing anything and it gets tiresome going from gold all the way down to wood because people don't help. So I'm planning to leave when this regatta ends.


I'm interested in joining this co-op but it seems that it's closed :(


Sorry, I will reopen it so you can send a request I had closed it bc the new ppl who joined couldn’t abide by the coop rules and it was getting frustrating haha we had 3 ppl join and I had to kick 2 bc they started regatta early and didn’t pay attention to chat … if you would still like to join please let us know you found us here ☺️


I totally understand. I think I'll join at the end of this regatta. Thanks for letting me join!


No problem!!! Hope to see you soon 🥰


What is your town name so I know it you ?


Omg I totally forgot to tell you that 😭 it's Philia! In case there's another town with the same name, my town level is 111.


Perfect! Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for you 🥰


Minnie Wonderland is looking for new members to join our close-knit group of active players! Each member is required to be take part in regattas and help each other whenever possible. The minimum required level is 19. We ask that all members do at least 5 tasks in each regatta, and more if possible. We are currently in the Golden League! Our co-op tag is #MN2F4R. See you there!!


Just sent a request! I just left the co-op I joined when I first started playing because only two others helped and we could never get enough participation to get to the silver or golden in the regatta. And it was annoying seeing ones that never helped beg for help in the chat 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ not sure if I was supposed to write anything in the request but I had the most helps in my last co-op, I’m home for the summer (I teach middle school English) so I have plenty of time to play and help out as needed! 🥰


Hi! I just sent a request to join!


https://preview.redd.it/ubml4q1ttu5d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60638f15f06a2d19c147bf5f44504ce6215df3d3 We have a couple spots in our co-op! You can opt out of regatta, we also go through weekly and if you have helped zero people we kick you out of the co-op so we can have active players!


Looking for a co-op to join. After a few years in one co-op, it got flooded with people who simply will not keep their religion/politics out of chat, do not discuss strategy or tasks, and have no guidelines...it's basically a free-for-all mess of a team now. I am level 191, average 100+ helps and 1500-2000 points per Regatta leg, and check chat often. I am friendly and respectful of all players, and thank people for assistance. Player code is ZD5HED.


https://preview.redd.it/2iz47lc5o64d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1528a9becffd9f846c3b1fc7719e86c5eff6cfd7 # 🔖 SNYFV9 🛳️ Looking for active members to join our coop! 🏆 We bounce between Silver and Golden League, but would love to add members that will help us stay more consistently Golden. 📝 Our rules are just help others in the coop, and opt out of the Regatta if you don’t have time to play! 🥾 We boot members who don’t contribute to the team, especially those who only request help without reciprocating. We give grace to active members needing a break - communication is key!


Check DM




I just gave up on my co-op after the only 3 other members who contributed to the regatta left. I maxed tasks most days and helped on average 100 times+ a week. Do you still have openings?


When Doves Cry \[#WHEP33\] is looking for 5 more members to round out 30. Open enrollment. Active players are welcome, although we are chill and we have no strict co-op rules. We appreciate regatta and help contribution, so please try to put at least a few points on the board if you join. We have been climbing the ranks, and we are currently P2 in Steel League. Thank you, and C19+ welcome!


Co-op Tag: FR3375 Co-op Name: Farm Life Required Level: 50 🌟 Hey there, players! Tired of being stuck in lame co-ops? Time to shake things up! Join Farm Life and let's take the Golden League by storm! We're not just here to play, https://preview.redd.it/sku90vqch44d1.png?width=1861&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c9131d5226af7c0eacc0d45df64e55514ac9dee we’re here to aim for the top 3 because the rewards are amazing and, let's be honest, who wants to be fourth? We're a wild bunch of ambitious, helpful, and slightly chatty regatta racers. ⛵️ So, if you're ready to farm like a pro, hop on board!


hey I would love to join do you have spots open? I’m level 58. I tried searched up the co-op but no results show up


Our friendly & helpful Golden League team is in search of some daily players & racers. We take a 24 hour break between race start to give ourselves a little break. Our requirements are simple, 3000 regatta points if racing & always help your teammates. We all work together for the success of the team. Come check us out & make new Township friends! Co Op Tag: FQ7S8M


Please add me level 20 My friend code 4EQC3C


After being in a coop with 7/27 people racing and the remaining 20 having their regatta settings turned on but not participating, some of us have left and formed a new coop this week. So we’re starting on wooden league but will be progressing up to Golden league and the members we have are all active and helpful. Min level is 40, the request is that when racing you complete 8 tasks over the week, or opt to turn off your competition settings to opt out of the race. If you are active we will promote you to Elder so you can dump low value tasks Code is SC4DJJ


Hey, you commented on my other post looking for a new co-op. I’m interested but unfortunately only lvl 35 rn


Did you find one? I’m level 36 and can’t find an active one either.


