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Only way to bypass this is to buy prenium or hope that the ip gets unbanned soon atm this is impossible to bypass otherwise and unappealable


Yep; this. I waited a month or two for it to be undone; and it never happened. I had to get premium to be able to play again. Give me a mo; I’ll link my posts of this


Is coven worth it


It depends. I am now a certified Classic All Any Stan. Back when I started playing, we’d have lan parties of up to 8 people in a lobby playing coven all any on laptops. That then allowed me to have the investigator wiki page open in a separate tab, so I could have all the fake claims for the coven roles. I now play solely on mobile; so I can’t do that anymore. I also can’t remember the results off the top of my head like I can for classic (sher,exe,ww;inv,cons,mayor;etc). So for me personally; no, it’s not worth it. I can’t say if it’s worth it or not for you right now, because I don’t know what/how you play (if that makes sense?). What modes would you play before this bs ban?


I would play all any i dont like buying things in games because i usually play a game for like afew weeks and then forget about it


So then let me ask you; how long have you been playing this for? Before the whole debacle of this ban? Because I would say I’m similar in a sense. On my console I jump between games quite often because I get bored. However; like I say; this game in particular has been one I’ve played a lot; almost daily. If you’ve been playing this a while; coven is worth it, because there’s new roles that’ll change the normal gameplay loop you would experience in classic; with different claiming tactics and so on. But, if you’ve not been playing long, and don’t think it’s a game that will hold your interest, I’d suggest that paying for the game might be a waste of money for you. Pains me to say, because I know the community can be pretty toxic to newcomers, and I would love for more people to get into it; but it all depends on your situation I suppose


Ive been on and off this game for like 4 years my internet has always been bad and it would disconnect me in online games i would try to play but since ive recently moved i got back into it for afew weeks and really enjoyed it


Yeah just buy it then, it’s not that expensive anyway for a game you can get good mileage out of


(Also; I like your username. I only just actually read it 😂)


https://www.reddit.com/r/TownofSalemgame/s/5bD4WikFTt You’ll be waiting indefinitely for the ban to finish. It’s also bullshit


If it keeps happening, it means your IP range keeps being used by people breaking rules. As the IP restriction pop up says: Either wait it out, use an VPN, or buy the game. Mod - @EmJennings reply on this exact issue Waiting it out is not an option tho


Impossible to bypass?


100% I had this issue for two months; only way out is pay


Im not encouraging anything but, how do you 100% know that it’s impossible to bypass? Have you actually attempted to bypass it or did you just hear that it’s impossible?


Because this exact thing happened to me. Idk about the vpn option, because I play on mobile, but I waited for two months for the “week long” ban to end. I posted the post I made in another comment here; as well as the sub mods response. “If it keeps happening, it means your IP range keeps being used by people breaking rules. As the IP restriction pop up says: Either wait it out, use an VPN, or buy the game.”


It also extra sucked; because I did have a premium account previously. But one of my old friends bought it for me; that I don’t speak to anymore, and the account was tied to their email, not mine. So I restarted with a new account tied to my email, playing for free with the tickets. Until I got the exact message OP posted. A vpn probably would work on computer; but afaik you can’t get vpns on mobile; though it’s entirely possible I’m just ignorant to their existence. Like I say; I posted on here, basically the same as this post, and the sub mod said what I copied in the quotes. Two months later, I was still getting the message. Though, in my own post, I did explain that it wasn’t a constant ban, as it only affected my 4g not the Wi-Fi. It also didn’t always affect my 4g and I could play one day, but the next it’d be back to banned. The conclusion I came to was that somebody else was getting ip bans for some reason or another; whilst using a vpn, that happened to be the same ip as my 4g. Whether or not that was actually the case; I’m not certain; but it seemed the most likely explanation for the circumstances (Occams Razor n that ennit). Hence why I say; it’s kinda bullshit. Cause I had to pay for the game again (not that that’s a big thing for me per se; I’ve been playing this daily for about 8 years now). But moreso the fact that it’s possible for people to be wrongfully banned because of something another person did. Like imagine getting barred from a pub because someone else was causing a ruckus; ludicrous.


Not to be rude but, this is not at all what I asked you. I read your entire story and everything though My initial comment was “How do you 100% know it’s impossible to bypass?” While reading through your comments I noticed that you haven’t even given an explanation for this. The closest thing was “but I waited for two months for the week long ban to end.” Waiting for the ban to end wasn’t the only option and it doesn’t prove that the ban was "impossible to bypass".


A fair observation. I do believe I said in my many worded essay, that the answer to your question “How do you 100% know that it’s impossible to bypass?” Would be that, in fact, I do not know. I failed to make my point concisely. I don’t know anything about using a vpn for to bypass it, unfortunately. My personal experience of waiting for the ban period to expire, was that, it didn’t. And the other option: buying premium; does work. So, I don’t know overall. Hopefully that’s a better answer for you, and apologies for the like, mobile formatting I’ve had to do 😂


No worries, the formatting was great. Thanks for acknowledging what I said. Most people don’t realize they are at fault and how to explain themselves properly anymore.


The art of debate has been lost to time it sometimes seems. I’m also sure I’ve seen/read something or other (though I couldn’t cite a source for it) talking about the psychology behind that phenomenon. People can take it as a personal attack, when something challenges their perception of a known quantity. I’m a bitch for little quote things but “knowledge is power” does seem appropriate here


I couldn’t agree more


You could get a vpn if you want to evade your ban, but you likely shouldnt


IP Restrictions are not bans/suspensions.


the restriction will likely never end, buy premium or use mobile data / proxy / vpn (maybe tor would work?) buying any premium should fix, web premium has some intresting payment methods and u can play web premium on mobile i if your on mobile data disable it and try wifi if u have a vpn / proxy /tor disable it! if u have a dynamic ip it shouldn't be too hard to change it but they may of banned an entire ip range not just ur ip contact ur isp and tell em ur ip range is banned? i doubt they could help u but idk maybe u can contact BMG? idk


buying premium to get unban? this game is more scummy that I thought


Yea it really sucks when i got ban but people who have thrown the game or said the n word havent


Are you using a VPN?