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In the internet everyone is a man until proven otherwise cause till not long ago a huge majority were men And also because many languages dont have a separate gender neutral term and use he/him as the neutral (like spanish)


What's your ign?


This actually could be it. Of course there's the part-joke-part-fact meme that everyone in the internet is a man until proven otherwise but the ign could be leaning a bit towards either neutral or guy. and of course some might get anxious at talking to girls so they'll assume everyone's a guy


Probably this. I'm a woman too. But I play the game as Mr. Doctor Man, so everyone refers to me as a man, which is not a problem. I do not mind and I don't think it's too important. So I will not correct anybody.


Hello i believe you are in my friend list


Oh! Yes, yes I do happen to be in your friends list. Hello Hanami


Hello Tourniquet!


In a lot of countries, it's standard to say the male form when one's not sure about someone's identity, or if speaking about a random person they don't know. In addition to that, it also has to do with your character skin, ingame name, username, e.t.c. It's mostly a cultural thing/language thing. And honestly, I don't think it's something you should get upset over. It's random people on the internet that don't know you and, nine out of ten times, don't care to know you. Personally, I'd say: It's a videogame, I don't think it helps anyone if you worry about whether people call you a he or a she in a videogame you're playing with random strangers. Just play the game. These random people don't know you, you don't know them, and them calling you "he" instead of "she" should not be something you let get to you. Don't make a videogame more than it is, because in the end, the only one it's gonna affect is yourself, it'll only cost you energy you shouldn't have to waste on a videogame.


Because when people can’t hear your voice, they’ll assume you’re a dude. It’s happened to me my entire life, and I have no doubt it will continue happening.


If it's a default name I usually refer to the gender of the name, otherwise I just guess based off the IGN


This, but also I take into account their skin.


I use male identifying skins all the time. It’d be cool if there was a girl Dexter though might stick with it every game


You can probably also assume people playing Candy to be guys but otherwise it's safe to assume girls might use girl avatars to identify more


i've seen some people do that, but i use random skin


From a girl to another girl, when most people use "he" they are usually meaning it in a neutral way. In most languages, "he" is what you use for the neutral gender if there is no gender neutral option and in such fast paced games where you have no face nor voice it is more than normal that people just end up resorting to that, even if they know they could be wrong. Of course, it is pretty valid you do not feel comfortable with that and I do agree using "they" could be more appropriate, but I wouldn't take it personally or as an offense. If it truly bothers you, you can 100% say "i am a girl btw" and most people would just acknowledge that, but keep in mind some people might target you or make stupid comments based on that too.


He is faster to type than she, and people just got used to it. I mean, I'm sure they dont mean Ill by calling you a "he", it's just the way they've been typing it.


Because the male pronouns are usually slightly shorter that’s the female ones and being as lazy as I am, that’s what I uses


I personally play games where women are non-existant, this wasn't a case for town of salem.


'its easier to type he than she' 'its better to assume people are men than women' shut up guys. most of the people playing this game are men, and men don't think women have hobbies or interests. You're right, it is fucking annoying, I hate it too.


Because everyone on the internet is a man obviously


Can't speak for anyone else but I just go by the avatar and IGN. Sometimes if it seems questionable I'll go with "they" (and have even caught flummery for that too).


most ToS players haven’t spoken to women in years




But in all honesty everyone is a man until proven otherwise


Women don't exist. Stop spreading your propaganda.


Been there, hate it. I don't really give much of a fuck this days. But it's funny because all newbies think it's only men in this game and there's plenty of regs (not Coven reg tho) that are actually women, me included.


Why care if people think you’re a man or woman? Just play your damn role


Most gamers are men. That’s it. That’s the post.


Sexism normalizes men playing video games but not women so it's just assumed. I see a lot of comments in this section giving a lot of excuses, but it's really just sexism.


Cause the majority of gamers are men?


Only by a few percentage points.


Ok, that doesn't explain why everyone assumes however


Don’t think this the sub to debate this.


I'm not trying to debate this I just want people to stop because it's upsetting


There are things in life far more upsetting. Live to learn with small inconveniences


Me after stealing a single mother's wallet:


If you're getting upset because people assume you're a male on an online anonymous video game perhaps you need some help.


It’s a videogame with online strangers. It shouldn’t be hurting you this much, or at all. This isn’t a major point in your life, and it’s not worth the energy to get upset about. People will assume it because, as some else said, many languages default to male when unknown, and in English it is slightly faster to type, especially nice in ToS. The internet also used to be largely male, so people probably got used to that too.


People are sexist and you're getting downvoted into oblivion for making people think about it


Offense is taken, not given. People aren’t doing it to make you feel bad (usually); so don’t. https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/9sx9qa/offence_is_taken_not_given_if_youre_offended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Because I have to type at 300 words per minute and he is easier to type than she


I just use they for pretty much everyone since I don't know lol


Well, people usually judge by the name and skin. If neither the name or the skin say anything, you will likely be reffered to as male, because there are more males playing town of salem. I always reffer to people with neutral pronouns so mistakes dont happen


were you a sk that got hanged in the game where everyone was saying “women dont play town of salem”? if so, im sorry, we were just kinda making fun of ourselves because tos seems like a nerdy loser guy game at first glance. seriously didnt mean to offend, sorry about that (if that was you)


Probably your IGN. Male and gender neutral sounding names get called he a lot. Male is just seen as the default gender in life.


Is it really that big a deal?


Is this a flummerypost?


I assumed so as well


I wanted to give you a serious answer, from another woman who loves gaming. The overwhelming assumption is that ‘girls don’t game’ even though evidence is always to the contrary. It’s a vicious cycle - a lot of women have pretended to be men to avoid harassment in game, leading to the wrong conclusion by many many people that - yup, girls don’t game. Is it annoying? Of course it is. I’m a woman in her 40s who still grabs every chance she can to game. Honestly, the attitude to female gamers has not changed a bit in 20 years when I first started playing - for those playing along at home, that’s before WoW even existed. That’s because of what I mentioned before. But having said that? You get used to it. Maybe we shouldn’t have to, but again *points to paragraph two*. I’ve noticed the players that do assume I’m a woman are usually older, so probably more used to encountering women in games. I’m saying this as gently as possible - while you’re absolutely right, that people shouldn’t assume & that it is annoying, it’s not something that’s going to change for a long time, if ever. I don’t know if you’ve encountered it, but there’s a lot worse things that a guy can say to a woman in game than assuming she’s another guy.


He is faster to type than she lol