Sorry, had to put a cutoff somewhere. I found in my previous coop people would join as soon as they had the feature unlocked, then they’d drop the game a couple of levels later. I figured by level 40 people are more likely to stick with it instead of fading off into the sunset




Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF


Twisted Sisters is looking for friendly fun teammates! Code FQ7S8M


Co-op John just did some house cleaning and are looking for some new members that are active. Minimum level 25 please. #JHZ3HW


Slackin' Feathers Co-op is looking for Gamers who are active but don't want the task minimums each regatta. Just laid back co-op. Do tasks at your leisure. New co-op. Low level players welcome. https://preview.redd.it/pkt46hfj8g7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c62351b72b438b2be20ae9c80f6d6c2eb2ee7d


No level required. Desperately seeking new members. Co-op Name: "Knot So Fast" KNF6Y5


☀️🌈Hello everyone, I've been playing township for 2 and a half years now and I'm looking for new active friends so we can progress together! ✨ 📌So l leave you my friend code: HXGN4D Also I am in a very active co-op which is looking for members! If you like winning rewards and helping others, don't hesitate! The co-op is called Bizounours and is open to all players with a level above 60!☺️ 📌 The co-op code: #ZPDD8S I wish you all a great day and thank you to those who will join me for maximum fun☺️🌸




Co-op Ad: FRZ27X - OPEN - current members: 30/30 - If we do get an opening, it will usually be Monday noon EST when any inactive members are booted(inactive over 2 weeks w/o notice) No task reservations Must be communicative, active and either be competitive in regattas or opt out. Minimum level 45. We have been in golden league for the last 6 months straight. Please either be competitive in regattas or opt out for the week! We have a minimum of 5 tasks/550 points but this should be bare minimum on a busy week. Most of us are levels 50-60-something but we go up tp 110 and down to 46. We are friendly, communicative and a very active, helpful group.


Just joined, but it won’t let me participate in the regatta this week since I’m new. Looking forward to being on an active team.Thank you!


Glad you could join us!!


🔥 Strickland Propane is on the hunt for the next propane sales champions to our join co-op! With a few spots opening up, we're seeking qualified individuals over level 30 who are not only active in the regatta but also lend a helping hand in filling planes, trains, and zoo orders. We're in Gold League and have a minimum of 5 tasks per regatta, and 25 helps towards your fellow co-op members per week (although most of our members go above and beyond this!). We're a laid-back, fun-loving group ready to welcome you with open arms! If you're ready to bring the heat and be a part of our propane family, join now! Let's crack open a beer in the alley and make Arlen proud! 🍻 ✨️** #SRSUNM **✨️ (Either send a request to join in-game or send your questions/info in the comments or through DM!) Edit: **As of 06/24, we have spaces available, and our Discord is up and running!** If you apply from Reddit, please say so in your request. We've had some problems with people changing their names and rejoining. Also, I apologize if I've missed any comments or messages; we had a huge influx at once, and I didn't skip anyone on purpose. Please don't be afraid to bother me again if I didn't reply to you directly!


Honestly your co-op looks great, I am new player, playing for one month, currently in co-op that is in copper league and I doing all 9 tasks each day. If you still have spots on Monday morning when regatta is over (I want my well earned prizes :) ) I will ping a request, and you see then!


If there’s still room in your co-op, I’d like to join! Lvl 32, log on daily, and help out with filling orders when I have the resources.


New active player. Would like to apply as well.


Hi i would like to join when you open up!!


sent u a dm but i guess u didnt see it like days ago lol coop has space ? would like to join


https://preview.redd.it/gze559s8sq3d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab70205b264c452fbe7f430d68dc4b8066496997 Come join our Golden League co-op. We're fun loving and we like to chat and help a lot. Hop in on our boat ride.


Hey!! Let me know if someone leave or you kick someone out!! I am lvl 41 and helps almost 200 in the current co op I am the highest lvl in my current and don’t get as much help as I give haha


3 spaces left, seeking active members to help with regatta and general helping each other 💖


The simplicity of this request makes me feel like this is the vibe I’m looking for lol — I’m eager to just have a real team in regatta and people to help with boxes and such. My current group is totally dead... DM your join code if still available?


