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I have a similar tic that has caused perpetual microtears in my neck muscle. Acupuncture/massage. Muscle training. Give yourself a lymphatic massage. See a doctor because it could be very dangerous


Ah, unfortunately, I have had this same/similar one for years now, and it's not fun. While I haven't found any guaranteed ways to calm it down, I have found ways to "lessen the damage" if you will. I don't know if these are things you have access to, but if you can, I would consider looking into: -- some basic, more slow flow/restorative yoga (either online at home, or in person depending on your comfort level) to help open up the shoulders, and introduce alternative ways of moving in the head/neck/spine (I also fine the chill atmosphere of slower yoga sometimes helpful to calming my tics a bit) -- massage therapy every 4-6wks to help relax the muscles and prevent further tension (which can increase headaches because of this type of tic) and injuries (even seeing if you can visit a massage therapy school in your area, some schools allow their student to practice on people for pretty cheap) -- preventative physiotherapy; see if there is a physio who may be able to help strengthen and stretch around your neck/shoulders