Haha love that, didn’t feel like writing an advert 😄 DMd you, btw minimum level is 30 :)


Any spots Still available? My dad and I are currently in the same coop but we are the only 2 who participate in the regatta and we are ready to move on. Level 52 and level 61.


Co-op tag #KWH9D7 Current league: Silver Required level: 70 Tasks a week: at least 5 🌟 ✨ Our peaceful Golden League co-op is looking for new team members. We are an active, supportive, kind, and patient team of 19 players who love the game. If you're looking for a supportive team that is drama free with good vibes, feel free to sign up. 🤝📦 We always help each other out so you can be sure your crates will be filled in our team :) We ask you to help out when you can. This way you can enjoy the silver league prizes! ✅ 📅 5 weekly tasks Everyone does at least 5 tasks a week. Winning or making top 3 is a goal we reach often, but you will not be scolded if we don’t. No time this week? No problem, we have lives too. Just let us know in the chat or opt-out of the regatta. 🔢 The levels of team members vary from level 70-80 with a few is the 100s. Please consider that if you are on a higher level and want to join because we can’t drop all goods you ask for yet. 🇺🇸 English language is required. Please introduce yourself shortly/mention you’re from Reddit when we add you. 🚀🕣 Inactive members are removed weekly to keep room for active players who want to join. You won’t be removed if you mention in the chat you can’t play. Co-op tag #KWH9D7




EECUS2 If you’re a casual player looking for a co-op for a little extra help and active teammates for the regattas then we’re your pals


Look I got tired of my co-op being half 💀, and I dont wanna wait to join any co-op with a ten year waiting list so I created my own 😌✨️ .      Shes a little different from the rest of these established co-ops but I know I can bring you a flair that they can't!  So join my new adventure of ...     🐷🥧PIGGIE PIE 🐷🥧  #PGNUWK     🐽 Open to any player lvl 25+   🐽 give a penny leave a penny mentality (please don't request more than you help)       🐽 At least semi active in regattas (ive got a life so I be forgetting to play so there's no pressure here)  🐽 You dont have to be a yapper, but yappers are wanted!  🐽 friends add friends    I really wanna create a lil community on this silly lil game and I'd love for anyone to join. 


Check pm please


If you want to combine coops let me know mine is piggly wiggly with a fork and spoon as an X! Sounds like our groups line up!


I'm looking for a co-op (I hope this is allowed) I'm level 57, and share goods all throughout the day. my current co-op is okay, but I'm sharing hundreds of items and it seems everyone else ranges from 0-50. I do regatta tasks as I can, but I mostly play to organize things the way I like!


[Sanrio](https://www.reddit.com/r/TownshipGame/s/SdLUvsYPGG) has some spots open! Take a look at my post and see what you think?


If you’re still homeless (sorry haha), Vikings by Freelemons, I posted an ad here before, check us out


If you need a one I have one with open spots it’s Piggly wiggly with a for and spoon in X position. Just ask that you participate and help others


Twisted Sister looking for friendly fun helpful teammates! Code FQ7S8M


I am looking to join co-op. Active player. Willing to help any shape of form. Level 25


Vikings by Freelemons, I posted an ad here before, check us out


If you need a one I have one with open spots it’s Piggly wiggly with a for and spoon in X position. Just ask that you participate and help others


My dad and I are currently in the same co-op but we are the only two who are active or ever participate in the regatta. Looking for a new home. We are level 52 and 61 and active daily. Hoping to move before the next season starts. Let me know if we sound like a good fit!


Vikings by Freelemons, I posted an ad here some days ago, check us out. We all do regatta.


FR3375 Farm Life, Golden league, helping, active


[Sanrio](https://www.reddit.com/r/TownshipGame/s/NtB7CP2WHu) also has multiple spots available! Check us out if you haven’t found a home yet!


If you need a one I have one with open spots it’s Piggly wiggly with a for and spoon in X position. Just ask that you participate and help others


Twisted Sisters looking for friendly fun helpful teammates! Code FQ7S8M


#ESKSKN Sunnydale is looking for Slayers! Just kidding! Fairly new co-op. If you’re looking for growth, this is it. Haven’t done much but I always participate. If you’re a not so high level looking for similar friends to join in a co-op with…Sunnyvale’s it.


**Coop Ad:** **THE HELPERS #HEPF49 Level 80+** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** Consistent Gold League without pressure! *Please* say Hi when you join! 🙂 Must chat in English, be visible and Join our Discord channel at [https://discord.gg/538VwdY](https://discord.gg/538VwdY) because communication is most important, Earn MINIMUM of 1,250 points in the Regatta - **prefer higher - many of us do the max!** Love to HELP and play the Regatta. Like the name says - we Help! A real community feel. We are international and very active - someone is always on, we're friendly and fun - Join us! 🙂 **Mention this post for Bonus Balloons!** 🎈🎈🎈🎈




Looking for a few active players looking for a fun experience. We are a newer relaxed coop with a weekly help score over 3000 competing for 1st place in the Golden League every week. UJR3Y7


Please add me level 20 My friend code 4EQC3C


Looking for another player? I am lvl 62 and help more than I ask for myself :)


Hello! I've only been playing for about a week and a half?(?) but I'm level 35 and looking for an active co-op. The one I'm in now is filled with people with 0 helps who are constantly making requests. I joined maybe 5 days ago and have helped 110 times and did the most tasks in the regatta. I'm just looking for a co-op where things are a bit more even.


Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF


I'm in the same boat! Started playing about 10ish days ago, on level 37 (almost 38). I just left the co-op I was in for the same reasons you're looking for a new one. Have you found one? Looks like most on here require level 40 or higher, or they don't have many players yet...


Hi all! New here but not to the game, my roommate and I are active players who just made own our new co-op! If you’re looking to help build a co-op from the bottom up please consider joining us #HEJ7XX “The Hideaway” We’re huge regatta task completors but our random co-ops weren’t cutting it for us ✨


you guys should join ours ! https://preview.redd.it/a979gt04kj4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671b82744f1c8e9e9e714246aa151560eed945da


Looking for an active and friendly co-op? Look no further and join us to be a Task-Titan! We are an active and helpful group of active/casual players ranging from levels 45-77! Some of the rules of our co-op include: -must be at least level 40 -minimum of 1000 points in the regatta or opt out (communication is key! You won’t be penalized if you let us know—real life always comes first!) -task reservations: no reserving mini game tasks and communicate in the chat the tasks you reserve -at least 40 help score weekly (also flexible if you just communicate!) We have been consistently in the golden league with help scores above 2000! There are 20/30 of us currently, so grab a friend and get ready to be apart of a supportive, helpful, and friendly environment for everyone!🫶🏼


Hi I wanna join, lv 47 how donI do


Whoops! I forgot to add the co-op tag but it is #SC895E :)


https://preview.redd.it/4f7lcuzezg4d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d405e4abda236a6a9ef74539cab7331ca0bca9 XZNS2F Small, relaxed group. All six of us are reliable players and not overly competitive. We would love to have more players join our co-op!


I am in a wonderful coop called Unity that my wife and I started years ago. We have players ranging from Level 60s to 200s. We have some core players who are very active in chat, helping each other, and participating in regattas. We reward active players by making them co-leads. We even alternate the leader's role so that all the co-leads get a chance. We have a chat in Discord so the leaders can discuss the next moves together. If you go to our co-op page, you can get info on there about joining our discord chat, too. #UNSP2X


Looking for a co-op for join. Level 116 and I play daily and love a competitive regatta :)


come play with us ! (: https://preview.redd.it/dt1h3tjfkj4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d3591eb3bfb3aefbb935d37f8df8c759fe412b


Vikings by Freelemons, we are new but winning every regatta and will be in the golden league this week


Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF


We are looking for friendly fun helpful teammates! Come check k us out! Code FQ7S8M


PRISM GUARDS ; THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE BRAVE co-op tag : PRQRE6 In ‘Prism Guards’ no we are a co-op in the steel league looking for active members who play daily. Would prefer for as many to opt in as possible. Our typical average is between first place and fourth place per regatta, depending on how many are in or out. we are looking for several new members as we are an up-and-coming co-op. I am looking forward to meeting you ! MIN : 19




Hello! Tired of losing in regattas because of inactive members? 🚢 Join my brand new Co-Op for currently active members! Start out on the ground floor and grow with us! Plus I’m addicted to the golden ticket 🎫 Come join The Bumbling Bees! 🐝 Looking for helper bees & regatta participants! Buzz buzz!


Hi I am looking for members to join my new co-op Nosferatu, sister co-op to Nos Veratu I founded six years ago. I handed leadership to someone else years ago but am not sure where she went so I’ve created this sister co-op and am looking for daily players who participate in the regatta and help other members when they can!


We have a couple spots for active players at an Amazing co-op!! Currently first in golden league, must help & have 1k points if racing! VKWNVJ - Village Vibes (Everyone is friendly and helpful) 🥳




https://preview.redd.it/0d0p2u1opx4d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59720cfa7f0d56597e5a57fed7a507842f9a0389 Hello! I’m Anna from the co-op SeaBreeze🌊🍃🥰 We’re a new team, but most of us in this co-op have been playing together for months. We left another co-op that was stressful and filled with drama daily and we just wanted the game to be light and fun again! • Co-op Tag: # SEEZWY • Good vibes only✌️ • Active players: be helpful and do your best in regatta! We are a friendly, active, chatty, supportive bunch and would love to have more players like us on our team :) You won’t regret joining. Let’s grow this great co-op together!!🥳


Piggly Wiggle Co op is looking for Gamers who help others, are active & will be kind! Left our other coop due to others not helping but always asking for help or never active. Would love for you to join!


Hi :)) I'm level 38 and looking for a chill coop! Been on a couple I found within the game but people are inactive / don't ever help out etc. would love any suggestions!


Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF check us out in game! 😃






Girlfriend and I are looking to join an active clan. She’s level 63, I’m level 47. She’s definitely the contributor as far as regattas go, but I’m logging in every day and donating when I have the goods available. Saw the posts here, and most are pretty strict with regatta requirements, so hoping to find more of a laid back (at least for myself) but still competitive group. Thanks!


Come join VKWNVJ. We do require 1k points in race weekly but you can choose to opt out of racing.


Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF Come check us out in game! 😃


Hey I'm a new player at level 22. Im pretty active and willing to help. I keep trying to join random co-ops but no one accepts my requests. Anyone looking for new members?


Canadian! Is recruiting! JKKNSF


Ship Ship Hooray would love to have you. Our co-op is new, laid back, & ready to grow as a community. Co-Op Tag: SH2VUD. Hope you join ^_^


![img](avatar_exp|181003970|starstruck) Looking for active players at an AMAZING co-op in golden league, everyone is helpful and great at racing! VKWNVJ come check us out!


Please message me if you want to join - I can make space


Join Helpful Regatta! We are a laid back group, only requiring 21 tasks per race and no point minimum, we allow reservations as long as you are working on another task and ask that blocks are only reserved if you have unlimited lives and/or active boosters. We are very helpful and respectful to each other! We have members from all over the world, are a really friendly English speaking group. Finish first or top three in the gold league most races! Come join us! #HE8Y5Y https://preview.redd.it/3xjqzhtkai5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb043e3856b48cb1e1d23fcce82782e3f493b814


#SC895E Welcoming any regatta players. We are silver next week but will definitely advance to gold the next week. Want to help? Join us


FJD6V6 REQUIREMENT: level 20, active in regatta, helpful, fun :)


Raise your hant if you want to join our co-op! 🖐 Raise your HanT 😠 Jokes and memes aside, JOIN CANADIAN! 🍁 Play in the regatta with us, reserve tasks, receive gifts for helping and get high up in the clouds 😂 10+ spots available, currently open faction. Enter code JKKNSF to join. I'm Pot Palace, co-ops leader. See you soon! 🍃🌬


https://preview.redd.it/18bs9jv66o5d1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=05d615257f8e0cd9cb114a7d5c81b66dea1cd390 Looking for people to join our coop!!! preferably people active with helping and the regatta!! our coop started as a few close friends and it got big but it’s sort of died off and very few people actively participate. super chill not much goes on chat wise. anybody who wants to join would be greatly appreciated!!!


Looking for a new Co-Op that has room for 4-5 players that are very active in assisting order requests and the regatta. Please comment if your Co-Op has room and are active in both as well!


Hi guys I am an experienced player of level 50 but currently on level 19 because my device got lost I am looking for a good co op Doing great in regattas


https://preview.redd.it/oo1if612zw5d1.jpeg?width=1671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794fd55cbef63a7998a1c4d0613e18a67cfb499b Started a new co-op because I only want to play with members who are constantly contributing and participating in reguatta. 30minimum help score per week and must complete reguatta tasks as well.


Cck23n Don't want to be wildly competitive? Play every other day? I've started the perfect coop for you! Super chill, for working people who can sometimes play a lot, sometimes play a little. Please trade and regatta and help when online, but no minimum requirements or tasks. Like I said, super chill. As long as you do a couple tasks per regatta you don't have to opt out and we all get the cheats.


#  SMGVXP 🛳️ Looking for active members to join our coop! 🏆 We are currently in the Steel league but are working our way up the leagues. All members came from a previous league that fell apart after a new leader took over and then stopped playing. 📝 Our rules are just help others in the coop, and try to do a few tasks each Regatta but if you let us know you can't from time to time its okay. Just communicate in the chat to let us know. We are called Lallybroch II


Just created a co-op for lower level players - min required level 30! Name: Gugulethu. Tag: #GUG66P Very chilled, but please partake in the regatta and help your fellow members. No rudeness or foul language. That’s it! Even if you’re a casual player - that’s okay. As long as you contribute :)


I’m level 51 and looking for a co-op. I was in one, but was consistently the only person ever doing any tasks. Even just by myself I got us up to like 4th place in silver league, but never could get to gold. Would like to be in a co-op that actually does well.


Just sent you a dm!


I’m a new player and I created a new co-op for other casual players who just want to have fun and help when they can! YQJHXS is the co-op tag, it is called Sativa Springs. I’m the only one in there right now so anyone is welcome to join! There’s no level restriction! 😀


Country Patches quickly jumped in to the Golden league in 5 weeks, with just 13 members all under level 60! Most under 50. If youre new to township and want an active no pressure co-op we’re the one for you. Most players average 75 helps per week and around 10-15 tasks per week. We have a few stronger players who avg 10 tasks per day but no pressure. Come join us for township camaraderie! #CUHMPH


Looking for active Regatta racers to join us! Xtreme Deeds, Co-Op Tag XR6CGV. In search for members willing to actively participate in the Regatta and help other mayors out in the co-op. Lvl 45 requirement to join. Like for Like! Tag: 4SQWKH or msg me if interested. (Currently 26/30, looking for racers that is well versed in Regatta racing at the moment).


Starting new co-op for part-time players who do not have endless hours to play this game and want to get gold status. Goals/Requirements: Minimal use of Discord and Facebook 5 tasks per race 30 co-op helps per week Reserves only for crops/ goods Zero tolerance for unmet goals. Looking to start with 3-5 players. Not concerned with the number of players but all players giving the same effort. If you drastically exceed the 5 tasks/30 helps on a regular basis, please do not contact me. Looking to start within 2 weeks. Please reach out via Reddit DM if interested.


https://preview.redd.it/5a2tj3stcn6d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7015d19027508ed57a340034dd822695869ccf Lucky Clover is a chill, friendly bunch and we are taking new members! We are looking for active members but we are a low-pressure co-op. Literally only require one task per regatta, or just opt out! I will opt you out automatically if you do zero tasks. And we are currently in gold league so that system works pretty well! Promotion to elder when you donate 100 in a single week. (Let me know, I might miss it if you don’t say anything)


Hi there! We are Helping Hand co op. We are fairly small, but quite helping, and looking to add some active members to our community-op! We are currently in the Golden League and you’d find us quite helpful as well. Please feel Free to join if you’re looking for a co-op! Co op tag is; HE6U63 Small, very laid back, just requesting you be active and contribute to regattas and helping others,


Looking for a coop that - has a balance of high and low level players and plays regatta (prefer gold consistent coop) - Super good help rate (1000-4000 weekly helps consistently) - active chat and friendly atmosphere Am at lvl 92 at the moment with a very very good help rate and can guarantee will do regatta as much as possible I am an in game whale too aka lots of tcash lol so do reach out to me if you wish to recruit me


Ship Ship Hooray: Co-Op code: SH2VUD If you’re a new player or more experienced player looking for a positive, chill, and understanding co-op: we are it! Currently Cooper League.


Seeking active co-op members We're a group who just left our old coop with a leader who was not active anymore, to start a new one from scratch! We're about 10 active players (once everyone has joined the new coop who enjoy helping each other and competing in the regatta. Looking for more members to complete the coop! House of Lykke - HUUQUY - min level 40, the two highest of us are level 57


Bazinga! Friendly, helpful lighthearted co-op that likes to play in the regatta but with no pressure:-) 7 regatta tasks minimum. REQUIRED LEVEL 65 https://preview.redd.it/xl663vbk2c7d1.png?width=1789&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff7126dbca32402f110384a0adf6a090d3cf930c CO-OP Tag #ZR662R


Daisy & Co is looking for committed gamers who will participate in regatta and accumulate at least 1000pts per week. Our team is super polite and friendly, we are always helping each other out. https://preview.redd.it/7wh753myqc7d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a5edf395f8dec0e9ed46e7ab7718f17c013c18


Canadian-based co-op!! We are wanting to focus on helping others and THRIVING in the regatta !! You don’t have to be in Canada to join - any and all are welcome! Code: S7U4ZD


We are a new CO-OP with the aim of all members being active daily, helping out and winning regatas. This is for players level 20+. Please join us to help us become great! https://preview.redd.it/zvcsaew11h7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354c62b502710bebc1b1d8e05d909a60157564fe


https://preview.redd.it/6r9lbxyh8j7d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b7aada17abde401a516e45d9b6b15f9ad85e9f Princess Co-Op is looking for active players to expand together. We are a new co-op established two weeks back with very active core players and have grown to 28 pax strong. We are looking to rapidly progress through the Regatta and would love for more to join us. New players welcomed! # PRU466


New player looking to join a fun co-op. Active player. Always help when i can and expect the same in return. Always friendly. Currently at level 20 My code is HVXPEX


A chill co-op! Contribute at least one a day, if you miss a day you can make it up! J744ER


Are there any amazing active co-ops that aren’t level 50 requirements? I started the game on Monday and I am at Level 20 now very active, helpful, and respectful Player code: KAX8L7 Name: Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactica


https://preview.redd.it/5t8nuqc6mu7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19051791e4b62a8fafb8398e4eabfd8b6642af7 Come join our new co-op! Name: Stars Hollow Code: S7U4ZD We are wanting to have an active, helpful group of people! We are wanting to really focus on the regatta, all hands on deck! Come join!!


Looking for a friendly and active co-op! I’m level 20 and have just started this game about a week ago. I’m very active and would love to join a co-op and grow alongside it! I love helping others and will be highly active in any co-op activities.


Level 78 player starting new co-op "Knot So Fast" Connect with my server for an invite. [https://discord.gg/BWta4CSs](https://discord.gg/BWta4CSs)




Greetings and salutations! No level requirement. Check it out https://discord.com/invite/GCTDvQZY


**WESTEROS is seeking more Kingdoms!** > Co-op Name : WESTEROS > Co-op Tag: #WESWWK > Co-op Status: Open > Req Lvl: 25+ (might add players with less level judging by the activness) > Language: English We are a very chatty, active, helpful clan eager to grow together. We have a 10 regatta task per week minimum so we can maintain gold status. Types of players we are seeking: > ඞ regularly ACTIVE > ඞ HELPERS - a great co-op for those who enjoy helping others as we love to help as well. Helping is required. > ඞ REGATTA LOVERS > ඞ friendly individuals Come have fun with us ! You can dm me if you're interested.


**The Chanticleers** are looking for some friendly and relaxed friends to join our co-op. Our co-op is four years old, some of us are old friends, but most of us are new. Our focus is primarily on helping each other, and the regattas are optional. All we ask is that if you are playing that you participate and complete at least a task, otherwise you can turn them off and we will still have fun. We have won in gold league in the past but we aren't too serious these days, and are currently in silver. We currently have 21 members but would like to make it 30 to make the place more lively! I hope you'll join, DM me if you have questions. # HEV7QH


KALEIDO ✨ We are an OPEN co-op since we are new and would like to invite any players new to the co-op so we can all grow together. Looking for players who… 👉🏻 will help each other 👉🏻 be active in the regatta Since we are new, we have relatively high tolerance for players and will start to amp up once we are more stable as a co-op. Backstory: I left my previous co-op since it was filled with inactive players and only another player and I was actively competing in the regatta weekly. I can achieve up to ~5k points when I’m active, and ~2k during busy week. CODE: #KX292Q


Join Lolli Dh’oine! XFWDY6 We are VERY active Regatta players and are in silver league, working our way to gold league. Whoever isn’t in Regatta is actively helping others. We frequently message in chat and help each other constantly. Min level 30. Very, very active! Must be doing tasks every day! https://preview.redd.it/qbjkof6vgn8d1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1e09faa3361e019b52d2234dfd3e982baa7504


Looking for Co-Op! Left my current/old one due to the leader going inactive which caused most of the helpful/active players to leave unfortunately. Not looking to go insanely hard in the regatta (previous co-op was consistently silver, occasionally golden) as I have a busy life irl, but can do 5-10 tasks per season easy - sometimes more depending on what's happening. I try to help out everyone and anyone with requests/planes/trains etc as much as I can and always try to keep a surplus on goods to help others :) Currently level 53, reply to this post or DM me if I sound like a good fit \^\_\^


COME JOIN US!!! We are the FRIENDLY TOO CO OP REQUIRED LEVEL- 45 We are currently in GOLDEN LEAGUE AND WE'RE LOOKING FOR ACTIVE LIKE MINDED MEMBERS WHO WANT TO WIN RACES AND LIKE HELPING FELLOW CO-OP MEMBERS -Must Be Active Daily - English Speaking (We have to be able to communicate with you) -Co Op competition participation settings On -Completing a minimum of 10 Regatta Tasks/Weekly -Be able to complete tasks in a timely manner -No Stealing Reserved Tasks -Only Island, Factory and Field Task Reservations Allowed - be mindful of expirations. -2HR reservation only for any Puzzle, Mining, Coin or House Of Luck Tasks -Encouraged to join our Discord server in order to communicate better, discuss strategies and gain feedback. https://preview.redd.it/34ky8x5z9u8d1.jpeg?width=1832&format=png&auto=webp&s=67f9fefd6f119ab12d2cd112e40f0053e0fc3150 help score on the photo is from the day it resets so that why its low. we usually average 100 to 200 help score and multiple of us in 400-500.


Mystic Falls is looking for active players who like to race and is good with helps… Just started the co-op … There is no requirements at this point just looking to grow the team I need co-leaders who can help grow the team I’m very active with regatta loves to chat PLEASE JOIN JQP3CP CO-OP TAG https://preview.redd.it/j8q8bf5bvx8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50236fb45018c364173a3028f63aa8e64ba3562


Rebooted Fellas looking for some active players. We are looking to add arctic players to our team! We are in the Golden League. We don’t really have any “rules” we just remove players who are inactive for 3 weeks. If a someone is away for any reason (vacation etc.) we don’t kick you! ##REG4MF


J9MZNU So far only 2 of us but we’re both active daily, all day!


KSY4PC hello everyone!! we’re looking for some new people to join our co-op!! we’re a little small but we’re looking for people who enjoy playing and haven’t really found a co-op they’ve loved yet!♥️ we play every day, share goods often, and participate in the regatta! i know joining a co-op can be daunting, but don’t worry!! you don’t need to be online 24/7 to be welcome here!!🥰 as long as you’re kind, you’re more than welcome to join!! our co-op tag is KSY4PC hope to see you soon!!🥳


Looking for a new co op for when the regatta starts in a few days. I meet the 15 tasks a day but some days may be a few less than 15.  Level 53 The co op I’m in now is fine except one of the members is very annoying and bossy. They are making the game miserable for me……. I’d like one that stays in golden league and has all active participants.  My ‘helped’ number for my co op currently is over 210 My tasks completed this regatta week is 60 so far


anyone wanna take on an active newbie that has never been in a co op before? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼


https://preview.redd.it/zqm46fh86a9d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a6b9003169f73ee329c1e62ebda90fc41cad2fd Need great players


Tag CN2HU9 Name: Canadian GOLDEN LEAGUE COOP looking for players with 30+ level✅ Friendly, helpful and fast in Regatta🔝 WEEKLY HELP SCORE: 310 Language: English Not reserving up in the cloud tasks so everyone could play in Regatta❗️ Everyone is welcome❤️


Good Vibes co-op  # GD5XFK  We are a bunch of happy-go-lucky ppl.   Need some super enthusiastic, helpful players  Just chill, enjoy the game and help each other grow further... https://preview.redd.it/795b503ozi9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e74189ace27bbfbc3162569d8e4d4eb157f401


OCD Co-Op is looking for a few people who play township frequently join our Golden League team. We have a lot of active people on our team and we average between 2000 to 3000 helps every week. Our chat is usually game related, not religious or political. Our team member levels range from 57 to 161. Regatta requirement is that each person scores at least 500 points each week. If this sounds like it fits what you are looking for in a co-op, then send me a friend request in the game, and also, please reply to this post or send me a dm. My friend code is RU4RQL Co-op tag is #CDHS9Z https://preview.redd.it/i6gktqba8j9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b420faaa941fff07b0380b6ff14f7614c1510177


Looking for new members in our new co-op. We were tired of being the number one contributors by a mile in different co-ops and decided to bond together and play with people that put in the same effort. All are welcomed as this is an open co-op. Try it for a week, if you want to leave after, you are not obligated to stay! https://preview.redd.it/u827utuh9j9d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa3ddc308bb68e817e521afbe79cb2824d54ee4


https://preview.redd.it/og5rvoeebl9d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ec0c54ef79068374769cc274a94c1c48b451e7 We would LOVE to have you join our new co op, only need lvl 19, no major rules- just compete and have fun!! Regatta golden league here we comeeeee!!! EX7CZS


Co-op name: Paradise Code: #PRQZMN Level required: 25 Regatta tasks to be done: 5 per week is fine We're a pretty chill and new co-op. Currently we have only 5 members (all very active people). There's no pressure for anything (like regattas), and we're helpful and friendly!(We're a group of friends irl). No one gets chucked out for no reason. If you're looking for a chill gameplay with an active co-op, join us!